Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
Was doing some drawing - until some fatass sat on it. :grumpy:

I have no idea what this is or what it was trying to be. I drew this in high school in math class bored out of my mind. More of crappy doodle I did while daydreaming.

Right, for my next doodle I decided to modernise one of those great 70s concept cars. But which?

I decided to go with this:


The Bertone designed Alfa Romeo Navajo.

My modern version is this:

2015-02-18 21.09.23.jpg
Dude, as your friend, I'm going to ask you a favour. Please when you post drawings, tag me. These are awesome, the kart is impossibly good.

And also, another favour/a proposal: next time you're kinda wondering what to draw next, do a wheel gallery. Your wheels are mind-bending. You could take several legendary wheels -Torq-trusts, BBSs, Wats, Halibrands, you know what I'm talking about- and make modern renditions of them. I'd pay for that.

Will do dude, and Thanks! man.

I like the sound of doing a wheel gallery of modern renditions. Thanks for the suggestion, i'll put aside some time to do some. 👍 :cheers:
The symmetry on the yellow Ford is pretty good! Only thing I noticed is that if the right lamp dips down at the end, it should do the same on the left. :)
Decided to try my hand at free painting with a single brush that blends. Done on PaintToolSAI. Came to see if there is a thread on here for this sort'a thing and found you guys. Three hours of work, but my friend says it looks like 40 minuts worth. I need to push myself a bit more. Hope you guys like it.