Chikane's 1 Million Mile Journey.

OP I feel like 100k would be a bit more realistic, but if thats what you want to do... I am, however curious if there would be any effect on the car itself with high mileage.

I also find it funny that THIS is the "unhealthy behavior" you guys want to call out.
OP I feel like 100k would be a bit more realistic, but if thats what you want to do... I am, however curious if there would be any effect on the car itself with high mileage.

I also find it funny that THIS is the "unhealthy behavior" you guys want to call out.
First of all, I'm not "calling out" unhealthy behaviour, I just want to say Chikane is already a well valued member of the GTP community and I want to point out he doesn't have to do things like this to get recognition. Like Midnight said, I would be sad if a member is doing this like this for other recognition.

Secondly, what other unhealthy behaviour should I call out what I am not doing?
I've had the P1 in my garage for ages but hadn't really taken it out for a good test run yet. It was a favorite in GT Sport. So I loaded up High Speed Ring and threw it around for a while. What an ABSOLUTE unit! Just awesome...hit almost 210mph.
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First of all, I'm not "calling out" unhealthy behaviour, I just want to say Chikane is already a well valued member of the GTP community and I want to point out he doesn't have to do things like this to get recognition. Like Midnight said, I would be sad if a member is doing this like this for other recognition.

Secondly, what other unhealthy behaviour should I call out what I am not doing?
That may have not been you intent, but thats kinda what you did. Especially, with that last highlighted sentence, practically saying its attention seeking. He can't just do this because he enjoys driving? How is this any different from grinding? God forbid someone actually bought a game that calls itself, "The Real Driving Simulator", to drive. Something must be wrong! Thats the behavior I'm talking about. There are a handful of people here that clearly do not like this game nor driving, but buy/play (I suspect some don't even have the game) every interation just to get online and complain about the game not being the game THEY want it to be. As the saying goes, "Fool me once...". I can see doing it once, but if your 3 or 4 GTs in still complaining, something is wrong.
I'll always remember the day at school when we programmed an BBC Micro computer to produce a million random numbers.

It was running the task for at least a few days, if I remember correctly.

That was our lesson in how massive 1 million really is.

It's quite a daunting task, OP.

Can't say I understand most comments in this thread. Friends tell friends when something's up. Planning to spend most of your waking hours every day for three years driving a single nonexisting car in a game only to reach a number on a virtual odometer is either part of a strange art performance or unhealthy behaviour. It's your life, and your time, Chikane, and no one here's going to stop you from doing what you want to do. But maybe it'll be better to think this over, and to find someone to talk to about stuff. There's books to read, movies to watch, games to play, people to meet, and life to experience. Best of luck.
@Chikane_GTR long time ago I learned how to "not give a ****" about many things in life. One of them was not giving much to what people think about what I do or how I do it.

Do what you want my friend, if you have the time and the drive and also the confidence that it won't affect your real life in a negative way, just be happy mate.
Spot on. If not negatively effecting others or yourself, then anything is fair game imo.

Don't be governed by others self imposed 'rules'. Do what makes you happy/derive pleasure from, no matter how odd/extreme it may seem to others.

I actually feel more sorry for people who don't get/can't accept that tbh.

It's not something I'd do, can almost feel my head exploding thjnkinh abkut it tbh, never mind doing even a qusrter of what youre proposi g here. but we all make our choices, derive pleasure, therapy and walk/have walked different paths in life.

Youre not doubt a big boy and aware of risks/consequences of things/choices in life...
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Hey @Chikane_GTR,
give us a progress report! What does the odometer say? 😉
Its still early but I'm staying close to the 900 Miles per day.
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Amazing. Sounds like a crazy challenge but that's your thing. It has no value whatsoever but that's part of the beauty of it. If you get to 108,421 miles and decide this is a crap idea, just stop and find something else to amuse yourself with. It's a game, after all, and if I had the free time and funds to play games 10 hours a day, I might not spend 10 hours a day on games but I'd play a lot.
I still don't know/understand how can you manage to have the time to play the game the way you play it (among many, many other questions I have). But you know, if you can do it and you are having fun, be my guest. I can't judge you and you don't have to listen to me or anybody else.

So, yeah. Good luck mate.

But, if you allow me at least an observation: Be sure to rest those eyes often. Chikane of the future will truly appreciate it.

I would not at all be surpsied if he burnt out never to touch the game again. It was a bit of a comical undertaking to try to complete, noone in their right mind would be able to do it happily.
Glad someone asked. I was wondering myself a couple of days ago. I even checked a couple threads he comments on to see if he’s been active.