MotZoddholy cow man... that wheel is sweet! never seen that one before. does it come with different wheel shapes and sizes?
i see what you mean about the table... cool deal.
you should get a few more skate desks!! HAHAHA lol... i'm a skater too. lol what cha got for an RC there. i'm into Nitro RC 1/8 buggies and monster trucks although i used to have fun racing 1/10 gas trucks on track.
thanks for the pics!!!
think you could take pics of the pedals and pedal box?? thanks
oh one more question... WHERE'S THE SCREEN/MONITOR???? 💡
vtec_guyI'm thinking of painting the table in the williams colours and putting some HP or Michelin stickers on it. Hey VALKENDORM, where did you get that michelin sticker from? I gotta get me one of those.
vtec_guyI made the stand so the pedals sit at 45 degrees which is the perfect angle. This will make the pedals a hell of a lot easier to use but I still have to put the skateboard behind it at the moment to stop it from slidng around on the carpet.
r34jsenice how long did it take to make??
vtec_guyThe screen/monitor is that little digital display thing near the center of the wheel. It's such a good wheel, I'm having so much fun using it and i'm starting to adapt to it now.
A lot of my RCs are just hobby ones but one of them is an old electric carpet racer that used to belong to my dad that I found in the attic and fixed up about 6 months ago.
I'm thinking of painting the table in the williams colours and putting some HP or Michelin stickers on it. Hey VALKENDORM, where did you get that michelin sticker from? I gotta get me one of those.
Wrath0110OK, I've been reading this thread since it's inception, and I've seen a lot of great cockpit designs. I built one of my own based on garage door opener strapping materials (kinda like a big erector set), but the wife objected because it took up too much room. So here's my question: How to get a great racing cockpit for GT4, spend as little as possible (mine cost over $100 at Lowes) AND it has to fold up so the wife won't gripe.
ppuccinurburgring, I don't want to be a spoiler, but I prefer rather your previous setup, with the handbrake stick and the reverse in a button... this one looks a little more "fragile". Excelent job, anyway... very impresive.
ppucciI am looking for information on replacing the original DFP wheel. Any help is welcome.
nurburgringI will post pics of my steering wheel... But there was a little welding job to be done!
vtec_guywelding on your steering wheel? isnt it plastic?
ppucciDid you manage to keep the gear shift knobs?
nurburgringI kept the gears shift buttons on the back of the DFP original steering wheel. I just have to manage to put new switches (from an old flight simulator joystick) in the new center part of the steering.
And you can remove and put back very easily the original DFP shift stick (only one bolt has to be removed from under the DFP).