did you know the sambabus is actually the slowest car? fully detuned, it gets 155pp, or was it 151? eh, it was something slow. 16hp and 1200+kg
oh, yeah the 2cv. but still, its interesting to see how fast you can go in the slowest car possible. i think it took me about 15min to get around the nurburg....and that was with a push up the long straightawaySlowest car detuned, but not slowest car from the factory. Pretty sure the VW Schwimmwagen or the 2CV are the slowest cars in the game.
oh it would do better than the bus, thats for sureI don't think the 2CV would make it around the Nurb. Someone should try lol.
but when you add all the weight and take off all the power, the bus is the slowest car in the gameThe Subaru has 241 pp. The 2CV has 209 pp. The VW Sambabus has 209 pp. The VW Schwimmwagen has 206 pp. I'm guessing that's the slowest car.
I don't feel like grinding to get 625k![]()
I think the pp system is broken for slow cars in gt6 because I know for a fact that any car can beat the 360 in a race. The volkwagens may be heavier but they have more power and can climb better than the 360.
i agree. especially with the Mitsubishis....they are especially slow compared to others at the same ppI have questioned that myself. In fact, even when tuning for PP, I've started to take notice of and use the HP/Kg Ratio number as well. If anyone wants to see it well, Take an R34 and a ZZII and tune them both to 550pp. Note the ratios for each, and you see why the ZZII skunks the R34 every time.
The bus is indeed faster than the 2CV (and Carol) at Suzuka.
But they're both better than this...
If the 360 isn't the slowest car in GT6, then the Schwimmwagen HAS to be...
but what pp were those cars at?
ill test both and let you know what happens. any suggestion for a good track?I think if you limit the power of the Subaru 360 all the way, it'll have negative power lol
My bus goes 51 mph and 85 downhill, pure speed.i think ill try that and indy for pure speed