Cancelled due to people having poor reactions :DF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter berty1979

What is your preferred race distance for this series?

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Someone can take my spot at williams. I thought i could still make it. But, i'm just not committed to 5am race starts anymore. I've done it for so long in the other series.
I can however fill in a reserve role, and race when i find the courage to wake up that early.
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Flooder - Hold the on button for the PS3 until it beeps three times then let go and restore it to it's factual settings. You'll lose data but at least you won't lose your PS3.
Flooder - If that doesn't work you may need to open up your ps3 and repair it cause from what I'm hearing its the YLOD
Congrats again Brett.

On a side note why does everybody dance at weddings? I always feel like a fool, but do it anyway. Lol
Ellis- Thanks and very clever :D

Etid- Party on dude :)

Flooder- I will try and find you the link for the self fix. I had this a while back but it is drastic so try what Etid suggested first 👍

Ronin- Thanks bro. Are you 100% available for this wed? We have a spot for you but I need to know ASAP.

Pawel- I totally understand mate, I dont know how you did it for so long in the other series.

Flooder- only use as last resort as you have to be VERY careful.
This happened to my mate flooded. I'm not joking here he wrapped it in tin foil and put it in his fan oven :lol: worked aswell :D
I remember when I got the YLOD i did the gilksy guide and manage to fix it and it ran for about a month and then it died permanently :(

Brett - Yas Marina 100% soon pl0x
:D Dude I am in for a 100% race for sure. Maybe Sunday but I need to find out my hours etc.
Yas Marina is cool, would you prefer that to Canada?
Cool mang, ill see whats going on with this job today and we can decide on a day to race the 100% thing 👍
No I just had an interview. I'm back now. Il ring you now :)
Yes sir, the race is now full using yourself and socom 👍
I have a regular spot to offer if you can see yourself being available every wed?

You can drive instead of PAWEL so check on the roster which car he uses :)

On the hunt for a cheap 2nd hand car tonight. Have narrowed it down to 8 cars, now I just have to convince the wife to allow me to get the fun one instead of the boring (cheaper) ones :)
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On the hunt for a cheap 2nd hand car tonight. Have narrowed it down to 8 cars, now I just have to convince the wife to allow me to get the fun one instead of the boring (cheaper) ones :)

Oooo I do love getting new cars, its so exciting, I'm looking for my next car already :lol: what are the options?

Practice for Australia went well earlier, the track flows nicely. I'm looking forward to Wednesday, and provided I have a clean race I might even be looking at a top 5 (although still unlikely)
Well looks like were doing 50% races so Brett here's the info:

Australia - 29
Malaysia - 28
China - 28
Turkey - 29
Spain - 33
Monaco - 39
Canada - 35
Europe - 29
Britain - 26
Germany - 30
Hungary - 35
Belgium - 22
Italy - 27
Singapore - 31
Japan - 27
South Korea - 28
India - 30
Abu Dhabi, UAE - 28
Brazil - 36
Nice one Indy 👍 Ill fill in the OP and put the revised roster etc. up later I think 50% will be better as it takes some doing to get everyone together so we might as well make the most of it.

Pagey- So do I :D the budget is a bit restricting but ill give you the shortened shortlist. See if you can spot the ones my missus chose (look out for sensible engine sizes + boot space :()

1.Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 TS
2.Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TS
3.Alfa Romeo 147 1.9 TDI
4.Vauxhall Vectra 1.8
5.Vauxhall Vectra 2.2 SRI
6.MR2 Roadster 1.8 VVTi (mid engined RWD :D)
7.Ford Mondeo 1.8 (not a chance in hell :lol:)
8. Volvo S40 1.6

4 choices are mine 4 are hers.
I know the 4 but I don't want to spoil it for the others

P.S. Is your wife trying to put a leash on ya or she loves torturing ya, but that's love for ya in Wales that is
:D Not that hard to spot are they! Ford Mundane-o indeed 👎

She is just being sensible, I want a 2nd car she wants 2 cars that you can fit baby and luggage into (not the MR2 for example :()
Indy- I guess she is planning to have 6!

Etid- They are pure handling, ideal for our roads :) I will have to convice her that 2 seats is ok for car 2 though. She likes the 2.0 Alfa which is my 2nd favourite (cornering) but its FF and I want to shift to RWD as soon as possible.
Get the MR2!! I love those cars, get the old shape in lime green with black alloys :drool: that's what I'm planning on doing in the future anyway
The mondeo isn't as bad as you think, if you get the right model and year they can be quite quick. Especially the ST220 :D
I dont like the Mk1 and the Mk2, they are too old to rely on travelling to work. Lime green sounds great if your names Etid ;)
Mundane-o's (modern ones) are good cars at what they do but they have 0 soul and although the ST is ok it is still a bit of a boat.The old shape just looks like it melted when they baked the paint and I would rather skateboard to work :D
Excactly! I think you should all write an essay about it, like a petition then I can present it to the wife :D

Anyhoo, we better get back on subject before we get into trouble from the MODS!!!

I have no time to practice for Australia sadly but am still looking forward to the race, maybe tomorrow afternoon I can put some laps in.
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