Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
Seems like the three programs everyone is using are Photoshop, Illustrator or Flash MX.

Originally posted by teazR
Everything you see here is done in adobe photoshop
I liked your design you did on your PC, also this thread has had 11002 views ok m8`s.
Originally posted by VipFREAK
I have to second cano... they weren't all that helpful but not so much for the selection of cars.


haha, for me, it was like heaven. Im all over hot rods, so it was the ideal book (:
Originally posted by Cano
haha, for me, it was like heaven. Im all over hot rods, so it was the ideal book (:
Thats you i don`t blame, you if you like Hot rods thats what you are like ok m8.
Looks like you guys will win the next drawing contest... I've already started sketching and well to put it short and sweet.... I s.u.c.k.

bah, lighten up dude, you have great talent. you ca win whenever you want. Im looking right now for a pic to start the next contest, in wich a 41 Willys will be the subject. I hope to see you there.

Originally posted by Cano
bah, lighten up dude, you have great talent. you ca win whenever you want. Im looking right now for a pic to start the next contest, in wich a 41 Willys will be the subject. I hope to see you there.

Who are you talking about again m8.
to Vipfreak. Sorry dude, but hes got the hang about how to draw a car, he knows proportions, perspective, and even shading and light effects, he knows volume and how to make a wheel lok like a wheel. he knows how to draw a car, at the very last. and you still have to learn each and every thing I just said.


but hey, im not saying you wont be able to, just give it real dedication and keep practicing. besides, its fun as hell, so I know you'll keep doing it.
I'm sorry you guys but between the two of you I'm confused as hell! :lol: :odd: Anyways, is that all you need to draw good?? ::smacks forehead:: sheesh why didn't you say so... :lol:

ah, the feeling, the... how should I call it? technique? you know what to do, you know the basics. I have seen many people who draw incredibly good, but just cant draw cars good. it seems to be a pretty special talent.
I got my design cars like a pro on christmas and now i will read it for a cople of weeks, and then I should be way better next time ok m8`s.
I am back with a design after reading some of the tutors in the how to design cars like a pro, I hope this one is knowen as my best one ok m8s.

The Jaguar XQTS


  • my own car design named the jaguar xqts(1).jpg
    my own car design named the jaguar xqts(1).jpg
    35.2 KB · Views: 174
Better, much better... But you still need to put soem tires on those rims, and the shading is still off. Shadows aren't just black or white, sometimes there's grey, and sometimes black will fade into white.
I agree with both, try to shade it differently or if your trying to get reflections and such don't put them in now just worry about form and then when you've practiced the form enough then go to the details.

Originally posted by Mister E
Better, much better... But you still need to put soem tires on those rims, and the shading is still off. Shadows aren't just black or white, sometimes there's grey, and sometimes black will fade into white.
I forgott to do the tyres and also i did it quickly ok.
hey man. you REALLY improved!! im glad to see you did that well on the first try, there is actually perspective going on there, rather than the all-out crookiness of your past works. evem the wheels look better. I agree, tough, that your shading is quite bad. its a difficult part to achieve on a drawing, and I suggest you keep practicing and look at many, MANY car photos to see how light reflects and how it looks in the metal. and two things about designing:
one: this has to do with your shading, precisely. if you are gonna design something, find a car that looks similar to your design and look at how the reflections work on the car, then try to achieve something similar in your car, with gradations and full-on white and black surfaces. that is, until you get the feeling on how metal surfaces look and how to achieve the gradations without looking at a photo... its just experience and practice. but EVEN then, looking at a photo helps a lot 👍
two: you just cant do a car and pretend is a Jag, a Mitsu, or whatever, each company has its image, its distinctive lines and characteristics. if you are gonna make a jag, try to make it look like a jag, Ferrari... you get the picture. if you dont want to, just make the design on yourself and call it yours. the fact that yer car looks nothing like a jag or whatever you say it is takes away a lot of credibility. if you instead say "its a mine :D" the results will be better (:


keep practicing man, you have improved a LOT. nice.
im only 13 years old but i know alot about pc's i have drawn a skyline with pen and scanned it with a black and white scanner and edited it i think it came out pritty good :) colour came out funny because i had to compress it small enough to be posted on this forum


  • skylin3.jpg
    5 KB · Views: 203
First, the pic is ****ing huge. Second, it stopped halfway through so I couldn't even see the whole thing. Just a white bar. It's a very nice white bar though.

Third, nobody cares about age anymore. I used to be just like you (as in I bragged "Hey, I'm 13! I know how to use a computer and manipulate a pencil to make marks on a paper!"). Nobody cares. You're degrading people your age by saying it's spectacular that you can do these things while the normal 13 year old can't.

Sorry, I am in a bad mood today.
TVR, I would reccomed you use regular HB pencils not the drawing pencils. Seem's to me like your drawings look ugly because of the type of pencil your using. Just draw basic cars not some radical stuff. I would reccomend you looking at a picture then drawing that. It'll help you, argh I need a scanner!
Originally posted by Super-Supra
TVR, I would reccomed you use regular HB pencils not the drawing pencils. Seem's to me like your drawings look ugly because of the type of pencil your using. Just draw basic cars not some radical stuff. I would reccomend you looking at a picture then drawing that. It'll help you, argh I need a scanner!
I do look at a picture then draw it also thanxs for the hint hint to use a HB pencil, I see how I do with that also lol to the white bar joke lol.