circuit experiences are broken...

  • Thread starter bohuggaee
I have no dog in this hunt but I disagree. I don't care at all about completing everything and Im pretty sure I've reached my controller skill ceiling. I just like driving. If I can get an additional endorphin from achieving a goal, thats even better!
My point is that just discovering them after the early and only menu is probably very low on "the majority of players" list.

There is no fight just see 2 different angles of the same thing.

For those invest "I like driving" they will explore the game more than mostly younger players who just want to win races and get credits. They are the mass market.

I'm sitting here in a rig with a wheel and VR playing the only game I play so I'm very biased, but the reality is a lot of people don't just play a driving game they play loads of games from their bed/desk/sofa etc

Again it's all our own lenses on this stuff, I'm heavily invested in the game and driving games generally but going by the sales numbers only 1% roughly do online TTs and the same number for Sports mode. It's fair to say the other 12.5 million aren't doing Circuit Experiences to gold.
My point is that just discovering them after the early and only menu is probably very low on "the majority of players" list.

There is no fight just see 2 different angles of the same thing.

For those invest "I like driving" they will explore the game more than mostly younger players who just want to win races and get credits. They are the mass market.

I'm sitting here in a rig with a wheel and VR playing the only game I play so I'm very biased, but the reality is a lot of people don't just play a driving game they play loads of games from their bed/desk/sofa etc

Again it's all our own lenses on this stuff, I'm heavily invested in the game and driving games generally but going by the sales numbers only 1% roughly do online TTs and the same number for Sports mode. It's fair to say the other 12.5 million aren't doing Circuit Experiences to gold.
Right, I am not doing CEs to get gold. Its just more excuses to drive and if I can get an additional endorphin from achieving a goal, thats even better!

If GT just wanted to be a just fun racing came for the masses, why would it spend the time, money and resources on attempting to reach any level of realism? Nowadays, the "masses" drives SUVs. Mario Kart is fun as hell, but doesn't have a drop or realism. I said it before, I think a lot of disappointed people in GT as a franchise are people that aren't really looking for what GT is selling, they just don't really have anywhere else to go. They keep waiting on the only Burger King in town to start selling tacos. Contrary to popular belief, that's not PD's concern. Every business in the world isn't trying to go full Elon and take over the world.
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Right, I am not doing CEs to get gold. Its just more excuses to drive and if I can get an additional endorphin from achieving a goal, thats even better!

If GT just wanted to be a just fun racing came for the masses, why would it spend the time, money and resources on attempting to reach any level of realism? Nowadays, the "masses" drives SUVs. Mario Kart is fun as hell, but doesn't have a drop or realism. I said it before, I think a lot of disappointed people in GT as a franchise are people that aren't really looking for what GT is selling, they just don't really have anywhere else to go. They keep waiting on the only Burger King in town to start selling tacos. Contrary to popular belief, that's not PD's concern. Every business in the world isn't trying to go full Elon and take over the world.
You are doing CEs for you that is a self choice.

Your second point im not sure I understand? The game was built around car culture and what cars mean to people and the racing.

Mario kart doesn't have photo mode? vr with highly textured and poly count cars. A physics model meant to convey the experience of driving different cars, admiring them, collecting them, driving them, racing them, racing your peers etc

Sophy shows promise for a first iteration for offline players.

The game is seriously flawed in a lot of ways, circuit experiences aren't one of them.

I think we need to all take a step back and realise this wasn't a game designed with series veterans front and foremost and I go back to GT1 when I started playing but aimed at a different demographic with different wants and attention spans.
Fair enough but not all games are made equal and I'm in the field of UX and behavioural management. 2 sides of the same coin I guess.

Just setting a goal is the hook for some people. Just look at the TT thread. But the circuit experiences aren't about hitting the goals but about learning. It's human nature to be completionists and competitive but most of the game base won't even visit them, because that isn't racing or tuning or collecting.

Those that do visit and want to perfect them are very much invested in either completing everything or getting better. That's all my point was.
All valid, but this doesn't speak to the original post regarding the CE golds being made easier to attain, or any of the golds for that matter. The intermittent reward schedule is a proven method of creating addiction and getting people to feverishly repeat a behaviour.

The TT thread is a great example. It isn't just "the goal", because if the gold target were, say 2 seconds slower, no one would care. But, as it stands, you get close. "Ok, i just need another second" go 0.25 faster. "Ok, I just need 0.75 seconds" you go 0.1 faster. "Ok, I just need 0.65" and you go slower. Etc, etc, etc... that keeps you hooked.

The OP wanted CE Gold to be easier to achieve, and my point is that doing so woudl diminish the game for everyone.
All valid, but this doesn't speak to the original post regarding the CE golds being made easier to attain, or any of the golds for that matter. The intermittent reward schedule is a proven method of creating addiction and getting people to feverishly repeat a behaviour.

The TT thread is a great example. It isn't just "the goal", because if the gold target were, say 2 seconds slower, no one would care. But, as it stands, you get close. "Ok, i just need another second" go 0.25 faster. "Ok, I just need 0.75 seconds" you go 0.1 faster. "Ok, I just need 0.65" and you go slower. Etc, etc, etc... that keeps you hooked.

The OP wanted CE Gold to be easier to achieve, and my point is that doing so woudl diminish the game for everyone.
It all depends on your definition of succeeding....if that means getting a medal which is a sign you beat the benchmark then Bronze is success for many people.

If your definition is beating top percentile then of course this is going to be challenging.

I'm not sure it makes any rational sense to have "hard gold" and "easy gold" surely that's what bronze is....

Changing the difficulty is kind of a fallacy and undermines the point of time targets in the first place

I think they are intended to do both things.

For new players or those not familiar with a given track they are the ability to learn it and improve each sector at a time rather than just doing full time trial laps you learn specific corners and sectors in more memorable bite sized chunks.

For players more familiar with a circuit and car class combo it's the ability to work on out right pace or a given corner/corner sequence with the ability to not have to drive the whole lap. This is especially helpful when you want to practice the last sector of tracks and saves a lot of time.

A lot of people restart at their first mistake in QT or TT or even races. The problem then is you end up with less knowledge of the last part of the lap. But the CEs help you learn that part just as well.

Edit to add: There is a tertiary benefit to them as well as more knowledge of a circuit or corner etc promotes better driving and car control and for racing (especially sports mode) helps with understand where is a good place to pass, what lines you can take and what is coming up etc

@joeyv I'm glad you see we are all here to help and opine.

I think it really stems from the games foundations there are some insanely difficult challenges through out the series so are missions other almost impossible races to brutally punishing license tests.

The game is designed around the ethos: Easy to play, difficult to master.

The challenge is by design and to honest fairly well calibrated to the vast majority of players.

It would help to recalibrate a bit and get more experience controlling the game cars and learning a bit more of the fidelity. That will help you a lot.

The CE aren't part of the core game, more a set of mini challenges that prove your car control. Typically you want to work through them but getting all bronze then coming back to them and aiming for silver etc

I have 6500+ hours with the game and even one or two of the experiences are not a "one and done" thing and can take a fair few tries.

Winning races against the AI doesn't transfer over very well to doing well in the CEs so it's definitely worth approaching them with "what can I learn about this corner/sector" and taking that in and trying to apply it.

Learning braking markers and acceleration markers, watching the demo ghost and then turning it on to follow with a small offset will help loads.

Good luck and go forth and conquer 🍻

It depends, they have adjusted a lot of the times down in the last few updates (where physics changes are a bigger part/tire physics etc)

Some of the sector times have dropped by a few tenths, some of the lap times by up to 3 seconds.

But TTs and CEs aren't comparing apples to apples. TTs are a "free market" where the time to get within the margin is set by the fastest players, CEs are a fixed point with a fixed goal (updates excluded) that doesn't move, has demonstration ghosts and calibrated to take in to account AT use, some assists etc.

The changed times for the CEs is a bit of a red herring though as inherently the tires and car handling has improved (got easier) so the adjustments just factor that in, they are still relative to launch in difficulty/learning curve etc.
Literally what I was saying a page or so back? I even used the word "fallacy" as moving times to make people feel good is probably not the solution to a bit of effort and determination/grit/guile/practice..

Edit: not only did I question the initial ask, I offered some tips to help improve because ultimately it's a skill barrier not a game design issue or dark pattern.
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You are doing CEs for you that is a self choice.

Your second point im not sure I understand? The game was built around car culture and what cars mean to people and the racing.

Mario kart doesn't have photo mode? vr with highly textured and poly count cars. A physics model meant to convey the experience of driving different cars, admiring them, collecting them, driving them, racing them, racing your peers etc

Sophy shows promise for a first iteration for offline players.

The game is seriously flawed in a lot of ways, circuit experiences aren't one of them.

I think we need to all take a step back and realise this wasn't a game designed with series veterans front and foremost and I go back to GT1 when I started playing but aimed at a different demographic with different wants and attention spans.
Ok, I'll just say it because people will just dance all around is implied that because a game can be hard, its no fun. Also, what makes you think the game wasn't designed for veterans. If anything vets are the main ones that should know what they're getting into. The only aspect of GT that has changed is it generosity and some how that NOT a benefit to vets?
Ok, I'll just say it because people will just dance all around is implied that because a game can be hard, it's no fun. Also, what makes you think the game wasn't designed for veterans. If anything vets are the main ones that should know what they're getting into. The only aspect of GT that has changed is it generosity and some how that NOT a benefit to vets?
the game was designed to attract new players, bring us long term players along sure but they got 25 years out of me, I don't think they that they are expecting another 25 years from a 45 year old as a massive game selling base..., but 15 year old Timmy...

Just to be clear I'm not sure what "generosity" means. There is a score to beat, practice and beat it others have and others will 🤷‍♂️ just because people don't want to put the learning curve effort in means they get it easier?
the game was designed to attract new players, bring us long term players along sure but they got 25 years out of me, I don't think they that they are expecting another 25 years from a 45 year old as a massive game selling base..., but 15 year old Timmy...

Just to be clear I'm not sure what "generosity" means. There is a score to beat, practice and beat it others have and others will 🤷‍♂️ just because people don't want to put the learning curve effort in means they get it easier?
You remember when you were rewarded just for booting up the game? Remember when you would get a prize car after a race, even if you already won said race. That's the generosity I'm talking about. Thats the underling theme of this whole thread. The fact that it takes more than a little effort to get something out of GT. Also, could it be YOU have outgrown the game more than the game expecting anything out of you?
You remember when you were rewarded just for booting up the game? Remember when you would get a prize car after a race, even if you already won said race. That's the generosity I'm talking about. Thats the underling theme of this whole thread. The fact that it takes more than a little effort to get something out of GT. Also, could it be YOU have outgrown the game more than the game expecting anything out of you?
Mate, I remember turning on my spectrum, nes and got nothing other than the option to play the game.

I haven't out grown the game, I've invested heavily in playing it because tickets, credits and a lot of the cars aren't the game....driving and racing are.

I don't need the credits to make me happy, I get my fun from the competition and variety the rest is all just fake currency for fake cars in fake events etc etc.
I think the game leads to ENORMOUS frustrations while being such a cool game. Without discussion the CEs are impossible but not for everybody. That is how to look at it . I am 47 and thus I cannot react that fast anymore. And that is where the game fails big time. They should offer an option to lower the difficulty so EVERYBODY can enjoy the game to the fullest. There are people who simply cannot get gold in certain races or CEs no matter how hard and how long they try. So saying your rubbish is a very low reaction because it is offending for people who are playing for years and tried the same track for 500000000 times and can't succeed so that is proof that the CEs are set at a RUDICULOUSLY hard level. That leads thus to frustration which is the opposite of what a good balanced game should be. They should offer an option to choose the level of difficulty in the CEs
Ok, so back to the post that fired up this thread again. I did the CE for Brazil. I know it's not the most difficult in the game, but I wanted to point out that it is quite possible. I got gold on my second try (time in the top right corner of the video).

I play with a controller. I have traction control on 0. ABS on default. I DO enable the braking markers. I find they help a lot. My advice is to ask people how they do it rather than ask PD to make it easier. There's plenty of people here who are happy to help.

I did the CE for Brazil. I know it's not the most difficult in the game
Funny you mentionned that, I did the same tonight, although with lesser results.

I had some sectors in bronze, one in gold and one in silver, plus bronze for full lap (1:37.5XX).

S1 was the most difficult to gold.

Then I tried to gold full lap, but not success for now, still 0.051s outside of gold. Not looking for help, I know where I loose time. But I'll need to try more than twice to get gold.

Did 50km in total to gold remaining sectors and maybe 6 full lap attempts.
S1 was the most difficult to gold.
Here's my tips. Turn on the braking markers, they give you a consistent reference point.

I hit the brakes as soon as the nose enters the marker zone. You are trying to go slow enough to cut the curbing on T1. For T2, you want to cut across the curbing as much as possible without going off track. Short shift if you need to. It helps when you exit. For T3, hug that curb and hold the throttle wide open.
Funny you mentionned that, I did the same tonight, although with lesser results.

I had some sectors in bronze, one in gold and one in silver, plus bronze for full lap (1:37.5XX).

S1 was the most difficult to gold.

Then I tried to gold full lap, but not success for now, still 0.051s outside of gold. Not looking for help, I know where I loose time. But I'll need to try more than twice to get gold.

Did 50km in total to gold remaining sectors and maybe 6 full lap attempts.
Watch last weeks lap guide from Tidgney there are some good gear selection choices and some clear brake points that you can brake against (earlier/later) that are more consistent.

It's a weird track and voodo offers some good advice, the time is in not over driving and trying to flow, with smooth acceleration.

I'll go re try it in a bit as I haven't since the changes to the physics.
I am 47 and thus I cannot react that fast anymore.
Reaction time really isn't the issue. I'm 7 years older than you and can score 180ms on a reaction test website. I've seen teenage elite e-sports competitors only able to record the same time as me. It's much more about prediction/anticipation, and speed and quality of higher level thinking. I play Rocket League with a friend who can also score 180ms on a reaction test website, his reaction speed is the same as mine, yet in practice in Rocket League it's as if he's seconds slower than me to understand what is happening in the game. Similarly, that elite e-sports competitor who also has the same reaction time as me probably has way more awareness than me of loads of details of what is happening on his screen.

This stuff is highly trainable, even among older people like us. You can develop habits and instincts to do the right things so they become automatic. I've done 3 grand races in The Crew Motorfest today and won every one of them. 28 players in each one, and I'd guess many of them much younger than me. I had A+ driver rating in GT Sport, I think I was at least 47 at the time. It's definitely possible to be decent at driving games into at least your 50s.

Note that I'm not saying everyone can be as good as the best players. Like every activity, there are talent differences. But training and so-called "deliberate practice", where you not only do the activity but put really focused effort into working out how to improve, can bring huge improvement. 47 really isn't that old, I'm sure YouTuber TheKie25, for example, will still be extremely quick when he's 47.
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Agree with you. Btw, setting TC to zero makes you go faster?

Ok, so back to the post that fired up this thread again. I did the CE for Brazil. I know it's not the most difficult in the game, but I wanted to point out that it is quite possible. I got gold on my second try (time in the top right corner of the video).

I play with a controller. I have traction control on 0. ABS on default. I DO enable the braking markers. I find they help a lot. My advice is to ask people how they do it rather than ask PD to make it easier. There's plenty of people here who are happy to help.

Agree with you. Btw, setting TC to zero makes you go faster?
That depends. With a controller, and most cars, yes TC is faster. The exceptions are cars with very high horsepower, like the F3500. Something like that is faster with a little traction control. Gr1, Gr2, GR3, GR4 and most of the street cars are faster without TC.

With a steering wheel, and pedals. I can't say. I have heard some people say they need TC for pedals.
I just found it, and un edited CE gold for Myiabi and I do have a fair bit of experience but it's really achievable in less than 9 mins with crashes.

First time round probably 45 mins. But why should it be easier to the original question posed

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But thanks 🤣
Sorry Euro Cup GIF
It is difficult to make my clear point over here and I get it. I am a big fan of the game to but please also be open for fair facts. Lets take an example of this pure frustration I talked about. Take the B3 license of basic cornering with that Copper car that goes very slow. A friend of mine who I recommend the game to tried to get gold on that beginning and thus fairly easy license and after countless tries he gave up on the whole game saying there is NO fun in completing even that. He became thus totally frustrated, did not look to the game with an open mind anymore because the game thought him to doubt his abilities and I understand him. Not everybody is a driving freak. He always for unbelievable many tries lacked 0.200 seconds to get gold and he tried more than 500 times .... And I remember that anoying license and my countless tries. And now there are a lot of guys who will comment: 'I did it on the first try' or 'I succeed even 3 seconds faster than the goal' and that is only creating more frustration if you ask me. He and I and millions of others didn't. It is beyound frustrating to try something 500 times and realise that you will NEVER be good enough. Stand still and do not say practise more for god sake. I remember that I got the same 0.200 seconds frustration with that beginning license. It was PURE LUCK that I got gold on that and I will NEVER try to get it again because I need 1000 tries and pure luck to get that gold again. Why not give an option to lower this license by 0.500 seconds and another option where they made it even 0.500 seconds harder. I mean if you compare it to the old DOOM fighting games. They had a 'pussy' option and a 'real crazy impossible inferno' option. But everybody could still defeat the boss after 1000 tries. This is clearly NOT the case in GT7 and I don't care what gamedesigners say. I am a gameplayer and I will never like that part of the game. And yes you can enjoy the game without getting these licenses and gift cars etc. But hey, everybody wants to play the game to the fullest. So in my opinion this awesome game is excluding loads of people because there is NO option to really mess with the difficulty as in almost every other game. After 500 tries a person playing a game should have at least the option to be rewarded, no? You guys can still say I got gold in the 'Driving freak' option but I can also say I got gold in the 'Rookie' option... I hope you all get my point now. It wouldn't change a tiny bit for the real ninjas but would get al the casual players on board too.
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I do get your point, it is just I do not agree with it. First of all, I would not say “millions of others” unless you have data to back it up.

Also, I want to present a different perspective. The fact that it is so hard to het Gold - turns me on and I treat this game more seriously. If someone did it, so can I! The only thing I want to know is that we have equal gear:-) I play using a controller and if others did it using a controller, then I can do it as well! This community is very decent and people share their experience, they have and give tips. There are many videos available to give you an idea.

I had a systemic approach to do gold in Monza. I tried to memorize the track, all corners and learn the behavior of the car to make it do what I want.


For as long as someone can do it, I will try to do it as well. Right now, I want to try and get Gold in Time Trials. It is only 3% of people, but if there is a way to do it with a controller, I will try.

Also, what I do not understand is why are you so fixated on this. There are games, a lot easier. There are other games…that I believe are more difficult. Like iRacing.

Do you think it would be easy to do a lap of Monza in real life? No! I think GT7 is trying to give you this feeling.

If they make this game easier, I will switch to iRacing and will compete against Max:-)

It is difficult to make my clear point over here and I get it. I am a big fan of the game to but please also be open for fair facts. Lets take an example of this pure frustration I talked about. Take the B3 license of basic cornering with that Copper car that goes very slow. A friend of mine who I recommend the game to tried to get gold on that beginning and thus fairly easy license and after countless tries he gave up on the whole game saying there is NO fun in completing even that. He became thus totally frustrated, did not look to the game with an open mind anymore because the game thought him to doubt his abilities and I understand him. Not everybody is a driving freak. He always for unbelievable many tries lacked 0.200 seconds to get gold and he tried more than 500 times .... And I remember that anoying license and my countless tries. And now there are a lot of guys who will comment: 'I did it on the first try' or 'I succeed even 3 seconds faster than the goal' and that is only creating more frustration if you ask me. He and I and millions of others didn't. It is beyound frustrating to try something 500 times and realise that you will NEVER be good enough. Stand still and do not say practise more for god sake. I remember that I got the same 0.200 seconds frustration with that beginning license. It was PURE LUCK that I got gold on that and I will NEVER try to get it again because I need 1000 tries and pure luck to get that gold again. Why not give an option to lower this license by 0.500 seconds and another option where they made it even 0.500 seconds harder. I mean if you compare it to the old DOOM fighting games. They had a 'pussy' option and a 'real crazy impossible inferno' option. But everybody could still defeat the boss after 1000 tries. This is clearly NOT the case in GT7 and I don't care what gamedesigners say. I am a gameplayer and I will never like that part of the game. And yes you can enjoy the game without getting these licenses and gift cars etc. But hey, everybody wants to play the game to the fullest. So in my opinion this awesome game is excluding loads of people because there is NO option to really mess with the difficulty as in almost every other game. After 500 tries a person playing a game should have at least the option to be rewarded, no? You guys can still say I got gold in the 'Driving freak' option but I can also say I got gold in the 'Rookie' option... I hope you all get my point now.
I do get your point, it is just I do not agree with it. First of all, I would not say “millions of others” unless you have data to back it up.

Also, I want to present a different perspective. The fact that it is so hard to het Gold - turns me on and I treat this game more seriously. If someone did it, so can I! The only thing I want to know is that we have equal gear:-) I play using a controller and if others did it using a controller, then I can do it as well! This community is very decent and people share their experience, they have and give tips. There are many videos available to give you an idea.

I had a systemic approach to do gold in Monza. I tried to memorize the track, all corners and learn the behavior of the car to make it do what I want.

View attachment 1427330

For as long as someone can do it, I will try to do it as well. Right now, I want to try and get Gold in Time Trials. It is only 3% of people, but if there is a way to do it with a controller, I will try.

Also, what I do not understand is why are you so fixated on this. There are games, a lot easier. There are other games…that I believe are more difficult. Like iRacing.

Do you think it would be easy to do a lap of Monza in real life? No! I think GT7 is trying to give you this feeling.

If they make this game easier, I will switch to iRacing and will compete against Max:-)
For some reason people keep on reading my posts wrong and thus do NOT get my point. I do not ask to change ANYTHING for guys who like to make schemes and thus are the 'driving freaks' like I like to be too sometimes. I am in the middle of being a total rookie and a experienced driver. I just say give the OPTION!!!!!!! You know a choice between TWO things or thus 2 worlds. I do not need mario kart but I even so do not need to be Max Verstappen too. Give the option. From Arcade to Realistic or something like that. I hope my real point gets through now. I agree on what you said about the community. Some really nice people over here.
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A friend of mine who I recommend the game to tried to get gold
Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF

Why focusing on getting gold ??? You don't NEED gold to get the license !

Not good enough now to get gold ? What's the matter ? If you play long enough, eventually you'll get there, if you choose to get gold one day. There are plenty of things to do in this game.

I am playing since launch, I did all CE in the beggining, not insisting that much, getting some sectors in gold and very few full laps. So I must have golded maybe 20% of CE as of today.

Did not bother to gold all, and not in a hurry to.

When I come back to any CE now, with the experience I have accumulated and with skills a bit higher (not much), I gold most sectors within a few tries, and am able to gold full laps within 5 to 20 tries (with some exceptions of course).

You are not supposed to gold everything within a few tries when you begin this game.
For some reason people keep on reading my posts wrong and thus do NOT get my point. I do not ask to change ANYTHING for guys who like to make schemes and thus are the 'driving freaks' like I like to be too sometimes. I am in the middle of being a total rookie and an experienced driver. I just say give the OPTION!!!!!!! You know a choice between TWO things or thus 2 worlds. I do not need mario kart but I even so do not need to be Max Verstappen too. Give the option. I hope my real point gets through now. I agree on what you said about the community. Some really nice people over here.
You have the option, it’s called silver or bronze.

Edit: also just sounds the game just isn’t for you if it’s causing this much frustration in it, You honestly have such a wide selection of racing games whether emulating reality or inspired by racing that any egos will be appeased.
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For some reason people keep on reading my posts wrong and thus do NOT get my point. I do not ask to change ANYTHING for guys who like to make schemes and thus are the 'driving freaks' like I like to be too sometimes. I am in the middle of being a total rookie and a experienced driver. I just say give the OPTION!!!!!!!

But why? Why can you not accept that some people cannot do Gold on most tracks? I am not able to play some other games as I am not wired. It is meant to be so hard and that is the whole intent. Why can you not accept that getting silver or bronze is that option you are looking for? You can pass weekly challenges by being 3rd. There are different levels of difficulties. There are assists that you can turn on and turn off. If it was only Gold or nothing, then maybe…but it is not the case.

Why F1 is so hard? Exactly for that reason! We all admire best drivers in the world.
For some reason people keep on reading my posts wrong and thus do NOT get my point
A few line breaks wouldn't hurt ;)

We aren't reading them wrong and do get your point, but you aren't getting ours.

We accept the difficulty and embrace it. What you are asking for in this specific instance isn't feasible. You are forgetting that just getting the Trophy easily undermines the whole point of having the time to beat in the first place. You are asking for a mechanic where you try it, the game feels sorry for you and you press X and get a gold trophy. Defeats the whole point of a a racing game where literally the point of racing is to be the fastest.
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