Car of the Week | Porsche Carrera GT '04

A blast from the past...

@DarrenLeeSonicsilverhedgehog 5 years ago
That police chase footage? Not sure what it’s source was, but the same footage has a Mustang in it in the Wired Mill Blackbird video.

The fact that they superimposed this Vision GT car onto tracking vehicles is just funny, but still neat.

@BrainSeepsOut 7 years ago
Except it wasn't tested in the real world. The car is CG.

@openh20 8 years ago
tested in the real world my ass.. too bad the video is full of holes.. Gurlain is driving a whole bunch of other cars in this one in the in car shots.. the telemetry is loaded into an R56, the desert shot is in a countryman or paceman.. unveiled and fake tested in the real world.. there is no real car.. it's all animation. #tease

@Skakhti 8 years ago
Fake sounds, fake car, sudden car horn and alarm at Nurburgring and a lame ass police chase.

This trailer is just bad.

"So, that's your job this week: go out there and test the car", explains Esther the editor in her usual deadpan business demeanour.

"How's that different from any other week?", I asked, wondering why the heck I was called in to basically be explained my job as though a new intern.

"You don't have to go so hard like last week with the specifics, and definitely no need to slag a whole company in the process. Just the fact that you, a real person, have gone out there on the track and tested it, is more important for BMW's marketing department today than any constructive feedback", explains Esther, seemingly more in her element than usual. "They've no plans to iterate or improve on the car because it's not going to reach customers' hands. Basically, they just want to be able to say, "Tested in the real world" without being liable to get sued for it; doesn't matter if the car is good or not."

I scowl. "You're basically telling me not to slag the company while immediately giving me nothing but reason to slag them the very next sentence."

"It's just another one of those days in the office when you can take it easy. Just say something generic like, "the car is very powerful. I enjoyed my time with it" or something like that. We normies usually like days like these. Do you not get easy days as a racing driver?", quips the editor.

"The entire JD of a racing driver is to go as hard as you can for as long as you can, Esther."

"Yeah, well, learn to relax a bit. You're not a racing driver anymore."

"Shut up."

Esther pauses for a moment when neither of us are looking at each other before continuing: "I'm sure top F1 drivers are parrots for their sponsors, too."

I grimace. That was the one part of my job I was downright terrible at. If a car isn't performing, you don't treat it with kindness or pretend nothing happened; you identify the problem and make changes. Why do people want to be louder than racecars, and yet still be so fragile?

"Fine! I, a really real person, am really going out into the real world to really test the very real Mini Vision Gran Turismo really thoroughly!", I spat out.

"Oh!" The usually calm and petite Esther perks up with a slap of her lap as she remembered something, springing to her feet. "Speaking of sponsors, we've declared this week Barbie Week on Car of the Week, so... um... please don't..."

Esther scurries over to the door linking the office to the garage, just a hint of excitement pepping her steps. She then opens the door and scoots aside with a single, fluid motion, sheepish smile on her usually expressionless face to reveal my fate for the week.

" mad?"

I suck in a deep breath to complain, but sighed it out instead. "Long as it drives well and I don't have to look at it". I strode past Esther without taking my eyes off the car. "At least they tinted the windows. It's almost like they're aware how little anyone wants to be seen in this, god forsaken livery or not."

"Safe testing!" came Esther's voice from behind. She somehow sounds different when she's smiling.

"Not much a racing driver can do if an untested prototype for a marketing stunt explodes mid drive."

Stagnant silence. Expecting some chide remark by now, I turn my whole body to see what was holding her up.

"Don't scare me like that...", came her quivering voice.

"...sorry. I'll survive."

The Real World Test of the Mini Clubman Vision Gran Turismo

The Mini Clubman Vision Gran Turismo is a car. You press on the go pedal and it goes. You press on the brake pedal and it slows. You turn the wheel and it turns. I can confidently tell you this from my experience with it in the real world.

"Lee what the f- HOW DARE YOU! I can't publish this!", explodes Esther the editor. She's been having more and more moments like this in the office lately for some reason. "Why can't you just learn to work with others and say some nice things once in awhile?! It's not that hard!"

"It IS hard for me to lie and say I liked my time with this crap car!", I shot back. "If they want me to say nice things about their car, how about they make a nice car? "It's not that hard!" The 2005 Cooper S won our Car of the Year award last year!"

"You're not a racing driver anymore, and no one is your mechanic! Stop screaming! We don't owe you anything!"

"I'm still good at what I do, and I'm going to prove that to you week in, week out!"


"Why?! Why else do you think I was hired for this job? I'm not good for anything else!"

"Oh, Lee, you...!"

The editor turns her back to me to hide her face, returning her stern gaze to her laptop, when she notices a second, bigger attachment to the email and opens it.

"You can cut out the offensive parts as usual. I don't do easy days in the office."


"Can I go now?"


The Mini Clubman Vision Gran Turismo is a car. You press on the go pedal and it goes. You press on the brake pedal and it slows. You turn the wheel and it turns. I can confidently tell you this from my experience with it in the real world. I chose to introduce you to the car this way, dear reader, because the car is entirely devoid of any personality like an overly protected and controlled child.

Before I could even open the door to our garage, I've had to get my ears talked off by BMW reps regarding ground rules: no touching the ride height, camber, the centre diff, individual gear ratios, and even the bloody WHEELS on this. We had our consultant from Understeer Engineering with us during testing, and they confirmed with me that they only parts they have in their catalogue that would fit into the car no issue are tyres, a hydraulic handbrake, ballast, and power restrictors. No, not even bloody Nitrous Oxide. At this point, I'm surprised enough to learn that BMW will at least allow me to change the tyres on this car after each testing session. These guys make Ferrari look like the leaders of the free world, sweet baby Buddha.

As you might expect from an upbringing with such controlling parents, the Mini VGT handles extremely neutrally. The car turns until it doesn't turn anymore, at which point understeers. The tabletop torque "curve" that is signature of BMW's latest models almost makes it irrelevant when the Mini VGT upshifted, as long as it's somewhere within the last 500rpm, and it sounds like a soulless office prisoner at a dead end, routine job who just contracted anal cancer farting into a cabinet.

It has 388HP (289kW). It weighs 1,050kg (2,315lbs). It has a 6 speed sequential. It can do 0-100 in an as–tested in the really real world, 3.1 seconds on the hard slick tyres it comes with. Its pace around a track very closely matches that of a GT4 racecar, such as my darling, beautiful, engaging, and involving Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport when unfettered by Balance of Performance, which puts the really real Mini VGT a peg above Gr.4 racers in sheer pace with or without BoP. The trade–off is that Gr.4 cars can install approved forced induction and even nitrous systems to bring their pace up to rival those of some of the slower GT3 cars, but that is simply out of the question for the Mini VGT. As a very real consequence of this, the car sits smack dab in the middle of no man's land at 648.10PP, meaning it has to bend over backwards and uncomfortably cripple itself to fit into 600PP events, or be running at a severe deficit to blue flag things it has no business sharing a track with. In either scenario, it feels like a fish out of water and struggles to belong anywhere.

But, while it can hang with GT4 racecars in terms of one lap pace, there isn't a chance in hell I'd take the Mini VGT over a bona fide GT4 racer; it has tyres that look no wider than the narrower front tyres of my sensible Cayman GT4 Clubsport, and yet it has more of its weight over its front axle than my RMR Cayman has its rear percentage wise, with 58% of its body mass sandbagging the front end. With grip at a premium in the Mini VGT and overly stressed front tyres, trail braking is a bit of a notable weakness with the car; despite it stopping well, the front tyres quickly give out when introducing any steering angle under full braking, which means drivers will have to almost fully come off the brake pedal for the car to bite into a corner. The extremely neutral Mini VGT is also weirdly prone to sliding when hard braked with its outside wheels on some of the more raised and textured rumble strips going into a corner, such as the ones found in the really real Dragon Trail Circuits; a behavior I haven't been able to replicate with the spare Gr.4 cars I had on hand in the office, from my similarly F–AWD Turbo 4 Banger Atenza Gr.4, to my impeccably balanced RMR NA Flat 6 Cayman GT4, with only a hint of this slippery behaviour being observed in the hatchback FF Gr.4s, and not nearly to the catastrophic extent of the Mini VGT. Not being able to use the outside kerbs to open up a corner more during entry just adds yet another reason to have to brake earlier. Thankfully, the Mini VGT actually came to us with an adjustable Brake Balance Controller, which does help somewhat in alleviating that understeer on turn in and preserving the front tyres.

Unfortunately, said premium for front end grip is also felt during corner exits, and as previously mentioned, the centre differential is unadjustable in this car, with our consultant from Understeer Engineering confirming with me that they have no existing parts in their catalogue to replace the tyrannical unit in the Mini, damning it to an eternity of a criminally conservative 40:60 front to rear torque split and power understeer. The only way to prevent the front outside wheel from spinning and washing wide then, is to be similarly conservative (i.e. slow) with your right foot, with no hope of inducing a bit of slip on the rear to help with the situation, leaving the only recourse from power understeer backing off and waiting it out. Have I mentioned how boring this car is to drive yet? Or how much I'd rather be in any other non–FF Gr.4 car?

Almost as if being thrown a bone by the hand of fate, only to have it yanked away as a cruel joke, the Mini VGT is capable of equipping Dirt tyres, but it's hopelessly terrible on dirt; and that is if you can somehow find a tyre manufacturer that will make you a bloody 21–inch offroad tyre with virtually no sidewall. Packing AWD and 125mm of unadjustable ground clearance despite the fact that it sports a "Fully Customizable Suspension" in its caricature of an SUV silhouette, the really real Mini VGT tries to be both a track day warrior and an off road specialist both at once, with really, really miserable results: the stiff racing suspension that gives the car its racecar rivaling immediacy on paved asphalt means that it's impossible to get any weight transfer done on dirt, making the SUV slide like a whale in a mudslide. While the spring rates and dampers can thankfully be adjusted to fix this issue, and the engine has enough torque to break grip on all four corners with a boot full of throttle in spite of its fixed individual gear ratios and conservative centre diff, why anyone would choose to modify this for dirt racing over something much cheaper, adjustable, and eligible for dirt events is something I don't claim to know.

And so, what we end up with is a car that has the pace of a GT4 racer that can go on dirt, yet is ineligible for Gr.4 or Gr.B racing. Many hosts of events in Seven Haven frown upon rides that aren't production cars, and those that don't mind will require the Mini VGT to horrendously cripple itself with extremely limited adjustability to its parts to make up for that, which I'm sure will drive away many tuners looking to flourish in the laxer rules of PP limited events. The Mini Vision Gran Turismo is a really real car that really exists, that has been tested in the real world, and the inevitable conclusion I've come to from my really real testing of it in the real world is that it isn't good for anything and doesn't belong in any reality.

"You can't call this an honest review when you're transferring so much of your own self hatred into your writing, you idiot..."
As we approach Week 15 of GT7's Car of the Week, I can't help but to feel what a long time it has been already. Makes me nostalgic for the days when I didn't have to do hosting duty. Heck, you might even say it makes me want to go back...

to the future!

Chosen by our resident masochist, @Vic Reign93 , the rear engined, rear drive DMC DeLorean S2 '04 is under the spotlight for Week 15!

Franklin Street_.jpeg

Don't be fooled by its ultra 80s boxy wedge look, because the S2 is a tuned up variant of the original car which debuted in 1981, classifying it as a 2004 model in the game, hence making it available in the Brand Central for... 525,000 Credits?!?!?!

How much power does this clunker have again?


(This is just an announcement post... this is just an announcement post... save the whining for the review, XSquare!)

I've got one, isn't cheap at just over 500k, but its a Brand Central pick and even a non CRB win at Tokyo 600 will pay for it. Gives me a reason to do a fresh version of a deep dive into DMC and the man behind it all and his influence in American automotives.

Great Scott! Its the 2004 Delorean DMC 12 S2.

If you've too much money to know what to do with, or just plain like pain, feel free to join us in our weekly lobbies on Tuesday, 11th July, 10P.M. CST or Saturday, 5P.M. Singapore time to see how much positive camber this thing will generate on a racetrack at 88 miles per hour. If you can't make it in time for our lobbies, feel free to chime in with some opinions here, regardless :)
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Now you guys have me on a Run “MCD” kick. Seriously one of the best groups of any genre…. EVER. Hip hop peaked waaaaaaaaay too soon

Hey guys!!

I did that thing again where I go totally off the GTPlanet radar, then show up weeks later and pretend like I never left. Juggling life, a racing team, a business and a soon-to-be engagement has that effect on people, I hear. :eek:

Okey dokey, let's see which cars I have to do brief write ups on..

S15 Silvia
Obviously, any Nissan sports car is going to get a thumbs up from me. The S15 is perhaps the quintessential FR sports car. Cheap*, sturdy, reliable and able to take on any automotive challenge, you could build one to suit any style or event! Drifting? Easy. Racing? Of course. Time attack? Why not! Rally? I'm sure someone's done it before!

Kind of like how the GT86 would eventually become such an instant hit for its versatility, the S15 is perhaps the neo-classic equivalent.

*They WERE cheap, until JDM fanboys kept crashing them, thrashing them, and generally accelerating their progression towards scarcity. Now try find one on marketplace for under $10k. A GOOD one.

Chaparral 2J
aka Redbull X1970
It's fast, it's loud, it's innovative, it's unique and it's banned. That makes it pretty much the perfect race car, personally. The three speed gearbox is perhaps the most poorly aged part of the car's design in terms of competitive capability. In GT, it's biggest drawback is a lack of competition. There really aren't too many other similar cars you can pair it against, unless you want to take on Group C cars or heavily de-tune it.

Before it was patched, I used it to win the classic race car 1hr race. That was an absolute cakewalk, even with a geabox tuned to 170kmh! :lol:

Genesis X Gr.3
I have to admit, I've actually done very little with this car. It would be unfair for me to judge it based on one race back when the game first came out. Maybe I'll get back to you all on that one.

Mini Clubman VGT
Here's another car that I haven't driven too much, and to be fair I'm sure very few actually have. Possibly a bit of a hot take, but I reckon most of the early VGT cars could have been left in GT6 and we wouldn't have had too many complaints. They're technological visions of the future (though given some of them date back to 2014, their idea of the future was probably right now), and they're for the most part cosmetically appealing concept cars, I understand that. At least we now have those VGT-exclusive races to squeeze a little bit of extra use out of them.

...But the Mini? Oh, wait. I got sidetracked. My bad.

Well, if it drives anything like it did in Sport, where we had a Nations race that was a Mini VGT onemake, then it's quick, zippy, with a hint of understeer. Actually quite the way I like my cars set up. Maybe I need to also do some laps with it along the Genesis.

Of course, Vic picked this one. :D

There'll be no shortage of overused time travel cliches, I'm sure. Performance wise it's average, the Series 2 upgrade may have bumped it from "abysmal" to "adequate", but that still falters when you have cars like the Sierra Cosworth and A70 Supra that could run circles around the DeLorean, and for a fraction of the cost.

Speaking of, why IS the DeLorean so expensive? $525,000 brand new from brand central? You could buy almost any Gr.3 car and still have change with that kind of dough. If you're thinking of buying a DeLorean for any reason other than to fill your car collection, here's some other 80's sports cars youd be better off buying:

Toyota A70 Supra 3.0 GT Turbo A - $100k
Porsche 930 911 Turbo - $220k
Maserati Merak SS - $75k

Let's be real, the movies are the only thing keeping the DeLorean relevant. Nothing about it is for going fast.
SPD Writes Gran Turismo 7's Car Of The Week: Week 14 - MINI Clubman Vision Gran Turismo


Did you know the bloodstained eyes are NOT intentional? Who knew that rear splitter wanted a side hustle. A particularly angry one, too. I should've drawn a nose, actually.

Before you think I'm going to be triggered by this, this car is based off the Clubman: that odd case of a MINI branded station wagon. It's not the Countryman, but I guess if you're going to joke at my expense, I'm happy to laugh along.

And.. unusually in the weekly lobby, nobody's doing it.. that's odd.

We're 20 weeks behind, but to celebrate my odd mental breakdown on that other place, we take on the first Vision GT and the one opted for this iteration of COTW would be the German made MINI. Released in February 2015, the MINI makes some way for headlines in Gran Turismo 6, then easily taken aside for the returning Mid-Field Raceway.

Powered by.. whatever, it's quite unclear, this kitted out Clubman would churn out 388 horsepower through a 6 speed racing gearbox on a 1 ton body. With AWD at the ready, it brings this aerodynamic body to 60 in 3 and a half seconds, topping out all the way to 180. With certain MINI styled quirks, such as the crossed out lamps, the car's slated to be designed as a top performing variant of the MINI brand.

Now I think about it.. this might be the really strange result on what happens when you make a MINI supercar. Take that to the Beetle, and you get the 911, as a comparison. It's food for thought, but there's probably answers all around. My take? Probably a breadvan like what we see with the RX500, just imagine that.

Simple, that's the word. Okay. I'll call this part of the story: end of Phase 1. We'll see if next week's writeups consists of purely analysis or just really short entries akin to Week 10. An ending is supposedly the biggest bang of the lot. And definitely not simple. I'm sure you all like it when I dig up my own grave, don't cha? That's what this week's for. I wonder if anyone also notices something else.. hint: it's in the pictures.


Episode 14: Who Heralds The Future?

The afternoon wanes later on in Deep Forest, transitioning into evening with the summer's sky about.

Just as the festivities simmer down, a lone Candy walks through the inside halls, with thoughts of a school corridor in the design.

That line of thought halts as she wades past the door that signs 'Lounge', looking in to see a figure asleep on the expensive chairs.

Candy: "That's the Cinderella Giles mentioned.. It's about time I get her back for that sudden shocker!"

She spoke to herself mischievously, as the menacing vibes float around this short standing racing lady when she grins sinisterly, hunches forwards and rubs her hands.

Candy: "Thought.. she mentioned a spotlight.. for what? Ahh, must be nothing. Let's see if I have a good sense of learning Lulu's jiujitsu."

Thinking of a whole series of throws and a general beatdown, an anticipated Candy then hops in and prepares to start off with a judo throw.

But then, just as she prepares with a big big bow, she looks to see the Cinderella's slumber interfered.

Candy: "(I... didn't even touch her!) Umm.."

She prepared for combat, but the Cinderella reacted with tears in her eyes and high paced, nervous breathing.


Out of nowhere, the ghetto grown youth kicks down the door and shouted in alert..


Candy: "Eeep!"

As Candy flies to the side, Gary heads towards the amnesiac girl, with this idea on how to cure this..

Gary D: "Yo, girl, same dream?"

Cinderella: "I did it.. It's come back again.. I didn't do it, Gary. You know, right?"

Gary D: "I agree, but, well, s[BLEEP]t.."

Off his knee, he jumps up, and speed dials the phone he takes out from his pocket, then places it by his ear, Candy witnessing..

Gary D: "Peggy, your fine b[BLEEP]h ass spooked, yo. By her lonesome. Yeah.. no idea, outta nowhere. Just the G-Dog, and a passing Candy. Aight, for sure. Later."

Just as he's put the phone aside with that fast paced talking, he turns to the other person in the room, and hastily inquired..

Gary D: "Candy.. you didn't do anything, right girl?"

Hands raised in front, she answered..

Candy: "NO! I mean, not yet.."

He raises his voice in hostility, following with..

Gary D: "Yeah, I saw you girls with the flowers earlier. You got a motive like a snake hunting its prey, yo."

Candy: "I can't deny that.. but not even a molecule's clashed! I mean, what's with her?"

Gary D: "You heard she's an amnesiac, right? Found her by a church, probably God's gift or whatever s[BLEEP]t it might be. She got into racing as a cover while we figure out why she's being snooped by this big shady ass UK criminal gang."

Candy: "Sounds complex."

No reason to suspect any harm, Gary then cooled and asked for..

Gary D: "So far we go nothing. But let's get to business. Think you can bring down her BPM?"

Candy: "Not quite.."

Gary D: "Trust me, the way I do it is much worse than any method you imagining, girl."

Candy: "Pergh.. fine."

With the Cinderella comfortable on the floor, Candy joins her and thought of what happened yesterday..

The line of thought however took its time as the Cinderella, still a mess, spoke.

Cinderella: "Candy? You're here for me, aren't you?"

Candy: "It's a bad idea, but let's get you mellowed down before any more damage can happen. Whatever's chasing you isn't coming, okay? I swear on my well glazed pinky."

A pinky is raised, but the Cinderella hasn't an idea on what it means, and just as she thought to ask, the room finds itself even more occupied with one, then another rushing in..

J.J: "Prinzessin!"

Led by J.J, Samantha enters in a more calm manner..

Samantha: "We'll take it from here, Candy. Thanks for pitching in."

That attention has the Cinderella's nerves all normalized, while still panicky, she said..

Cinderella: "Ohhho.. Hiya there, blokes.. I REALLY thought I'm past that phase, but.."

J.J: "Let these come. I promised you, right? J.J will help fix this, prinzessin."

Gary D: "For the record: murder on the hospital bed again?"

Cinderella: "Yup."

Just nearby, Samantha pull Candy up, then asks..

Samantha: "Looks like it's all in good hands, Candy. You can make your leave."

Candy: "Right.."

Cinderella: "Umm.. you might be a twee made ungrateful sod, but.. thanks for the assist.."

Though she's not into her lingo, she knows enough that it's an insult, responding uncaringly..

Candy: "Whatever.."

Now outside, Candy scrolls through her phone, getting up to date with news she's followed..

But then, something hit her lightly, within her psyche..

Candy: "Huh? Urghh.."

"You're not my Rin-chan, but always remember I'm here to be your father, Candy-chan."

She thought, a little flustered, about the voice in her head..

Candy: "Shinzo-sama.. why is it now I hear the wailing of your spirit.. urhh.. if only some sign of you would come aside from Rin-san.."

Just as she wandered a little to see if it can be heard again, it gets hijacked by the thumping drums of a 90's one hit wonder..

Candy: "It's that song again.."

It's been a while for her, but she's not fond of the song due to the man approaching that's well associated with..

And as he comes in, with that well cared smile and lean eyes, she spoke with disinterest..

Candy: "Of course. Greetings to you, Sonny Meng."

Sonny: "Candy, baby! You look a little glum. Anything I can do for you?"

Candy: "Not being in my close proximity is the immediate request.."

But oddly at this cloudy late afternoon, Candy then realized he wasn't alone, as he looked behind to speak..

Sonny: "What'd I tell you, bro? Do I strike you as annoying?"

???: "Ehh, Sonny, you ah? You use that tone, of course, lah. Especially to people you're not close to."

The man he spoke to was a bald, dark skinned man with a generally roughed up comedic look.

Known mainly as Tokyo's Fastest Taxi Driver, Ramlie Ajie isn't exactly from Tokyo, but has made his name well known in the top speed game all over the world.

A playful, but welcoming aura surrounds him, as he approaches someone he knows..

Ramlie: "Candy? How you been, my favorite little customer? When you were snooping up to the boss, I thought.. it's funny seeing you here. Though, if the boss has been busy with you, I shouldn't be surprised."

Candy: "Ugh, that whole group meeting earlier.. you're part of The List, Oji-san?"

Ramlie: "Funny story, you know, that one. I actually found The List when it was just your usual small scale, but just as secretive crew."

Sonny: "That and his direct link to some black market car parts was his one ticket in to our little Disneyland."

Ramlie: "Ye? Like he said."

Candy: "Ohh? Fascinating. The skillset you have for your age makes sense now the detail's added in."

Though, this familiar link of course has Sonny inquire as he shifted looks between his friend and fellow racer repeatedly.

Sonny: "Hey, you're a Tokyo native, right, Candy? Sounds to me you've clashed with Lee here a few times considering you calling Uncle. Not anyone calls him by his List name, lor."

Candy: "I.. don't want to talk about it."

Ramlie: "Gehehe, I do!"

And on this episode's 4th wall blunders, the screen then slowly turns..

Candy: "Eh? Oji-san! Why?! No! Don't flashback. No! NO!"

Ramlie: "Don't fight it, Candy."

Sonny: "Sorry baby, but that's how the cookie crumbles."


He might be aged well, but Ramlie's a known player in the speed game..


Favored by various top end clientele for his speed, thrills and low fares, Ramlie's taxi services come at the cost of a long wait list should he be working at peak times.

With his ties from her street racing days, Candy wanted a first go at this man's risky, but generally overwhelmingly positive response.


She's no stranger to taking cars at this pace on Tokyo's busy roads, but what she wasn't ready for was that day's mobility options, opting for dodging traffic and taking the expressways with no regard for top speed.

While it's either his tuned Atenza or E60 M5, the driver's reputation for speed isn't to be scoffed at, going around corners at record G forces and at blistering speeds.


A fellow driver understands these actions and how to handle them, but on that day, Candy, getting off her ride, fell on the floor and had a nasty case of uneasiness, mixing the floor with her throwing up and her mostly dizzy and unconscious self.

Putting all those in words, Sonny gets the memo on her not so appealing thoughts on their meeting.

Sonny: "Coming from someone like her.. That's not a sweet thought, lor."

Ramlie: "Ye lah, but she's different blend back then. She's black coffee then, look at this: she's a well sweetened latte!"

He's Sonny Meng, so being slightly flirty to women is his modus operandi, as he speaks..

Sonny: "The more we know you, baby, the more I see the.. more expressive form of you. It's HOT."

Not a stranger to bad cases of flashbacks, she relents..

Candy: "Excuse me, are you THIS annoying? I do have Lulu on speed dial, mister, so if you're going to cross into that boundary, so be it!"

However, Ramlie had to ask..

Ramlie: "Lulu? Lucia, you mean, yes? Ohh, she'd be all over us in a flash."

Sonny: "Yeah, you know it. She got a vase at my face last week."

Ramlie: "I don't believe that; you look unharmed."

Sonny: "She hurts, but she never harms.. if you get me. That latter's mainly for her enemies."

Hearing that level of pain for the first time, Candy brings down the intensity and comments..

Candy: "That Lulu's caring in another way, I guess. But Oji-san.. you're here for The List?"

Sonny: "He's a List Original. He's here for what's coming later. No I haven't a clue what that might be, Candy baby.. doesn't mean I can't be ready."

While he's undeniably happy to see her, he however has to reveal..

Ramlie: "I think we're done with you, Candy."

Candy: "Ehh? The night's still young! You're headed where, oji-san?"

Ramlie: "Sonny's here, as part of loser's punishment, to introduce me to a few Sim Gear hosts."

Sonny: "Before you say it's a race: no, it was Big Two. I'd smoke him in any race any day"

However true that might be, Ramlie disagrees, with a suggestion..

Ramlie: "Yeah no, shut up you. But you, Candy, so happen to be in the way of it, no offense."

Candy: "None taken.. not like you even offend. Can I come along?"

Sonny: "Ehh, sure. The more the merrier, right?"

Taking this time to see if she can adopt Ramlie's general tolerance to people, Candy comes in between the men and walks along with them back inside, as they start to mingle..

Ramlie: "Well, that and I'm sorry for that story earlier. It's really how I remembered telling the people of Japan how I knew this small sized racing superstar. You always a-ok in my book, Candy."

Candy: "It's no wonder I remember liking you around, at least, oji-san.."

He's annoying, but Sonny too had a question, asking with his more serious tone..

Sonny: "Honestly, Candy baby.. I've been in Lee's car many many times in great intense moments, lor. From the M5, to the Bandit. How's that even happen?"

Her response was surprisingly not hostile, as she replies batting a smile..

Candy: "I, uhh.. had fugu that day.. for the first, and last time."


Another one of Deep Forests' rest rooms gets itself occupied, by two men: hosts of a revived car themed show but with one having trouble adjusting the television..

The one that's not working on it takes his time to not be helpful and rant on the couch set to view it.

Alan: "Bloody hell! Are you done yet? My patience has its limits, Nash.."

The man fixing this issue knows Alan so well, he fired back in response.

Nash: "It was your review. Of course you have your balls stuck up in it."

Alan: "That has nothing to do with you not getting the telly fixed up!"

Nash: "Look, if you're just going to mess about like some old geezer, perhaps you can help me?!"

Alan: "You agreed to do it yourself, and thus I won't interfere!"

Nash: "Now that thought's not exactly self reassuring!"

Then an entourage established earlier makes their way in the room, Sonny leading with his arms wide open in happiness..

Sonny: "I didn't know the senior's convention is here too, lor."

Both Alan and Nash: "Shut up, Sonny!"

Seeing him come in, Nash of course couldn't help but ask for help, asking with a whiff of shame..

Nash: "Well, that's a bother, verily so.. Sonny, you're an engineering graduate, think you can help me out setting this telly with the USB?"

Sonny: "I'm not in that jurisdiction, but I'm always happy to help my elders."

Nash: "I told you.. whatever then, muppet..."

As Sonny leaps forwards to get to a little technical wizardry, those he left behind head in to see..

Ramlie: "Wow, it's really them!"

Candy: "Got something for the nerves, oji-san?"

Ramlie: "No lah. I'll be fine."

And just he gets in to inspect, the television then shows a picture..

Nash: "Oh, there it is!"

Sonny: "YEAH! A badass isn't a must to fix this setup, but I'm the one they need."

Alan: "Perfect! Come and settle in, especially you Candy. After yesterday, you must come and relax. I hear you've got a case of high blood pressure."

Hearing that Nash reacts with eyes out and its brows raised in surprise.

Nash: "She does? Well.."

And then leads to him zooming forwards to inspect her like a medical officer.

Nash: "Under all this cutesy exterior, I say it's possible. Perhaps.. well, I think she's able to sign one. Should you need it, the Foundation will lend you assistance. I'll sort out the contact details later."

She's slightly embarassed by this, but also thankful..

Candy: "Right now, no thanks, but I'll remember that. Much appreciated, sir."

Nash: "You're very welcome."

Dragging a chair from another end of the room, Sonny spins it around, then stylishly stops it and takes a seat.

Sonny: "Come and sit! Oh, and.. this is Lee. My fellow List bro. Malaysian. Some exotic fruit for you to play with."

Alan: "I feel Jacob's mentioned you here and there. Regardless: Lee, was it? I'm sure you know me as Alan the Bristol Harbinger, and it's a pleasure."

Nash: "Malaysia? With nature, I heard motorsport runs strong in that place. Been to Sepang once.. though I forget why."

Ramlie: "Oh? They don't mind extra publicity, you know.. perhaps you can put in your magic there, huh?"

Nash: "That's not entirely up to me. But the lads and I.. we'll consider, verily so."

And just as the picture then changes to the scheduled program through a few clicks of the menu, the show begins..

Alan: "Hush now, the show's about to start."


Charming, isn't it?


I for one, do not get the appeal. From the bulging, grandeur shape, to the unusual brake lamps.. don't get me wrong: it's a thing to marvel. But to me, it's still a MINI: not my cup of tea, this one.

"But of course it won't ever be in the show, if it's say.. the bunch you find on the streets. Ones. Countrymen. Clubmen. While I might question the blokes that have a complete interest in what's not a JCW.. here's what might be the ultimate MINI."

Called the MINI Clubman Vision Gran Turismo, this honest to Dave, engineered spectacle catered to the gaming masses is probably the most stand out of the lot. Powered by its yet to be disclosed BMW powerplant, you can get nil to sixty in 3 seconds, up to a reasonable 180.

Styled by the Bavarian geniuses themeselves, the car isn't just panels, curvature and low cost bodywork you can get out of your nan's shed. That all also means you can put street legality out the front porch with this one. Yes sir: it's a proper track car with those who swear behind its fully functioning design choice.

"Swear, you say? In MINI language, perhaps that's more of a 'how dare you' rather than whatever lingo comes out of the mouthes of our youths these days. But there's only one way to see how much daring can this.. overindulged satisfaction can eke out from me."

This sounds like a job to the blokes at Kent to bring me up to speed with the car..


Sorry, Al, but I'm not confident I can write in a Top Gear host. Not yet. Perhaps some other week where we.. might find a supercar that I haven't allocated to the roster. Each of the Sim Gear hosts I have a reference towards a related individual in the field. Alan in particular I write similarly to how Tiff Needell performs particularly in the 90's Top Gear era. Should this sort of segment appear with another host, that reference will be mentioned. But for today, it's my turn to intervene.


It's not pretty all the way, but the MINI VGT is at least when it comes to the crowd of VGTs, measurably fast. That means rather than the radical selections of the laser powered Chaparral, the gamer designed Alpines, or the all virtually mighty Tomahawk selections, the MINI is rather tame. But that sort of power is at least a more realistic proposition. You too, if you're some grassroots freak, can make your own MINI VGT. I'm not saying it's a dare, but this car was strangely voted in out of spite of me suffering last year after all, so yeah, it's a dare.

With a 40:60 layout, you're going to be surprised that the MINI's prone to understeer, more defined when putting power out of a corner. Sounds like an entirely BMW MINI issue, I see. Yes, the Countryman initially was like that too. It had trouble turning on slippery ground after all. All in all, a real shame. To compare: my choice of Group 4 machinery is the Peugeot, and that car I can make work in the competitive realms. After hours, this one I quite can't get. The understeer you get in Group 4 is nasty in some cars, but not as nasty as what we get here.


But unlike certain VGT machinery, we're lucky that a good selection of the car's tuning options come to the car already kitted out, trying to justify that obscene 1 million credits asking price. That also includes braking bias adjustment, so you're welcome to slap that baby backwards and put some extra strength to its backside so you get all the angle you might need when accelerating out the corner. To me, the brakes at no adjustment is perfectly fine as is.

Another gripe with the MINI VGT is that it's born in the early VGT era where just about every entry has no cockpit view. Which is a real tootin shame, especially with how I've seen conceptualizations of the Mercedes AMG VGT that's stunningly 90's era Playstation. No such luck for one on the MINI, so I'll probably just imagine it's bucket seats with your usual screen displays. Perhaps it's driven from the center, but now I'm just imagining things, really.


Considering it's not low profile look and unimpressive numbers, the car's main stand out trait is the acceleration. 0-60 in 3 seconds is blisteringly fast for something with less than 400 horsepower. In comparison, the cars I have to choose for this range is the vanilla Lamborghini Aventador and the current era Nissan GT-R, and their engines are much more potent. I'd say it's lightweight to account for this, but the Clubman design isn't quite as low profile as the mentioned comparison cars.

Of course, not all is similar. With less power, a larger profile and downforce levels, you're never going to reach a high top end with this. The tight 6 speed it puts its power through defines that well. It's definitely track car regions of performance. You'd like it around the more corner heavy track, but my testing around Deep Forest instead delegates it as the proficient not at the turns, but at getting out of there and into the straights. It will rocket out the corners, meaning the right advice for those willing to push this to the redline is to get to know its angular behaviour: one you can study with repeated exits.

Speaking back to Group 4, this car will rocket ahead of them. It will rocket out Group 3 cars even, but in the long run, they're going to catch up. Interestingly, the aerodynamics levels actually can allow the car to be sort of competitive with Group 4, but nothing in that class is hypothetical. Perhaps the Citroen, but that car's really on thin ice in this regard. Not to mention the cars in that class all are at least passable in the long term. I just can't handle the understeer this car comes with.

The car also can rally. Emm.. nothing too special here. It does work, so if you do find that one other weirdo who wants to rally this thing and they don't mind race cars, you can give the MINI a go. Actually, what's stopping you? Give this car a go if you've spent the credits or stole one off a w-roulette anyways.

I almost said wheelspin. Almost. Week 34 flashbacks are real. HO-


Not long after the program ends, Candy took off her seat and responded back..

Candy: "I enjoyed that intermission to the evening. Fact is, I'm starting to begin with Cierra enjoying you talk professionally, though I feel there's an abrupt lack of details."

Alan: "You noticed? Vision GT cars are like that.. all substance, but there's nothing to show for."

Sonny: "You know Luce has seen the insides of El Gutseroni's Hyundai. She really can't explain what's kind of engineering doo dad's under there."

Nash: "This kind of shade's why I don't quite like Vision GT machinery. But the demand for their reviews keep pouring in.."

Candy: "Hmm.. Oji-san?"

Ramlie's silence has its reasoning answered as everyone looks on him having a quick nap.

Candy: "Of course. What say you?"

Alan: "My dear, I've no further comments.."

From behind a voice bellows in disappointment..

???: "A shame. Looks like I missed the show."

Everyone turns back to the door to see the voice spoken: in a regal, accented tone.

Recognized by the majority within, they grace the presence of Hamza Abd-al: standing tall and hands behind him, surveying all in the room.

His focus goes to the one man greeting him with his usual expanding of the arms.

Sonny: "Hamz! My man."

He then brings them back down and asks in his jubilant tone..

Sonny: "How's the place? Is everything to your liking so far?"

Hamza: "This is an indirect insult to who I am.."

Sonny: "I know, just playing with ya, buddy."

Hamza: "Honestly.. it's not for me. But I say everything's set up nicely. I see you all already taking advantage of my credentials.."

Sonny: "Like they say: mi casa, es su casa, am I right, gang?"

He looks back to see the show hosts not having a laugh at this enthusiasm..

Alan: "Frankly, my boy, this isn't your home."

Nash: "So is the fact that we're not quite as close as you say, as a gang."

That shade thrown back, Sonny sweeps it aside with a similar gesture..

Sonny: "Beh, whatever. You guys sure enjoy ruining the vibe, eh?"

The one other element not making a response however comes up close to inspect the Arab, giving Sonny the idea..

Sonny: "Hamz, this is Candy Lam. Asian region top scorer in a Hong Kongese package."

She's shy and ekes out no sound, letting Hamza voice his initial findings with a lean and hand rubbing off his beard..

Hamza: "My brother, I can see that.. hmmm.. your diminished height isn't exaggerate. But I definitely see hints of your inner warrior: what's important. Very nice. Hamza Abd-al, Igneus Racing."

She's brought to her thinking pose, responding..

Candy: "Igneus? That's a name I know. You dabble in rally, is it?"

Hamza: "More than that. Should've been less vague: I'm also the president of Igneus."

Candy: "Explains this.. aura coming from. Amazing what Arab money can get you.."

Hamza: "Much as you speak the truth, but it's one I don't revel in. I want everyone to know Hamza of Igneus as.. hard worker, an adventurer, earns his prize and fortunes.."

And he reinforces those words with a strong, straight posture of confidence, continuing his speech..

Hamza: "And a smart investor.. including exemplery clientele sitting in this room."

Candy: "So I take.. Sim Gear?"

Hamza: "And if we head off the books: The List."

Standing by, Sonny replies to that with..

Sonny: "It's mostly him, but we put a good bit of bank to kickstart The List into infamy. You ask Jake, he'll say he and me are, what his words describe as the Heart and Soul of The List. That was ages ago, Hamz."

Hamza: "Oh, yes, my brother. Yes it was. How's your investors.. you know.. the Scott brothers?"

Sonny: "Swell, my dude. They don't even mind the damage I caused last week."

Hamza: "Damage, you say? That's not very 'you'."

Not even 2 meters apart, Candy observes and sounds about this..

Candy: "Gee, you two are like.. close or something."

With his gentle winked eyes and hearty smile, Hamza replies calmly..

Hamza: "Benefits of our long term friendship. But perhaps I can begin with you. Please. May I get to know more?"

Ready for it, she continued..

Candy: "Candy Lam.. I figure you realize who you're talking to, but I can race well. Extremely well. Not to sound smug, but I'm quite sure you've heard of me."

And based on what he hears, Hamza expresses a hint of surprise with..

Hamza: "Ohh.. I've heard from that man's son that you've got trouble breaking out of your shell, but alas.. that's untrue."

Candy: "How flattering.. you've got my attention at least, sir.."

Hamza: "You can call me Hamza.. By the way, if you would follow me for a moment, perhaps you can do me something."

Candy: "I hope it's not trimming that marvelous beard of yours.."

Hamza: "God almighty, no. Sonny?"

Looking at Sonny by this moment has him tapping away at his phone towards his social applications..

Sonny: "Umm.. oh, I'll catch up, bro. I know where you heading, so go on."

Her thoughts about this man she follows come to light as she steps across the darkened path behind the pit lane, eventually leading to her asking curiously..

Candy: "Hamza.. I've read about it on some magazines.. you're trying to bring back Group B?"

Hamza: "Is that how you know of Igneus?"

Candy: "Actually, yes.. but let's not stray. Answer my question, sir."

Hamza: "Very well. Was thinking we can relive the moments of Group B, but under stricter, and more importantly: safer regulations. That much I'm sure you know. What you don't know.. must remain that way, I'm afraid. It's quite an unpopular move I'm making here.."

Candy: "So where are we due?"

Hamza: "And... here we are."

He's stopped upon a certain garage, leading Candy to follow his pace, then witness a familiar car..


Candy: "My eyes don't deceive me.. it's the same MINI on the program!"

Hamza: "That much is true. How would you like a quick drive?"

To reply, Candy shared in earnest..

Candy: "I'm actually getting tired of racing here all day.. but you're no-nonsense. Unlike that other buzzkill with the curly hairdo."

Hamza: "Buzzkill? I'd like to see what he thinks of that.. but surely I aim to please, hmm? I've informed the one they call Moto-san to prepare a suitable attire for you to use in the car."

Candy: "You're not ready for me if I rejected, was it?"

Hamza: "You know it.

Five Minutes Later.jpg

A brief time's all she needs to prepare and take the track worthy MINI out to warm up..


Candy: "Around here, at this speed? Mighty impressive.."


Candy: "This pace is more capable than I can think of.."


Candy: "Wow wow WOW. I can do this all day.. you're a very consistent little racer, ain't you?"

As the night begins to take over, the environment too adapts..

Candy: "The stage is getting packed away.. but the cars start piling up."

Now with Cierra, she responds with her less than normal enthusiasm.

Cierra: "The elites.. are taking over."

Candy: "Well, what are we waiting for? I'd like to see what this street racing life is in this part of the world, Cierra. How about Lulu?"

Cierra: "Lulu's not going to be around for this.. only the tried and tested are allowed in."

Candy: "Strict, eh? It's not stopping me."

And while Cierra stares away into the distance, she suddenly gets herself dragged aside by her wrist..

Cierra: "hu-heyy!"

Just as the ladies come close to the gathering crowd, there's one obstacle they face on the only way in, in the form of a certain Titan..

Daijiro: "Hi."

Cierra: "Jiro.. y-you know us."

His stoic frown turned to his gentle giant smile as he speaks..

Daijiro: "Hehe."

Candy: "You're that giant with Peggy, right? Any sign of The Cinderella?"

Daijiro: "Inside."

That unexpected harsh tone gave Candy shivers, nervously responding..

Candy: "R-right."

Cierra: "Wuh.. why're you so intimidated? Jiro's a mountain, but he's gentle. Not to mention.. like you, kind of cute.."

Taking advantage, Daijiro acts with a sudden posture change and a sharp noise sounding like..

Daijiro: "BOO!"


Cierra panics as she scrambles towards the growing crowd in a sudden burst of fear.

As a line starts forming, Candy has one last thing to say..

Candy: "Yipes. She's too brittle, big man."

Daijiro: "I know. Hehe."

Candy: "Look at that.. I better go get her before she runs into someone or something that'll cause more chaos.."

Later 3.jpg

Surrounded by cars of all shapes, styles and sizes, Candy's search goes terribly as she focuses her sight in certain places.

Candy: "What a speed.. how'd I lose her?"

This blonde, buzzed hairdo was the next landmark in sight, but it was closer than she anticipated..

Murph: "Eh? Lose what?"

Candy: "Wh-whoa.. didn't notice you there, Barrington."

Murph: "Oi oi! That's me. You alright, Candy? You were at wit's end the past day."

Candy: "Much better."

Murph: "Jolly good. Jolly good. Though I shouldn't ask. Packed lot tonight, ay. Let's stick."

Adhering with that advice, Candy didn't take long to eventually query..

Candy: "Think you can help a first timer around? What's usually done around here?"

Murph: "The normal stuff.. show off cars, cruising around the venue.. oh wait: since The List and the Big 3 blokes are here, we're gonna get to doing some race wars."

Candy: "Wars?"

Murph: "Yup. Usually it's a something like 3 or more versus that amount race event, but these days, duels are what's on the frying pan. Load's o' money going around people butting heads.."

She likes the thought of money, but deduces duels and the stacks of cash together means there's a hint of difficulty.

With that in mind, she thought out loud..

Candy: "Oh? Must be big."

Murph: "You know it gets bigger. Sometimes car's gone in to get itself involved. But if we racing for pink slips these days.. it's like a solar eclipse, ay? You don't see the like of it very much. You in?"

Candy: "Hmmm.. since Hamza lent me that racing MINI, I like the chances. But how's this 'war' thing work?"

Murph: "S'all a team event, so.. you're going to need to take a side. Today, it's either The List or the UK's Big 3."

Well known, but not sided, Candy slumps in a low, as she mentions..

Candy: "Well, that's now out of my alley.."

Murph: "Ahh, sweetheart, you're talking to Murph! If we find the bossman, perhaps I can sweet talk him into letting you drive for us. And let's say ol' Murph has the knack to find that man in black. Stay close."

He might be bluffing, she thought, but they extinguish as soon as Murph walks towards a small group of familiar people.

Ramlie: "[whistles]. Candy! Get over here."

Candy: "Oji-san! Oh, you're.. one of the original, was it?"

Ramlie: "I'm flattered you still remember, girl. Then again, we aren't testing what's just known this day."

Candy: "Not like I should.. but it looks like the dark one's in his power armor."

Upon mention, the man behind this thick armored skin speaks in his artificially adjusted tone.


Murph: "That's what's said. If you don't minding me asking: where's that man's.. loving doting wife?"


Candy: "Aww.. That's romantic."


Candy: "I mean.. team racing between your crew and the UK gang? I'll ride with you bunch, but, I feel there's more to know."

Under all the heft, The Outlaw crosses his weighted arms..


Candy: "No sweat, though I need details. Do I pick who to go against?"


That last name agitated Candy to shift towards her unsensible self.

Candy: "Perfect. I'll handle the Cinderella."


Candy: "Already looking forward to it.. I'll give it my all, but stakes?"


Murph: "Bloody yes, I'm so pumped up! Anywho, what's in the 2v2?"


Candy: "Don't they hate each others guts? I understand competition, but camaraderie?"

The Outlaw: "YOU'LL SEE.."

It's a street sanctioned event, but Candy can't help but find herself in her racing attire.

As she's about to enter the track toy MINI, a young man comes in bearing a message..

Hideki: "Hey, it's almost time.. whoa.."

He's stopped on his tracks watching the sight of Candy in a more professional form ever since that day in Kyoto.

Candy: "Deki-san? Goodness, I almost forgot you're here. Where's Yumi-san?"

Hideki: "Mingling around. She gets really energetic for things like this. This is a strange looking MINI."

Candy: "At least you noticed."

Hideki: "I'm not colorblind, so that's not an issue. Anyways.. how did this war turn out so far?"


Candy: "If I'm a team player, I say it's not going too well. The dark one went first to duke it out against a track ready Aston Martin. It was down to the last moment.. then the Spitfire took it."

Scratching his hair, Hideki confusingly replies..

Hideki: "That's hard to hear.. Jacob-san losing in his best form.."


Candy: "He opted to race without his performance enhancements today.. A wake up call to say he needs to drive without them eventually, I hope. Up next was Murph and J.J. That McLaren was all over the roads.. but it was still such a potent machine, so much so that I say J.J earned his win."

Hideki: "Guess this Big 3 team up is not for show.."


Candy: "You can say that again. The team race followed, but it was a landslide victory for The List."


Candy: "The dark one was right: their desire for competition turned them into completely ignoring their supposed opponents, and onto facing themselves. It was a dance of ice and fire.."

Hideki: "Nirvana VS Sonny is the greatest long running street racing rivalry.. that is tactics at work."

Candy: "And I'm up next. I hear that this Cinderella person drives a Fairlady.. any clue which one?"

Hideki: "No.. the only Fairlady I saw tonight was this red one.. an RZ34."

Supposedly familiar, Candy couldn't quite picture that car code in her head, as she looks down in thought..

Candy: "What? Never heard of that code.. oh wait: it's the new one?"

Hideki: "Yes. Could it be so, I'll say it's also really tricked out. Like it was built for track racing. Yumi-san mentioned it might have tons of power running it."

Candy: "That might be tricky.. on this track with the giant speedy straights. Looks like I'll have to give it my all on the corners.."

Hideki: "I'll leave you to it, then.."

Inside the dark interior, Candy's thoughts are drowned by this prospective rival being no slouch.

Candy: "Mmmm.. this just got a whole more interesting."

Just behind the start finish line, the two cars await the go, but Candy takes this time to head out and see the Cinderella behind the wheel.

Windows sliding down, Candy looks on and gets the first word..

Candy: "Well, here you are. I was hoping your little episode earlier won't set you back. Guess I was right. You look good."

Cinderella: "As are you. I heard about the day before. To think you'd allow Cierra of all people to help get you back in shape. Should've been there to see your broken self. But.. I won't hold back if you're going in, 100%."

Candy: "Sounds like a confident, prospective opponent.. but today, it's not about winning or losing. I want to see the conviction of your dedication."

Saying those words like she's done in the past, she couldn't however help feel a chill, and turns to see something disappear.

Candy: "Is.. that?"

Cinderella: "Hmmm?"

Not going to let fear take her, she shakes it off and looks back to her rival..

Candy: "N-nothing.. Let's get started."

Cinderella: "Right then. Best of luck, my little lollipop."

As the windows head back up, and the Nissan pumps out its V6 powered roar, Candy heads back to the MINI, thinking..

Candy: "Why did I see that? Nishimura-Sensei.."

Closer To The Edge
30 Seconds To Mars
This Is War


Do you know what Closer To The Edge is?

It's the song that has me close my doors in terms of story writing. That was 10 years ago. It's more of a self reflection.. My thoughts have been contemplating on quitting writing COTW. It's not taxing, just that.. all that it looks from my end is that of self satisfaction, not for anyone else at all.


But let's go put that aside and go to the tuner's analysis. Yes, I'm not expecting one at all for cars like a Vision GT, but this one has quite a good variable of adjustable parts on the go. I would go and actually say it's blessed, because there are a good choice of machines that you aren't able to do this kind of work at all. Exhibit A: the Honda 2&4. I guess most Vision GT cars have this adjustable lot, some better than others. I'm not spending millions to find out, OK?

Unlike race cars, you can't add on more power to the MINI VGT. Which is a shame. I'd add a better turbo and things like that. And speaking of powerband, you have the gearbox. It's an excellent racing gearbox, but you can't change the individual gears. If you're simple minded, I see no quarrel, but those who exploit the use of these gears might want to drop the idea of tuning the car. What I do however is just.. shorten it a bit. Shorten it to the track's longest straight. Shame about if you're the kind that adapts gears to various corners, but hey.. if life give you lemons, you might want to consider shredding the skin, then squeezing the juices on your eyes like Patrick Star does.


With suspension in mind, the understeer we get from this car also comes to mind. I'm going all in on the oversteer. Higher rear values, stiffer anti roll.. the things I cover quite a bit in a vague manner. Time to see if anyone's even tuned this thing..


Nobody? Ahh whatever. This car doesn't NEED the tune, but you are welcome to tune. Just that you have to live with the underste-OH GOD NO, GET THAT CRAP OUTTA HERE. WHY CAN'T WE DO ANYTHING TO THE HEIGHT?! AHH WEEEE, 1 ARB FRONT, 10 in. The. REARRRR!! (okay SPD, enough innuendo)

This is me losing my mind. By the way, don't go ham, okay. The car actually has a small rear bias on its torque. If you have all the hardness in the rear, you might find open a rift to a whole new dimension. If the JCW Countryman is in that one, sign me up!


It probably isn't. But let's get to the other things you can change: the LSD and the Aero. With the LSD, that's actually okay in my book. Deceleration excepting, that you bring down. Initial torque also MINIMIZE!

To be honest, for a mid speed BOP track, why would you change the aero? The car turns quite well as is without considering the understeer. You can lower it to 150-250, or go as high as I think it was 300-350, I'm not checking. EFF THAT, HOW DARE YOU!

It's not very tuneable, but the base car by itself is no ways a hard car to drive. It just has a very annoying tendency that you are given the opportunity to iron out. Personally, laps with this thing are a pleasant cruise when you get used to the understeer.



Murph: "No arguments there from me, boss."


Cinderella: "Rubbish! No way that wagon's quicker than me here."

Candy: "We're running on two seperate zip codes, my out-of-kingdom slice of royalty."


Candy: "Her braking.. is astoundingly good."


Cinderella: "It's got trouble getting around, is it?"

Candy: "We still have a ways to go.."


Cinderella: "Keeping the pressure going.. she's real sweet toothed all right.."

Candy: "In this range, she's toast in no time."


Cinderella: "Boll. Ocks."

Candy: "Does accelerate, this MINI.."


Candy: "Breathe.. we got this.. the final lap."

Cinderella: "Right then.. I hope you're watching, Candy!"


Cinderella: "Peggy's probably going to end me if I try for an overtake here.. I'll give it a go there.."


Cinderella: "This time, from the outside!"

Candy: "Whoa.. crafty, aren't you?"


Candy: "She's blocked me the whole time, but.. let's see if she's as crafty as I am."


Cinderella: "I.. uhh.. she knows how to use that."

Candy: "The juke worked. Outside to the inside in the blink of an eye! The game's up. I've always been the better player, princess. I earned the Le Glace Pacer name."


Even in defeat, the Cinderella takes her car in, but gets ran in by Candy still in her racing suit, and obviously in a sugar rush.

Cinderella: "Whoa there. You seem tense."

Candy: "That's what races do to me.. you see that last turn rush? Honest, that was a hard victory to snatch."

Cinderella: "Yeah? Who bloody knew a station wagon could go, having a dance around my Fairlady like that?! You're good in my book, sweet one."

Candy: "Sweet one? Umm.. thanks. You're.. not so bad yourself. If you're not busy getting hunted or whatever.. how about you come over to Tokyo?"

Cinderella: "Peggy did me a solid on that idea. Coming from you, I'd love to!"

Taking off her helmet, Candy sees her opponent turning her body, putting aside eye contact, perhaps in shame..

Cinderella: "You know.. tasing you out of a whim.. we really got off the wrong foot, didn't we?"

She moves towards her sight and gets her back in her attention, replying..

Candy: "True. Let's start over. Candy, and you're Cindy."

Cinderella: "That's MY line! Right from me kisser, was it?! You need to be THIS tall to call me Cindy, love."

Her voice is raised enough, but Candy knows enough that this is one torch ignited..

Candy: "Ohh, hahaha.."

Cinderella: "Heehee.."

Following a brief laughter, the Cinderella raises the pinky again..

And Candy gripped it with her own..

Candy"This isn't going to be our last ride."

Cinderella"That's what she said."

Candy"[sighs] F[BLEEP]er.."

As these women separate back to their groups, Candy receives a cheering from various Listed individuals..

Ramlie: "Look at that! You showed her she's just a fairy tale, right?"

Murph: "Nah, she's the real deal, on and off track, ay."

Candy: "Well, gang. I say I earned a well deserved reward.. How about some business?"


Hamza: "Ohh, it's not going to be soon, but you have my attention, little one."

Sonny: "She's not quite there yet, but I don't mind a bump draft, cheh.. Though, perhaps the Scott brothers can bite."

As she finds herself basking in the glory, she can't help but feel that chill again.. and this time, she sees the source.

An apparition of her old master watching on, and upon clear sight of it fading, Candy rubs her eyes, and shouted..

Candy: "W-what the??"

Murph: "Cor? What's she onto?"

Sonny: "No idea, bro. Umm, Candy baby. It's me.. your favorite Asian American Badass.."

Candy: "N-Nishimura.."

Her moments of glory are ruined by the memories of sorrow, making her hasty exit with a deluge of tears.

They were ready for another panic attack, but an emotional attack wasn't in their dictionary. The Outlaw presumed with questions..


Sonny: "Naw, dude. That's definitely sadness down those cheeks.

And it didn't take long for the Big 3 to send out a representative..

Samantha: "Was it?"


Samantha: "Duly noted. Will relay ASAP."

She found herself in the lounging area earlier, but it's now Candy, not Cindy, that's in distress..

Candy: "Shinzo.. sensei.. I found the calling I desire to follow, but.. ever since your demise, I lost the courage to move forward."

Expecting a ghost, the sounds that do play out are more like high heels rather than a chilly wind..

Candy: "W-who's there?!"

And to reply, that sound closens in to someone all in yellow..

Miranda: "It's me.. the ghosty ghost of.. Deep Forest! Booo~ How dare you add a hairpin in the end of that long straight.."

Candy: "K-kami! What's this n-nonsense!!"

That sudden angry response persuaded Miranda to change her tone in a slight way..

Miranda: "Can't take a joke? Oh poo, I can't just let you come rushing in here all alone~"

She struts in and leans down, noting the most important thing: her reddened face.

Miranda: "Oh sweetie. Your makeup's a complete mess!"

Or not.

But Candy rubs her eyes to see..

Candy: "You're.. the lion Carlyle's friend. Miranda, was it?"

Miranda: "Aha, you still remember, eh? Now be silent.."

Candy: "Wh-huh?"

Miranda: "Hmmhmm.. Lyle-bear mentioned quite a bit of you, Candy. You're often bitter on the outside, and looks to me you let it seep in."

Her next act was to then sit by Candy, hold her hand, then sing a soft melody, humming the notes as she swoons back and forth..

Miranda: "Hmmmmmm, mmmmmmm, hmmmmmmm, mmmmmmm, may.. the sun.. the sun shine bright.. may the sun, shine, bright on youuu..."

The experience of her sweet smooth voice playing out in her teenage theatre playing days pays off, as she sees Candy in a much better form.

Miranda: "Mmmmm... all better?"

Candy: "Uhh.. what a soothing sensation.. why help me? We don't even know each other."

Miranda: "Hmm? Let's say today I'll be your sweet soul sister, darling."

Both the women get back on their feet, but Miranda still kneels to get a face to face, saying..

Miranda: "Now, please promise me two things. You tell everyone truthfully about this sudden distress, eh? And also mention nothing about me keeping your emotions in check, right?"

Candy: "Right..p-promise."

Miranda: "Hmmhmm, I best be off before someone comes charging in. Bye now."

And as she makes her swift walking exit out the left, not a minute in and rushing footsteps enter from the right..

Cierra: "There you are!"

Candy: "Cierra! You.. you came?"

Cierra: "Of c-course I did. Thought I saw someone else.. but you're.. you're OKAY!"

Not a fan of this sudden shift in amplification, Candy interjects..

Candy: "AIIE! Volume, Cierra."

Cierra: "Whoops. My bad. Ehehe."

Candy: "Anyone behind you?"

Cierra: "Umm.. I didn't look behind, but it should be the G-Dog"

And just as that name was spoken, said G-Dog barges in.

Gary D: "Hoo.. That's some cardio or what? Yup. This some deja vu level s[BLEEP]t.. Yo, double R, she fine?"

Cierra: "Crystal clear, G-dog."

Gary D: "Yeah? Well.. aight, she good. I need some air, for sure.."

And it wasn't the end of people barging in..

Cinderella: "Whew.. that's got me blood pumping. Oh, Candy? Got you this time, darling."

Candy: "You didn't have to.. I mean.."

Gary D: "I'm about to make a 2 billion IQ guess, yo. They say it ain't your BPI so it's definitely a bad memory. You looked back in the past."

Candy: "Not just that.. I saw a ghost.. one I ran from."

Gary D: "So you know: we ain't calling no ghostbusters, doll."

Cinderella: "Gary, those antics are to be put aside unless you're going to clown school! And you're not!"

Cierra now finds the time to chime in..

Cierra: "Ran? Means.. a-after us, as the Ternion.. you were.. alone, right?"

Candy: "...."

Gary D: "A silence like that's a confirmed, dog."

Miranda's soothing sensations still strong in her soul, Candy then remembered the promise she's made and takes it to heart with the following speech..

Candy: "The man who taught me to become the racer I am now promised me to use the skills taught to me for my benefit, but.. I betrayed his ideals. To always remember the past. And when I did, it came back to haunt me.. emotionally."

And again, the breaching of the room's peace keeps getting intruded, with Ramlie now part of the act.

Ramlie: "Ahh.. Shinzo was it?"

Candy: "Oji-san.."

Ramlie: "Yeah, I saw this ghost or something. Not like a silhouette, lah. More like from your deadpan stare to nothing. But I had a great interest in the mythical bulldog.."

Candy: "Ugh, just admit you didn't see it.. okay? I ran, because I was afraid to move on... that's it."

They all buy it, but Gary sensed something else..

Gary D: "That sound forced, you feel me?"

Cinderella: "Like the bliss of an onion and cheese pastry.."

Ramlie though collected his thoughts, responding..

Ramlie: "I'm not the right guy for this. I'm just Uncle. But I can be good parent figure too. Candy. And I can tell you've been about a lot. You're.. much more talkative and expressive this day rather than when our relationship was just pro, lah. You're never like this."

Candy: "Ohh.."

And I suppose it's okay to mention one last intruder.

Jake Ross: "Of course."

The presence of Jacob Ross as himself was a strong statement of confidence, but not for the Cinderella..

Cinderella: "Who's this?"

He decided it's time to raise a killer stare towards the woman taking his mantle on leading the story writing, on which its effectiveness shows..

Cinderella: "UUUHHHAAAAA!!"

She makes an exit, hastily with Cierra..

And just as Gary was about to follow, he heard..

Jake Ross: "Oh no. Gary, I request you stay."

Gary D: "Ehh.. sure thing, JR."

And once again, he's the one towering above Candy who has issues..

Candy: "You better have something we can work on."

Jake Ross: "I might. Remember when you messed up Jess in the head.. I've already paid that back, but it speaks to me.. the kind of people that exploits others pasts.. usually knows about this when they too have, say.. an exploitable past. Why did you quit the street racing game, and hopped on the FIA the first chance you could?"

Ramlie: "Whoa, boss.. you couldn't have figured that out by your own."

Jake Ross: "Jess.. inquired about this. Relentless. Finding out she's got the closest thing to a younger sister does that to her fragile psyche. She cares. Immensely."

Gary then adds to his part of this tale, remembering Shinzo's last moments before cardiac arrest..

Gary D: "JR, dude.. I know where you're at. Was it that time I handled some lowlifes under V? We was at the hospital, with Keith?"

Jake Ross: "Right. The timing of your career's beginning was during the time I handled the Yakuza family responsible for his death."

Candy: "I can't deny that.. it coincides with Moto-san's end of service to that family.."

Gary D: "Yeah, girl, but why run though?"

Candy: "What happened to him.. might be a by product of his infamous reign.. as his successor in that field, I.. I don't want to end up like that. So I severed all public ties, went for greener pastures."

A man who's faced hardship and triumphed, Jacob now thinks this is the time for an aesop.

Jake Ross: "It's not wholly that.. but you ain't wrong, missy. Candy.. if you need to face this ghost.. you do it like I did with Jess: courage."

He paused for a moment, then brought the point further on, speaking with conviction..

Jake Ross: "And fact is: I know courage by it's lonesome ain't enough. Don't know how courageous exactly you are, Candy.. but the other element I use to help her face this ghost.. is companionship."

Again, with Gary's perceived lack of intelligence, he decides to say something out of his gut about companionship, replying joyfully.

Gary D: "Yeah. The G-Dog's a lustrous pearl, but what makes the pearl shine is the gang I run with back in the hey day. For sure, I miss my homies, but they ain't never getting forgotten."

Jake Ross: "Good call, Gary. To you, Candy.. I'd induct you into the List alone for showing me you can race, but I want to see your courage in facing this past demon. That time will come eventually."

She stares down to their legs, in thought, then spoke soon after in realization..

Candy: "I.. start to see. In fact.."

A first hint of friendship back in Blue Moon, Candy now gets a first hint at furthering a social link bound by something stronger than friends who relate: good friends that care.

Candy: "That's probably just what I need. It was always Candy Lam.. by herself.. now.. I guess I must open the clam eventually. I'm happy this all happened.. all because I found Rin-san by chance. But now.. I'll look back as the milestone for my growth. Thank you.. thank you all."

The first to reply was the Malay born speedster, satisfied with these results as he mentions..

Ramlie: "You see, ah. I'm proud of that decision."

Jake Ross: "Lee, can I entrust you with keeping her in check when you're bringing the heat in Tokyo?"

Ramlie: "Absolutely. In fact, you still live at the same place in Ginza, right?"

He tips his hat and turns back, walking slowly out, but not before saying his final line for today..

Jake Ross: "Then we're done.. you have a lovely holiday, missy."

Candy: "Wait!"

Jake Ross: "Hmm?"

Candy: "Perhaps. It sounds dumb.. but what about.. advice for the future?"

Distraught by her taking advantage of messing with the script, Jacob has the perfect line..

Jake Ross: "Hmm.. sure you heard Sonny's looking for a second.."

Not a second hearing that line, Candy goes into World Tour mode and dashes in with a quick Rising Uppercut.

The spectators had something to say about this perfect counter hit.

Gary D: "Ooooohhhhh daaayyuummmm.."

Ramlie: "KA-POW! That's what I call courage, hehe."

He should be seeing stars.. but he didn't sell any hint of it.

Jake Ross: "I see Luce taught you how to wind up such a fist.. because my little Asian flower.. that hurt."


He's truly done with Candy, but he's yet to finish settling his ideals with someone else..

Sitting alone by set up seats outside as various cars race past, Jacob discusses with Nash about his foreseeable future.

Jake Ross: "So.. by next week, perhaps I might head on to see what manufacturer's able for me."

Nash: "Hmm.. now I hear it personally, I'd say I'm proud.. but.."

Jake Ross: "I.. must apologize. You must have something in the works for me. No hiding, Nash; I can see the disappointment."

Nash: "It's not for your successes. It's for mine. Verily, I'm still in limbo. Nobody wants to sign me up due to.. you know."

Jake Ross: "The sickness. I know."

Nash: "I too need something Sophia set you up with. A proving ground to test my mettle. And the chance that happens.. they'd find some way to take me aside. It's a tad frustrating, it is."

Jake Ross: "How open are you with Sophia?"

Nash: "Very. As her boss, of course."

Jake Ross: "Did you know what she told me? That Hyundai and Genesis are at a shortage for drivers, and would welcome me."

Nash: "Oh? That's news."

Jake Ross: "That so? Well, I have plans with a few American companies rather than there. Maybe you can be there in my stead. You take that route, and I'll back you up with Sophia."

Nash: "That is a veritable option. Very well. Looks to me I might have a chance, but.. I.. might have another idea. We'll see how this will go."

But he then takes a step into a more sensitive topic..

Nash: "And Jake... about your inner dark side.."

Jake Ross: "I figure it has to come out sooner than later. No matter how many was I plan to kill it, it finds itself coming back, time after time.."

Nash: "So you chose to embrace it rather than destroy it again."

Jake Ross: "To do so again.. might end up hurting more than me alone. All complex."

Nash: "Very well.. I do oppose this as you know, but my concern is that.. you do so for the good of others. I beg that you don't stray too far off the sane, Jacob."

He's not comfortable with it, standing up and readying to leave..

Jake Ross: "I'm finally where I yearn to be, both physical and mental, but.. to go further is to eventually lead to us clashing. Considering.. it's for the better."

Nash: "Don't you worry.. should you require, I hope to please.. and I truly hope next we meet.. let it be on the track. Perhaps the rest of Sim Gear.. and Mythic will hop on to do battle together."

And the final line from him today (really this time).

Jake Ross: "One more thing.. Candy, in Mythic."

Nash: "Oh yes! Hmm.. I like what's being proposed, Jacob, that I do. There's a but."

Jake Ross: "Spit it out."

Nash: "The attention's new, so I need to see her in action with my own eyes.. verily so."

Jake Ross: "I suppose.."

Nash: "Let's see if I can tug a few strings, set up a few Group 3 exhibition races in the start of our new, fruitful careers. As you say.. it's showtime."

Jake Ross: "Took the words out of my mouth."


So, what is the MINI Clubman Vision Gran Turismo?

It's not how dare you, because that's what happened the last time, a year ago.


Aside from my taste in unusually well themed liveries, it shows no way towards me that infuriates or gives a vengeful hatred towards. It's a fine, rocket fueled AWD race car with a hint of versatility and a few issues in its presentation, and that nasty handling. It's not bad, but definitely no way perfect, because let's face it: nothing is perfect.

To compare, the MINI Countryman was a complete Sleeper in my book when I had it around Horizon 5's Mini Mexico. This probably might be what happens should it ever end up having the NFS Shift treatment of tuning should Horizon ever adopt it. Though it's got its issues, one with a spare million credits can probably find a Sleeper in it. I did, but unlike what I think with the Countryman being an incredible Sleeper, this one's barely so.

Might be the new weekly car, who knows? I've been looking for something that can do everything, and why didn't I see the obvious choice?? Oh wait, because the sole modern MINI we got is a supercharged madhouse, that's what.


As I said in the Tuner's Analysis, this is the signs saying I'm definitely not going to keep this up on the super long run. We're having a happy celebration about me being angry, and I'm sad to surprise you all about this. Perhaps I don't add enough to the entire shindig of what you all do here, or perhaps I look at myself too often. Hey, that's why the lone Singaporean character is a punchable, self loving overpowered ass, right?

Or maybe that Forza Horizon 5 iteration's slow death seems to seep into me. Peculiar. By the way, this is all subject to change, so of course there be a chance I can do another review/Candy's bizarre tale next week. I've already got the storyboard done for DeLorean week.

I have this feeling that someone sighs FINALLY: the focus is back on to Le Glace Pacer now.

A good chunk of the roster has come, and the other half.. if not within the notable list might not be arriving soon.

Curiously, a pair of muslim nation characters. Completely a coincidence, by the way.

Ramlie stems from my Malaysian half. Somewhere I mentioned I'm mostly Malay. Well, I'm a genetic mess at that department, but let's not go there. If you're Malaysian, chances are you're a street racer if you do mountain rides up and down certain hillsides, or if you just run down their heavily regulated expressways. Another underseen candidate for this is the taxi drivers. Not only are they EVERYWHERE, but I've made up a rumor on how they're secretly the fastest thing in the Malaysian streets. That's where Lee comes in. And of course he has to be ethnically Malay too.

Hamza however has a couple sources. My first thought is that when an Arab character is portrayed, it's always.. antagonistic on my end. It's mostly true if we look outside of fiction, so I made a twist on that. Way I see it: not all Arabs have to be terrorist supporters, straight up terrorists, something that's an offshoot of that, or perhaps just indirectly connected to terrorism. His internal code is 'adventurer', and he's going to be my fictional take on why the hell Group B exists in GT World.

A bit of trivia these past 14 weeks: every entry has HOW DARE YOU in the script somewhere. With this mention, you know this is definitely intentional.

For Hideki Minami (5)
see Episode 1

For The Outlaw/Jacob Ross (5)
see Episode 2

For Sonny Meng Xian Zhen (5)
see Episode 3

For Murphy 'Murph' Barrington (5)
see Episode 7

For Jovan 'J.J.' Jensen (7) and Gary D-To (5)
see Episode 8

For Daijiro Sasaki (7), Samantha Walsh (7) and Cierra Mercer (Sport)
see Episode 9

For Nash Kirkham (5)
see Episode 10

For The Cinderella (7)
see Episode 11

For Miranda Summers (Sport)
see Episode 12

For Alan Robinson (5)
see Episode 13

One of The List originals, Ramlie is known mainly as Tokyo's Fastest Taxi Driver, breaking speed limits he usually has a hand in establishing. While he can't hide his age, he's an optimistic man who desires speed through and through, never stopping his honing of said crafts he's found himself excelling at.

Theme Song: Ozzy Osbourne - Love To Hate
Racing Duel Music: Digitalism - Circles (Eric Prydz)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Malaysian
Age: 51
Current occupation: Taxi Driver
Distinct features: Naturally bald head surrounded by a slight darkened skin tone. Stubby round face, almond brown eyes, wide nose and mouth with large, shiny protruded teeth. Slightly short, but with average build.
Choice of clothing: A mish mash of whatever he finds, but usually it's a buttoned shirt with great color representation, denim shorts, slippers and cheap dark tone sunglasses.
Cars: Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, Mazda Atenza Gr. 3 Road Car

Born the second of four paddy farmer's children in a small rural community within Kedah, Ramlie never amounted to anything in life other than making sure by the end of the day, his family gets their well earned compensation. While the labour work wouldn't stop, his aspirations came to fruiton upon his family getting themselves into an industrial scale, bringing in the use of machinery to help with the farm work: garnering an interest in these machines, from what, to eventually how.

He never stopped learning to become an engineer so he too can invent and produce these marvelous creations. However, this enthusiasm would wane for a moment as soon as he's dropped out of high school. While the farmer's life would satisfy his family and friends, he aspired for more, still thinking positively that he's bound to make that impact in life somewhere. With the gizmos and gadgets mindset still strong, he headed out to make a living driving taxis.

Years pass, and Ramlie's small taxi company finds itself in good steady condition to run without issue. On the side, however, he dabbled into being a mechanic for cars, eventually putting aside one of his cabs to become an experiment street racer with a grassroots engine swap, taking more time to finally succeed. Taking it around the area and the expressways proved to garner him attention in the night racing scene. From then, the famed Uncle was born, riding sedans with unimaginable power into victory.

Finding himself in America after the local authorities drove him out of the country, Ramlie became one of the originals of the List, along the 4 members. Being the original mechanic and handyman of the team helped them out for their long age of dominance until it's time to put the heat aside and settle down. These days, Ramlie can either be working on his self tuned taxi job in Tokyo, or handling few small paddy farms in Japan as its stakeholder. He's eager to do so, but never sure when he can return to Malaysia, wanting to see how life moves on without him.

Once upon a time, Hamza was a well taught race car driver that partnered up with the Californian based Ross family. But looking deep through all his Arab wealth and overindulged lifestyle however is a humble adventurer who dreams to make his legend through the ventures and challenges he readies himself to overcome, like the prophets before him.

Theme Song: The Qemists - Your Revolution
Racing Duel Music: Pendulum - Propane Nightmares (Celldweller Remix)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Arabian
Age: 39
Current occupation: President of a small racing firm
Distinct features: Pale amber skin. Tall triangular face, with a thick, well trimmed full face beard. Clean swept back short black hair. Sharp brown eyes, wide, thick button nose and semi thick lipped mouth. There's usually a few scars healing on his face, but that's never determined where in different points in time. Above average height and below average weight.
Choice of clothing: Defined by his expensive keffiyeh, with a dark green pattern and shiny gold engraving around, etched with his name in Arabic. Always with formal clothing underneath, but remains to him as flexible and loose. Always wearing something above, such as an abaya, kurta or suit jacket, but they show flair of his wealth (gold engraving usually).
Cars: Enzo Ferrari, Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series

Born the youngest son of an Arabic kingdom royalty's cousin, Hamza was actually set for life no matter how dumb or ill thought his decisions were to be. As he grew, these decisions of his brothers ill natured actions molded Hamza into the man he is today, being the lone inheritor of the family's wealth. His eldest brother was a raging alcoholic who passed in a car crash, and the following one caused an upset in his local supercar scene that led to him being jailed for fraud and other felonies. Actually pleased of their departure, Hamza took these lessons to reflect, the former getting his humility in check, the latter ensuring good graces always besting fortune.

In fact, as he reached adulthood, he knew money was the root of all evil. So instead of spoiling himself silly, Hamza thought: why not make a statement in some form in this short life and make something extraordinary. While handling his second brother's left behind assets (including the Enzo he daily drives today), Hamza notices the odd one out in this collection: a Pikes Peak Audi. Researching this car's past granted him a clear vision on what he wants to do.

Hearing of Group B, Hamza started a small racing team. Known as Igneus, the company went on to initially building high performance commercial cars of a more dune hopping nature, but it didn't take off. Instead, the focus eventually changed to reviving the Group B name that wowed many racers' souls in the past, but hopefully also learn the mistakes it had made. To ready himself, Hamza went to America to learn the delicate craft of racing. Famed for fearlessly rallying expensive sports cars with a band of thrilseekers across the nation, he eventually got involved with the Ross family, treating this family with love unlike his own.

Personally asked by the leader for his finances, Hamza's dues are paid back as the secret benefactor to The List's funds engine. And getting tutelage from The Outlaw will soon pay off should he have a need to roar whatever top end machinery he finds himself running with.

Keith Ross: Jacob's much younger brother. (5)
3 women, part of the unbeatable Trinitia L'Assassina. (??) (??) (Sport)
'Ginnie': Gary's current long distance girlfriend who he's strangely trying to keep discreet (5)
Graham: an individual with close ties to Miranda and Carlyle (Sport)
Will: newest of the new age List member, also Lucia's older brother (5)
'Izzy': nickname of Rin's closest friend within Interpol (5)
The Scott Brothers: Texan oil magnates who's also Sonny's main sponsors. (Sport) (Sport)

Members of The List Foundations yet to be introduced proper:
The Arab: wealthy benefactor of The List in its early days, as well as a driving force for reviving Group B racing. (6)
'Clean Gator': A hearty, overweight truck racer (5)
Ramlie Ajie: Malaysian well known as Tokyo's Fastest Taxi Driver (5)
* COTW HQ, 6:00PM *

Esther: “How’s the write up for the Delorean S2 coming along?” she asks whilst poking her head into Vic’s office.

Vic: “Should be about done, just need you to give it the once over to ensure it’s all above board.” he replies while turning his monitor towards Esh.

Esther begins to look through it.

“This review isn’t just about a car that famously got turned into a time machine, it’s not just about a car that’ll never rust due to its Stainless Steel body either.”

“No this review will also talk about a man who to the uninitiated, was so much more than a man who was dragged over the coals by a dishonest federal informant and a few Feds wanting a big name to scalp in ‘The War On Drugs’ in the early 80’s.”

“This is the story of a man that the American Muscle Car trend owes its entire existence to.”

“This is the story of John Zachary Delorean, The Hard Rise & The Harsh Fall.”

“John Delorean was born on January 6, 1925, he would be end up being the eldest of 4 siblings, but it wouldn’t be a completely smooth upbringing with his father been a particular fan of the booze and all the negativity that tends to follow such folks, both emotionally and psychically.”

“Fast forward to 1942, his parents divorced and his father effectively dropped out of John’s life (Booze and no support system).”

“Far from setting a bad example for him, John used it as encouragement to better himself in school for his family and by all accounts, he was reportedly an exceptional student, high grades and was also reportedly quite the killer on the Saxaphone in the school jazz band, to such an extent he got a Music Scholarship after High School.”

“Basically, John was a talented student and while now studying Industrial Engineering after changing from Electrical Engineering, he was also doing a part time job at a Chrysler body shop and while he didn’t know it at the time, it would be the Automotive industry that would be in his future.”

“But around this time, it was 1943, he was of age, there was a war on and the draft came knocking.”

“3 Years and a Honourable Discharge later, he was back, but was forced to put his studies on hold for another 2 years to help his mother and brothers out financially by working for the Public Lighting Commission, stepping up where his father stepped out and stuck by the family.”

“After his families finances were stabilised, he went back to his studies and graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Industrial Engineering in 1948 and then went to sell Life Insurance for a relatively long stint.”

“During which he further improved his communication skills and put his engineering skills to use with an analytical system which helped him sell $850,000 worth of policies in 10 months.”

“But for John, it didn’t hold his interest as much as the Auto Industry did and per a foreman’s recommendation at Chrysler’s engineering garage, John applied to Chrysler’s Institute Of Engineering.”

“He would graduate in 1952 with a Master’s Degree in Automotive Engineering and joined Chrysler’s Engineering team, but this would only last just under a year before the Packard Motor Company lured him away with a $14,000 salary(well over $150,000 in todays money.) in 1953.

“While working with Forrest McFarland at Packard, John further improved their Ultramatic Auto gearbox into the Twin Ultramatic.”

“John would eventually be McFarland’s successor and take over as Head of R&D and while Packard was still turning a profit, they were struggling to match Ford and GM in a price war, so were a few other independent manufactures for that matter, Studebaker Corporation specifically as they merged with Packard in 1954.”

“John now had a choice to make, stay with his current job, but be forced to move to Indiana as part of the Studebaker merge or stay where he and his recently married 1st wife were, but need to find a new job.”

“As if someone was listening, Vice President of GM Engineering Oliver Kelley called Delorean with a hell of an offer, a 2 grand bump to the salary AND he could pick from any of the 5 GM divisions to work in, John ended up choosing Pontiac in 1956.”

“John was now the assistant to Chief Engineer Pete Estes and the General Manager Semon “Bunkie” Knudsen, a man who John would see as a close friend and Mentor.”

“In 1961, John was promoted to Chief Engineer and it was during this time up to 1964 that he created his magnum opus at Pontiac, The GTO package for the Tempest and Lemans, the original Muscle Car.”

“The GTO was a major hit and with John getting the majority of the credit, he was promoted to the head of the Pontiac division in 1965, becoming the youngest division head at 40 years old.”

“John was now at the same table as the other division heads of GM, but despite all being under the GM banner, they weren’t all on the same page with each other, go figure.”

“Nevertheless, over the next few years, John kept Pontiac profitable while other GM divisions struggled, bringing the Pontiac Firebird to life and giving the Pontiac Grand Prix a well needed shot in the arm for the 1969 model year.”

“Despite by this point him having a reputation as a Corporate “Rebel”, he was promoted in early 1969 to the head of GM’s flagship division, Chevrolet.”

“There was a downside around this time, his first marriage ended in divorce, but by May of that same year in 1969, he tied the knot with Kelly Harmon, sister of Mark Harmon, but better known as NCIS’s Jethro Gibbs to most of us.

“It was who he asked to be his best man however that was the real shocker to John’s GM colleagues, none other than Ford’s President Lee Iacocca.”

“Back at GM, John worked like hell to turn Chevrolet around with the Nova & Corvette getting simplified upgrades and delaying the 1970 model year Camaro to help reduce production problems, but it would be the Chevy Vega that would give him the most headaches.”

“While by 1973 he got the Vega somewhat sorted out, it was in 1972 that he was again promoted, this time to Vice President of car and truck production for the whole of General Motors, meaning that the President of GM spot was now well within his grasp in the future.”

“But due to either the other GM Executives being dead set against him being President or him being burnt out over the Vega Fiasco(or both), John would announce on April 2, 1973 that he was leaving GM.”

“Now wherever he was fired or not is still up for debate, but for now, John was out of GM.”

“But not as it would turn out, out of the Auto Industry, John had an ambitious plan, starting his own car company, the Delorean Motor Company.”


Esther: “Christ Vic, all that on its own is good enough for a write up.”

Vic: “And I’m just about to get started on the company that made the car we tested last week, it gets heavy from here.”

Esther: “Bit overkill don’t you think?”

Vic: Esh, you’ve seen Square’s and SPD’s write up’s, mines practically pint sized compared to their well done works.” he brings up a video by Regular Car Reviews that was posted over 7 months after his original Delorean review. “This one’s a full 1 hour & 7 minutes long and he goes even further into detail than me.”

(Possible language warning, it’s RCR after all. :P)

Esther: “Well we’ve come this far, Let’s carry on shall we?”

“John Delorean officially founded the Delorean Motor Company in October of 1975 and the first prototype debuting a year later, using $200 Million Dollars to get the company started up.”

“That $200 Million was made up of business loans, celebrity investments and dealership incentives, but the lion share of it came from the British Government to the tune of $120 Million for building their first factory in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to help counter the high unemployment in that area at the time.”

“Originally, the DMC-12 was gonna be powered by a mid-mounted Rotary engine, but the company building them had ended production, a few other options were considered, but eventually they settled on the PRV V6 which also necessitated a change to the layout, from mid mounted to a rear mounted drivetrain layout.”

“Fun Fact, The Alfa 155 DTM V6 was loosely based on the PRV V6 and the car that set the top speed record at Le Mans was also powered by a PRV V6.”

“Delorean did get a little too ambitious with designing the DMC-12, even wanting a Central Warning System that monitors fluid levels and brake pad thickness and the chassis made of ERM(Elastic Reservoir Molding), it became a mess and needed major re-engineering.”

“Enter Lotus founder, Colin Chapman.”

“Using methods used by Lotus, They got the DMC-12 back on track, but other delays which included the 16 months to build the factory in Belfast meant the assembly lines weren’t opened up until 1981.”

“Oh and the majority of the workers they hired in Northern Ireland hadn’t worked in the auto industry before, that meant build quality on early DMC-12’s was.. ropey to say the least.”

“Coming to market at $26,000, but only packing around 130hp meant 0-60 times of just under 10 seconds and against cars like the 924 Turbo and Corvette, that just wasn’t good enough.”

“Plenty of other outside factors meant that supply was greatly outweighing demand, dealerships started to back out and Delorean was now struggling to pay its suppliers, forcing John to go back to the British Government to ask for $70 million.”

“Now admittedly, a lot of inquiry’s, back and forth and the company put into receivership by the British Government happened, so let’s skip ahead to John making a proposal of paying off half of the $20 million debt so he could start production up again, take out another huge loan to cover any excess debts and also buy the company back from the British Government.”

“The Receivership agreed, but he had until October 20th 1982 to get the money or it was game over for the company.”

“October 19th, John Delorean would be arrested in an LA Hotel Room for Conspiracy To Distribute Cocaine, $24 Million Dollars worth of it.”

“But how did he get to that point?”

“Enter James Hoffman, a friendly acquaintance of John’s and as of 1981, an FBI informant, something he became as part of his deal after he got busted for trafficking Cocaine himself.”

“He told the Feds that John allegedly reached out to him to set up a multi million dollar drug deal to save his company and two FBI agents posed as drug traffickers to help Hoffman set up that fateful meeting in that Hotel Room.”

“Hoffman knew about John’s money problems & so would the Feds by proxy, But it’s still debated if they actively conspired with Hoffman or not just to have a huge name on their list in the War On Drugs.”

“John maintained from the start of the trial that it was Hoffman who reached out to him with an ‘Investment Opportunity’ with no mention of drugs whatsoever and alleged that Hoffman had even threatened John’s wife and children if John had considered backing out of the deal.”

“On top of that, he also alleged that the $1.8 Million he paid to set up the deal wasn’t even his money, it was money loaned to him by one of the feds posing as Hoffman’s drug traffickers.

“And what looked like a rock solid case with the infamous ‘As Good As Gold’ arrest tape, was now looking very shaky, with Hoffman’s testimony looking less credible due to him not being honest & the two feds who were content with bending the rules to get Delorean.”

“John’s defence team went for the throat and got the agents to admit in open court that they were the ones who brought the drugs to the hotel and they were the ones who showed the drugs to John in the first place with the intent of catching him on tape handling them.”

“How clear cut was it to prove Entrapment? The defence team didn’t even need to call upon a single defence witness, not one.”

“On August 16, 1984, John Delorean was acquitted on all charges, but it was a pyrrhic victory, his company was long gone, his reputation was toast and he wasn’t vindicated by the press despite the win.”

“Sadly, John’s future would see many more court rooms, including the following September with him being charged with tax evasion & fraud, but once again, he was acquitted on all charges.”

“With many civil suits heading his way from dealerships & suppliers, John needed a miracle to keep going, luckily for him 1985 was the year that Back To The Future arrived.”

“And guess what the hero car just happened to be?”

“The film and toy royalties kept him afloat to help weather the civil suits and fight them off.”

“But even after all that, he still felt he could rebuild, even all the way up till his death on March 19th 2005 from a stroke at 80 years old.”

“As for the DMC-12, a company in Texas, bought up all the parts, spare parts and possibly the tooling and built continuation cars with upgraded engines, just like the one we tested.”

“The S2 Delorean packs 197hp, weighs 1288kgs, has a 5 speed manual gearbox, CS tyres and costs 525k.”

“It’s handling is actually remarkably composed and stable, albeit with some understeer courtesy of its RR layout.”

“Now granted, a much cheaper RX-7 GTX can battle with it so again, the Delorean is undercut by its cheaper rivals.”

“But again, The Delorean is more than just a sports car, it’s a movie icon, it’s a stainless steel testament to one man’s legacy, a legacy that included the birth of the muscle car genre, one that still goes strongly to this day.”

“Most people only know John Delorean as the guy who started his own car company, failed and was then arrested by the FBI for drug trafficking and that’s a damn shame.”

“Maybe it’s time people learnt that there was so much more to the man than just that.”

“Verdict: Icon”

Esther: “That was quite an experience.”

Vic: (In his head: “That’s what she said.”) “Yeah, it’s quite the story, John had such an impact on American Automotive’s and yet it’s his biggest failures he’s more known for, not his successes.”

Esther: “Sadly that tends to be the case.”

Vic sends over the final draft to Esther to give one last check and gets ready to leave.

Esther: “I’ll make sure it’s all in order before publishing.” she says before turning to leave the office.

Vic: “Hey Esh, can you do me a favour?”

Esther: “Yes?”

Vic: “Make some time for yourself, go see Makoto, because as much as I’m grateful for what you’ve done for COTW as a whole, I don’t want you burning yourself out in the process.”

Esther: “Thanks Vic, I’ll be out by 8pm.” she says with a light smile.

Vic: “And not a minute later.” he replies with a smile.

(5 minutes later)

Vic’s walking through the parking lot and walks past his daily driver to a corner with a car with a cover over it, he removes it and grabs the key from the nearby hiding spot.

Before getting in, he takes a moment to look over the car that’s currently bringing back good memory’s to his head.

(RXGT: And Tricky Vic has won the Super Final of RXGT to claim his first Gold medal!!)

Vic gets into the car, starts her up, puts his hands on the wheel and let’s out a contentful sigh.

Vic: “Hello again, Old Friend.” he says with a smile.

(And Cut🎞️)

No prizes for guessing which car that is. :P

Yes I still have a sentimental soft spot for the Mini Clubman VGT, being my ride of choice for RXGT’s Sprint Series, of which I enjoyed great success in.

With nearly 390hp, 4wd and a 1050kg body, it’s got Gr4 beating performance and rally capability’s all rolled into one. :D

Yes it’s a VGT so it’s got the 1 million credit price tag, but considering the net result it’s gotten for me, it’s worth it. :sly:

Your mileage definitely varies on that last point. :lol:

As for handling, it does push wide on corner entry, but again, my extended history with driving it made me more comfortable in dealing with it.

Okay, i’m probably more biased on this one than most of our picks, so i’ll spare you the rest of a one-sided write up and say it’s a solid one make race machine. :cool:

Verdict: Sleeper 😉👍
For something that boasts a glistening stainless steel body, the DMC DeLorean's tumultuous journey into production is rife with nothing but stains, minor and major; it looked to incorporate novel technologies such as elastic reservoir moulding, unit–construction plastic chassis, airbags, and even a mid–mounted Wankel Engine for 12,000 of the finest 1980s US dollars, but not only did none of that make it past planning, the production version that reached customers' hands saw the Italian styled Lotus chassis pump out a laughable 130HP from a Peugeot–Renault–Volvo V6, hung aft the rear axle for some reason. If you thought all that is a head scratcher, wait till you try to figure out why that shoddily built and largely incoherent mish–mash ended up costing 25,000 USD—over twice its original target price! For everything that John DeLorean had achieved and overachieved in his life up to that point, it seemed that the one thing he'd have benefitted from, but sadly didn't have, was a homie that'd tell him, "You talk too much, homeboy you never shut up!"

Had it not been for a certain movie giving the DMC-12 a starring role, the DeLorean might have quickly faded into obscurity where it arguably belonged. But, the fact is, it's fondly remembered by many because of said movie, so much so that, in 2004, a largely authentic refresh of the original, called the "S2", was unleashed under new ownership, which finally gave the daring, futuristic car some decent shove to back up its looks and asking price... which now amounts to a cool 525,000 Credits... in 2023 money. I suppose that's in keeping with the theme of the original as well.

Boy, if this thing don't have enough power to make this car go fast enough to break special relativity and send me back in time, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure those new owners end up behind bars.

I've never watched "Back to the Future". I think the car is daylight robbery. But I have it in my garage, and I've driven it. Surprise surprise, it isn't total *****. Quite the opposite, in fact!

Had I not seen the spec sheets prior to driving the DMC-12, I never would've guessed that this thing has a rear engine, rear drive layout—RR for short—code for some of the most heinous, bloodthirsty psychos on four wheels, such as the RUF CTR and the Alpine A110, but the DMC-12 simply doesn't Walk This Way. Putting down power doesn't set off a chain eruption of the Pacific Ring of Fire, and trail braking doesn't immediately rot all the rubber plantations in the world. In fact, even with its upgraded 197HP (147kW), it's difficult to get into trouble in the DMC-12. The staggered 195–235mm tyres mean that it's always the front end that's the limiting factor in any situation, from braking into a corner to powering out of it, and they give only slight hints that they may be suffocating for the requisite weight to really challenge the rear tyres throughout. Said 197HP peaks well below the car's 7,000rpm redline, and that is sent forward through a 5 speed manual gearbox geared so tall that mid fourth is all one can reasonably expect to see around most racetracks, which means it isn't going to have the speed to get itself into any real trouble with an experienced set of limbs.

Despite its rather comical, almost off roader 160mm (6.13in) ground clearance, the DMC-12 displays no unwanted or unexpected body motion when a corner approaches, being taut and immediate enough with its suspension setup to put it well into hardcore sportscar territory a cut above established names such as the FC RX-7 and E30 M3. Of course, with its slim front tyres and massively rear biased weight distribution, the front end has to really hunker down on the front tyres to get them to grip, necessitating a softer front end. While this does mean that the front end does struggle for weight and grip into high speed sweepers, it also does mean that the front end is extremely sensitive and responsive to weight shifts, to the point where it felt like my left foot on the throttle pedal was directly tied to a pulley controlling the lift and dive of the front end; every minute twitch with my big toe resulted in palpable weight shift over the front and visible trimming of the turning radii, making the DMC-12 an extremely controllable sports car that offers no excuse to its driver.

In fact, the only hint on–track that the DMC-12 has an RR layout is its featherweight front end, which feels light enough to be carried off by a slight crosswind like a kite. With just 39% of the car's scant 1,288kg (2,840lbs) over the front wheels at rest, one could very effortlessly turn the unassisted steering wheel of the DMC-12 to the point where it goes completely limp and convulses, without ever touching any of the three pedals at speed. This means that drivers will have to be keenly aware of the car's turning radius at any speed, and consciously hold the car within the limits of its front tyres in the corners to avoid understeer, in contrast to modern cars that will at least simulate weighing up the steering wheel when approaching the limits of grip, and let go more linearly past that. Needless to say, the tyres feel incredibly woeful, even for a car of its scant mass and passable power; the DMC-12 largely shares braking points with some of the more unwieldy Gr.4 brick missiles, while itself struggling to surpass 200km/h. While the car is rock solid in the dry, these Comfort Soft tyres are so utterly miserable and almost completely useless in the wet that I couldn't believe that they were radial tyres—I even had to dip well below 50km/h (31mph) for some of Tsukuba's tightest corners in the torrential rain. It really comes alive because of that, though, as I could finally slide the car around, and it retains all the "flickability" and ease of use even in the worst of conditions.

Information on what's been revised on the S2 over the original car is just about nonexistent on the internet, including what's been done to the NA V6 engine to up its power from 130HP to almost 200, but what I can tell you is that it makes peak power at 6,000rpm, past which the charts fall off a cliff, and peak torque is helpfully available from 4,000rpm, making this a car that needs to be short shifted. I personally find best results shifting this somewhere around 6,400rpm of 7,000, which is slightly just past halfway in the game's shift bar. And it just doesn't sound that good. The gear ratios could both be shorter and closer together as well, because as it is currently, it's functionally a tall 4 speed mated to an engine with no top end to redline it on a racetrack. Don't ask me, because I don't know why it's been set up like this, but It's Like That, and that's the way it is.

(Grunting noise)

Because of its limp front end and long stopping distances, I find that I really have to ironically baby this car when driving it hard around a track in order to extract the fastest time from it, to really take care of it and not let it trip over itself. There are no sharp and hard movements to be made with my hands or feet; I have to slowly roll into the steering wheel, ease into the pedals, give the car ample setup and "warning" before diving into a corner, lest I ask the car to do something it isn't loaded up properly to do. Ordinarily, sentences like that I intend as complaints towards the big, heavy, and unwieldy, but the lightweight DMC-12 is hardly uncooperative; it just needs a bit of help and patience to do what is asked of it. Driven right, the DMC-12 not only feels barely like an RR car, but it can also feel a lot lighter than it's near 1.3 tonne mass, almost like what I imagine a Lotus Elise would drive like, dare I say. That is to say, the DMC-12 an intensely engaging drive that puts a microscope to a driver's ability, clearly subdividing drivers of similar skill levels.

Now, you might think that a modern day resuscitation of an 80s icon might not have many rivals to compare it to, but I have not one, but two cars this week which I feel are apt comparisons! The Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX (AE86 Shuichi Shigeno Version) '00 is likewise a boxy, lightweight 2 door rear drive sports car born in the 80s, made into a cultural icon via a work of fiction, and touched up for the turn of the millennium. The Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC) '90 is... a turbo RX-7. It's a well regarded sports car.

How does the steely DeLorean stack up against these two benchmarks of performance?

At first, I thought to myself, "yeah, no way I'm going to be able to work the 86 into the review as a comparo car; it's way cheaper at 120k Credits, the base car drives SO well, it has more power, less mass, and even with a Comfort Soft tyre downgrade, it sits some 50PP above the DeLorean." Of course, I thought that before having driven the damn thing, because when I did drive it, I found it to be an abhorrent pile of garbage that I will never again touch in "stock" guise. It oversteered badly on corner entries and exits, couldn't put power down, couldn't turn, and got left behind by the DeLorean if there wasn't a lengthy straight to reel back in the time travelers. After an ultra embarrassing outing at Streets of Willow, a track I chose, I swore to myself I am NEVER again going to touch this piece of crap without a tune. I would even go as far as to say that the Shigeno 86 is the perfect example of a car ruined by mods, and it makes the S2 look like a freaking rockstar just by giving context of how badly someone can muck up a car; the Shigeno 86 had an excellent base car to build upon with a sensible layout, but failed so badly, whereas the S2 had an infamously garbage base with a layout that only Porsche can make work, yet fought on equal footing against the Shigeno 86 around Streets of Willow all in spite of common sense and statistics going against it.

The FC RX-7 from all the way back on Week 1 of GT7 Car of the Week however, is a much more competent rival to the DeLorean. Sporting a Wankel Engine, the FC RX-7 not only gives a peek at what could've powered the DeLorean, but as an 80s sports car itself, also what a fully realised DeLorean could've been competing against. Being late to realise its potential in 2004, one could say that the DeLorean went forward into the past to do battle against the Mazda RX-7 at Tsukuba ;)

In a comparison between an FR car and an RR car, one would reasonably expect the FR to be the easier, more composed, and much more predictable drive, but instead, the unconventional rotary rocket flips the script by being the rowdy, lairy car of the two, one that never lets its driver let down their guard, holding a knife edge with a snappy arm to the driver's throats to make sure that they never mistreat the car and always have a flick of counter steer primed at the ready. Despite being the lighter and much better balanced car, the manga meister loses marginally to the movie megastar in the corners, only eking back out a small time advantage on the straights with its combined power and mass advantage over the DeLorean. Of course, that's the result of my own testing, and Vic didn't get the memo. The best I could do was to hover between 0.7 to 1 second to his gold plated glare machine at sunny Tsukuba. But hey, it's Tricky to hang with Vic, to hang with Vic in spinny bricks, it's Tricky! It's Trrricky! I did outrun every other DMC in the race though, for what it's worth!

Cars made famous by movies tend to be pretty ***** in real life; think of your Pontiac Firebirds, your Lamborghini Countachs, and your Dodge Chargers. These movie star cars are pretty much the embodiment of the saying, "never meet your heroes". Someone has clearly met their hero with the original DMC-12, and they did a fantastic job of making sure that everyone who was inspired by a DMC-12 had a suitable hero to look up to in creating the S2, outperforming contemporary machines both in pace and ease of use, and even being able to hold its own against modern sports cars like the GT86, all in spite of the fact that it's an RR car. IF all the S2 did was to bump the power of that abysmal engine, I think the original DMC-12 could've genuinely been a world beater, if things had gone just slightly better for John DeLorean and his company. For a passion project by a small, independent company, and for the end product to have been so, so good, I think that half a million credit asking price is... begrudgingly justifiable.

SPD Writes Gran Turismo 7's Car Of The Week: Week 15 - DMC DeLorean S2


Great Scott.. an example of an all form, no function piece of machinery.

So, (Fabulous) Scott is my online handle on Steam. Umm, if you do play games on Steam, be sure to add the official SPD also someplayadude just with Fabulous Scott as a front and whatnot. These days, I'm into playing GTA Online, because well.. friends actually enjoy what good the game offers, and also I'm the PC Crew Comissioner of this website for however long that's existed. And of course, my choice of platform to drive the MINI JCW Countryman around Mini Mexico. Now, that's done, to the car!

Say hello to the SPD Custom Special Pink Diamond Imponte Deluxo DMC Delorean. Like week 1: I too have a specially designated machine for this week.

John Z. DeLorean.. yes, you too can have name realistically with the letter Z, that's probably a Zachary (quick post edit: it was).. was a high earning automotive head in the 60s. For what? Well, it's GM, but more specifically: Pontiac and Chevy. Intentional or not, he's the one who started the muscle car trend thanks to the original: the Pontiac Tempest LeMans GTO, and all he did was stuff a bigger 389 cubic-inch V8 in place of it having 328, but not as a standalone car because GM corporate limitations of having these cars carrying a maximum of 330 cubic-inches in their powerplant. It's introduced as an option to bypass this.. But let's head towards the time machine and skip ahead about.. 9 years.

Of course, even though he's earning a healthy 6 figure sum per year for this (probably more in today's terms), Mr DeLorean wanted to chase his own dreams: make your own cars, particularly ones with a sporty flair while not denting much in the bank. I mean, with all that capital, you too can do what he did and leave GM by 1973, because the then terrible American cars started to emerge, and start off from scratch.

So, he went across the Atlantic, got a big ass 100 million pound loan with the British Government and had a factory built at Belfast, where a civil clashing was brewing between Catholics and Protestants. Of course, right. But interestingly, the DeLorean factory brought these people together and the hires came on without issue.

Now it's car time, and the first car to come from said factory was the DMC-12. For this, they had to outsource. Italdesign's famed Giugiaro made with the design, while Lotus made work with the insides, notably the chassis, of which Colin Chapman himself oversaw. This does mean they're bound to clash, but eventually things settle for the final product.

To the design, the DMC-12 had gullwing doors, inspired by the 300SL. After considerations with a rotary and a Ford V6, the car's powered by a PRV (Peugeot, Renault and Volvo joint developed) V6 that churned out 130 horses.. little for what it looks. And to make matters worse: it's rear mounted, which would mess up handling balance. Colin Chapman too disapproved of this choice, and if he showed that opinion, I would say so too.

What else? The car had stainless steel all over for its main material used: the factor that would become the main reason Doc Brown chose the DeLorean to be the star car of the Back To The Future movies, describing this material being the most suitable one to handle his flux capacitor. In fact, the car's famous mainly because of this trilogy of movies. Because if we look at the final product..

You get what's a well designed, but terribly executed sports car that's made names not because of how it drove or handled, but on how it wowed on the big screen. After some cocaine scandal and certain feelings for overvaluation, the DMC name went bust in 1983. While we got up to 6000 of these things still around, any car nut would know the car's immensely underpowered, and the individual who's handling the DeLorean name offered to upgrade the car's performance to its 197 power output, for it to keep up with your run of the mill sports car, giving it the S2 name, meaning Series 2.

Candy's now both back as the focus, and in Japan. There's one track I haven't touched there that at least needs touching. Let's get to it.


Episode 15: At Ease

Candy's house
Ginza, Tokyo, Japan

At the center of Japan's premier shopping district, Hong Kong native Candy settles herself in a small, semi-luxurious home that's just a quick dash to the nearby malls and branded outlets.

By the front of this modern designed home, a van arrives and a deliveryman steps out from the left, approaching the door cautiously and pushes the button he assumes is the doorbell..

Deliveryman: "Konichiwa?"

Noticing the slit that slides that he assume is a slot for mail, the chest high hole slides open, revealing the sweet eyes of the lone lady with a lack in height that resides, as she spoke with question..

Candy: "Ahh, you're here?"

Deliveryman: "Who's that?"

Candy: "Down here, genius. One moment.."

The slit shuts, and the delivery man hears noises of the door's many bars and locks opening up.

And eventually opening, he then sees Candy, casually dressed with only her lingerie covered by a loose knee length t-shirt.

Chewing gum, she spoke with her usual, semi-bitter tone..

Candy: "Right. Hello."

Deliveryman: "This is the home of.. Candy Lam?"

Candy: "You're speaking to her.."

Deliveryman: "Miss, you have a large package. Sign here, and we'll get it inside."

Handed a paperback and pen, Candy reads the print and signs as the delivery men make their way inside with a sizeable, filled cardboard box.


Now alone in her home's well spaced lounge, Candy's more expressive personality comes out, as she stares at the large box with a glint in her eyes..

Candy: "Ohh I've been waiting weeks for you.."

And she opens said box with no hesitation to reveal the bubble wrapped pieces of..

Candy: "~Jet Jaguar, JET JAGUAR!! Gojira to Jaguar, de punch punch PUNCH!~"

Her excitement however undermines the box's contents as she pushes it mistakenly, only for it to tip the other way and pile the insides of it onto Candy like an avalanche.


Swimming in hundreds of plastic pieces, she calmly exits the pile and sees a booklet slide down the mountain of parts, leading to a quick grab and read after sweeping her body..

Candy: "Bwaaahh! Look at the horde of small parts.. how dare you test my mettle.. time to PUNCH!"

Booklet in hand, she scans through it and bellows a sigh as she got to work, in search of the first piece of progress..


Losing sense of time, Candy pops open the room's light to bask in satisfaction of her efforts, muttering pleasantly..

Candy: "Head done.. what time is it.."

The pleasant mood however changes as soon as she picked up her smartphone and looked on the home screen..

Candy: "10 PM?!"

Tossing the phone onto the nearby couch, Candy grabs her braid with frustration instead.

Candy: "AARGH! Jet Jaguar must punch giant monsters tonight! Any backup?"

A quick zip to her phone on her couch, Candy swipes away at her phone, then browses through her small contacts list..

Candy: "Moto-san.. Super Formula practice in Motegi. Deki-san, not in Tokyo. Anyone SPECIFICALLY in Tokyo.."

Her thinking phase didn't even last long as the one person to answer this comes up..

Candy: "AHAH! Oji-san!"

Just as she sends the message, the lack of an instant response has her wonder what's with the delay.


Thinking of his taxi work, Candy then says in mild disapproval..

Candy: "No response means.. working.. of course. This can only mean I should get to it tomorrow.."

In another part of Tokyo, something cruising past 88 MPH however makes its existence known to a small squad of expressway racers.


A car defined by a classic sci-fi hit, the DeLorean is yet one of those products born in the dark ages of the US automobile industry. That being the 70s to the late 80s. To manage for it to stand out in this era is commendable, really. But having Italian design, British handling and French engine really isn't all too American. And the price? Well, you can get a Ford GT at that price, and that car's just more bang for your credits.

If you found yourself owning the DeLorean early in Gran Turismo 7's lifespan, you'll notice that it's a very unrealistic, fish tailing son of a gun that wants to kill you even when power's not how it's going to do so. Oddly, the changes in physics up to today allows us to experience perhaps a very solid entry to the horrendously overpriced for what it offers.

Placing the engine at the back is supposed to mess up the handling says Colin Chapman, who believes mid mounting is the way to go. It is, but the DeLorean handles rather nicely with its heart by the butt, only having baby understeer should you swing it around a long corner.


The problems of this car also shares the traits with its benefits: it's very subtle. Brakes aren't super duper, and they're quite a small way heavier to the back. To be able to notice this is to bring the car when the roads are less than grippy, so you're never going to notice this at all if you're decent.

Speaking of decency, the DeLorean's subtle nature suggests that it's a beginner friendly car, despite being a Porsche with less resolution. Anyone who cares about the car's inner details would say this car looks the part but not quite has the heart. The 911 GT3 of this period is sort of a much more challenging drive, but you get more power: something you don't buy a DeLorean for, unless you're ready to spend. In that case, the tuner's section later on will cater.

Up to power: it's got 190 horsepower, and this jury rigging of power shows if you're like me who gets into the interior of the car when racing. The analogue 80s speedo still stays at 95 MPH, and this is I feel a 155 MPH sort of machine, and that's just me being nice.. though, it's not abnormally slower than anything at this PP range, so if you feel ripped off..

Stop. Just stop.


We can do the math, and no power means a lot of traction, and on CS, this car has that for sure. It sits high at 160mm, which means, with the soft springs we get bodyroll and weight transfer galore, so prepare for a litle bit of understeer due to grip. Strangely, for this height, it doesn't bounce much, and it's not too favorable with nasty curbs, though this height means you're fine going all out on undulations.

And of course, no power.. That's going to be a recurring theme. As well as how we spent 500 thousand credits. At least it's not like the, umm.. let's see.. of course the Diablo, which is a car with limited availability and costs about 750 thousand. But what you get there is a V12 Lamborghini: the last of its kind with RWD. The DeLorean is a novelty, and you can see that with the price and its what its known for: taking someone through time.

I lost myself there. I blame Nirvana as always, even though she's an entirely fictional entity, it's one I loathe.. lost? Go see Episode 4.

Any other quirks other than fame and price? Well, no, not really. What you buy is a run of the mill, low powered sportscar with a very safe, well built drive. Even in the wet, the car drives a lot nicer than the cars we got in weeks prior. It's not super duper, but well, what is. This is the kind of info I just retort with: that's what I get for being a Saturday lobby regular. It's got a 5 speed manual that works, and doesn't feel sluggish in any way as you climb to a steam train's speed. Not to mention it's fine with doing any of those complicated racing technique, even putting the power early is going to get you angle and less understeer. You're not going to drift it, though.

So, never expect the DeLorean to be in some ways a pay to win car. You're just driving a novelty, like.. umm, the Jeep, the '65 MINI, a good selection of Vision GT cars, and of course the Dior Mangusta. Fortunately, this is a novelty that has use in the street racing game. You're not only able to create your own racing DeLorean, but also make it presentable. It's not as thorough like in GTA Online with the Deluxo, but I'm quite sure what's being offered with the car in GT Auto is serviceable to a good degree. Perhaps fetching, actually.


To end, how about some recent representations? If anyone's played HotWheels Unleashed, the DeLorean Time Machine appears there as one of the best all around cars in the entire game with a versatile boost and great stats. The only other car I can think of with this siumilar performance is the lone MINI that's in the game.. umm.. yeah. I must be sensible, I must be sensible.. And Rocket League's first licensed DLC was with this car too, bringing it to the masses who like sleeper e-sports hit games. The movie after all is a strong force to its popularity, and I'm sort of glad.. the word 'overrated' comes to mind when I think of the DMC-12. The S2 adds on, and with a bit of drive time, honestly I feel that overrated becomes overlooked.

Expecting to be in his custom cab, the man racing the DeLorean past these experienced lot of expressway speedsters however is none other than..

Ramlie: "Apa ini? Sorry lah, Candy. Silly girl knows night time is Uncle's work time."


Later 3.jpg

Hiding behind her front door, Candy hears through the custom slit, listening for steps..

And as soon as that's heard, she opens, energetically grumpy.

Candy: "You're late!"

She shouted, but the delivery man: a different young man, hesitated in surprise as he grips a paper bag.

Deliveryman 2: "AIK! Umm.."


And as what he held is now lost to her, she backs off and slams the door in front..

Just as he's to raise a complaint, he notices the 1,000 yen bill on his hands.

Deliveryman 2: "Umm.. thanks? (didn't she pay this online?!)"

And she then tosses the bag to the couch and the contents spill..

Candy: "Oh yes. 3 bags of the strongest premium coffee powder.. by my hands, Jet Jaguar will protect this Earth!"

Rushing out to get a hot kettle that's been boiled earlier, she grabs a nearby cup from the shelf and prepares the brew that will help her build the invention that will save the Earth.

Or rather, it's her small home as she proceeds to snap piece after piece when at a time like this, she shouldn't even be..

The Following Day.jpg

As morning begins to pass, Candy finds herself slowly getting out of sleep on her couch.

Candy: "Nyuuuhhh... Jet Jaguar.."

Gripping something hard, Candy realizes she's been amorously hugging the lower body of the giant model robot she's completed.


Exploding in panic, she nearly let the built legs crash to the floor with a swift grab, then places it carefully at the center..

Breaking a sweat, she then notes..

Candy: "Phew.. living alone has its perks. Nobody will ever see me the same way if they knew I had an.. unwanted lustful night with Jet Jaguar's lower abdomen.."

Speaking of lower abdomen, she grips her own as her stomach sends her a rumbling mesasge..

Candy: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.. maybe.."


Again at the door, Candy listens for the footsteps, and as they're heard, once again..

Deliveryman 3: "Konnichiwa! Your mochi is her-"

This one has a quicker response, she thinks, but it didn't stop her from making a quick snatch and dropping off another 1,000 yen tip.

Deliveryman 3: "HOI!"

Candy: "Thank you, now scram!"

And the door once again slams to grand forceful effect, luckily nobody in its range.


Travelling through the busy city roads, a classic Pontiac heads towards Ginza..


The driver inside gave thought of what he saw on his phone, and muttered..

Ramlie: "Ahh, this Candy ahh.. what's she so urgently interrupting me for anyways?"

To answer, in Candy's small home, a robot now finds itself completed, Candy noting excitedly..

Candy: "AND HE'S DONE! Whew, that was an effort. I feel like.. vampiric sleep for the rest of the day, then shopping til I drop this night!"

Not wasting time, an energetic Candy grabs the model robot by the waist and lifts it through the home, reaching a spot.

Candy: "And let's put him over here.. and.. uhh.."

As her grip slips his shiny metal body, Candy catches the falling Jet Jaguar with her own self, leading it to crash on her.

She's not seriously hurt, but the predicament she's in gets her to scream..

Candy: "GAHH!! Help! HELP!!"

5 mins later.jpg

Now out of a pickle, Candy then gets Jet Jaguar onto the end of the hallway, positioned the way she wants it, as she looks admirably then quoting..

Candy: "That's what the eff I'm talking about.. and yet.. even without any need of size shifting, Jet Jaguar still tells me of my height deficit."

She was to continue looking on, but a V8 rumble on the outside says otherwise.


Candy: "Ughh.. this one adds fuel to my fire.."

Says Candy in a distraught manner as she knows if a car makes its way on to her driveway.

Not far from it, Candy then heads to the door and listens through it a third time, then opening the slit to see..

Candy: "Psst.. oji-san!"

Ramlie: "Eh? You know Uncle almost forgot about your bespoke door slit, Candy."

Candy: "Perks of knowing a guy who can do custom doors, oji-san. Give me a moment.."

Opening the many locks, she opens to see this hawaiian shirt dressed man greeting her with sunglasses and a smile off his balding head.

Candy: "Phew. Well hello. Any reason you came for?"

Ramlie: "No reason. Just.. you message me yesterday needing help, but you know.. busy nights and the fastest taxi in Tokyo sure does hint of my day to day work.. Figured, now is okay for me to do a quick checkup on you."

Candy: "Ahh, well. I guess it's fine to have you around for a moment. There's going to be a time for people like Lulu and the dark one coming for a visit. And if my manners aren't in check.. what good am I? Come in."

Ramlie: "Too true. Ahh.."

Taking off his slippers, Ramlie takes note on the latest addition to Candy's home decor..

Ramlie: "Jet Jaguar! Nice big statue. Build looks nice.."

Candy: "It's a pricy statue. Not to mention I needed help building it."

Ramlie: "So that's what last night is about? Hmm.. I'm not that into Godzilla in general, but this is your expense, Candy. Looks good."

He might be busy admiring it, but Candy immediately leads with..

Candy: "So, umm.. can you teach me a bit on having guests?"

Winced one eye while the other raised to signal curiosity, Ramlie speaks all he knows about the subject..

Ramlie: "Umm.. sure. You lead them to a seat. Then you ask if they want refreshments. Just the simple ones. Also don't let them boss you around or anything, this is YOUR home, okay? Kick them out when you need to!"

Candy: "Sounds simple enough."

Ramlie: "Easy to learn, hard to master. Like driving cars. That's what I was busy with last night."

Candy: "Oh? How was the young and reckless of Tokyo last night?"

Ramlie: "No, no. None of that. Just had to help a friend of a friend test a car."

That last statement got Candy to a thinker's pose, finger on her lips as she quietly notes..

Candy: "Friend of a friend?"

He's smiling away with a response to that..

Ramlie: "Yup. One of the boss's close pals. Figure you might want to know more.."

Candy: "Well, I guess we can talk about it over some coffee. First room to your right is the TV room, let's use that."

Ramlie: "Sounds good."

As Ramlie comfortably settles in the lounging area, Candy walks in with cups of hot coffee on hand, prompting him to respond..

Ramlie: "So, umm.. you should go buy like a coffee set. Helps with carrying things like sugar and cream."

Candy: "I'm learning.. be warned the coffee is.."

As she was to finish that, he started sipping slowly, then his face changes shape with a wide open response watching the hot cup he holds strong.

Ramlie: "FUIYOOH! This coffee is KAW!"

Candy: "Pardon me?"

Ramlie: "It's good. Strong stuff.."

Candy: "Oh. I'm.. uhh, glad you say so."

Ramlie: "And what's next? I'll probably be off in a while, so maybe we can chat. Few things I want to mention.."

Candy: "This TV's connected to my computer.. I might have something.."

As she turns on the TV, she notices an alert on her phone that follows with a call.

Candy: "Or that. Wonder what those two want with me?"

Using the desktop version for the mobile device social application, she answers from there and directs the audio from the television.

Speaking through the phone, Candy greets gently..

Candy: "Hello?"

Hideki: "Candy-chan? Can you hear me?"

Ayumi: "Deki-san, turn on the camera!"

Turning on his face camera, the two get in position with a backdrop suggesting an airport with all its noise.

Hideki: "There we are. Candy?"

Candy: "We hear you. What's with the airport? Travel? Speak up a little, by the way.. oji-san is here."

Hideki: "Oji-san?"

Ramlie: "You two.. it's me!"

Ayumi: "That man from The List.. THAT oji-san. Haha, I was thinking your literal uncle, Candy-san."

Candy: "That's not surprising, really."

Ramlie: "Alright. What's up?"

Hideki: "Ummm, we were thinking.. there's a tuner's fair in a couple days, and we feel we should bring someone else alongside our whole garage."

Ayumi: "Your name was the first that came up, heehee, and before you ask it's not just me or Deki-san, but both of us."

Interested, Candy has a bad feeling about it as she has second thoughts..

Candy: "Uhh, hmm.. I suppose I can come. Why even ask? RSVP?"

Hideki: "It's not that formal, but I guess it is. But let me warn you.. it's in Hokkaido. High Speed Ring."

Those last words gave Candy a slight upset..

Candy: "Ugh, no wonder I have this feeling.."

Ramlie: "Oh? You are? I'm going to be there, by the way, ah."

Hideki: "And The List?"

Ramlie: "No no, it's by my own volition. A, umm friend of a friend's going to be there."

Candy: "That word again?"

Ayumi: "Well, it's confirmed a party of 3 now. Make it interesting.. Come on, Candy-san!"

She didn't even think twice of coming, despite her internal objections

Candy: "Umm.. It's a slippery slope I'm climbing, but I guess I'll come along."

Hideki: "Nice. Thank you."

Ayumi: "Just makes that whole country travel much more interesting."

Ramlie: "For some of us, it's the journey that makes it so. By the way, you're not busy with a racing schedule right now?"

Candy: "Not in a while. I've been dying to head for High Speed Ring for quite some time. The travel's a complete hassle though."

Ayumi: "Not to mention how incredibly last second it is for us to request your presence."

Candy: "The MINI does need to run that place eventually."

Ramlie: "Well, that settles it for me. I'll be there by tonight, yup."

Hideki: "Oji-san, don't be too hasty! I, umm.. I'm sure a couple days is enough for travel. Candy-chan?"

Candy: "I'm thinking an overnight train, but I'll let that be my thing to handle. We'll see you there in, was it 2 days? Maybe by noon?"

Ayumi: "What says you, Deki-san? It's OUR pre-wedding holiday too."

Hideki: "I hear it's lovely in Sapporo this time of year. Noon sounds good."

Ayumi: "Alright! See you there!"

Candy: "Bye bye."

As the call ends, the scene only now is left with 2.

Candy: "What a bother.. but it's the perfect excuse for me to head over to High Speed Ring. I hear it got refurbished.."

Ramlie: "It was? I hear it just got a new layer of polish."

Candy: "Funny you mention that, you can relax here for a moment while I go and polish Jet Jaguar for a moment.."

Ramlie: "Polish, you mean.. ohh.."

Candy: "Never mind."

High Speed Ring
Teshikaga, Kawakami District, Hokkaido, Japan


A famed locale known for being the gentle starting ground of a racer-to-be also has its share of grade A racing daily, from Sunday Cup, up to Group 4 Cup..


For that moment, there will be no recess for a Clubman Cup Plus launching away just as Candy still gets herself accustomed to Hokkaido's generally cooler air.

Candy: "Scarf, bag, dress, peppermint perfume and makeup.. all check! Now where do we begin??"

The sentence ends as soon as the platinum colored Bandit makes its way past Candy and into the nearest parking spot, to which Candy approaches and greets the man exiting..

Candy: "Oji-san. Just got here?"

Ramlie: "Ahh, Candy? Itu, ye.. yes. Took your sweet time, did you?"

Candy: "You can say that again. Like I said.. went comfy with the overnight express.. with the MINI taking cargo."

Ramlie: "I like how you think, but you must agree.. just driving here from Tokyo's an experience you should try."

She's never got issue with long distance, but the idea of driving more than 10 hours isn't in her approved dictionary as she objects discreetly..

Candy: "I don't think I can work my small body that far, oji-san."

Ramlie: "You don't have to do it alone. We can convoy. Should we need to go to High Speed Ring again.. remind me to mention, OK?"

Candy: "I probably won't forget, or even agree.. were you even.."

Before she furthers her opposing agenda, the thought comes to a halt thanks to..

Candy: "I hear cars.. lots of them.. is anything going on?"

Ramlie: "Schedule says there's going to be a chunk of Clubman Cup Plus events going around. I'll get the Bandit around one such event, at least. Everyone's favorite oji-san is going to be in it to win it. Wanna bet?"

Candy: "Ugh, dear no.. I understand Bandit, and I see you even called it Bandit 1000. Why's that?"

Ramlie: "It HAD 1000 horsepower, but.. that engine blew up. So you can say it's to remember it by, haha. Its factory engine is potent for about 600, but I've an electronic limiter, meaning it should be able to take part later."

She's normally not against nerd talk, but as she keeps gazing on the hood bird, she didn't hide the emotion noted by Ramlie..

Ramlie: "I can see your disgust, Candy."

Candy: "I.. umm.. sorry, oji-san. Muscle cars just fill me with the wrong emotion. The first I met your boss the dark one.. he was in his, umm.. Boss."

Ramlie: "That's his old flame before the new age Mustang. I'm not surprised you even lost."

He's trying to cheer her up, she thought, but she turned a little to the side and mentioned..

Candy: "Considering my reputation, losing is going to hurt it."

Ramlie: "I know losing is a negative vibe, but when I'm surrounded by the people that instead bring out smiles and supporting vibes, there's no wrong in it. Just ask The List. I probably have the worst win record of them all."

Candy: "I.. see."

Ramlie: "Put aside the naysayers and listen to your fans. Candy, Candy, you hear first: I know you're quite the loner, but I suppose there are fan channels out there waiting for you to blow up. Let's make sure that happens for the right reasons, okay?"

She then turns back to Ramlie but with a more positive outlook.

Candy: "Well, you do give a good point. I see why they call you Uncle. Age does wisen you.."

Ramlie: "Right?""

Now on the grand stands, the two watch on the final moments of the grueling race.


Ramlie: "They're at the last corner.."

Candy: "I see an 86 and.. what muscle car is that?"

Ramlie: "Challenger R/T. I can hear a HEMI from a mile away. In fact.. that's my friend of a friend. When we meet, I'll do the honors, okay?"

Candy: "Sure thing."

Due to the high speed nature, predictably..


Ramlie: "No way an 86 can take on that mighty beast."

Candy: "You seem to enjoy watching those engines roar."

Ramlie: "A V8 does wonders to the male body, Candy. But maybe there's someone who's into these kind of cars that's just like you."

Candy: "I believe you. You know my friend Cierra.. wonder what she's up to these days?"

Ramlie: "You don't know?"

Candy: "Extremely quiet in socials, extremely awkward in person. You can say that's the one two punch."

Now with the race over, the spectators move off the seats, and hear an announcement that the pit lane is open, for..

Ramlie: "Looks like a tuner roadshow by the pit lane. Wanna look closer?"

Candy: "Not like I have anything else to do.. I have a feeling the Fuji duo lurking about there.."

Eventually making their way to the designated location, they find a small but fetching batch of cars, the first being a Nissan..


Ramlie: "Roadshow has this on highlight, huh? Let's see here: Fully reforged carbon body gives this S14 breaks the bounds of performance. Opinion?"

Candy: "Tough words, but I don't see it. I've met a sleeper S13 that's miles ahead thanks to its insane engine bay.."

Not far off is another Nissan, but with a venomous twist.


Ramlie: "So this modified Fairlady's a replica of the Fugu Z. Ever since it won the SEMA Awards, it's gone on sale for a good premium.. I remember our first day.."

Candy: "Oji-san! I can't believe you had to bring THAT up. Next!"

With toxicity in her mind, Candy wants to cleanse it out hopefully with thoughts of the upcoming car..


Candy: "An RCZ? They put the money on getting this to race, though."

Ramlie: "Doesn't seem like one of those homologation models you can buy. Those are some real tough machinery to go up against.. yup."

Candy: "I were you, I don't think I'd want to take well tuned FWD cars lightly. Case one: my MINI. And then we have people like J.J."

No answer for that, they move on to something else without a roof to show for.


Ramlie: "They say this Miata has a different engine than its usual Skyactiv. Sounds threatening, don't you think?"

Candy: "These things are famous for its swaps anyways. I wonder if this livery means if it was once MX-5 cup certified.."

Now turning around a corner, the next car..


Candy: "That can't be.. wait a minute.. it IS!"

Ramlie: "Yes?"

Candy: "Deki-san and Yumi-san are here, of course. I've driven this car before, but Deki-san said he was going to sell it.. he's getting a few questions when I see him."

Looking around, Ramlie notes a small group of Japanese youngsters..

Ramlie: "Perhaps those people can help?"

Candy: "They must be the staff of their garage. Among them.. I don't see it, and I want a word with the head honchos themselves."

Not far from a familiar sight is yet another familiar sight, but for Ramlie instead..


Ramlie: "Funny seeing you here."

Candy: "What? This time machine... painted in pink?"

Ramlie: "I drove this that night you wanted me around. Like I said, that friend of a friend.. he's hired me for some testing."

Candy: "You're never getting tired of saying that, oji-san? And I believe he's not just hired you."

Seeing a pair of legs under the car's rear, Candy takes a guess and kicks them to acknowledge that it's..

Candy: "Deki-san! What are you up to down there?"

And she's right, as the voice from under earlier recognizes and responds..

Hideki: "Candy-chan? Give me a moment.. to.. put this back on.. there!"

A minute later, Hideki rolls out from under and gets up, his expression messy with fluids and oil..

Hideki: "Whew. After that, I'm due a race. I hope you didn't have any issue getting here, but at least my hopes have been answered properly."

She has arms crossed, then asking..

Candy: "Umm.. alright. Questions incoming. Where's Yumi-san?"

Hideki: "Nearby. Umm.. how nearby? Good question. Well.. umm.. no I haven't a clue."

Ramlie: "There."

Entering the scene, Ayumi comes in with a well fit racing suit on, giving Candy an impression..

Candy: "Wow.. you know, I've never seen you fit in a race suit so well, Yumi-san."

Ayumi: "Teehee, I'm flattered. Really. Deki-san, you look about done?"

Hideki: "Yes. The car's ready to rumble for the next Clubman Cup Plus."

Ayumi: "Perfect! Thanks for checking on it. Maybe you too can go get ready. Boss' orders, Deki-san, heehee."

Hideki: "Y-yes ma'am!"

As Hideki makes his leave, the uncle comes close and follows him..

Ramlie: "Wait! Deki-san. Don't mind if I.."

Hideki: "You don't need to ask, oji-san."

Now the ladies are left behind to mingle, with Ayumi knowing enough from her facial expression that..

Ayumi: "Ahah, I see you have questions, Candy-san!"

Candy: "That I do. The Lancer.. didn't you sell it?"

Ayumi: "Actually, that's your fault. Indirectly. Your performance in Deep Forest was so inspirational, that Carlyle man decided not to buy it. Then again, he was kind of in a sad mood when he told us. I wonder why.."

Looking back then, Candy recalled that moment with Giles's bad mood, Carlyle's sad phase, and how that all fizzled out with the return of a certain yellow covered Canuck.

Candy: "Something about having guilt killing someone, I think. Details not shared. More importantly NOT my fault."

Ayumi: "EHH?! I see.. That I can understand.."

Candy: "So, you're going to race?"

Ayumi: "Yeah! Exciting, isn't it?! We're usually here for fun, so I suppose the prize money can go into the garage capital. There are some slots left, but I might want to check on that.."

Those words however end abruptly as someone else comes walking in..

???: "Ladies! Don't mind if I intrude?"

Ayumi: "Ohh, that booming voice. That can be only one thing.."

For Candy, she's unsure what to expect, but this man screams the dark one in her mind.

Fortunately, Maverick Martinez isn't him, and perhaps a more appealing sort to someone like her. He might be donning a race suit, but there's no hiding the soldier behind his outfit.

Ayumi: "Rike, I believe I'm ready for the next race?"

Maverick: "That so? You definitely look the part, and I say you think the part. At ease, Ayumi.. you need to.. calm a little. Save that adrenaline for later."

But his attention turns to the much less stand out Candy.

Maverick: "Who's she? Wait, I know, don't tell me.. you're that lonely girl Jake told me about. What was it.. umm.. Candace?"

Candy: "Wrong.."

Maverick: "It's Canned something, and it can't be tuna. AWWGH! Get a grip, Maverick! Candice, Candria, Kaneda?"

Frustration and facing sideways, Maverick's thoughts come to somewhere with the sense of smell..

Maverick: "Peppermint.. your scent.. it's distinct.. sweet like Candy.. AHAH! There we go. Candy! Candy candy candy."

Candy: "I'm afraid you knowing me is putting this introduction a little ways off.."

Not willing to see her in a bad light, Maverick reassured her while standing straight and salutes, speaking clearly..

Maverick: "I know, and this soldier apologizes with the bottom of his heart. First name Maverick, last name Martinez. I go with many names, but my pals call me Sarge, Mack, or if you're a tease: RICK. Nobody calls me Rick, because my name's not Rick."

And an earlier mention of Jake has Candy inquire that association clear..

Candy: "Maverick, eh? And you mentioned Jake.. perhaps you mean Jacob Ross, first born of Louie Ross Jr?"

Maverick: "That's right. The very one. We were in a squad together. Kind of like the A Team, except we're not wanted, nor any damn good on the battlefield."

Ayumi: "I didn't know Jake was a soldier.."

Maverick: "Can't say it's a sensitive topic like his other persona."

Those words spoken clearly, Candy deduces..

Candy: "Then, you must be part of The List, then?"

Maverick: "That's a negative. Personally found that out the hard way. But enough of him. I guess you figured out that I'm behind the strings of today's episode, right?"

Candy: "More or less. But pink isn't quite the color I'd imagine for a well decorated veteran of your sorts."

His reply wasn't instant, but at least not holding back as Maverick raises his cheeks to narrow his eyelids.

Maverick: "You're keen, aren't you? Yup, I'm working for someone else. Texan toys, games and entertainment industry millionaire. Goes by the name of Theodore Scott. And the car he's got this day.. well, he wants to really call it the Great Scott. I know, darned movie references.."

Candy: "Doesn't explain the pink. I'm guessing he's quite feminine."

Maverick: "More or less. Man's a queer. Not in an insulting tone. I mean he's straight up gay."

Ayumi: "How do you get yourself into such rich people's radars, Rike-san?"

Maverick: "Social media. I'm the guy who's famous for trying to get anything done. A jack of all trades, kind of guy."

Candy: "What have you done, then?"

Counting with his fingers, Maverick recounts in earnest..

Maverick: "Let's see.. fly stunt planes, professional wrestling, extreme snowboarding, skydiving, power lifting, climbing Everest, MMA, the list goes on. Would you believe racing cars is the current venture for me since I've gotten off the marines? Won me the dang race earlier. I like my chances for some extra cash, actually.."

Now in a thinking pose, Maverick looks at the two women and has an idea..

Maverick: "Looks to me that next Clubman race is going to have my name on it as well. I'm thinking of getting 2 in a row."

Candy: "Fat chance."

Maverick: "Bet against it?"

Candy: "You're trying to fire me up, was it?"

Maverick: "That's the intention.. it did work for Hotel Mike earlier. Hideki!"

Maverick of course refers to Hideki and Ramlie appearing ready..

Hideki: "Ahh, I see you've met Maverick."

Ramlie: "Aduh, if I knew you come sooner, I'd stayed."

Maverick: "Well, apologies for the lack of co-ordination, Unc. Not to mention I didn't think you're coming.."

Ramlie: "And miss a chance to show you all what this Smokey's got with his Bandit? Plus other reasons, of course."

Maverick: "Well, you ladies seem like you're in?"

Ayumi: "Candy-san, you're in thought.. something the matter?"

As she said, Candy was in thought, thinking over the results of said race rather than participation straight up.

Candy: "The MINI's a poor choice for high speed venues like this.."

Maverick: "Candy! Whatever you brought, you run it. Don't let assumptions be the determinator, rookie. Besides.. it might be fun. I'll handle the entry fee, so we're all getting paid for racing, though the spoils go to the victor.."

Not feeling a mood to argue, she lets loose and decides..

Candy: "Alright. You win. I'm game."

Maverick: "Yeah, now THIS just got interesting."

Hours later, another race was to start.

While it had a lesser roster, the group of friends, and a select few with racing in their blood makes for a more heated crowd.


And within his newly made squad, Maverick talks through his phone, communicating with a setup with their phones earlier..

Maverick: "Come in, Hotel Mike."

Hideki: "Hotel.. that's me right? Why are we agreeing to this, again?"

Ayumi: "Because I want to hear you squirm! HAAHAHAH!! Or something, Rike-san?"

Maverick: "Naw.. just as.. fellow acquaintances.. I want to hear your focus. I'm quite familiar with racing, but among this merry band of ours, I'm definitely the lesser of you all."

Candy: "We can teach him something with our emotions.. that's what I gather."

Ramlie: "I too am familiar to this. When racing with The List, we usually have comms on."

Maverick: "Thanks for the backup, you two. One more thing. DeLorean driver? Jake mentioned you're the living embodiment of 1.21 gigawatts. Don't be disappointing what my gunny said, and show us that kind of power."

Ayumi: "You can count on me if you need a jacked up pace!"

Maverick: "I hear you loud and clear on that.. The race is about to start, soo.. good luck!"

Looking To The Future
Mike Ault
Rocket League: Official Game Soundtrack, Vol. 2

So, on to tuner's and while setting this nice little race up, I had to adjust PP considering the AI's general performance. I was in the Bandit, so you probably know how this race is going to end.

But among the other 9 cars controlled by the AI, the DeLorean's performance was so good, I had to bring down 13 PP when it all started out equally, and it's still leading the race naturally. So there's a great sense of hope that if you want to bring up the time machine up to a reasonable level like 650 RH, you're in luck. Also in luck: the DeLorean is blessed to have an incredible engine swap from the Roadster Shop Rampage: a car with an upscaled LS7 churning out 748 horsepower.

While the option now being available to everyone who has a sizeable bank of credits, I'm not going to cover this. As is with it's safe underpowered nature of the stock ride, this is a 250 thousand credits expenditure that I'm not willing to do personally. It is there if you want to put the DeLorean through some form of prototype race form that you never knew it had, along with a pricy 100 thousand credits widebody conversion. Not to mention the RS Roadster's sound being one of the best from me personally.


I'm a classic American muscle nut, and if you do happen to find the orange (Carlyle's) Superbird in this week's tango, well, I had a lot of fun with the car that introduced me to this car class entirely. Not to mention how I still haven't quite tamed it for general use. Not yet. Someone should nominate it before I decide Goodwood becomes a weekly venue.

The thing about the DeLorean is that while it is very safe and inconsistent, when tuning it, you don't want to change too much of what it's got at stock. Just generally put some extra stiffness everywhere is how I roll. Like the MINI last week, this isn't a horribly hard car to muck about with. At usual power, just generally hardening the suspension would do you good.

But when you do factor in power, that's when the rear will go wild. Your DeLorean will evolve into a monster, and that's before you factor in the engine swap I mentioned earlier. And one thing monsters shaped like cars have is wheelspin. This car's setup as is with customizable parts cannot take that, and if you leave it like that, I'll mention the feeling will be like that certain boss fight hint: you feel you're going to have a bad time.


Speaking of power, you're never going to go past 400 horsepower in that French V6, because you can't put in any sort of aspiration. That means, well, I can't cheese it with the power restrictor. Not like I want to if I need to bring this thing up to ludicrous speed. Yes, I know, wrong movie. For cars like this, I usually tune them in reference to Sports Hards, and you're going to need to do all you can with the car's suspension and differential towards rear grip if you want an all out SH DeLorean.

Usual culprits? My tune has the LSD at 5-5-30, and a slight oversteer setup with a 130-110 mm ride height adjustment. There's also a lot of camber and toe that I've played around, and it's an incredible sacrifice to keep it in check without breaking your finger/foot inputs apart. Of course that does mean you might need to adopt the 100 thousand credits wide body, and add the full downforce monty. If you're going to go reach ludicrous speed, you need to build your ship to ensure it's not going to send Dark Helmet flying forwards, and prevent unwanted 5 minute smoke breaks.


Well, this of course only considers the car on SH. Because when it runs on grippier SM tires and onwards, the car's perfectly fine to drive, although you might as well go make a proper tune for hard so you have something to work with. And I might as well say again you will need different advice than here if you want to use the Rampage engine.


Ramlie: "Poor start.. more a reason to prove the Uncle is a tough nut to crack!"


Hideki: "Aaaahhaa! Candy-chan, watch out!"

Candy: "That was a sloppy lock up.. get ahead, Deki-san."


Hideki: "What's this?"

Maverick: "Look sharp, Unc! Train formation India!"

Ramlie: "Roger that, sergeant! Train formationnnn!"


Ramlie: "WHOO WHOO! Chugga chugga chugga!"

Hideki: "See you by the finish line, Candy-chan."

Maverick: "SPEED!"

Candy: "Hey, no fair!"

Maverick: "It ain't cheating if don't get caught, rookie."

Candy: "You.. you.. you got a point. (I am soo gentle today...)"


Ayumi: "What's this about trains? Guys? Helloo? Hello hello HELLOO?!"

Candy: "Three car slingshot, Yumi-san.. with me as the victim.."


Candy: "Dead last.. the MINI isn't built for speed."

Hideki: "Cheer up, Candy-chan. You're still in the race. Not to mention you didn't even pay a cent."

Candy: "Hear that, Yumi-san?"

Ayumi: "That's my Deki-san!"


Hideki: "That Challenger can turn.."

Maverick: "Yup. Built by the same shop who did The Outlaw's Boss.."

Ramlie: "Them, ehh?"


Ramlie: "This is Bandit 1000, slick. What we are dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law, heehee.. I always wanted to say that."


Maverick: "Son of a b[BLEEP]h! Hotel Mike, you dirty snake!"

Hideki: "Candy.. I'm beginning to understand why you liked this Evo 5."

Candy: "What did I say?"


Ramlie: "Speedy portion means one more for the Bandit 1000! YEE HAW!"

Maverick: "Unc, that was, like those teenagers say: cringe."


Candy: "Deki-san? I can see you back here. Did something.."

Hideki: "Locked up too.."

Maverick: "Back in the fight, soldier."


Ramlie: "There's that delicious leader.. I'm coming for you, DeLorean."

Ayumi: "Come on, Great Scott, he's not inching close enough.."


Maverick: "Sit rep. What's your status?"

Candy: "Nice and cozy at the back. I'm topping out by the end of that big straight, by the way.. Around 160."

Maverick: "Perhaps in another car, you'd be up front, rookie."

Candy: "Perhaps."


Ayumi: "Oji-san, I'm sweating here.. hee. Why do you even want to win this?"

Ramlie: "Money, glory, and fun.. Mostly for the money."


Maverick: "The Peugeot is a threat? That's sure a sleeper.."


Ramlie: "Big straight at the last lap? The Bandit's going eastbound and down.."

Ayumi: "Nooo! Come on, DeLorean.. where is that power when you need it?!"


Ramlie: "We're an infamous bunch for a reason, Yumi. Uncle's the top speed master of their bunch for a very good reason."

Ayumi: "[sniffles] It's.. been such an HONOR!"


Ramlie: "Score one up for Uncle of The List. To be honest, you all were outclassed the moment I stepped in, lah."


Maverick: "Fourth. Acceptable.. I see all of you except.. Rookie?"

Candy: "Dead last, but.. it's been quite relaxing.. I, umm, don't mind this at all.."

Done with the race, the group reconvenes by the garages they met in afterwards..

Maverick: "What's the payout, Unc?"

Ramlie: "Fifty thousand CR! Fifty more for a new engine. We're getting there.."

Maverick: "Don't you earn a lot doing your taxi duty, Unc?"

Ramlie: "Tokyo life is expensive.. but don't let me stop you. You go come down when you can, Mack."

Maverick: "Affirmative. You two?"

Ayumi: "Having to ride in a DeLorean was something I didn't know I wanted.. until now. So that's one thing I am incredibly thankful for. That and.. Deki-san?"

Hideki: "Oh! W-we've got money to pay off the garage's expenses getting here. Means.. we should go find more Clubman Cup Plus events.. they can pay."

Maverick then turns to the last person to acknowledge..

Maverick: "That leaves you, rookie.. I need a new term for someone like you, though."

Candy: "I might be at the top of my game, but rookie is perfectly accurate. Really, no sarcasm."

Maverick: "Why's that? Wouldn't one such as yourself have a reputation?"

Candy: "Who cares about a reputation? I'm just glad we all got together in this far off end of Nippon to have a nice race in a classic venue. All their smiles, and even with this small check, is pretty much a win for all of us."

Maverick: "Heh. For one with small stature.. your heart's grown bigger than you think. That's not quite the character I had in mind. Jake did set expectations for a minty sweet thing like you, and honestly, you broke them."

From Hamza back in Deep Forest, to today, Candy can't help but feel bashful about this compliment..

Candy: "Ohh.."

With a quick gesture, Maverick brings the gang together for an announcement..

Maverick: "So, I've been thinking.. I know a good place for barbecue in a town nearby. I hope you don't got plans tonight, because.."

But the radio on his shoulder then blinks and plays a tone.

Maverick: "Uh oh.."

Candy: "Uh oh?"

Responding with the click of a button on the side, Maverick speaks after he turns back..

Maverick: "Maverick here.. uh huhh.. hmm.. that so?"

And as he was to turn back with some news, that all changed as he shows distress on his face..

Maverick: "Yup, uh oh is right. Looks to me I gotta get going. I'll see you all sometime, alright?"

And as he dashes away and out of sight, Candy couldn't help but show sorrow through her body, not unnoticed by her peers..

Ramlie: "Candy? You okay?"

Hideki: "Something wrong?"

Candy: "For an American.. he's exceeded my expectations, alright. When will I ever see him again?"

3 days later.jpg

Reading a journal entry online on Theodore Scott, Candy's focus wanes as soon as yet another V8 roars by her doorstep.


Candy: "Strange.. I don't think anything's due.. but can it be?"

Not interested in another sales pitch, Candy zooms past Jet Jaguar, and heads towards her custom door again, also listening through it for steps like usual.

The man infront however has a hawk's sense of listening, thus..

Maverick: "Door's locked, and I'm thinking to kick it open and perhaps hurt someone standing by it.."

She took the bait and slid the viewing slit.

Candy: "Ugh.. Who is it?"

Maverick: "This the place? Of course it is! Only you need a peep hole that high, rookie."

Candy: "Mister Maverick?"

Maverick: "Sorry for the sudden visit, rookie, but Lee gave me your address and I thought I'd get a quick come around Tokyo before I head back to the States. That includes you."

Candy: "Oh no. Don't worry about it. Let me get dressed proper.."

Maverick: "Affirmative."

She took her time, but Maverick patiently waits as he sings a beat in his head..

Maverick: "Duu duu bee doo.. hmmmmmm.."

And that trance ends as Candy pulls the door open.

Candy: "Still here? I mean.. of course. Hey.. When you made that abrupt exit.. what's it for?"

Maverick: "Matter of international security. Intel not for civilians. Let's just do nice, not serious acquaintance things. Was thinking a full day of getting to know each other, here in Tokyo. Can I come in? No sex, nothing. Don't get it the wrong way.."

Candy: "I swear I think I hear Careless Whisper.."

Maverick: "Negative! Y-you're definitely imagining things, Candy."

Candy: "Well, come in. Boots off."

And he steps in, taking his footwear off..

Maverick: "Ahh, roger that.. fun fact: you ever been to Jake's place?"

Candy: "No. That's on the list for the next California visit. What's with it?"

Maverick: "He too have a no footwear restriction in place. In America where it's shoes on at all times."

Candy: "Ohh.. hehe, Rin-san has a big role in that I wager.. follow me."

Maverick follows, but what took his attention was instead that giant robot who's teamed with Godzilla one time.

Maverick: "Hey! Jet Jaguar? You don't look too fat.. more like an Ultraman. Looks like I see someone enjoys some Godzilla! And, umm.. rookie? Humm.. that don't look right.."

He sees something off, but the host raised her voice in a sudden fashion.


Maverick: "Eh?"

Candy: "Umm, sorry. See, don't touch."

Maverick: "Right.."

Candy: "Y-you'd like something to drink? I've got some excellent blended coffee. Lots of it.."

Maverick: "Sure, appreciate it."

As Candy leaves, Maverick heads back to Jet Jaguar and adjusts an anomalous piece.

Maverick: "Robo guy here's got a dislodged panel here.. there! How'd she not notice that?!"

He then notices the front door still open, and a car on the other side of the road..


And not a few seconds in, a man shifts in to the light from the shadows..

Another one of Maverick's original 4 man squadron, Emile Orson shows up in his professional gear, prepared for trouble.

Maverick: "Emile! There you are. Ready for your recon mission, soldier?"

Emile: "Mmmm.. Keep it down, sarge. Just, do your thing, and I should have her place scoped out without hassle."

Maverick: "Well let's not waste time, Em. Begin your scouting and report back as soon as you're able."


Do I like the DeLorean. Like the original, no, not quite. Out of this novelty, are you getting something out of your money? Again, no, not quite.

But it's not worthless. And for an American car, it adds to the flair that there are Americans who believe performance isn't all power or just a variation of getting it. There are some geniuses. John Z. Delorean was definitely one of them. He's made a legacy, and even though it didn't quite take off like he wanted, he still believed that while there are roads, he doesn't need to go there to be a success. Not to mention it came from the dark ages of Americn motoring: to be able to stand out of that is an achievement if you ask me.

For the price, it's definitely a Beater. But since we're in GT land where millionaires come and go in the span of half an hour everyday, don't let that fool you that you can definitely see a Sleeper inside. It's surprising: just the definition of Sleeper, and with the RS Rampage engine, I can't deny that potential at all. Just make sure you give everyone else manure as you fly past, okay?


I'm not quite sure what they mean by a rear mounted engine, because that rear hood screams midships. Perhaps if I'm lucky to see another one in detail, that might be what'll change my viewpoint on that. Or, y'know.. Google.

YEAHH High Speed Ring! Umm, I mean, we're definitely going past 88 MPH here. Yeah.

SPD had a litle extra fun this time around, with that small first set of subchapters. So I established Candy's inner otaku for cool anime things in I think Episode 6, and I want to expand it with a robot. Now, I'm no fan of Gundam, so I was going to get a giant Doraemon. Instead, I remembered Godzilla, and oh look: Jet Jaguar.

You know, I was hoping to make my own MURICAN character for a long while, and while he's only been construed in the head, it's about time Maverick comes out. MURICA is his internal code name by the ways.. hehe. But he's not Duke Nukem. Story can be a place for exaggeration, but I put restraints when I feel they're needed, y'know. This is his written debut; I've NEVER conceptualized him before.

That admittedly last second, shadowy character is yet once again a tribute, this time to the late Chris Cornell. Also the genesis (I'm using this word like this pretty often now) to the Sport era characters. Expect Emile to have a proper detailing for next week.

For Hideki Minami (5) and Ayumi Tanaka (5)
see Episode 1

For Ramlie Ajie (5)
see Episode 14

Prime model US Marine that has served his nation in so many ways, you'd lose count. A known adrenaline junkie and jack-of-all-trades, Maverick's always on the prowl for new experiences to add to this growing dossier of his, racing now the newest target on his sights.

Theme Song: Celldweller - Louder Than Words
Racing Duel Music: Motörhead - Runaround Man
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 35
Current occupation: U.S. Marine
Distinct features: Blonde upswept, short spiky hair. Wide diamond face. Scruffy, thin 5 o'clock shadow. Sleek round blue eyes, thin straight nose and small, straight mouth. Tattoos on his arms with army based symbols. Slightly tall build with a fit, well built body.
Choice of clothing: He's never without a shoulder mounted radio and his dogtags around. But in the public, he's often with a leather jacket, thick leather cap and combat boots, wearing a combo of a tight t-shirt or tank top, with khakis or jeans under.
Cars: Dodge Challenger R/T

Born Mack Martinez of Alabama, Maverick was the runt child of a small, well handled family that stands strong in the persisting cultural Alabaman historical preservation society, specifically on the Civil Rights movement. As white and blonde as any white skinned supremacy is, Mack as a child is often targeted by those who oppose his family's work defending the American racial equality, while being a child of semi Hispanic descent. If there was one thing Mack was taught, it was to defend his rights and thus it's known that he as a youth was violent and rather unforgiving in defense of his beliefs.

Though, all this trouble enabled an inner violent self, one day he went too far and got involved in vigilantism, attacking known racists and related to those who would torment him in his youth. Nothing was subtle, leading to an arrest, and the officer in charge gave him a proposition rather than jail time: forced servitude to the US Marines. Changing his name to Maverick, he would later find himself positioned in the army to escape the stresses of his home, even though they hailed his presence as a hero rather than a villain. These initial years, Maverick underwent therapy, keeping that inner violence in check with discipline taking it over: a milestone to his favorable, supportive personality he adopts to today.

While life was rough, Maverick would be paired up with some other volunteers, eventually being the closest thing he has as good friends. These would include a dark skinned senator to be, a keen virtuoso doubling as all American patriot, and a young mentally traumatized man of shade. By the end of their service, they would part ways, with Maverick opting to stay in the marines, believing that the rights of his nation were the most important thing to him. A long decade has passed since, and after being discharged honorably as the greatest sergeant around, he returned home as a hero.

Now married to an international flight pilot, Maverick's often alone and in peace with his violent past, but as a result, gets easily bored. After trying out various hobbies to test his fitness and agility, he would get into motorized sports, such as stunt flying, paragliding, and various other sports and activities. Known around his local neighborhood as a jack-of-all-trades, Maverick's newest venture would be in racing cars, usually behind the wheel of a Challenger with roots in Trans Am. However, this all stems mainly from him finding out one of his squadmates eventually became The Outlaw of infamy.

Keith Ross: Jacob's much younger brother. (5)
3 women, part of the unbeatable Trinitia L'Assassina. (??) (??) (Sport, Miranda)
'Ginnie': Gary's current long distance girlfriend who he's strangely trying to keep discreet (5)
Graham: an individual with close ties to Miranda and Carlyle (Sport)
Will: newest of the new age List member, also Lucia's older brother (5)
'Izzy': nickname of Rin's closest friend within Interpol (5)
The Scott Brothers: Texan oil magnates who's also Sonny's main sponsors. (Sport) (Sport, Theodore 'Teddy Fabulous' Scott)

Members of The List Foundations yet to be introduced proper:
'Clean Gator': A hearty, overweight truck racer (5)

Emile Orson: Small Boston based Jazz artist who's also the greatest assassin in the US West Coast (Sport, will appear in Week 16)
Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle. Which of the three did you pick to start your journey?


If you started with Charmander, you might've had the most difficult early game against Brock and Misty, but you're in luck if you've made it this far, because this week in Pokémon of the Week, we're taking a look at the Lizard Pokémon, Charmander!

Shingu Kumano Shrine_.jpeg

Famously banned from Little Cup for its access to the metagame shattering Dragon Rage attack, Charmander may perhaps have been the first starter Pokémon to have been banned by Smogon, before Speed Boost Torchic, Contrary Snivy, and Protean Froakie would pick up where Charmander left off, utterly decimating even standard play in their fully evolved forms. Still, that doesn't mean Charmander is left behind in the series' rapidly accelerating power creep; it still has access to a wide array of physical and special moves, from Flare Blitz, Overheat, Focus Blast, Brick Break, Rock Slide, and even Ancient Power, along with ever coveted setup moves to boost said moves up, from Dragon Dance, Belly Drum and Flame Charge, making it a versatile and unpredictable threat once it hits the field!

So, is Charmander's inclusion in Scarlet and Violet just nostalgia pandering, or does it still have a niche in modern day Pokémon? Feel free to weigh in on your opinion on this classic monster in this thread, or join us for our weekly Battle Royal on Tuesday, July 18 at 10P.M. CST or Saturday, 22 July at 5P.M. Singapore Time to see if Charmander was the right starter pick all along!
Famously banned from Little Cup for its access to the metagame shattering Dragon Rage attack, Charmander may perhaps have been the first starter Pokémon to have been banned by Smogon, before Speed Boost Torchic, Contrary Snivy, and Protean Froakie would pick up where Charmander left off, utterly decimating even standard play in their fully evolved forms. Still, that doesn't mean Charmander is left behind in the series' rapidly accelerating power creep; it still has access to a wide array of physical and special moves, from Flare Blitz, Overheat, Focus Blast, Brick Break, Rock Slide, and even Ancient Power, along with ever coveted setup moves to boost said moves up, from Dragon Dance, Belly Drum and Flame Charge, making it a versatile and unpredictable threat once it hits the field!

So, is Charmander's inclusion in Scarlet and Violet just nostalgia pandering, or does it still have a niche in modern day Pokémon? Feel free to weigh in on your opinion on this classic monster in this thread, or join us for our weekly Battle Royal on Tuesday, July 18 at 10P.M. CST or Saturday, 22 July at 5P.M. Singapore Time to see if Charmander was the right starter pick all along!
I hate the fact that I get all of this. :lol:
Ah, my competitive Pokemon phase...

The 2015 Mazda Demio XD Touring is an entry level hatch from the quirky Mazda make, giving players of Gran Turismo 7 a strong appetiser into the Hiroshiman brand of weird right at the start of the game—it's one of the only five diesel powered cars in this game, and one of the only two that are road cars. It's also one of the three starter cars the player can buy upon starting the game. Despite its big quirk of being a diesel powered car, the fourth gen Demio I strongly opine offers the most traditional driving feel among the three starter cars available, and it might just be the pick among its litter as well.


#stai #supertaikyu #yugurena

Seething up front is Mazda's patented SKYACTIV-D 1,496cc turbo diesel powerplant, driving the front wheels via a proper 6 speed stick shift, immediately setting itself apart from the CVT saddled Toyota Aqua and the 7DCT Honda Fit with no manual mode (in real life). As if that wasn't enough, the little Mazda is the only one among the three starter cars that comes stock with a limited slip differential to further its sporting credentials, no doubt helpful in keeping all its turbo diesel torque in check, which can reach a peak of 219.6N⋅m (162.0lbf⋅ft) from just 1,500rpm, which the car will idle at if equipped with an aftermarket anti–lag system set to weak.

But of course, gobs of low–end torque is to be expected from a diesel engine. Heck, it's its selling point.


Another thing you ought to expect from a diesel on–track is that it really doesn't like to be revved out, which practically necessitates the car being driven on manual shifting mode, making it perhaps the most beginner unfriendly starter car, paradoxical as that sounds. The car may have a rev limit low enough to bump your head on at 5,500rpm, but power peaks at 4,000rpm, past which the entire block might as well fall off the car for all the difference it makes. The rev bar in the game starts counting from around 4,3, and I've had best results shifting the car not far past that at around 4,4, making the human ear and a set of earphones much better tells for shifting the car than the game's displays. Contrast this to the tabletop torque curve of the Honda Fit that almost doesn't mind being shifted whenever, and the CVT of the Aqua that eliminates shifting entirely while keeping it in peak power for its driver, and the Demio looks almost cumbersome and unrefined to drive.


That theme continues into the twisty bits of the track as well; the diesel Demios suffer a hefty fifty kilo (110lbs) mass penalty over its petrol counterparts of the same grade, and it has a centre of gravity that feels to me to be markedly higher than not just the other two starter cars, but of its compact hatch class as a whole. When that package is suspended above the soft springs and economy oriented tyres the Demio comes with, the end result is a car that necessitates the utmost care when being eased into a corner; the car takes a tiny moment before it really responds to asks of its driver, and the Comfort Medium tyres don't take much abuse before giving up. It hates being braked when off balance, and is rather difficult to coax into biting an apex for a car of its size and mass, requiring braking just that bit earlier than would be intuitive, sometimes even with pointing the car towards an apex before slamming on the middle pedal. It's the sort of car that requires drivers to smoothly connect the next few corners and set the car up for them well beforehand, as the Demio doesn't respond well to sudden compensating maneuvers. In short, despite its starter car status and low speeds, the Demio nonetheless demands the full attention of its driver to be driven well, and can even peek into dangerous snapping territory if abused, with its soft springs, tall cg, and short wheelbase.


With the aforementioned cornering concerns coupled with its abysmal power deficit to the other petrol hybrid starter cars, it's no surprise that the Demio is the slowest of the three in a hot lap scenario. Yes, the Aqua drives god–awful, and is dead in the water after around 4 minutes of flat out driving, but the Toyota is unethically fast when it still has charge. Even a Fit depleted of its hybrid battery charge has a pronounced straight line speed advantage over the Demio, to the point where a Demio with the full, close quarters slipstream of the Fit can't overtake when pulling out of the tow to pass when both are driven with manual shifting. Not to mention, the Demio is also the most expensive of the three when bought new from Brand Central, costing a whopping 19,500 Credits in contrast to the 16,500 and 17,900 Credit asking price for the Fit and Aqua, respectively, though it is the cheapest when bought at the start of the game from the Used Car Dealer.


Despite its shortcomings against its direct rivals in the game, I have a strong respect for the Demio, and look towards it fondly like I do most Mazda models. I think the Demio has achieved a sweet balance between capability and communication. The Aqua is unethically quick in terms of one lap pace, but it's just hopelessly clumsy in the corners, and never "talks" to the driver about anything until the car hits the wall. The Fit may corner effortlessly and mostly without drama, but it also tends to build unfounded confidence in its driver because of it, only to let go suddenly when push comes to shove. The Demio may at first appear cumbersome to drive, but that's because the car is always "talking" to the driver. I'm always cognizant of where weight is on the car, and am constantly made cautious of how I tip the car into a corner. I'm always forced to respect it. It trains me to perceive the nuances of a car's feedback better, and conditions me to be smooth, calculated, and deliberate in my driving. I daresay that my time in the Demio has made me faster in the Fit. In my Time Attack runs, I've managed to lap Streets of Willow about a tenth quicker with a charged Fit than the Demio, which is a gap that's much smaller than I expected, given how lethargic the Demio feels in comparison to the Fit, along with its gaping 35HP power deficit. It hung with the Fit in the corners, and even had short lived advantages out of them with its absurd torque. If you're from the generation that thinks a Mk I Golf GTI is fast, the diesel Demio is just as quick. That is to say, despite specs and sensations dictating otherwise, the Demio is deceptively capable still.


Yes, it's the slowest and least beginner friendly of the three starter cars. But, a first car that trains its drivers to treat all future cars right I'd argue makes for the best starter car in any scenario. I wrote in my review of the Demio back in Gran Turismo Sport that the Demio may have a "2" in its name in most markets, but it's the gateway to many firsts for many people. While I may not have started my GT7 journey with the Demio, it will have the honour of starring in the first GT7 COTW videos I'm uploading to YouTube!


The 2015 Mazda Demio XD Touring is an entry level hatch from the quirky Mazda make, giving players of Gran Turismo 7 a strong appetiser into the Hiroshiman brand of weird right at the start of the game—it's one of the only five diesel powered cars in this game, and one of the only two that are road cars. It's also one of the three starter cars the player can buy upon starting the game. Despite its big quirk of being a diesel powered car, the fourth gen Demio I strongly opine offers the most traditional driving feel among the three starter cars available, and it might just be the pick among its litter as well.


#stai #supertaikyu #yugurena

Seething up front is Mazda's patented SKYACTIV-D 1,496cc turbo diesel powerplant, driving the front wheels via a proper 6 speed stick shift, immediately setting itself apart from the CVT saddled Toyota Aqua and the 7DCT Honda Fit with no manual mode (in real life). As if that wasn't enough, the little Mazda is the only one among the three starter cars that comes stock with a limited slip differential to further its sporting credentials, no doubt helpful in keeping all its turbo diesel torque in check, which can reach a peak of 219.6N⋅m (162.0lbf⋅ft) from just 1,500rpm, which the car will idle at if equipped with an aftermarket anti–lag system set to weak.

But of course, gobs of low–end torque is to be expected from a diesel engine. Heck, it's its selling point.


Another thing you ought to expect from a diesel on–track is that it really doesn't like to be revved out, which practically necessitates the car being driven on manual shifting mode, making it perhaps the most beginner unfriendly starter car, paradoxical as that sounds. The car may have a rev limit low enough to bump your head on at 5,500rpm, but power peaks at 4,000rpm, past which the entire block might as well fall off the car for all the difference it makes. The rev bar in the game starts counting from around 4,3, and I've had best results shifting the car not far past that at around 4,4, making the human ear and a set of earphones much better tells for shifting the car than the game's displays. Contrast this to the tabletop torque curve of the Honda Fit that almost doesn't mind being shifted whenever, and the CVT of the Aqua that eliminates shifting entirely while keeping it in peak power for its driver, and the Demio looks almost cumbersome and unrefined to drive.


That theme continues into the twisty bits of the track as well; the diesel Demios suffer a hefty fifty kilo (110lbs) mass penalty over its petrol counterparts of the same grade, and it has a centre of gravity that feels to me to be markedly higher than not just the other two starter cars, but of its compact hatch class as a whole. When that package is suspended above the soft springs and economy oriented tyres the Demio comes with, the end result is a car that necessitates the utmost care when being eased into a corner; the car takes a tiny moment before it really responds to asks of its driver, and the Comfort Medium tyres don't take much abuse before giving up. It hates being braked when off balance, and is rather difficult to coax into biting an apex for a car of its size and mass, requiring braking just that bit earlier than would be intuitive, sometimes even with pointing the car towards an apex before slamming on the middle pedal. It's the sort of car that requires drivers to smoothly connect the next few corners and set the car up for them well beforehand, as the Demio doesn't respond well to sudden compensating maneuvers. In short, despite its starter car status and low speeds, the Demio nonetheless demands the full attention of its driver to be driven well, and can even peek into dangerous snapping territory if abused, with its soft springs, tall cg, and short wheelbase.


With the aforementioned cornering concerns coupled with its abysmal power deficit to the other petrol hybrid starter cars, it's no surprise that the Demio is the slowest of the three in a hot lap scenario. Yes, the Aqua drives god–awful, and is dead in the water after around 4 minutes of flat out driving, but the Toyota is unethically fast when it still has charge. Even a Fit depleted of its hybrid battery charge has a pronounced straight line speed advantage over the Demio, to the point where a Demio with the full, close quarters slipstream of the Fit can't overtake when pulling out of the tow to pass when both are driven with manual shifting. Not to mention, the Demio is also the most expensive of the three when bought new from Brand Central, costing a whopping 19,500 Credits in contrast to the 16,500 and 17,900 Credit asking price for the Fit and Aqua, respectively, though it is the cheapest when bought at the start of the game from the Used Car Dealer.


Despite its shortcomings against its direct rivals in the game, I have a strong respect for the Demio, and look towards it fondly like I do most Mazda models. I think the Demio has achieved a sweet balance between capability and communication. The Aqua is unethically quick in terms of one lap pace, but it's just hopelessly clumsy in the corners, and never "talks" to the driver about anything until the car hits the wall. The Fit may corner effortlessly and mostly without drama, but it also tends to build unfounded confidence in its driver because of it, only to let go suddenly when push comes to shove. The Demio may at first appear cumbersome to drive, but that's because the car is always "talking" to the driver. I'm always cognizant of where weight is on the car, and am constantly made cautious of how I tip the car into a corner. I'm always forced to respect it. It trains me to perceive the nuances of a car's feedback better, and conditions me to be smooth, calculated, and deliberate in my driving. I daresay that my time in the Demio has made me faster in the Fit. In my Time Attack runs, I've managed to lap Streets of Willow about a tenth quicker with a charged Fit than the Demio, which is a gap that's much smaller than I expected, given how lethargic the Demio feels in comparison to the Fit, along with its gaping 35HP power deficit. It hung with the Fit in the corners, and even had short lived advantages out of them with its absurd torque. If you're from the generation that thinks a Mk I Golf GTI is fast, the diesel Demio is just as quick. That is to say, despite specs and sensations dictating otherwise, the Demio is deceptively capable still.


Yes, it's the slowest and least beginner friendly of the three starter cars. But, a first car that trains its drivers to treat all future cars right I'd argue makes for the best starter car in any scenario. I wrote in my review of the Demio back in Gran Turismo Sport that the Demio may have a "2" in its name in most markets, but it's the gateway to many firsts for many people. While I may not have started my GT7 journey with the Demio, it will have the honour of starring in the first GT7 COTW videos I'm uploading to YouTube!

Lovely of you to start uploading the COTW races! :) I'll make sure to watch the NEXT one!

Week 17's car is chosen by @Alex p. Guess which of the four cars depicted below he chose.

Special Stage Route X__1.jpeg

...or, you know, you could just read the updated thread title, but you're no fun if you do that.

If you're that kind of no–fun person, then you're invited to join us in our weekly lobbies at Tuesday, 25th of July, 10 P.M. CST and Saturday, 29th July, 5 P.M. Singapore time where we will run the Abarth 595 bone stock for our ultra scientific tests to facilitate our über factual reviews. We will definitely, positively, absolutely NOT be running a special race wherein we allow engine swapped 595s with stock suspension and Comfort Hard tyres, no siree!

If you're the fun sort of person, then well... maybe let us know how fun the 595 is in writing here on this thread. You do you. Alex does Alex, after all, and despite all my whinging, I still let him pick cars...
We will definitely, positively, absolutely NOT be running a special race wherein we allow engine swapped 595s with stock suspension and Comfort Hard tyres, no siree!
Why, such a race sounds like a silly idea. Absolutely juvenile thinking. You also should not allow nitrous for that race in particular which would serve to increase the amount of hilarity and chaos that ensues when the green flag drops.

...But yes, it is good that you have clarified that this will not be happening, because again, nothing but fun times and drama to be had here!