
  • Thread starter Carbonox
Ahahah no, its not really the painful as in getting injured, but so much sensitivity that you literally can't handle it, and just not let anything touch the head of the penis.

That almost sounds like nerve damage. A state of hypersensitivity is expected after orgasm or excessive stimulation (hours) that results in more or less things being raw. Randomly during the act sounds more like nerve damage, as I've never experienced such a thing.
Its before an orgasm/ejaculation, and only happens when something is touching the tip of the head. This makes me think that most of the pleasure from sex comes from the head rahter than the shaft? If so, then could the whole "moar pleasure from foreskin" be only "a bit more pleasure"?

EDIT: Isn't any of this against the AUP?
I actually find the pleasure from the shaft and more complete throughout more compared to the more confined feeling on the head and to be more enjoyable as what I get from the head is so strong that I literally keel over and cannot even touch it, especially after an orgasm. I guess wanting to restore it is more so to be like I should be rather than something I'm not. Putting it back the way it was and should have been.

About the AUP, as this is a sensitive topic I think we are all ok as long as we keep it civilized and talk like men...but yes I agree this is a bit awkward...This is areally big issue in society. I dont remember reading anything saying we couldn't talk about things like this, only that we couldn't post pictures of nudity etc. I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me if I am. 👍
I am uncircumcised and proud of it. I see nothing wrong with having a helmet. I still think choice is what matters. Back in the day, our parents made most of our decisions. As we are expanding our mindset, we want more and more freedoms. It's a good thing. Hopefully, in some point in the near future, even religion will be purely up to choice. This is coming from someone who is deeply catholic.
I've only had this problem after, perhaps, hours. But I mean, that is more just a matter of things being raw, at that point anything helps, even olive oil...


What should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking?

...stop and lubricate!
...stop and lubricate!

Being intact hasn't given me any problems so far, and I don't like the idea of the constant exposure and stimulation from one's underwear.

I'd imagine NRBs would be less common of an issue, I suppose.

That's really the only issue I have with being circumcised.

I'd have to side with making it an elective thing after a certain age rather than leaving it up to the parents. See that there's no real benefit(Other than the aesthetic, which is subjective) to having it done there's also no justification for someone other than the person receiving the surgery to make that decision.
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Phimosis. Medically necessary.

Which is an embarrassing thing to live with. It was definitely an issue in my relationship years ago as your girlfriend is finally ready to take the big step, but then the boyfriend yells out because of the pain when the girlfriend suddenly yanked the crank :indiff:

I think the highest wall to climb was actually speaking to the doctor about it, as you feel you are the only 18 year old guy out there and you're simply embarrassed to even speak about it. And the first 2 weeks after surgery definitely aren't fun with all the stitches. Hell, I don't even think any doctor ever told me about it was I was little, phimosis.

This makes me think: Would I get it completely removed as opposed to only removing the bits necessary to make it... "work"? That's a good question.
Not circumcised, and I haven't had any issues with it.

If I was circumcised, I don't think I would care. It's not like it's something you had control over when your parents decided to have it done. It should be up to the individual to decide, but basically I'm saying you shouldn't worry about whether you are circumcised or not. By the time you realize it has been done it becomes as relevant as your height or the colour of your eyes. Suck it up and just be who you are FFS. :lol: :D

If later in life you need the circumcision for medical reasons, then by all means, have it done.

It's certainly not something I'm going to change now just for the sake of conformity, and it would hurt like hell to boot. :lol:

But anyway or how in *Sex* you can still bring back the foreskin. Right? So it really does not give a difference?

But the head of the penis is more sensitive :( since im UnCircumcised
I'm kind of surprised by the number of people who have been circumcised after reading through the posts in here. I'm still intact myself, but at one point it was considered that I might have needed a partial circumcision due to medical reasons 10 years ago. The doctor decided it wasn't necessary soon after and I was somewhat relieved at the time, and I've had almost no problems since.

But yeah. If surgery isn't required then there's no point in having it done and causing unnecessary scaring just for cosmetic reasons. Unless you're old enough to decide for yourself, even though by then it'll be a slightly more painful experience (or so I hear).

Being intact hasn't given me any problems so far, and I don't like the idea of the constant exposure and stimulation from one's underwear.

I'm with you on that. I guess if I had it done as a child it wouldn't bother me so much, since I'm so used to what I have now.
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But anyway or how in *Sex* you can still bring back the foreskin. Right? So it really does not give a difference?

But the head of the penis is more sensitive :( since im UnCircumcised
No it doesn't come back. Once it's gone, it's gone.
I'm kind of surprised by the number of people who have been circumcised after reading through the posts in here. I'm still intact myself, but at one point it was considered that I might have needed a partial circumcision due to medical reasons 10 years ago. The doctor decided it wasn't necessary soon after and I was somewhat relieved at the time, and I've had almost no problems since.

But yeah. If surgery isn't required then there's no point in having it done and causing unnecessary scaring just for cosmetic reasons. Unless you're old enough to decide for yourself, even though by then it'll be a slightly more painful experience (or so I hear).

Me (Slash) Response Having been cut since an infant myself, I've never known anything else so my head keratinzed and you don't even notice it rubbing against your undies. Don't feel a thing usually.

I'm with you on that. I guess if I had it done as a child it wouldn't both me so much, since I'm so used to what I have now.

Should be banned in all cases until age 18. No exceptions for any backwards religions, either.

Absolutely disgusting that parents would force this on their kids. The Penn and Teller: BS episode on this is quite informative.
We should get a poll going. Circumcised or Uncircumcised. The Official GTP Foreskin Database.

We need more options, like partial or half-moon, and muzzle brake.
If you don't have a foreskin, you can't play the 2 pence piece game...

I'm intact, I hadn't realised it was so commonplace in the US to be circumsized, can't say it really bothers me (or any women I've known) either way, but no it shouldn't be done to kids without a sound medical requirement. Once you're of age you can do what ever you want.
I always thought everyone's was like this because that was the most only thing because it's all I saw in porn up until I was like....a few months into being 18.

Seriously, porn is what taught me that I had been circumcised. I'd just never even realized it was a thing until I saw a video where the guy wasn't.
I always thought everyone's was like this because that was the most only thing because it's all I saw in porn up until I was like....a few months into being 18.

Seriously, porn is what taught me that I had been circumcised. I'd just never even realized it was a thing until I saw a video where the guy wasn't.

I actually always thought being circumcised was the way a normal penis looked until I got older lol. Pretty much all my friends are circ'ed as well (from what they tell me) lol
3) Girls get less creeped out by it.

I have never been creeped out by a foreskin. Any girl who splits up with her boyfriend just because he has a foreskin is foolish and doesn't deserve to be in a relationship. I would never dream of splitting up with someone over their penis. Unless it was drastically wrong, such as actually being a vagina then finding out that your boyfriend is not a boy at all. But that's not the point I'm trying to make here.

I believe that circumsision should be down to the child and should not be forced upon for silly reasons such as 'it looks better'. You wouldn't give your 5 year old daughter implants because then her chest 'looks better', would you? I'm sure most people with common sense would never dream of forcing plastic surgery upon their children. Like many have said, the only reason I see fit for it, is for urgent medical reasons.
I hadn't realised it was so commonplace in the US to be circumsized

It's something which this thread has made me aware of, yeah.

I have never been creeped out by a foreskin. Any girl who splits up with her boyfriend just because he has a foreskin is foolish and doesn't deserve to be in a relationship.

Well it would be a ridiculous reason for splitting up, but I've not heard of any guy getting dumped because they still have their foreskin.

Just found out what it actually was.:yuck:

I've known since one of my parents brought it up for some reason a couple of years before the medical thing I mentioned in my previous post. If I hadn't found out what it was by then, I reckon I would've found out after watching Meet the Fockers 9 years ago. :lol:
I was cut when I was a baby. In fact all babies born in Saudi Arabia are cut since we do ascribe to Islam and the religion calls for it. However I don't think it's really that big of a deal nor demanded. It's probably culture also.
I never understood the religious basis for that. It's just another wrinkle in the complexity of God's creation.
I think one of the reasons circumcision was important back when religions were still in infancy was because hygiene back then was atrocious. Today it's a nonissue with all the soap and water that is readily accessible, but the trend continues because of either religious/cultural influence and personal history.

In fact, circumcision is pretty much automatic in the Muslim community. It's not questioned nor countered. It's just accepted norm.
I think one of the reasons circumcision was important back when religions were still in infancy was because hygiene back then was atrocious. Today it's a nonissue with all the soap and water that is readily accessible, but the trend continues because of either religious/cultural influence and personal history.

In fact, circumcision is pretty much automatic in the Muslim community. It's not questioned nor countered. It's just accepted norm.

How about Quranists though? Looks like they have a valid point on why not to circumsize their kids...