I have the XJ220 LM Race Car.
Would you trade for you're Chapparal 2D?
Would be very interested in that. Whats the mileage? and can you overhaul and restore rigidity before sending? Chapparals 0 miles.
Audi R8 LMS RACE CAR (Team Playstation) and Ferrari SP1? It's quite a rare car.
Which f10 do you have?
Hi all, listed below are all the cars I have left to get before I've every car I actually want in the game in order of desire. If you have any please drop a comment.
GT40 Race Car '69
R8 LMS Race Car (Team PlayStation) '09
SP1 '08
Enzo Ferrari '02
XJ220 LM Race Car
NOMAD Diablo GT-1 (JGTC) '00
GT-ONE Race Car (TS020) '99
1970 Ford Mustang Trans-Cammer