Casey Anthony not guilty? WTF


lol I hate ignorant idiots. Unfortunately a large majority of the public fits into that group.

Yes it is blindingly obvious she did, however most western justice systems (are mean to be) based on "Inoccent untill PROVEN guilty" They don't have enough evidence to prove without doubt that she commited first degree murder. and therefore is innocent. In hind sight they probably should have tried to do her for manslaughter, of which they could definately justify and prove.
In hind sight they probably should have tried to do her for manslaughter, of which they could definately justify and prove.
Before someone jumps on you, you should clarify that you mean the more commonly referred to negligent, or unintentional manslaughter and not the aggravated manslaughter that she was charged with.
this is pathetic.Casey Anthony should be guilty

Ignoring every post above yours on "Innocent until proven guilty." That's the way it goes. Not enough evidence to directly link her to her child's murder, no dice.
Anyone else read the article from the other day where some lady was attacked and run off the road because some lady thought she was Casey Anthony?
I don't think it's necessarily a mental problem. It sounds like this woman was possessed by some kind of furious anger over the verdict and decided to take the law into her own hands. Anger can be a powerful emotion, powerful enough to deny reality - Anthony was still in custody when the attack happened.
I meant the woman who thought she was running Casey Anthony off the road. She has mental problems. People take things more personally than they should.
Taking things personally is not a mental problem. If it was, we'd all need to be committed at some point or another.

Or do you mean the woman who ran the look-alike off the road had mental issues in addition to taking things far too personally?
Or do you mean the woman who ran the look-alike off the road had mental issues in addition to taking things far too personally?

Maybe part of her mental issue was in thinking that she had to run her off the road in the first place. How could someone get so personally affected by this story that they're willing to kill someone and put their own life in danger as well? People are mental.
Running someone off the road out of anger is pretty serious. It's really hard to do that without the intention of killing them. I'd say that trying to kill someone out of personal anger, without even knowing the person you're attacking is the person you're angry at, is quite a serious issue, which requires a relatively large amount of mental instability to commit. Compared to say, getting mad and beating up a guy because he's harassing a girl. That's not necessarily the right action either, but it's a very different scenario.
From the "Do You Believe in God Thread

what we need to do is get rid of religion completely. A reverse genocide/holocaust. The world would be a better place without people killing each other over stupid nonsense like belief in a higher power.

From this thread

there are a lot of people with serious mental problems out there.

I'm sorry, I just had to do that.
I'm not denying I have mental problems. At least I know right from wrong. I was being sarcastic in the religion thread. The world would be better if we got rid of GOD. Take away god, all religions are basically the same.
How could someone get so personally affected by this story that they're willing to kill someone and put their own life in danger as well?
Because think about what was involved in this case: Caylee Anthony was two and a half years old when she died. Her disappearance was not reported for a month. Her mother was spotted partying just hours after her death, and the prosecution argued that Casey Anthony killed her daughter so that she could start a new life with her new boyfriend, and she repeatedly lied to police during the investigation. The prosecution went in for charges of first-degree (premeditated) murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter. All of them are serious charges; first-degree murder carries the death penalty in Florida. So at the worst, Casey Anthony was a callous child killer; at best, she was a negligent parent. That can really whip people up into a frenzy - just look at the Kiesha Abrahams case here in Australia, which is remarkable similar: when her mother and step-father were first brought into court, there was already an angry mob outside the courthouse. The difference in the Caylee Anthony case was that it got picked up by social media. It got massive media coverage all over the world, though a lot of it was brawls between people trying to get into the courtroom for the verdict. The big problem in this case is that the public had already judged Casey Anthony guilty before the trial was over. They were expecting a guilty verdict, but they had not heard all of the evidence - and what evidence they did hear was diluted by pundits analysing it and grandstanding to audiences because they knew it would get ratings.

Running someone off the road out of anger is pretty serious. It's really hard to do that without the intention of killing them. I'd say that trying to kill someone out of personal anger, without even knowing the person you're attacking is the person you're angry at, is quite a serious issue, which requires a relatively large amount of mental instability to commit. Compared to say, getting mad and beating up a guy because he's harassing a girl. That's not necessarily the right action either, but it's a very different scenario.
Remember, the attacker wasn't trying to kill the woman she ran into - she was trying to kill Casey Anthony. She believed that Anthony was guilty of being a child killer, and that in killing "Anthony", she was doing the right thing. I've seen pictures of Casey Anthony and "Casey Anthony", and they do look similar.

Anger is a powerful motivation. A lot of murders happen because one person is incredibly angry at their victim - like say, someone who kills a man because that man is sleeping with his wife. I'm not trying to justify what the woman did when she ran the Anthony look-alike off the road; I'm just saying that intense anger is not a mental illness. The Anthony case has gotten massive media attention (it was even getting a lot of coverage here in Australia in the days before the verdict), so it's not like the attacker just ran the first person she saw off the road. She had clearly been following the Anthony case and decided she was guilty, and when she saw who she believed to be Casey Anthony, she ran the other woman off the road with the intention of killing her because of it.
I still call that a serious mental illness.

If the child is not yours and you had no idea the child or Casey Anthony even existed until a few weeks ago, and yet you still feel like you need to MURDER someone, you have a whopping chemical imbalance in your brain and are way too sensitive and weak. She should be put in jail for running someone off the road.

It's the equivalent of hearing about the twin towers on 9/11 and me having zero relation to anybody who died in the attacks, and saying to myself "I need to physically destroy the taliban" and strap some M16's and rocket launchers to my back and start hunting for muslim people.

Like, seriously? Why couldn't this woman just go about her life like she did up until a few weeks ago? Why did this case drive her to have murderous intentions? That's why news stories like this are dangerous to society. Many people, MANY PEOPLE, simply cannot HANDLE this kind of thing.
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The world would be better if we got rid of GOD. Take away god, all religions are basically the same.
You got it backward. God is the same for all the monotheistic religions (which are the current troublemakers) its the people and all the stupid crap they make up to defend their bigotry that causes the problem.

I still call that a serious mental illness.

If the child is not yours and you had no idea the child or Casey Anthony even existed until a few weeks ago, and yet you still feel like you need to MURDER someone, you have a whopping chemical imbalance in your brain and are way too sensitive and weak. She should be put in jail for running someone off the road.

It's the equivalent of hearing about the twin towers on 9/11 and me having zero relation to anybody who died in the attacks, and saying to myself "I need to physically destroy the taliban" and strap some M16's and rocket launchers to my back and start hunting for muslim people.

Like, seriously? Why couldn't this woman just go about her life like she did up until a few weeks ago? Why did this case drive her to have murderous intentions? That's why news stories like this are dangerous to society. Many people, MANY PEOPLE, simply cannot HANDLE this kind of thing.
To start off, after 9/11 people did volunteer for the military, knowing we would be going to war. And those were decisions made based on a since of patriotism and a desire for vengeance. A pro football player even gave up his career to die for his country (For the sake of keeping the discussion on topic let's not get into how he actually did die).

But similarly some people do feel an emotional attachment to this case. I don't know if you have kids or not, but I know very few parents that can see or hear about something awful happening to a child similar in age to their own and not feel that grip of fear and anger close in on them. I mean, I heard about a young girl close in age to my daughter that got sexually abused by a family member and I actually felt myself flush with the anger. If the guy that did it had been in my presence at that moment, even though it wasn't my daughter, I cannot say I wouldn't have at least gotten an assault charge brought against me. I even told my wife that if that ever happened to our daughter that she had better make sure the police had the guy in custody before I found out or I'd be in jail and he'd be in the morgue.

And that is the thing. In that circumstance of a protective parent instinct people are likely to commit violence they would never imagine at any other time. To me, the crime is three years old and so this girl's death is old news now. But we live in a world where parents assault each other to get the big Christmas present desired by their child. If someone will result to fighting over toys for the materialistic happiness of their child what would they do for true safety. Add in that some people impose every little bad story they hear over their own lives (the same ones that tell us crime is significantly worse now than 50 years ago) and these people will snap without thinking. Their brain reacts on that protective instinct level.

And that is what happened. This woman could possibly, assuming she is charged with something and she has competent lawyers can probably have a psychiatrist testify to explain temporary insanity. It isn't a long-term mental illness that can be treated, it is a temporary mental and emotional overload. I think that worst case is the woman will have her license revoked for six months, do some anger management courses, and face probation for three years.
Feeling intense anger is human. Doing something irrational like killing someone because you can't control your anger... that's a problem. I agree it may not be a long-term mental "illness", but it's still something that needs to be fixed. I am glad to hear the woman's punishment. She could have killed an innocent person, regardless of who she thought it was. I don't take that lightly.
Feeling intense anger is human. Doing something irrational like killing someone because you can't control your anger... that's a problem. I agree it may not be a long-term mental "illness", but it's still something that needs to be fixed.
I'm not saying it is acceptable, but it is triggered similar to how road rage incidents are. The thing is that in a case like this it is highly unlikely these people have ever exhibited any instability before.
I know nothing of psychology, so it's hard for me to comment on that, but you could be right. Maybe I just don't see what your point is. If it's just that the woman probably doesn't have a mental illness, I agree, but I have no sympathy for road rage. It puts so many people at needless risk, and in this case it shows that the woman had no regard for the opinions of others. Casey Anthony was found not guilty by the jury, why should it be this woman's decision whether she lives or dies? Completely stupid and deserving of punishment. But I'm not sure what your perspective is on that.
I know nothing of psychology, so it's hard for me to comment on that, but you could be right. Maybe I just don't see what your point is. If it's just that the woman probably doesn't have a mental illness, I agree, but I have no sympathy for road rage. It puts so many people at needless risk, and in this case it shows that the woman had no regard for the opinions of others. Casey Anthony was found not guilty by the jury, why should it be this woman's decision whether she lives or dies? Completely stupid and deserving of punishment. But I'm not sure what your perspective is on that.
I'm just pointing out that sudden irrational rage over an emotional event is not a mental illness.

She is a criminal and committed assault. She should pay for that.
All I wanna say is this, I don't believe in death sentence cause it isn't reversible.
I think that is THE only argument you need against the death penalty.
Alot of people have been found not guilty MANY years later (of course not only in the US).

About this case, I don't know enough to say anything more than a 2.5 (correct?) year child dying is HORRIFIC wherever/whenever it happens.
It's important we protect our children and their rights cause they can't themselfs.

Also, you need to be "certain beyond all reasonable doubt" when sentencing someone.
Does this means people will go free although they did something, YES.
But we still need this so we just don't throw people in jail cause we think they did it.
All I wanna say is this, I don't believe in death sentence cause it isn't reversible.
I think that is THE only argument you need against the death penalty.
Alot of people have been found not guilty MANY years later (of course not only in the US).

About this case, I don't know enough to say anything more than a 2.5 (correct?) year child dying is HORRIFIC wherever/whenever it happens.
It's important we protect our children and their rights cause they can't themselfs.

Also, you need to be "certain beyond all reasonable doubt" when sentencing someone.
Does this means people will go free although they did something, YES.
But we still need this so we just don't throw people in jail cause we think they did it.
Agreed. The only way to improve the rate of correct sentences is to advance the technology available to find evidence against people. Imagine how many criminals went free before DNA testing, or fingerprints for that matter.
If the child is not yours and you had no idea the child or Casey Anthony even existed until a few weeks ago, and yet you still feel like you need to MURDER someone, you have a whopping chemical imbalance in your brain and are way too sensitive and weak.
The Casey Anthony trial has been going for three years.

And if "I was really, really angry at the time" was a valid defence, nobody would be prosecuted. Angry she may have been, but this woman knew exactly what she was doing - she saw the Anthony look-alike in a petrol station, and then followed her once she left and then ran the poor woman off the road. It's not like she just saw "Casey Anthony" driving by, did a U-turn and wnet after her. The attacker had time to plan what she was going to do.

She should be put in jail for running someone off the road.
She's been charged with assault with a deadly weapon.