sure Jpec, here it goes... lezee...
*goes and checks out the stuff...
ok, look, first of all, you NEED to clean up your lines, they are too fuzzy. it will be better if you throw large, long lines instead of trying to outline the entire car with small lines at once. it may seem that you have greater control, wich you have, but itll make your car look fuzzy. if you are drawing with pencil, try to throw long lines without fear! that is a good excercise. now, for the car, first of all, the perspective is well used, altough its a difficult one you chose. try to keep your lines, as I said, as smooth, crisp, and straight as possible, that alone would help you A LOT. one thing I can see is that your rear wheel is ENORMOUS and your front one is off a lawnmower
watch it, if you did the front one the same size as the rear, it would look real better. also, the perspective of the tires in relation with the flanks of the car is crooked, they aint parallel, and none of them is turning. that would fix it up. the perspective of the intercooler isnt good, neither, unless it is laid back into the hole, because, it doesnt hold a vertical, but instead a parallel line with the front fascia, wich IS laid back. and also, wtf with those giant scoops on the doors? if you are gonna make a horizontal porton of a car, try to keep it horizontal till the end. maybe you didnt try, but the upper section of the air scoop on the door suggests it, because there is a change in the volume of the door and body of the car RIGHT THERE. if you made the top line of the scoop be parallel to the body it wouldnt look that weird. as for the design, well, I like it, a bit weird but still good, and, well, a common problem is the lack of volume in the wheels, not on their spokes, but on the rim itself, it looks plane, but it should have a perspective, because its innerds are deep into the tire, as is the disc brake, but it seems to be glued to the rim. it shouldnt look complete, it should look about half of it. a note on the design: if you made the roof line way lower, it would look more sporty, because if you see, the flanks of the body on the car are lower than the top itself... maybe same size, but still, if you made the top lower, it would look real better. perspective on the windows and on the little wing outback are really good, you have no big problems with perspective, wich is good. I think that is all. I hope that was helpfull, and that I wasnt... I dont know, overwhelming
if you allow me, I will try to get to your design too and fix the stuff I mentioned, so you can see how it looks. it would be better, still, if you tried it man. what do you say? will you try?
I mean... go for it (: