Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • Thread starter Legendary
I just am bothered by the fact of how stupid it would look in real life. All it would be is the guy smashing the sniper scope into his face repeatedly while missing a lot of the time.
keldabest how old are you? My guess is under 16. Am I right?

No, it's hated because it's completely unrealistic. The whole point of having different weapon classes is because they have different characteristics. You shouldn't be able to quickscope, just as you shouldn't be able to snipe with an SMG, etc.

The whole system needs re-working. The idea that you should be able to use lightweight or marathon whilst lugging about an LMG is beyond stupid, amongst many others.
I agree. I've tried the whole "quickscoping" thing and I don't really see the appeal. If I wanted to kill you at close range with one shot I would just use a shotgun. Half the people that use a sniper rifle class in this game don't even snipe anyway. I see most of them running around getting kills with their secondary.

I don't mind being able to use lightweight or marathon with a LMG. It makes it more balanced by allowing you to use a LMG without suffering the reduction in mobility. Sure it's not realistic but in the game it works.
I resent the age argument. Most people my age (high school) act stupid but I actually try to have some sense most of the time 👍. You have no idea how far it gets me with people sometimes, I urge others my age to try it :). Is anyone getting on tonight?
FourZeroTwo, Robert Bowling, has stated apparently that sniping has been tweaked to add more options but QuickScoping will still be present. It's bothersome but I suppose I can live with it. It wouldn't be bad if the auto-aim helper was used online. It takes minimal skill to get close enough to activate the lock, everything else is just timing. I have to say though, I do love watching people shoot at me 4 times and miss as I'm dropping them with an AR. If they were smart and had a shotgun they could have dropped me without being aimed remotely near me. Someone really should newsflash these guys and tell them it doesn't make them look cool or good special, they look more like autistic monkeys running around. And they always want to 1v1 as if that would prove something.
Oh yes I love that, if you ever laugh or say anything to teh Ub3R 1337 qw1k5c0p3r the first thing they do is challenge you to a 1v1.
FourZeroTwo, Robert Bowling, has stated apparently that sniping has been tweaked to add more options but QuickScoping will still be present. It's bothersome but I suppose I can live with it. It wouldn't be bad if the auto-aim helper was used online. It takes minimal skill to get close enough to activate the lock, everything else is just timing. I have to say though, I do love watching people shoot at me 4 times and miss as I'm dropping them with an AR. If they were smart and had a shotgun they could have dropped me without being aimed remotely near me. Someone really should newsflash these guys and tell them it doesn't make them look cool or good special, they look more like autistic monkeys running around. And they always want to 1v1 as if that would prove something.

That's annoying, that said having a quickscoper in a game (though I rarely see them HCTDM) doesn't really affect my score, just looks ridiculous.
The ones that really get on my nerves are the ones that use the Throwing Knife well. Although I have been practicing up on the Throwing Knife when I use the Riot Shield, I know I'll never have the presence of mind to properly aim it without the shield.
No, it's hated because it's completely unrealistic. The whole point of having different weapon classes is because they have different characteristics. You shouldn't be able to quickscope, just as you shouldn't be able to snipe with an SMG, etc.
Not to mention snipers are the only weapons (besides explosives) that can 1-shot a player from FULL health. Snipers are designed to be used in ultra-long-range engagements, not for taking out players that are 5 metres in front of you. How is it fair on people using "regular" guns that you can 1-shot them from any range when you hit the money shot, yet it takes them 3 or more bullets?

Don't get me started on the whole "if you're not quickscoping you're using a sniper wrong" attitude...
Yes I'm under 16 and I Quickscope but it is really fun! I'm sure you guys hate it because:
A:You get killed by quickscopers
B:You can't do it!
and C:Your jealous!
Yes I'm under 16 and I Quickscope but it is really fun! I'm sure you guys hate it because:
A:You get killed by quickscopers
B:You can't do it!
and C:Your jealous!

or D: it is lame and absurd for reasons already noted.

Think of it this way, the QS (when properly setup) is effectively a throwing knife that flies perfectly straight, has infinite range and near infinite speed. So imagine a bunch of Quick Knifer's out there regularly pulling of stupid OHK's at point blank range and across the map equally well. Sound enjoyable or annoying?
Yes I'm under 16 and I Quickscope but it is really fun! I'm sure you guys hate it because:
A:You get killed by quickscopers
B:You can't do it!
and C:Your jealous!
Ah, the typical "1337 xXQUiiKscopeZXx" attitude, 'you don't like it because you get 1) killed by them 2) can't do it and 3) wish you could'.

Sorry to break it to you, but the majority of people in this thread hate on derpscoping because it's plain retarded.
In Call of duty 4 Quickscoping began!
In Modern Warfare 2 it became populer!
Hopefully in Modern Wafare 3 it will be awesome!
Ah, the typical "1337 xXQUiiKscopeZXx" attitude, 'you don't like it because you get 1) killed by them 2) can't do it and 3) wish you could'.

Sorry to break it to you, but the majority of people in this thread hate on derpscoping because it's plain retarded.
Yup, that's why I asked him his age. I was going to go on and say that typically the younger players tend to like quickscoping and all think that they're amazing at it but he pretty much said it for me.

I think I should hide before he challenges me to a 1v1.
Okay, it seems that everyone got their point across, why don't we change the subject? I may be able to get on later if I start feeling better.
In Call of duty 4 Quickscoping began!
In Modern Warfare 2 it became populer!
Hopefully in Modern Wafare 3 it will be awesome!

Confirms the later regarding my question.

Face it you can't stop Quickscoping!

Face it you can't stop water from freezing if the ambient temperature drops low enough! :rolleyes:

Oh and CAM, reasonable request. I've made my points and am now done.
Dude, chill. It's a disagreement. Nobody is taking your opinion away, they're just disagreeing with it.
Sniping is unrealistic in Modern Warfare games anyway. Way snipers operate in game modes like TDMs, etc., is as unrealistic as something like quickscoping.

More power to Infinity Ward & MW3 to enable quickscoping. I won't be on it. :lol:

P.S. I'm skipping 2 nights in a row, maybe 3 tomorrow. I really miss getting some playing time working on my headshots. I don't know how some of you get 1,000 of them on one frigging gun. It. Is. Hard. :crazy:
You guys know I keep one of those classes on a standby, and that I only use it to smoke the campers out, or also in retaliation. I'm not gonna lie, at times, I use it when the lag render guns useless!
Face it you can't stop Quickscoping!
No point with this argument. Quick Scoping is a small technique that I tend to use in close quarters. ( I coincidentally do it when I look through the scope than just run around on the hip) There are many ways to get around it but when it happens, it happens. Respawn and play the game..
Noob tubing is the same. Its in the game, its legit, stop complaining...