CHEAP Cockpit Alternatives ONLY

  • Thread starter mnarciso
My cockpit is based on something that a lot of people may have there sitting somewhere not used.

An Ab-Trainer!. Looks good, right height. The pedals are sprayed for good looks (leave the bolds out)

To be honest the chair is not cheap...But nice design and comfy

I enjoy it a lot


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My cockpit is based on something that a lot of people may have there sitting somewhere not used.

An Ab-Trainer!. Looks good, right height. The pedals are sprayed for good looks (leave the bolds out)

To be honest the chair is not cheap...But nice design and comfy

I enjoy it a lot

looks comfortable but is that sturdy enough?

i like my setup because its very sturdy, but even mine will shake a beer can off of it when turning left and right while trying to drift ;)

EDIT: hey that gives me an idea, mabey i will fabricate in a cupholder 👍
The chair is placed onto the bottom bar and the bars themselves are like an inch thick, so yes sturdy...

it is an ab-trainer so it needs to hold overweight people starting their work-outs :)
picked up the computer cart that drift god suggested, went down to the local wally-world, they had like 5 of'em sitting out there, brought it home, tried it w/o the keyboard tray in place, and it seemed kinda high (at least for what i was sitting on), so install the keyboard tray in a non-standard manner (brackets still angling 'out', but the curved edge in, leaving only a couple inches of the tray out), and the DFP fits just perfect there, its nearly the perfect height. toss a 3 foot extension on the usb cord (too much possible foot traffic between it and the TV, don't want someone tripping), and plopped down in front of the 51" HD widescreen, and got some GT3 in. and learned, yes, there is a learning curve going from a DS2 (or in my case, a logitech CAC) to a wheel, tuesdays gonna ROCK!
first of all I would like to introduce myself to the community, hello, I have been lurking this board a little over 6months, great place. I made this using 1" EMT pipe and bent it using my pipe bender( electrician by trade) Its adjustable for length, about 8" of leg room, its ridgid as ridgid can get. Total cost $35 in material plus my time, and the seat I already had, Sparco sprint JR. Comments good and bad welcome.


SimRaceDriver, just wonder does the FREX pedal kit good for PS2/GT series?? I wud luv to get one but wanna be sure it works with PS2, before paying that large amount of $$$$$$$$ :sly:

Though I don't have them as of yet and am still waiting on the email from Frex to make payment, all I can say about them (Pedals) is that Frex says they work on the PS2....go here and scroll down the page until you see the box that says FrexGP PRO Series and you'll see what I'm talking about.

I should have my order sometime around late March....considering Frex is about 1-2 months behind on fullfilling orders as of right now & I just sumbitted my order just under two weeks ago....

Once they arrive, I'll keep everyone one posted on the quaility & functionality!
first of all I would like to introduce myself to the community, hello, I have been lurking this board a little over 6months, great place. I made this using 1" EMT pipe and bent it using my pipe bender( electrician by trade) Its adjustable for length, about 8" of leg room, its ridgid as ridgid can get. Total cost $35 in material plus my time, and the seat I already had, Sparco sprint JR. Comments good and bad welcome.

damn thats a nice setup, might be a bit too low for my current television, but i'd be tempted to pay ya $50ish to make me one of those (i live in chicago suburbs) if i could figure out a way to get it up to the right height for the TV
first of all I would like to introduce myself to the community, hello, I have been lurking this board a little over 6months, great place. I made this using 1" EMT pipe and bent it using my pipe bender( electrician by trade) Its adjustable for length, about 8" of leg room, its ridgid as ridgid can get. Total cost $35 in material plus my time, and the seat I already had, Sparco sprint JR. Comments good and bad welcome.



I like it! I wished I had the skills to do something like!
Have you thought about maybe painting it? I think it would look good in black!
Again...Nice work! 👍
Here's what I have put together with my AK rocker. The table was cut from an existing desk and the pedal platform simply made with cardboard and skateboard grip tape on the bottom to keep it from moving. Enjoy, and questions are welcome.


picked up the computer cart that drift god suggested, went down to the local wally-world, they had like 5 of'em sitting out there, brought it home, tried it w/o the keyboard tray in place, and it seemed kinda high (at least for what i was sitting on), so install the keyboard tray in a non-standard manner (brackets still angling 'out', but the curved edge in, leaving only a couple inches of the tray out), and the DFP fits just perfect there, its nearly the perfect height. toss a 3 foot extension on the usb cord (too much possible foot traffic between it and the TV, don't want someone tripping), and plopped down in front of the 51" HD widescreen, and got some GT3 in. and learned, yes, there is a learning curve going from a DS2 (or in my case, a logitech CAC) to a wheel, tuesdays gonna ROCK!

thats cool that you bought the one i have, i think there are now 4 of us (GTP MEMBERS) with the same setup 👍
first of all I would like to introduce myself to the community, hello, I have been lurking this board a little over 6months, great place. I made this using 1" EMT pipe and bent it using my pipe bender( electrician by trade) Its adjustable for length, about 8" of leg room, its ridgid as ridgid can get. Total cost $35 in material plus my time, and the seat I already had, Sparco sprint JR. Comments good and bad welcome.



welcome to GTP, that is a very cool setup, nice work bro 👍
Here's what I have put together with my AK rocker. The table was cut from an existing desk and the pedal platform simply made with cardboard and skateboard grip tape on the bottom to keep it from moving. Enjoy, and questions are welcome.



Looks good but your left and right stereo speakers are to close together, you will have better stereo sound if you spred them apart a little.
This is my setup. Very simple, but it works very well for me. I've tried racing in a Playseat, but my back starts to hurt.

I'm 23 and sounding like an old man...


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I fiddled with my setup this morning and came out with a quite a good setup. I've got a bean bag chair (form fits how you want it) on top of an old suitcase. I lowered my table a couple of inches and propped the pedals up on a box. This didn't really cost anything, it is just a bunch of crap I found in my basement. I feel like I am in a car rather than my old setup (posted on page 4 of this thread), where it felt like I was driving a bus.

welcome to GTP, that is a very cool setup, nice work bro 👍

Thanks, I still have to do some minor tweaking like cut the pipe on the end of the steering bar on an angle to contour the bottom tubing, and maybe paint it, I dont know I kinda like the industrial look.
i just got a racing seat-shaped beanbag thing from target. this way, i can sit outstretched and low to the ground, with my pedals tilted up, and my wheel mounted on my tablemate while set at low height.

spawn, i just read your post and it seems we have the same type of chair. mine has pockets and stuff though.
Here's what I have put together with my AK rocker. The table was cut from an existing desk and the pedal platform simply made with cardboard and skateboard grip tape on the bottom to keep it from moving. Enjoy, and questions are welcome.



you should spread out your have stands, after all.
Just sitting here looking at all these setups.... Somebody needs to invent a funtional 3-D headset to use to view the game playing. It just feels so out of the game having to watch a TV. Just dosent look or feel right :-\
My Mandate:

- cheap to make
- compact for storage
- sturdy and strong
- light and portable

And I came up with this! What do you think?





Note the crossbar under the chair. The front legs of the chair are actually 1/2 inch off the ground, thus the weight of the driver is holding the setup firmly. I can tilt the chair more if necessary by raising the crossbar.

Note also that the pedals are firmly held with two small pieces of wood under the pedal (can't see this in the pictures) that fits snugly into the bottom of the pedal. The bungee cord is to further secure it.

I used the baseboard to angle the pedals to match a real car, and to hold the pedals firmly. Also, you'll see that the base for the pedals and the chair is detachable for portability.

If you want, you can lower the whole setup by cutting the chair legs and side panels (I didn't do this because I didn't want to waste a perfectly good chair from my kitchen!). You can tilt the chair more and seat low to the ground to simulate a cockpit.

AND... the top is wide enough for me to put my favourite drink! Cup holder is optional 💡

Please tell me what you think. Thanks.
PLEASE, refer to post #104 and #106 !Reading is good :sly:
I guess you guys need my updates pics more than I thought. ;)

lol, sorry about that buddy. i just saw the pic right after i posted and was pretty spontaneous about it.

it made me remember that bump from adult swim: nothing like 1.5 sound from a 5.1 system. lol.
Here is my cockpit :



I bought the stand for around 40$. I use many books (hidden on the pictures, because it's under the seat) to make it a bit rigid.

Anyway, it fits quite well and I did not spend too much. I you have any question ... :)
lol, sorry about that buddy. i just saw the pic right after i posted and was pretty spontaneous about it.

it made me remember that bump from adult swim: nothing like 1.5 sound from a 5.1 system. lol.
No worries man :dopey: 1.5 from a 5.1 lmao I love it!