Car Creator? 'Design your own car'

  • Thread starter analog
I didn't intend to sidetrack the thread with my RPG comment. I see some difficulties with applying the Dungeons and Dragons ruleset to GT. :)

I like the idea of an engineer's wet dream sort of game, but I'm not sure how it would play out on a console. I'm not sure if branding it as a GT game would be appropriate either. I could easily see something like this coming from PD though. I can see an incredible amount of time being taken to carefully engineer a vehicle that you can truly call your own. The amount of detail you want to apply to your vehicle could easily be thousands of hours spent tweaking various suspension geometries and perfecting the compromise of weight/strength for piston rods. The ability to import this vehicle into GT5 would definitely add a unique and fun flair to the game.
Yeah, the have a program for that thats been out a long time. It's called a Pen & Paper. :sly:

You can't road test a sketch, neither compete with it, building your veyron killer prototype would be certailnly fantastic. Also, I said I "would like to" and not "Please PD put this feature in the game", so as I said before, everything related to cars would perfectly fit into the series, however, I'm satisfied to play the habitual GT mode and enjoy good races with the game as always, and besides, I'm not an engineer, I know how an engine works and why they're built this or that way, but I can't conceive a decent car project all by myself. Using a software is half the way to go, but this is just impossible, GT6 will keep PD entirely busy for the next years after GT5 come out.
I didn't intend to sidetrack the thread with my RPG comment. I see some difficulties with applying the Dungeons and Dragons ruleset to GT. :)

It wasn't only your comment that prompted the update, it was the total sum of comments explaining why this wasn't an RPG and I felt the need to clarify my point ( mea culpa :guilty: ).
Oh, I liked your comment as mentioned before, as it summed up the whole article I was referring to in a few sentences:tup:.
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I chose the style of a letter to Kaz merely as a style to start a discussion on this forum, was just trying to be original and not serious ;) although i've read somewhere that PD admitted to occasionally check several forums to view current opinions regarding GT ( so there is hoping.....).
But the main difference with Santa is that Santa delivers on a fixed date.:lol:

So d*** true!!!!
But the main difference with Santa is that Santa delivers on a fixed date.:lol:

I guess Santa can't help us right now since he is lazy and only does his job at December, however there's must be a reason to the red SLS in the GT5 cover since all promotional videos featured a silver SLS unit. Maybe it's some clue about a bizarre event of GT5 being released in 2010 christmas with KY Santa-dressed jumping out of the red SLS and announcing and early 2012 launch, obviously the translator guy would be one of the reindeers sitted in the bonnet. :dopey:

Oh yeah, I know, Santa and GT5 release date doesn't really exist.
I guess Santa can't help us right now since he is lazy and only does his job at December, however there's must be a reason to the red SLS in the GT5 cover since all promotional videos featured a silver SLS unit. Maybe it's some clue about a bizarre event of GT5 being released in 2010 christmas with KY Santa-dressed jumping out of the red SLS and announcing and early 2012 launch, obviously the translator guy would be one of the reindeers sitted in the bonnet. :dopey:

Oh yeah, I know, Santa and GT5 release date doesn't really exist.

What do you mean with: "Santa doesn't exist"? How could you even say such a thing.........?

The red SLS is probably just a red SLS, have we come to the point where we see hidden messages/ conspiracies in anything PD does? ;)
This thread got me thinking about the perfect PD RPG and I think I have it. Imagine GTA but with the emphasis on the driving missions. So they basically make a huge sandbox city with the emphasis on layout and driveability and scatter it with a storyline that starts you off as a lowly gun or drugs runner, with a piece of crap jalopy that bits keep falling off and, throughout the campaign you graduate to stealing Ferraris and Lambos like in gone in 60 secs.

I realise this has been done before but imagine if it drove like Gran Turismo. I think I'd need to wear a nappy playing a game like this - I'd get too excited!
This thread got me thinking about the perfect PD RPG and I think I have it. Imagine GTA but with the emphasis on the driving missions. So they basically make a huge sandbox city with the emphasis on layout and driveability and scatter it with a storyline that starts you off as a lowly gun or drugs runner, with a piece of crap jalopy that bits keep falling off and, throughout the campaign you graduate to stealing Ferraris and Lambos like in gone in 60 secs.

I realise this has been done before but imagine if it drove like Gran Turismo. I think I'd need to wear a nappy playing a game like this - I'd get too excited!

I allways wondered what GTA would be like if you combined it with real life cars from Gran Turismo, bikes from Tourist Trophy and planes from Ace Combat and combining it with the best first person shooters in a game as large or larger than San Andreas.
All with PD graphics, I wouldn't even care about a storyline.....
I probably wouldn't even bother to leave the house.....:lol:
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What do you mean with: "Santa doesn't exist"? How could you even say such a thing.........?

:D this is sad but true, otherwise we would have GT10 with dinamic weather, 10000 cars and 100 tracks and 320 layouts to play right now.

The red SLS is probably just a red SLS, have we come to the point where we see hidden messages/ conspiracies in anything PD does? ;)

Actually yes, it was very cool to have amar in GTP, his messages brought clues and hints about the game, and they're proven quite accurate. The red SLS was chosen because it looks better than the silver one IMO.

Back on topic, your RPG thread triggered a lot of unique proposals for the RPG racing game, using this thread as laboratory you can see how hard is to design a game from scratch, to put ideas in paper and later build the game faithful to the chosen concepts. That's why gamers should wait three years at least to have a game, after waiting six years we will have a masterpiece, even so, someone always will complain of this or that thing. Gaming industry is more powerful than movies industry, the pressure on developers must be huge, so there's a reason for all the perfectionist disease affecting PD.
:D this is sad but true, otherwise we would have GT10 with dinamic weather, 10000 cars and 100 tracks and 320 layouts to play right now.

Actually yes, it was very cool to have amar in GTP, his messages brought clues and hints about the game, and they're proven quite accurate. The red SLS was chosen because it looks better than the silver one IMO.

Back on topic, your RPG thread triggered a lot of unique proposals for the RPG racing game, using this thread as laboratory you can see how hard is to design a game from scratch, to put ideas in paper and later build the game faithful to the chosen concepts. That's why gamers should wait three years at least to have a game, after waiting six years we will have a masterpiece, even so, someone always will complain of this or that thing. Gaming industry is more powerful than movies industry, the pressure on developers must be huge, so there's a reason for all the perfectionist disease affecting PD.

Yes, I like the term laboratory, I did start this thread mainly to see if an idea for a design-your-own-car game I had for a long time would be welcomed or not by GT-users and if my idea was totally foolproof, which it turned out not to be ( hence the updates ).
But also for people to come up with their own suggestions for a PD-game they would like to see, triggered by the RPG remarks Kaz made and whether or not it should be GT-related, seperate/integrated or be something completely different ( like it will probably be when it will eventually arrive ).
I'm aware it will not have any impact on the mighty gaming industry, and since I'm not a player in this industry ( I'm not even slightly technical in the first place ) I will be perfectly content if this remains just an outlet for people to test their ideas, and maybe ( and I know it's just idle hope ) some suggestions will be picked up by Mr. Yamauchi and his team.....;)
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Sorry for double posting ( although the post I made above is somewhat hilarious in hindsight with the knowledge we have now ;)) to bump this thread ( and which title I plan to change as well ) but I remembered creating it after I read this post in another thread speculating about a possible big feature to be included in GT5 not yet disclosed;

RE: "Big Secret"

Maybe something that hasn't been considered yet from the "creation" side of things? I know we've got the forthcoming Track Editor, but maybe something more along the lines of a Car Editor?

And I don't mean like tweaking the ride height or camber angles or swapping out spoilers. I mean more along the lines of a from-the-ground-up vehicle creator. PD essentially made their own car with the X1 (I think that's what it's called... have a head cold clouding my memory right now). Doesn't seem too far-fetched, even though I think it would be absolutely insane to provide the creation tools that would make the user-created vehicles seem close to the level of the included in-game vehicles.

And although it may or may not be included we still have enough time with this unfortunate delay to discuss or speculate about such a feature to make an appearance or ( most likely ) not in GT5, or whether it's desired or not and all possible complications, implementations and consequences of being able to create ( or partly create ) your own car or having an influence in designing a unique car with a Course Creator type of random generator ( using a set of parameters or predefined preferences or possible configurations so that it randomly creates a car ).

Don't be scared to make a suggestion thinking it might have an effect on GT5's development time as the game is already finished I guess and even when it isn't, don't overestimate the importance or impact of one thread.
Apart from all the stuff I wrote in the first post in this tread I'm hereby adding the suggestion of a randomly created type of car creator ( since we've seen it work in course creator ) as an alternative for a full comprehensive car design tool, although I'm not sure whether this actually can be done or how complex this would actually be as well.

So maybe just another pointless revived thread popping up again for some, although it may serve as a bit of a distraction from the delay-blues currently displayed understandably on this forum.
So participate if you want to in suggesting, imagining or objecting to this subject or proposal.
Only meant as a distraction to those willing to discuss it, again sorry for digging it up again to those not seeing the point of debating this with GT5 being almost finished, nothing more nothing less.:)
Sega GT had this idea but they removed it for the 2002 version. One of the big franchises should take it on, because it's a very cool idea.
Anybody remember a game called APEX? It was on the Xbox. The premise was you would design a concept, race it, win sponsors to design better and faster cars. Problem was in the final game there was no designing and you just chose from pre designed concepts.

This is the type of game I continue to wait for and would love for PD to tackle it. Wouldnt be too difficult for all the under hood stuff like chassis, engine, drive train. They could easily factor in weight distribution, suspension alignment etc... the biggest hurdle no doubt(IMO) would be the actual car design. The system would have to be both easy to work with and exceptionally complex. Kinda like what EA attempted with the sculpting feature in Carbon(?) or something but far more complex. Not only allow the use of existing cars to model off of but allow you to model a shell from scratch. They could try a route similar to the Armored Core series with lots of pre designed parts with nearly unlimited configurations but with an automobile you would need far more control over the aesthetics.
In any case I would love to see a GT Design school sort of game but I think it would just be far to complex to pull off successfully
Seeing the recent ModNationRacers video with Kaz playing it and being clearly enthused by it and speaking openly about the possibilities of user created content ( and with Course Creator and Paint Shop being added to GT5 ) encourages me to think we might see something like this appear someday.
It may indeed be too complex for now to implement although that also depends on what this feature or tool would consist of I guess.

To be able to actually design a car yourself from scratch to a Premium level of detail ( and all the possible negative outcomes some always seem to point out ignoring the positive outcomes and the fact this ability may provide fun in itself ) may be too much on this generation of consoles or almost impossible in the sheer complexity it imposes.

If it's indeed more like constructing a car using pre-made body parts ( which you may be able to alter slightly ) using several pre-made chassis and the mechanical parts ( engine, suspension, etc. ) 'sourced' from the 1000 real cars ( or a selection of those ) it may become more feasible.
More like a kitcar but with more possibilties offered as opposed to real life to suit it to your taste.

Don't forget that although many GT players may dream or did once dream of being a professional race driver, a lot of GT players probably also dream ( or did dream ) of becoming a car designer ( or engineer ).
Unfortunately, I'm sure you're letter either made great firewood or another +1 in the spam box.

You just quoted an almost 9 months old post and somehow missed the fact the style of the first post being ironic despite the updates pointing this out.
Did you seriously think I would write a letter or email to Kaz in those wordings or in fact at all?
It was only a chosen style in an attempt to be witty and somewhat original, not to be taken literally obviously.
The idea is nice, however I feel like it hardly fits the format of a console application. What seems more doable would be a computer app. that would export cars in a file format that would be gt-compatible. More or less.
You just quoted an almost 9 months old post and somehow missed the fact the style of the first post being ironic despite the updates pointing this out.
Did you seriously think I would write a letter or email to Kaz in those wordings or in fact at all?
It was only a chosen style in an attempt to be witty and somewhat original, not to be taken literally obviously.

Thus the word...wait for it... "sarcasm"?
Thus the word...wait for it... "sarcasm"?

And how was I able to detect that from your message?
Please don't bother answering that as I don't want this thread to become about this argument again unless you have something significant to add to the subject intended to be discussed here.
And how was I able to detect that from your message?
Please don't bother answering that as I don't want this thread to become about this argument again unless you have something significant to add to the subject intended to be discussed here.

Okey-Dokey Sherlock:dunce:! Go ahead and enjoy your "perfect" thread.
Analog, the KY spotlight ModNation Racers video was what popped into my head when I proposed the idea in the other thread.

For those not familiar with MNR's kart create mode, you basically can choose from a bunch of body styles, a bunch of suspensions, a bunch of wheels, a bunch of engines, and a bunch of accessories to create your kart. But essentially what you make your kart like has ZERO influence on how it drives.

What I was thinking of for GT was more along the lines of either building it from the ground up, or mixing and matching parts/engines/frames as you desire. Wanna put a Veyron engine in a Civic? Go for it. Will probably handle horribly, though.
Analog, the KY spotlight ModNation Racers video was what popped into my head when I proposed the idea in the other thread.

What I was thinking of for GT was more along the lines of either building it from the ground up, or mixing and matching parts/engines/frames as you desire. Wanna put a Veyron engine in a Civic? Go for it. Will probably handle horribly, though.

The second option you're describing sounds more like an engine swap option ( which I also applaud within certain limitations but this already has its own dedicated thread discussing the pro's and cons ).
Again a comprehensive tool might be too much to implement into a console game and like syagre mentioned might be better as a PC application whereby the result could be imported into the game but I also don't see that happen somehow.

Maybe something more 'simple' like a ModNationRacers style approach of having multiple combinations of pre-made bodystyles and chassis set-ups you can combine and use the mechanical parts of real life cars in the game.
Those pre-made bodies could be altered by using a similar 'sculpting' or morphing method used in NFS Carbon ( as Cheshyrkat mentioned ) maybe leaving certain parts of the body intact to not overcomplicate other aspects like interior views, etc.

I mentioned a random creator before like the Course Creator using parameters set by the player but I realise now this might work when shaping a track but would probably be much harder or even impossible when trying to create a coherent looking car as it would be far more specific than a random lay-out of asphalt or dirt.
Ah well, this huge secret new feature might be something completely different after all, but we can always hope and thanks again for reminding me unwittingly of this thread.:)
It could work by offering a chassis, frame and drivetrain, then you choose from a variety of engines that will fit the given configuration and then offer a choice of body styles that could then take a few different light/mirror/detail options and then set it off with some wheels and a variety of paint options. These could then be sold online. That would be an epic idea.
Noone remembers Apex? It wasn't great but it is what you described, and let's not forget Final Lap Twin for PC Engine. That one isn't about making cars or anything but it is a classic racing rpg.

Also someone mentioned turn based racing...look up Initial D: Another Stage for GBA.

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