Originally posted by ALPHA
Yeh, your vanishing points are too close together so you get an overly distorted look, which is teh ick.
I did a two point perpective for my graphics brief earlier this year, its rather hard and time consuming and difficult to do but in the end you get a good result.
The best thing is to start off with cubes and adjust the vanishing points until you get a nice, realistically looking shape, but one thing I suck at drawing cars so what you have there is really good!
Not to boast or show off but this is the two point perspective I was talking about. - The original is A3
Originally posted by oosacker
Did you use those Faber-Castell water colour pencils? They suck.Get some better ones(prismacolors are good) and it would look much better. Nice perspective though.
thanks.. I was wondering what there is wrong with it..
Just couldn't put my finger on it. And since this is my first real try at cars of my own design I think I've learned a lot doing it and won't be making the same mistakes all over again.
Originally posted by ALPHA
No I was actually using some twenty year old unbranded coloured pencils.
Where do I get these prismacolours from in Wellington? -
Originally posted by oosacker
Little Johns have some... my friend (who was an excellent drawer and renderer) used to order a whole pack.
They are about $2.50 each.
Originally posted by TVR&Ferrari_Fan
My mum and dad ordered the draw car designs like a pro yey.
Originally posted by teazR
I'm trying to do computer coloring for the first time on a hand drawn, scanned image. (the original is earlier in this thread) Seems to be very hard..
Any help and or comments appreciated.