I decided it was time for me to do a cockpit and wheel set up. Been playing GT since day one and always wanted something like this. I moved this summer, the house I am in has a front room aka Family Room in which my kids play their PS3 on 42" of plasma with a DFGT, table top till this next week when I can do their cockpit based on a go kart. Their going racing in the next two yrs and karts be what they will race. So the muscle memory and sim training should help them some. I also have a back room that is absolutely perfect for a TV/Theater/Gaming room aka Man Cave....I love this room. First time having two rooms like this, SSSSOOOOO nice with kids. FWIW I am single parent with custody of my sons.
Anyway on to my cockpit. I own a 03 Evo VIII, under construction, should come out with around 500-550 AWHP. Has Loads of nice nice parts. In 15+yrs this is the nicest build I have done. Others were all budget builds with ET being the goal. This one will see autocross action. So with that I wanted to lay my Cockpit as closely as possible to my Evo's layout. So With some time measuring and remeasuring and pics of me in the car etc......I headed to our shop. Here are the results. This was imprompt engineering job, so no plans and no repeating. Hope you enjoy.
PS3 Slim 120gb?
60" Mitsubishi (of course) DLP 3D ready and will go that route at tax time
Denon Receiver
Klipsch full surround set up with a MK sub that hits 10htz or advertised too.
My Denon only powers the Center, Rears, and Mids/Tweets from towers all bass is amped.....in the long run I figured this be easier on the Rec.
I play loud when I can, as you all know its really the best way!
Kicking the idea of a but kicker around....need to research them some
I got this seat from a friend at a good price.. . .SRT4 Viper Inspired seat
Got the G27 from the folks for Christmas. Only item I asked for from anyone this year.
Inverted pedals was a must...so tear down began
Fabrication of cockpit begins
Obligatory test fit picture
End of the first night of fab progress
Next night of fab( I got to thinking how I wanted to finish the front to tie int the wheel and the pedal mount, I came up with this simple idea. When I got done, I was like hey that kinda looks like a Kart in the front. SWEET!)
Completely fabbed and ready got paint Day 2 complete....prob 8 hours worth of fabbing, I was not getting paid and engineered on the fly so time was not of the essence.
Painted actually its primered here(semi glass black two coats of primer and two coats of paint)
Oh yes those are staggered depth and height pedals
Adapted the name "LR1" to this one....was gonna go with LR1 Prototype but eh I had the stickers for just LR1 hahaha
LR1 = Living room Racer 1
I know this wouldn't be considered cheap if you had to pay someone to build it and buy materials. I fortunately grew up in my father Welding and Machine shop.

So I truly got 60 dollars in this. That was for the seat. G27 was gifted.
I was going to church it up some more, but I wanted to use my wheel ASAP so a fast and functional build was what I did.
I run the CNC shop at our shop, so the possibilities would be endless and high end level of what I could is unlimited. . . I just dont need to take the machines away from work that makes me money to build a play item.