CHEAP Cockpit Alternatives ONLY

  • Thread starter mnarciso
Finally, I've finished my cockpit.

Here you can find more photos of it.
The total cost of it is around 50$, it is true I've already had the gym-pad what is the base of the hall thing.

That's pretty sweet right there... đź‘Ť
I need to get closer, by my GF keeps saying the seat will have to wait until we get everything we need for the baby coming in june.

Have you ever heard...?

Ahhh. The baby. Coming in June. Congratulations! In that case, getting a proper racing seat is of the utmost importance, all other considerations can wait. You've got plenty of time to shop for baby stuff, but after June your racing might be a little.... sporadic.
Masi, I am planning to put together a little drawing with dimensions and all from my set up. Had several asking, figured be a good time to do so.
That's pretty sweet right there...
Thank You!

/\ Looks great and looks AMAZING for only having 50 in it.

HSRL is a league developed for those GT5 racers using H pattern shifters. . . check it out in the Groups Section if you are interested in a fun, professional style racing. One in which all racers are required to use clutch and shifter.
Thanks, I'll have a look on that Group soon, It would be great to try myself between guys who use clutch, but I'm only a rookie in using clutch in GT5. (having problem with shiftin' back from 3rd to 2nd gear..) I need a bit more practice lol
/\ We have a range of racers from novice to virtual pro's.....not really any pro's. But some faster guys.

As well we all help each other with ideas and fixes, techniques. Nice group Dan has put together.
Hey Everyone,

I saw a couple AK Rockers that motavated me to post my ghetto setup. Hope it helps someone.

AK Rocker: $15 (Flea Market)
Heavy Duty TV Tray: $20 (Wal-Mart)
DFGT: $150 (back in the day)

I had to modify the bottom of the tray with a small saw from my Leatherman by cutting two small notches, but no big deal. đź‘Ť

In addition I crossed 2 Ratchet straps securing the wheel even tighter.
I had those dumbbells lying around they are a must! However I played Prologue without the straps and weights. Good luck everybody! Certain TV Trays work perfectly.



Edit: So I upgraded my setup, not so cheap anymore:
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OK. A mate is building a cheap cockpit out of 18mm MDF and I wanted to have a go at designing the easiest to build solution. He needs it to come apart and be as light as possible for transportation. Seat (or pedals?) will be on runners. You could even put another upright behind the pedals if you wanted to hang them I guess inverted.This is after 5 mins thinking and 20 mins in Visio so don't be too harsh. :) It's not 100% to scale, but you get the rough idea, and yes it's top down only.

Would it work? What are your opinons?


P.S. Samer - I love your solution. :)
I bought the $30 Rigid stand from Home Depot. I made most of the mods that everybody else made to make it work. I cut the center post so I could put the pedals underneath it. In order to make the flat top more solid, I got rid of the long pin that locks the table angle and replaced it with a long nut and bolt. I put six washers the bolt in the gap so that I could tighten it down with a wrench. I also removed the other two bolts that hold the top on, and added six washers to each one and tighten both of those with a wrench and now the top is rock solid and tight. I also added a 25 lbs olympic plate by hanging it from the clamp. The stand is rock solid now and is a cheap solution for a steering wheel stand.

I use it it with different speakers and tv's depending if my wife is home, etc.
I have the Logitech g25 & g27.

I'm actually in the market to sell the g25 & the cockpit to help fund the visionracer set up thats going on sale soon in a flat black model

I use it it with different speakers and tv's depending if my wife is home, etc.
I have the Logitech g25 & g27.

I'm actually in the market to sell the g25 & the cockpit to help fund the visionracer set up thats going on sale soon in a flat black model
Hey man im interested in buying the setup...

I'm located in Toronto as well.
Finally, I've finished my cockpit.

Here you can find more photos of it.
The total cost of it is around 50$, it is true I've already had the gym-pad what is the base of the hall thing.

That's dead-on racing!
It's a killer setup
gonna be some stiff competition!
You? Win the race? Over my dead body...
"Yes babe GT5 till I die, So you can forget about watching your soaps"

Looking good Mo.

This Is what I knocked together Christmas morning lol. (Changed a little now though,*Update to follow*)
I give you the Korum fishing chair.
Hes a link to Korum chairs, They do a high back one too & a lot of accessories like a Groundbait Bowl and Hoop you can fill with munch lol. A good fold away chair If you ask me.




This was done the other day.
An old exercise bike. (Found In the loft) & Focus ST170 seat (Mounted on the Korum chair - It's back & cover). Other plans to come.


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This Is what I knocked together Christmas morning lol. (Changed a little now though,*Update to follow*)
I give you the Korum fishing chair.
Hes a link to Korum chairs, They do a high back one too & a lot of accessories like a Groundbait Bowl and Hoop you can fill with munch lol. A good fold away chair If you ask me.




This was done the other day.
An old exercise bike. (Found In the loft) & Focus ST170 seat (Mounted on the Korum chair - It's back & cover). Other plans to come.


Looks great Add!
I really like the built-in shifter-holder!
Haha, this blog is great.
"The first thing I did was drink some beer, then I started cutting wood for the base."

guess I'm gonna need some beer, some wood, and some power tools. I'll get building

I got my inspiration from that blog. Let me tell you: wood, beer and power tools make for one good combination. And don't even get me started on combining spray paint and beer. Two intoxicators, can't get much better.

Come to think of it, the ultimate combination is beer and GT5 đź‘Ť
Looks great Add!
I really like the built-in shifter-holder!
Cheers Mo.
The shifter holder Is a Korum umbrella arm It comes In 6,9 & 12 inch, Comes complete with different inserts (square, round) to fit different legs & retail at around the 8GBP mark. I have mine fitted to a spacer bar to give more options for positioning.
Purchased all the materials & hardware at the local home improvment store, with the exception of the racing seat and universal choke cable that I used for the handbrake.

The final total was just around $200 not including the wheel. Great set up for a budget build. Also, by choosing the cable operated handbrake you don't have to worry about voiding the Logitech warrantee.






I wanted to make a wheel stand for the 2 Logitech GT Force wheels I recently purchased for my son and I so we could race together or he could race with his friends. I wanted something that was portable, adjustable for different seating and size of individual and could be easily stored away out of site (to keep the other half happy :)). My other criteria was that it should be made out of wood, as I have the right tools and also had some spare wood available.

I saw a basic folding design on another site (cannot remember the name) and decided to develop the idea more into a more flexible design.

After some rough sketches to plan the basic idea of the mechanism I just got started cutting, drilling and routing and kind of kept designing as I went along. It needed to fold flat for ease of storage and it also needed to be as rigid as possible and have adjustability for the foot pedals.

The wood is just Poplar purchased from the local Lowes and Home Depot. I recommend this over pine as it is harder wearing and heavier which adds greatly to the stability of the stand itself.

Each stand probably cost about $100 in materials.











They are pretty much complete now. I may just trim up some the excess wood and round off the corners, but overall I am pretty happy with the results.
Don't mind me, I'm just skulking in the shadows raping the crap out of this thread for ideas.

There is some great talent in this thread, y'all :cheers:

Please, carry on.