CHEAP Cockpit Alternatives ONLY

  • Thread starter mnarciso
Man this eems to be your lucky week. Promo to Div2 (wait till I'll see you there. Congrats again) and now a purple race chassis........
Nice work and good to see your partner like your hobby!
Hey Natalya,

Nice rig. I don't have a camera or I'd post my WIP DIY cockpit. Congrats on the D2 promotion. I've been busy for the last month at school hopefully I'll be busy for the next 3 months and then I can come back and learn something from you. You'll probly be in D1 by then. :) and I'll be in the back of the pack.
D1? I don't think so ... maybe by GT5 :P

And thanks for the kind words you two, I appreciate it. I'm lucky to have a b/f who not only supports, enjoys and indulges my little hobby, but actually wants to see me a little more comfortable!

To celebrate, I finished off my S-licenses ... and yet I'm still only 24.4% complete :dopey:
I've used trancer's cockpit. He has a couple setup at his place and we've been doing some LAN racing. I would highly recomend it! Very comfortable and realistic seating position. It is also a very well put together piece of hardware, rugged and durable. Watch for it on ebay, I believe he's going to try and sell it for even less than he mentioned above.
I've used trancer's cockpit. He has a couple setup at his place and we've been doing some LAN racing. I would highly recomend it! Very comfortable and realistic seating position. It is also a very well put together piece of hardware, rugged and durable. Watch for it on ebay, I believe he's going to try and sell it for even less than he mentioned above.

Do you happen to know his ebay screen name, or some kind of title he'll sell them under?
Look at my brand new foldable cockpit! The steering wheel is from the seventies (aluminium and wood). It has the same diameter than my Miata steering wheel...

My girlfriend enjoys the fact this is nicer and not as big as the first cockpit I did!

It took me around 8 hours of cutting and welding tubes together...

Click on the thumbnails and then click TWICE on the pictures to have them more bigger.

The shifter "H" includes down gear, up gear, reverse and handbrake. Very efficient and quick!

Shift positions are:
up-left: Downshift
up-right: reverse
down-left: upshift
down-right: Handbrake

I kept the gears shift buttons on the back of the DFP original steering wheel. I just have to manage to put new switches (from an old flight simulator joystick) in the new center part of the steering.

The wiring is plugged to the wiring under the DIY gear shift I made...

And you can remove and put back very easily the original DFP shift stick (only one bolt has to be removed from under the DFP).

I kept the original logitech steering wheel (and shifter) that I can easily put back with only 4 screws to remove! (detailed pics soon!).

That is a GREAT SETUP! Even more realistic! :) :dopey: :crazy:
here is my set-up ....... a custom made cockpit made in Taiwan.




my new toy, FREX + shifter :)

SimRaceDriver, just wonder does the FREX pedal kit good for PS2/GT series?? I wud luv to get one but wanna be sure it works with PS2, before paying that large amount of $$$$$$$$ :sly:

hkggkh, your last pic shows the Frex shifter connected to a modified Logictech Force Pro shifter. I have been to the Frex web site and there is little info as to what is needed to modify the Force Pro as well as the cost of the sequential shifter (yes, I have read that it is very expensive)

It seems that you buy the modifed force pro from them direct, correct? Can you give any details or links as to how much work was involved in hooking up the sequential shifter on your own? And the rough cost to do the work?

Thanks for any help you can give.
I took a couple measurements, bought one sheet plywood, some screws, a piece of 2/2, and 5/16 dowl rod. I built a console that slides under the cushion of any couch or chair. It works great and was easy to build plus it slides away neatly and quickly if say your wife says, "ok enough of that for a while. Put it away."
The only tools you'll need are a screwdriver, a hand saw and a drill. You can always modify it to your liking.
Its fully adjustable because the top portion can slide forward or back and the pedal assembly struts are drilled so you can pull the dowl rods and insert them in another hole for leg length. Remember, not every one has a game room for a big bulky contraption. This thing slips under the couch form behind when you 're done witn it. 👍

P.S. To the person who put the ds2 as a console, you just haven't seen the light yet. Enance your driving experience with a wheel. You'll never go back.

And here it is!


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Look at my brand new foldable cockpit! The steering wheel is from the seventies (aluminium and wood). It has the same diameter than my Miata steering wheel...

My girlfriend enjoys the fact this is nicer and not as big as the first cockpit I did!

It took me around 8 hours of cutting and welding tubes together...

Click on the thumbnails and then click TWICE on the pictures to have them more bigger.

The shifter "H" includes down gear, up gear, reverse and handbrake. Very efficient and quick!

I kept the original logitech steering wheel (and shifter) that I can easily put back with only 4 screws to remove!

That is a GREAT SETUP! Even more realistic! :) :dopey: :crazy:

Dude, that is one kick ass setup. Now you're racing in Style ;)

I have the DFP, but I have no set up right now. Within the next couple months though I plan on getting something or make something. :)

I took a couple measurements, bought one sheet plywood, some screws, a piece of 2/2, and 5/16 dowl rod. I built a console that slides under the cushion of any couch or chair. It works great and was easy to build plus it slides away neatly and quickly if say your wife says, "ok enough of that for a while. Put it away."
The only tools you'll need are a screwdriver, a hand saw and a drill. You can always modify it to your liking.
I'll post a couple pics soon.

P.S. To the person who put the ds2 as a console, you just haven't seen the light yet. Enance your driving experience with a wheel. You'll never go back.
Dude, that is one kick ass setup. Now you're racing in Style ;)

I have the DFP, but I have no set up right now. Within the next couple months though I plan on getting something or make something. :)


Take a look here for a list of ideas....It's a list I'm always updating...I haven't had time to put each price on the page, so you'll have to click each respective link to get that information.

My cockpit and setup.

Got the wood at my father's house (he's a carpenter) and build it together. Got the chair a while ago. (Total cost: 0$)

Everything has been painted, except for the Michelin buddy. I know Esso Ultraflo and Michelin doesn't really fit together, but that's not my goal here. Also put two layers of gloss. (Total cost: 20$)

Still some touches to do (Autobacs writing on one side and Michelin logo in front). Of course, buy a DFP for 150$ CAN. ;)
My cockpit and setup.

Got the wood at my father's house (he's a carpenter) and build it together. Got the chair a while ago. (Total cost: 0$)

Everything has been painted, except for the Michelin buddy. I know Esso Ultraflo and Michelin doesn't really fit together, but that's not my goal here. Also put two layers of gloss. (Total cost: 20$)

Still some touches to do (Autobacs writing on one side and Michelin logo in front). Of course, buy a DFP for 150$ CAN. ;)
lol nice setup better than mine which =none
lol nice setup better than mine which =none
Please, avoid making relatively pointless comments like this, and if you must do it, at least avoid quoting the pictures. Every time somebody opens this page of this thread, you've just doubled the number of server calls to that particular location.

I've found a low down table to clamp my new wheel to but im stuck on how to make my pedals sit at an angle so i can push them down properly. And also, I need a seat that isnt huge like a car seat (because my room is tiny). I was thinking of a go kart seat but cant find anywhere cheap to buy one. Any help guys?
i've been toying with the idea of hanging / mounting the pedals upside down! :crazy: i know the brake will be EVEN LIGHTER do to the lack of spring, cause your brake is now the gas, so the gas is the brake...but it's a way around CUTTING the pedal box, or making a new box to mount the Pots and pedals into

how 'bout those folding nylon fabric chairs used for sitting at the beach or parades, that could work... and if it's too high off the ground you can afford to hack saw some of the length off the legs cause the chair so pretty cheap. like $15.

nurburgring: GREAT thinking dude. awesome use of a hacked controler. i've done some simular stuff in the arcade field using MIME and hacking keyboards and optical mice for use on arcade controlers and track balls!
i've been toying with the idea of hanging / mounting the pedals upside down! :crazy: i know the brake will be EVEN LIGHTER do to the lack of spring, cause your brake is now the gas, so the gas is the brake...but it's a way around CUTTING the pedal box, or making a new box to mount the Pots and pedals into

I had the same idea, but already spend enough time and wanted finally to play the game! :)
I will soon modify mine and put the electronic parts on a real car pedals set up... :dopey:
SICK dude! take lots o pics for the forum. i'm dieing to see what that looks like up close. i've only seen one or two others do this!

great work and craftmanship man!
lol here's my makeshift cockpit (i only got my wheel yesterday).

The wheel is pretty low down as well but my wheel is a f1 replica so you can remove it like in a real f1 so its still pretty easy to get in/out. I'm building a wooden box to support my pedals today, and I was thinking of getting an old school chair and taking the legs off to use as a seat seeing as go-kart seats are soooooo expensive. I'll try and get pics of my box when i finish it.
looks good dude. that table is stable with FFB? looks like it may twist in a shicane (sp).

did you alter your pedals at all; they don't look as high off the ground as i'd think they would be.

btw, what pedals and wheel are those?
I had the same idea, but already spend enough time and wanted finally to play the game!
nurburgring, I've tried sending you private messages, but they are not working. Please edit your signature down to the GTP limit of 6 lines, including blank lines. This helps reduce screen clutter.

looks good dude. that table is stable with FFB? looks like it may twist in a shicane (sp).

did you alter your pedals at all; they don't look as high off the ground as i'd think they would be.

btw, what pedals and wheel are those?

The table is very stable. It has a bottom shelf bit as well and my legs go between the two so it stays very sturdy, but it stands up anyway even when im not there. The table is the only thing i'm sticking with at the moment (other than the wheel and pedals). I'm looking at chairs now and today i'm building a wooden prop to hold my pedals at the right angle so I dont need to use a skateboard lol.

Oh, and the wheel + pedal set is the Joytech Williams F1 wheel. It has force feedback and a stick shifter like on the dfp. It's a Williams F1 officially licensed product and the wheel is a replica of the one Juan Pablo Montoya used last season. It even has a little screen that displays what mode you're in and has a stop watch.

I'll post some pics of it up in a minute.


here you can see the bottom shelf. I put the pillow there to stop the wood from digging into my ankles but im hoping to find something to fix in there so I can sleep properly again.

Here's the wheel when taken off of the "steering column".

Here's the digital display, although there is a lap timer already in gt4 I thought this was a pretty cool little touch.
Does anyone know of anywhere that I can get a good seat from? It doesnt need to be a racing seat. I dont really want ot spend more than £40 - £50. I was told about a website where you can buy plastic bucket seats for around $39 but when I checked it was more like $79. Any help....please?
that was a sweet session vtec and thanks for that ill deffnaterly be getting one theyre sweet as and vtecs got the best cocpit position (apart from the pedals are proped up agains a old skate bord) but appart from that its rad.
holy cow man... that wheel is sweet! never seen that one before. does it come with different wheel shapes and sizes?

i see what you mean about the table... cool deal.

you should get a few more skate desks!! HAHAHA lol... i'm a skater too. lol what cha got for an RC there. i'm into Nitro RC 1/8 buggies and monster trucks although i used to have fun racing 1/10 gas trucks on track.

thanks for the pics!!!

think you could take pics of the pedals and pedal box?? thanks

oh one more question... WHERE'S THE SCREEN/MONITOR???? 💡