- 360
Any car with less than 100 horsepower.
How about "any econobox (or in the case of the 360, econobubble) with less than 25 hp, except the 19th and early 20th century vehicles." 💡Classic AnycarAny car with less than 100 horsepower.
a6m5Heck, they can put in a mountain bike and I'll try it out. You might get hit by a RUF doing 180 mph though...
jamaicani'm hoping all those d*mn skylines dont make it, they juss take up all the space
Maven*sighs* I don't know how many times these kind of people need to be told something before they understand. You'd think they'd get it after a few times, but NO, you have to tell them like ten or twelve times before it gets through to them.
Let's say it takes about 1 meg to render a single car in a game (I have no idea really). Now, to take that car and copy it and to change the bumber, or the wing, or the wheels would only take a small fraction of the amount of memory of a full car. Get it? No? Not yet? Okay, let's try it a different way. In order to put in one other car, you'd have to take out maybe 50 copies of the other cars. I guess PD didn't feel it was worth it.
However, that beind said, how they didn't make a dozen clone cars of American cars? They could have taken the Camaro and the Corvette and duplicated those. Taken the Mustang Cobra R and made more Mustangs... *shrugs*
Oh, and I think all those people who believe that there will be thousands and thousands of cars in GT5 are going to be quite disappointed. Personally, I'm not expecting much more than 200, maybe 300. It takes more than disc space to put these cars in a game. It takes time. A lot of time. But expect those cars to look better than anything you've ever seen in a game to date. Plus, I imagine that the damage system will be spectacular.![]()
MavenIt takes more than disc space to put these cars in a game
Read what Maven said again. He's not talking about disc space, he's saying disc space is not the factor, time is. It's true, for GT5, it's going to require a lot of time and manpower from P.D.jamaicanwhy don't they just have two discs... one for all those S class and muscle/vintage cars, then one for street cars... i dunno what to call them, regular cars i guess. and both discs would have exactly the same tracks and everything, just the cars would be different... now that i'm thinking about it, it doesn't really makes senseit sounded better in my head
P.S. PS3 is using the blu-ray DVDs, so disc space shouldn't be a problem..... I don't think.
DeadlyFredAll the different variations and excess of pretty much useless "Economy cars" is all well and good, but if they had to sacrifice some of them to add more different cars, I wouldn't shed a tear. Basically, they can be as redundant as they want with the car lineup as long as they don't sacrifice actual variety for it. It wouldn't hurt to add some races that actually give you a reason to race half those cars, either.
Sure, GT is about collecting and driving real-world cars, but is IS also a racing game, there should be more stuff available to RACE, or at least more races for junky cars, heh.
DeadlyFredIt might be a little easier to understand if there were more of a reason for them to be there.
I mean, honestly, how far can you get in the game racing some little econobox that has 70hp AFTER every mod you can possibly buy for it?
I'm not necessarilly saying they shouldn't be in there (though the sheer number of them is a bit redundant) but there's no place to race them. It doesn't matter how good of a driver you are when your competition in 90% of the races would outclass you horribly.
They can include whatever cars they want, I LIKE variety, but there needs to be a reason for them to be there aside from just "Oh hay, I drive this car, cool!" or "Hey that's and insanely neat/ugly car! *stare*"
Having 700+ cars in a game would be a much greater asset if even half of them were actually useful in more than one race series.
I have nothing against old or low powered cars, in fact I'd love to see a slew of old 30s-40s cars in GT5, or heck even a Plymouth Reliant K-Cup. As long as there are places to race them, put them in the game.
But you don't need a selection of 100 nearly identical little boxes to choose from to race one or two circuits.