Casey Anthony not guilty? WTF

A first degree murder conviction NEVER needs a motive, or cause of death for that matter... in fact there doesn't even need to be a body. She got off because of her defense.

No, it doesn't, but it sure as hell needs more than finger pointing.

I'm not surprised by the verdict, neither side seemed to have a good case, fortunately for the defense all you need to do is raise reasonable doubt in the prosecutors case which seemed rather easy.

For the record, I think she did it, doesn't change the fact that the DA and the rest of the prosecution didn't do their job as good as they should have.
99% of people wouldn't be allowed on the jury because they let their emotions take over their freaking brains.

The kid wasn't yours or mine. You didn't know any of those people whatsoever. You have no right to tell ANY mother what to do with the kid SHE gave birth to. Are you anti-abortion, too? Are you a man who wants the right to tell a woman she can't abort her child? What if she was raped? Do you eat meat from animals that are forced into a cell just big enough for them to fit in for days, months, years, until they are butchered for you?

I hate ignorance. I'm so happy she's not guilty. The justice system works. You can't put someone away without proof.
99% of people wouldn't be allowed on the jury because they let their emotions take over their freaking brains.

The kid wasn't yours or mine. You didn't know any of those people whatsoever. You have no right to tell ANY mother what to do with the kid SHE gave birth to. Are you anti-abortion, too? Are you a man who wants the right to tell a woman she can't abort her child? What if she was raped? Do you eat meat from animals that are forced into a cell just big enough for them to fit in for days, months, years, until they are butchered for you?

I hate ignorance. I'm so happy she's not guilty. The justice system works. You can't put someone away without proof.

+1 👍
I'm so happy she's not guilty. The justice system works. You can't put someone away without proof.

I agree with you on the justice system working but you can't rage at people for getting emotional over such a sad event, it's human nature.

You have no right to tell ANY mother what to do with the kid SHE gave birth to.

This i don't agree with, i find it appalling. If i thought for a second the mother of my kid was abusing her or neglecting her i wouldn't be sitting around saying "Oh well, she is her mother", I would be letting my child down. I'm baffled as to how you could have such an opinion.

And no im very much pro-abortion.

Zoolander strikes again.

Just figured it out... She looks like a cross between Joey D and his girlfriend. :lol:
I agree with you on the justice system working but you can't rage at people for getting emotional over such a sad event, it's human nature.

Guess I'm not human then. The people getting emotional are the ones who would put her away without following the laws of the judicial system of the USA. You can't be emotional if you're trying to bring justice. You'll only cause more problems. That's why the jury selection process is so hardcore. Have you ever served jury duty?

This i don't agree with, i find it appalling. If i thought for a second the mother of my kid was abusing her or neglecting her i wouldn't be sitting around saying "Oh well, she is her mother", I would be letting my child down. I'm baffled as to how you could have such an opinion.

And no im very much pro-abortion.

Of course if the mother of YOUR child is abusive, YOU have 50% of the ownership of the child, so it's as much a right for you to stop the abuse as it is for her to be abusive. That is not the case in this situation. Where was the father?
No one has a right to be abusive to anyone, whether it's a stranger, relative, or one's own child. To think that a mother has the right to abuse her child is frankly horrifying.
So nobody here was ever given the belt treatment as a child? Or spanked?

"I gave you life and I can take it away"

It's the same belief that religious people have. God gave them life, and when they die, that's God taking it away in the way that He wants.

Everything happens for a reason. Which is why getting emotional about ANYTHING UNRELATED TO YOUR INSIGNIFICANT LIVES is frankly ridiculous.

People pretend to care about stupid things for a few days, they'll hate anyone who doesn't give a damn about the murder, and then a week later nobody cares.
"I gave you life and I can take it away"
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this but if you think people have the right to murder their children you're quite wrong, and should not be allowed to have children.
I'm not in position to commentate in deep, because I wasn't following the trial closely, however anger is the only feeling that occurs to me right now. :irked:

What the hell, even if the drowning was accidental, how can you hide your own daughter's body? She isn't normal.
Was it not proven in court that she was murdered (duck tape and all - nobody duck tapes a dead body)? and didnt she lie from day one? and didnt she know that her daughter was dead from day 1?

She still has to survive the rest of days she spends in jail...
You know, I had no opinion on this trial, but now this takes the cake:

...The kid wasn't yours or mine. You didn't know any of those people whatsoever. You have no right to tell ANY mother what to do with the kid SHE gave birth to....

Abortion is not the same as killing a 2-year-old child, which she apparently didn't* do. The public does have a right to see a potential murderer of a live human being in front of a jury of her peers, and that's not a matter of "judging" or "telling her what she can do". What you're doing is crossing over from sensibility into a land of hopeless, cannibalistic barbarians, so you might want to edit your statement...human beings don't eat or destroy their live young, and if they do where you live, please crawl back into hole and stay there. Go find me even the most-left and rabid of abortion supporters that approve of killing their born children, and you'll get a gold star.

So nobody here was ever given the belt treatment as a child? Or spanked?

"I gave you life and I can take it away"

No wait, keep digging your hole. Come out when you turn 21, or when I see you arraigned on TV. Maybe you can prevent it by reading this or this.

* Theoretically, that is. Very theoretically.
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You know, I had no opinion on this trial, but now this takes the cake:

Abortion is not the same as killing a 2-year-old child, which she apparently didn't* do. The public does have a right to see a potential murderer of a live human being in front of a jury of her peers, and that's not a matter of "judging" or "telling her what she can do". What you're doing is crossing over from sensibility into a land of hopeless, cannibalistic barbarians, so you might want to edit your statement...human beings don't eat or destroy their live young, and if they do where you live, please crawl back into hole and stay there. Go find me even the most-left and rabid of abortion supporters that approve of killing their born children, and you'll get a gold star.

No wait, keep digging your hole. Come out when you turn 21, or when I see you arraigned on TV. Maybe you can prevent it by reading this or this.

* Theoretically, that is. Very theoretically.

Why would I be arraigned? It's not in the cards for me to do something retarded like kill anyone. And if it IS my destiny to become a killer, I'll deal with it like a man and accept my fate should I be found guilty. Come back when I'm 21? lol I'm 27 and I think everyone involves themselves in everyone else's business when they have no rhyme or reason to. People need to shut the F up, seriously. Have we not learned anything from the Salem Witch Trials? Should we stone this woman to death? I can't stand people getting riled up about someone else's issues. If you hate it so much, become a judge and change the world. If not, go back to your insignificant life and stop shoving your nose up other people's butts just because your life has nothing interesting going on. People are way too sensitive, and that's partly why America will someday lose its power over the world. And in a way I say GOOD. Besides the fact that there will most likely be a World War 3 before the turn of the century in the form of a nuclear war. I truly believe in an apocalypse in the near future. Also, I don't plan on fathering any children. I'm way too selfish and way too minimalistic for that kind of stress. I like a simple life where I don't have to wake up at 3am because my baby is crying. Why would anyone want that? I just don't get it. I don't get anything. PS. I have avoidant disorder and am somewhat nihilistic. I rarely leave my apartment unless I have to. Maybe that's why I think the way I do about social and political issues. I'm not like most of you. I'm the anti-human.
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I don't get anything. PS. I have avoidant disorder and am somewhat nihilistic. I rarely leave my apartment unless I have to. Maybe that's why I think the way I do about social and political issues. I'm not like most of you. I'm the anti-human.

Look, I'm deeply sorry that you ran out of cigarettes and your last black shirt still hasn't come out of the dryer...but there's always tomorrow.
I saw this for the first on CNN in the hospital over the weekend. I had no clue what was going on, nor did I really care, all I saw was CNN saying the same thing for hours on end.

Whatever happened to the girl was certainly a tragedy, however, there is no proof that Casey Anthony did anything. Just a smelly car trunk, a lack of chemical evidence, and many, MANY assumptions. If I were on the jury, I'd say she wasn't guilty, just for that alone.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this but if you think people have the right to murder their children you're quite wrong, and should not be allowed to have children.

This is what parents yell at theirs kids in an attempt to re-establish dominance (accompanied by violence) when they have lost control of the situation.

Also, to quote Judge Napolitano about the case:

‎"If Casey Anthony were to have been convicted on the basis of public opinion, all of our freedoms would be subject to the whims of the masses, and that would not constitute justice."
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To me, this is how the justice system is supposed to work. It stuck to what it's supposed to do, and that is give everyone a fair trial, no matter what the media thinks of them. The prosecutors couldn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that she did it, so she is innocent. I don't see why the justice system working as it should is a huge public outcry.

This is exactly how I feel about the whole thing. You have the right to a fair trial with a jury made up of your peers. If we get rid of that then what do we have? The judicial system may not be perfect but I'll take it over what many other countries have.

One thing most people are forgetting is that she didn't get away with murder, she got acquitted because the state of Florida can not file proper charges against someone. If they would have charged her to better fit the evidence at hand then she probably would be sitting in jail for a long time.

And even then the prosecution had an weak case. It's really hard to convict anyone on theory. You need solid evidence aside from pictures of a young girl drinking and acting like a slut. If that's evidence for murder then you might as well arrest 70% of the college girls that post pictures on Facebook, MySpace or whatever else.

What probably gets me more than anything though is we have hundreds, if not thousands, of murders in the city of Detroit every year and no one even makes a huge deal out of it past a blurb on the nightly news. It happens so much that I'm immune to it. But really where's their justice? Where's their media circus? Oh ya, Nancy Grace didn't sink her satanic claws into it.

And for the record I think her parents had something to do with it, more specifically her dad.
This is what parents yell at theirs kids in an attempt to re-establish dominance (accompanied by violence) when they have lost control of the situation.
Yes, my dad has said similar things to me many times, mostly in jest. But it seems like fitftw was implying it literally, which is worrying.
Any time I watch Inside Edition or one of those kinds of shows, all I can think about is Idiocracy. You guys have seen that movie, right?
Idiocracy is in fact, a prophecy. If the planet somehow makes it to the year 2500 or whatever, it will not be much different than the world portrayed in that great movie. It has electrolytes! Brondo: It's what plants crave.

Another great prophecy:
OK, so she's not guilty of killing Kaylee.
Doesn't that mean that they have to search for someone else now?
The only reason she got media was because it was a cute white 2 year old girl supposedly murdered by an apparently cute party girl mother.

And I don't think we will here from Nancy Grace for a while. Heres what the local radio station said: "Many people sitting at home reported hearing a sonic boom over their homes. The FBI investigated it and said that it was nothing terrorist related, however they never said what it really was. My bet was that it was Nancy Grace's head exploding after she heard the verdict on the Casey Anthony trial." :lol:
My first reaction was the same WTF as everyone else, but it only took a few minutes to realize that the jury made the correct decision. This was a very poorly organized charge, and a poorly presented case from the prosecution side. Perhaps if they had gone for a lesser charge, they might have been able to put her away for a few more years. But, presenting Ms. Anthony as a neglectful, drunken slut proves nothing, as much as they wanted it to. Plus the fact they couldn't really prove that child was murdered at all...sorry, but the system worked just fine on this one.
Plus the fact they couldn't really prove that child was murdered at all...

While I think the jury made the correct decision (don't get me wrong, I still have my suspicions on her, I think I'm just upset there wasn't enough proof), I don't think I can agree with the statement above - I think the child was clearly murdered, whether or not her mother was responsible.