Cepeda is a total dip****.

United States
This guy is the biggest asshole I've ever seen. He plays for Cuba, so he's obviously an asshole.

Anyway, in Cuba's game against Australia in the Olympics, this total dickwad hit a homerun, placed his bat on homeplate and strutted like he was God at least halfway to first base.

Why the **** do people do this ****? Nobody wants to see you walk down to first base after you hit a homerun. Sprint, you lazy ****ing ********. It's bad enough when MLB players do this, but when mediocre players start doing it, it just pisses me off.

He should have been drilled right in the face in his next at bat. I want to see broken bones in his face. Seriously. Nothing less. I thought Aussies were tough.

Nothing pisses me off more than **** like this.

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