Chase for NASCAR Sprint Cup Title - Series Champion: RFLX_Niop

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Unfortunately, I've just been deployed to the North Carolina coast in preparation for this inbound hurricane. I leave this Friday at 0800, and will likely be gone anywhere from 7-21 days, with 10-17 days being the most likely result. This means that the final scheduled race for this weekend will not happen.

You guys can choose to postpone the event until I get back, or we can just call the season complete now, and take a nice break leading into season 2. I'll leave it up to you guys. Either way, RFLX_Niop is the clear champion, so I extend my congratulations to him for a very great performance this season.
Hey now, there's no need to get carried away. There is still the potential (mathematically and incredibly slim) that The S1 Champ may change :dunce:

Sorry to hear of your deployment Drop, hope that you stay safe and come back quickly :)

As for the final race, guys, we can't finish it on Suzuka! We need to have Daytona there to finish things off with a bang. We have three choices though:

a) Finish it now, declare Niop as Champ, myself second, Drop third and Homeslice fourth.

b) Race to continue as scheduled which would mean Drop misses it, as does Joe, leaving a three way battle for second between myself, Home and Akmuq.

c) (and my preferred option) postpone it till Drop is back behind his wheel. This may also allow Joe to make the final race, and bring more competition to that second spot.

Gutted in so much as I was all geared up for Saturday, made special arrangements etc. But hey, we can't not have Drop in guys. He's the one who resurected this, and we owe him this.

Look forward to all your input, and when it happens, let's make Daytona an absolute blast.

Good luck to you mate, stay safe 👍
Shame I missed the entire season but I'm up for Season 2 next year or whenever it is.
Grrr anyone want to trade a #20 Logano 0/0 for whatever duplicate they get in the Seasonals?

Don't need Kyle, JP, Allmendinger or TS though.

Just got home, will probably sleep until my regular job starts back on Monday. Are we good to race our season finale this Saturday?
Most Def man, glad your back and safe.

Was it messed up? Looked it on the news!!!!
The flooding was definitely much worse up north. The worst part in NC was trying to maintain law and order in a massive power outage. I'm very glad to be back home and back to normal.
Not quite sure what capacity you were there in, but now I'm thinking night vision and big guns with a sheriff badge maintaining law and order in a messed up world. Creeping around with your partner, spike, keeping the community safe ;)

Seriously though mate, the news covered it here of course. Hats off to all that did all they can to aid. It was like watching a real life movie at times. Good to see you back again man.

Anyway, NASCAR in general has been dead so let's gather the troops and get some banter going for the finale.

Off to brands hatch now for DTM and euro NASCAR series mmmmmmmm
Final race of the season, 75 laps at Daytona, THIS SATURDAY at 5pm EDT.
Also, the GTP authentic Daytona 500 is back on for Saturday September 17th, in our normal time slot.

I'm seriously considering making the Daytona 500 event number one for NASCAR Season 2, and then wrapping the whole season with an authentic Brickyard 400 about 9-11 weeks later or so. Thoughts?
I doubt I'll be in the race on saturday. I get connection problems in your lounge for some reason, and since the 1.11 and 1.12 updates I've been having connection issues all over the place online on GT5. I probably won't even be able to enter the room.

I either get an incompatibility error with the host and can't join, or I join and weird stuff happens, ending with me either getting a disconnect, apparently not meeting the regulations when I in fact do, or have to leave because everyone's cars have disappeared one by one. (These are all since 1.11 came out.)

The only time it's been ok for me since 1.11 is in my own lounge.
I'm seriously considering making the Daytona 500 event number one for NASCAR Season 2, and then wrapping the whole season with an authentic Brickyard 400 about 9-11 weeks later or so. Thoughts?

I think it's a very good idea, but I would prefer to start with the Brickyard 400 and finish with the Daytona 500.

I presume you are not talking about the Authentic 500 also being the opening race for S2, and that these are completely different. :nervous:

As for Joe, is there any way around this mate, somebody elses room (mine for example) or your own? There has just been some maintenance as well, and maybe that could help things (or if a patch comes before Saturday).
I think it's a very good idea, but I would prefer to start with the Brickyard 400 and finish with the Daytona 500.

I presume you are not talking about the Authentic 500 also being the opening race for S2, and that these are completely different. :nervous:

As for Joe, is there any way around this mate, somebody elses room (mine for example) or your own? There has just been some maintenance as well, and maybe that could help things (or if a patch comes before Saturday).

There's only 3 people I seem to have an OK connection with. Myself, BishopGreenFord (was in his private lounge a few days ago.), and you (you had no problems when you checked in on my testing a couple of days ago.).
What about open lobbies? The only problem we had before was with private lobbies.
I sent MustangRyan a "proposal" for Season 2 earlier, one that could be very exciting if it starts. It would be after the IROC Series has finished though (5 weeks).
What a great race, a perfect conclusion to a very competitive season. I'm going to watch tonight's Sprint Cup race, and will tabulate the final standings afterwards.
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