Cars you don't want in GT5

the lack of low speed power physics makes the low low Hp cars in GT4 maddening at times

we got loads of cars right now in GT4 that dont need to be there - they are a waste when you look at other famous cars that deserve to be included but havent been

adding grocery getters when you are excluding 'the Famous' doesnt do the game any favours - rather your detracting from how awesome & classic GT can be as a Racing simulator

PD doesnt need defending - they are neither perfect or 100% correct - they need to be told the opinions of the buying public
Dude, John, no need to attack every post that has a negative comment about cars. Sure everyones entitled to an opinion...but we have heard yours about 4 times in almost the same way. And saying that we're wasting time and energy disagreeing with you makes you sound rather arrogent. I agree with Tenacious D (nothing personal) but really if you don't want any cars left out...why be here in this thread
the lack of low speed power physics makes the low low Hp cars in GT4 maddening at times

adding grocery getters when you are excluding 'the Famous' doesnt do the game any favours - rather your detracting from how awesome & classic GT can be as a Racing simulator

PD doesnt need defending - they are neither perfect or 100% correct - they need to be told the opinions of the buying public

I quite agree with you, I'd like to make a small correction (only if I may): GT4 is a Driving simulator, not necesairily a racing sim (like GTR or GTL).

Of course it would be much better if they included some older BMW's, some truly fantastic and important cars (in history), like the Escort Cosworth, you know what I mean. Sure, every one has its own tastes, many are more than happy with the shipload of Skylines and EVOs availible, but think about it this way......I don't think PD couldn't put in better cars if they had the opportunity, maybe they didn't get the licences for a Group A E30 ///M3 or a Cossie, or whatever, it's not just Porsche, Ferrari and Lamborghini that are "prohibited" to the GT series.....
Just a small point... Puricele's signature gives a nice example of slower cars being fun. It says,

"even a 55hp VW Polo can be fun... trust me." -puricele7e

Just wanted to brag a bit. (^_^) And to end, here's a typical quote: "if you don't like (the automobile in question), you don't have to get it. You're not forced to race them." There's truth to this statement, though.
There is another point to ponder.

Since the PS3 will be net ready like a PC or Mac, and GT5 will be net capable, maybe we shouldn't worry too much if some of the 200bhp+ cars from history aren't on our release disc. I still think that Sony/PD will supply us periodically with some new content, meaning cars and stuff. So if there are a few Model Ts in the game, maybe that doesn't mean some juicy rides aren't yet around the corner for us.
Would be a pretty spiffy idea. I mean they have that kind of thing for some PS2 games now, so why not downloadable cars and tracks to download from the net. If so, that'll stop many arguements about cars and tracks not being in the game
i want to see a westfield in GT5 :D hehe! tht will b amazing. Westifled Seight not like the fireblade caterham (let down from GT4) .. didnt show its true performance. if your going to put a kit car on GT5 make it the TOP!
About the guy thats *****ing on the Lotus Elan. Try tuning the thing to the race spec 190bhp 26R, that car will beat R34's and STi's by over three seconds on Laguna Seca.

Now onto minivans. BRING EM ON! Who wouldn't want a minivan that could destroy NSX's and other sports cars? The turbo Chysler Minvan's can run 12's int he Quartermile!
Well Mr. Dobson... I'd welcome Proton and "crap cars nobody heard of." I Think it's part of seeing the world. I know not one Proton except that they are competitors in the BTCC and maybe a few other race series. It would add Malaysia to the GT map of nationalities.

Now let's talk about not so much "crap cars nobody heard of," but "cars I've never heard of." People talked about the Lotus Carlton, and I never known what it was like until GT4. It's one of the few Lotuses that aren't exactly... light. Light in terms of metric would likely be sub- 1160 kg. As an idea, 1600 kg is the limit for most JGTC race cars, I believe. For the rest of us, that's between 2,400 to 2,600 lbs. I've never heard of Jensen until GT4. Never EVER heard of Gillet until GT3. That's part of GT's glamour, learning about new car companies whether they make "crappy" cars or cool cars. What one thinks is crappy overall, it's probably pretty cool in its segment. Unlike past posts in this thread, I'm actually not angry in talking about Post #164. I'm more calm and suggestive than upset and suggestive.

By the way, it's "Malaysian," not "Malasian." :) Take it easy, kid. 👍

UPDATE: I forgot to show you something... here are a number of different Proton cars by this Malaysian make:

You will need Flash to look at the different operations.
John haven't you're not in the same line of thinking as the people posting no one's really going to car what you say lol. Could always start a thread defending the cars?
John needs his own thread

he could call it : "why people should like what they dont like , according to me"

let his next post be about the thread topic : what car in GT he doesnt want
THis one's hard. I like certian S.U.V.s, and Pickups. I like some of the teeny 99hp or less cars. However...

There are too many Skylines, RX-7s, Miatas, and Civics. How about one main car in each bodystyle, that epitomizes the generation, and then, perhaps, one or two special versions, (read, one-color only, or High-performance models, like Skyline LM Ltd., or RX-7 A-spec.) and then cut out the rest of the dross. we don't need more than one model year of essentially the same car.

And those goddamn, 3/4 Hp Mercedes carriages?


That'd be more entertaining. hits 30, no suspension, and completely absurd looking in a racing game.

EDIT: well, i've looked through the other posts. and i still don't like the Mercedes carriages.

Yes, there are some valid points, that those are the beginnings of motoring, but they're so slow they're sleep-inducing. even the '17 "T" and Citroen 2CV are faster. the fact is, they're the least used in my garage because they can't push their handling limits: they don't have the power, or the gearing. they aren't fun cars to drive for me. perhaps if GT let you put some speed parts (and they could do that wiht the "T" too, since those cars have as many speed parts as Chevy small-blocks) on the 3/4hp mercs, it'd be better.

and i stand by the comment that a John Deere "B" is more entertaining than a Daimler Motor Carriage.

of course, that's my opinion.
joseph dobson
i don't want crap cars that nobody has heard lof and also, no crap malasian cars as well, they're just usless!

Why would you not want unknown brands of cars in there? I mean have you ever even heard of Venmac, Noble, Mosler, Sintura? Those are amazing cars and I bet hardly anyone would have known about them if it weren't for certain games such as GT4, I mean granted, Venmac has a car in the Super GT racing series but still. For all we know there could be brands of cars that are great performers that we would just look over if it wasn't for GT4. I hope they include as many unheard of race cars and super cars and maybe some street cars as well. Mainly some new cars all together also instead of mostly ones from the previous games.
M3 GTR Race Car
Why would you not want unknown brands of cars in there? I mean have you ever even heard of Venmac, Noble, Mosler, Sintura? Those are amazing cars and I bet hardly anyone would have known about them if it weren't for certain games such as GT4, I mean granted, Venmac has a car in the Super GT racing series but still. For all we know there could be brands of cars that are great performers that we would just look over if it wasn't for GT4. I hope they include as many unheard of race cars and super cars and maybe some street cars as well. Mainly some new cars all together also instead of mostly ones from the previous games.

I'll agree there. I'd like to see Vector re-appear, as well as check out some cars i've never heard of.

hell, before GT, I'd never heard of TVR. Now everybody knows about them. being included in GT is the perfect advertisement for little-known makes!
Jim Prower
hell, before GT, I'd never heard of TVR. Now everybody knows about them. being included in GT is the perfect advertisement for little-known makes!
Same, and before GT i didn't know that there were Aussie Fords, and Euro Fords..
But you LIVE in Engalnd :confused:
Sorry mate I was just kidding.

I have a special edition of a French newspaper published yearly at the end of the summer called "All the world cars" or something similar (released by "Automobile Magazine" and another one is released by "Auto Journal"). It is released for the Paris car show.

You see all the car makers variations ordered by continent. Brilliant !!
I would have to agree with taking away many of the variances of the Nissan Skyline. It's not a bad car to race -- but why should there be so many of them??

As far as the horseless carriages -- I don't think they should be involved in the game unless there are going to be races devoted to those cars. Otherwise, they only take up precious space on the memory card - if we really can't use them -- why have them. That would also extend to the special concept cars that are not allowed to be raced.

GT2 had some great concept cars that could be setup and raced -- lets get back to that way of promoting concept cars ;)