Fair enough with the gossip trial thing, but she might have killed a little girl. If that isn't a real issue then what is?
Imagine if you could talk to the toddler, would she think it isn't a real issue? Her life was taken from her at age 2.
I don't care who died, it is not international news for 3 years important. Imagine if your own child went missing while Nancy Grace ranted on about this one, single, case. You really want just 5 minutes of media coverage to get some volunteers to help you search, get her picture out, and ask for information from any possible witnesses, but you can't because Nancy Grace and others in the media decided this case is more important.
Hundreds of kids go missing every day. Why do I only know about this one, which happened three years ago?
A first degree murder conviction NEVER needs a motive, or cause of death for that matter... in fact there doesn't even need to be a body. She got off because of her defense.
A first degree murder conviction should have a motive. Murder One is Premeditated Murder. You cannot get premeditated murder without a motive.
And that is where the prosecutors screwed up. They saw a mother acting uncaring and went for the full on death penalty charge. The problem is that they didn't have proof for premeditated murder. Manslaughter, negligence, most likely. But she wasn't charged with those. To prove murder one you have to prove they had a reason and had thought it out in advance, as well as actually did it.
Was it not proven in court that she was murdered (duck tape and all - nobody duck tapes a dead body)? and didnt she lie from day one? and didnt she know that her daughter was dead from day 1?
I may have misheard, as it was just the TV on in the background, but I believe the duct tape that was supposed to have been over her mouth and nose had no DNA on it, which is unheard of.
I think this a case of jury stupification.
Also reveals a glaring weakness in the system: Jury selection.
The jury selection process, is nothing more in many of these cases than an excercise by the defense, of stacking the jury with as many "stooges" as possible, so as to skew "reasonable doubt".
Evidently they suceeded in this case.
The prosecution has an equal amount of control over jury selection as the defense. They both get the same number of automatic dismissals. They both get to question every potential juror.
IMO, guilt on the manslaughter charge was a "no brainer".
But she wasn't charged with manslaughter. She was charged with Murder One. Those are two very different forms of homicide. One is accidental death due to some form of reckless endangerment, the other is premeditated murder.
Of course on the other hand I believe Casey got a jury of her "peers".
They were as careless and negligent as she was.
Or they were an honest jury that didn't see proof of premeditated murder.