
  • Thread starter Carbonox
I literally fell from my chair :lol:


As far as the topic at hand, I'm against it, religion/cultural/tradition wise I really don't see the point of it.

I hope you're okay :D .

And yeah I agree with you there's no real point in getting circumcised for religous, traditional or cultural reasons.

Circumcised men can't do a Kenny impersonation with their penis.

Check and mate.
LOL :lol: !
Either/or for the flappists. Of course if you play with the rook too much it becomes a bishop.

But if you play with your bishop too much it becomes a rook. I suppose that's better than for us flapless. For us the bishop turns into a pawn.
But if you play with your bishop too much it becomes a rook. I suppose that's better than for us flapless. For us the bishop turns into a pawn.
Well, either way I'm not going to bash it...
"Some girls like guys in hoodies, some like guys in turtle-necks better... it's just fashion sense, that's all."

A quote from one of my ex-girlfriends.

Have a good one
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I expect most men (apart from those that have been circumcised at a young age) have experienced the feeling when the helmet is uncovered when walking or exercising and it's rubbing against underwear.

One of my biggest hates is having some foreskin get itself back and then the sensitive end starts chaffing on my shorts. Happened frequently to me when I was cycling before I realised tight pants are better for sports. :grumpy:
When I was little and my little partner in sex still had somewhat of a hoodie, I got it into my zipper.

It hurts. It really does.
When I was little and my little partner in sex still had somewhat of a hoodie, I got it into my zipper.

It hurts. It really does.

Oh lordy this is the worst thing ever. It's a mistake I made once.
Me too. From that moment on I always made sure it was tucked in tight into my underwear. But when I grew up I lost the hoodie so the need for extra carefulness when zipping up wasn't needed anymore.
This has been popping up with alarming regularity on Facebook over the last couple of days.

Nice and to the point.

Counters the optimistic assumption the baby won't feel pain. Well, duh... he'll be in a tremendous amount of pain. He just won't remember it several years later.

Still glad I never had that problem. Though I probably would have let the boy decide on his own. That's the same approach I took towards ear piercing.
I'm just glad my parents left the decision of whether or not to get a cosmetic surgery up to me.
I'm just glad my parents left the decision of whether or not to get a cosmetic surgery up to me.

Yea ok that's fine and dandy, it's your body, so it's your choice. But no one who is of age is ever going to make that choice because they respond irrationally to matters regarding their genitalia. So you end up with a cosmetic surgery that can produce pleasant results being eliminated.

Since you're glad that you have the decision, I assume you went ahead and thought carefully about that decision and came to a conclusion that didn't amount to "nobody touch my winkie with anything sharp!".
Yea ok that's fine and dandy, it's your body, so it's your choice. But no one who is of age is ever going to make that choice because they respond irrationally to matters regarding their genitalia. So you end up with a cosmetic surgery that can produce pleasant results being eliminated.

Since you're glad that you have the decision, I assume you went ahead and thought carefully about that decision and came to a conclusion that didn't amount to "nobody touch my winkie with anything sharp!".

I'll admit the whole don't touch my winkie bit plays into it. That's a big part of it and I'm not going to pretend that I logically thought about every single aspect and came to a decision. To me, there are very few benefits to being snipped, and since I've grown up uncut the whole "reduced pleasure" bit would probably be a significant drawback. The monkey brain certainly plays a part to not wanting to go in and get snipped, but there is more to it than that in my mind. Mostly just that it's a ton of pain (the surgery) that could perhaps make sex disappointing compared to what I've already experienced with little to no benefits.
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I'll admit the whole don't touch my winkie bit plays into it. That's a big part of it and I'm not going to pretend that I logically thought about every single aspect and came to a decision. To me, there are very few benefits to being snipped, and since I've grown up uncut the whole "reduced pleasure" bit would probably be a significant drawback. The monkey brain certainly plays a part to not wanting to go in and get snipped, but there is more to it than that in my mind. Mostly just that it's a ton of pain (the surgery) that could make sex disappointing compared to what I've already experienced with little to no benefits.

Yea, I know this is a big concern for people who aren't circumcised, and some people who are make a big deal out of it. I'm guessing, based on biased personal experience, that sex is significantly better circumcised than uncircumcised - and not because of a change in sensation.

You'll never take the chance though. "Don't touch my winkie" and "I like sex currently, why mess with it" effectively seal the deal. So the pretense that this is some sort of "choice" that people can make as adults should be dispensed with. Neither way leaves adult men with a real choice.

That being said, I don't see how parents have the right to circumcise a child. I also have a hard time distinguishing it from a pierced ear or a tattoo though, so I tend to think those should be included in the discussion.
Yea, I know this is a big concern for people who aren't circumcised, and some people who are make a big deal out of it. I'm guessing, based on biased personal experience, that sex is significantly better circumcised than uncircumcised - and not because of a change in sensation.

You'll never take the chance though. "Don't touch my winkie" and "I like sex currently, why mess with it" effectively seal the deal. So the pretense that this is some sort of "choice" that people can make as adults should be dispensed with. Neither way leaves adult men with a real choice.

That being said, I don't see how parents have the right to circumcise a child. I also have a hard time distinguishing it from a pierced ear or a tattoo though, so I tend to think those should be included in the discussion.

Well that's the thing though. There aren't enough benefits to it that it should be a routine procedure. I won't take the chance because both rationally and superficially (don't touch down there) there just isn't a perceived value from my perspective. It's basic economics. Adult men don't get circumcised because there's little to no benefit, but they get vasectomies all the time because there is a benefit to getting one. I'm honestly more uncomfortable with a vasectomy than a circumcision from a strictly "don't touch down there" perspective.

As you said, some make a big deal about sex being better uncircumcised, but a lot of people similarly make it seem like having a foreskin turns your genitalia into a disgusting cesspool of filth. That's usually the biggest argument "for", is that it's easier to clean, but I don't really find that compelling enough, because in my experience it really isn't a problem. As for sex with vs. without, what I meant is that I've experienced sex with the heightened sensitivity of not being circumcised, and I of course don't know for sure but assume that being circumcised and losing the heightened sensitivity would be noticeable relative to what I've already experienced. Again, I may be wrong but there just isn't enough perceived value for me to go through such a painful surgery.

I actually find the ear piercing to be a good comparison. Just as people are willing to get piercings because they like how it looks, there are surely men out there who got snipped as an adult because they like how it looks.
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I actually find the ear piercing to be a good comparison. Just as people are willing to get piercings because they like how it looks, there are surely men out there who got snipped as an adult because they like how it looks.

Yea, I mean there are adult men that pierce downstairs (sometimes many times) because they like how it looks. I guess I'm fine with those types of guys being the only ones who get circumcised. I think if it were more rare, the benefits of circumcision to sex might get discussed more.

Whatever, I agree that it shouldn't be done to infants. But just like ear piercing, it doesn't enrage me when it is done to infants or that it was done to me. I don't feel that it is significant enough to discuss passing a law against it. But if there were a law against it, I would argue that it was a proper law that should not be repealed.
I'm new to the discussion but I thought I'd drop by and share my opinion.

I was circumcised when I was a little boy. It wasn't due to religious reasons but for medical ones, the urologist told my mom I should get circumcised or else it would become problematic for me in my teenage years. I don't remember the exact reasons, and obviously I didn't understood them back then. Point was, the doctor said it would prevent me pains in my gentlemans area.

The recovery process SUCKS. You wake up and instantly feel a nasty burn in the tip of your penis. For a couple of weeks, anything, even a light breeze on your still fresh tissue will give you pain. The worst part of it, is that you have to wash it extensively during the recovery period if you don't want to risk infection. And washing it hurts. A lot. And it makes it bleed. It's painful, period. I can imagine that if it wasn't done in a cautious way and wasn't taken care of appropiately the experience could definitely become traumatic.

In the aftermath, I haven't had any issues. The only sexual couple I've had had no problems with it, and I've had no drastic performance issues during sex. To me it hasn't been good or bad but I've read a couple of things that make me wonder if it was the right thing to do. Some say that it helps A LOT in reducing the risk of getting HIV or any STD, and that it'll reduce your sensitivity either improving or completely ruining your experience in the sack. All I know is that he's not The Stig, because he has no helmet :lol:.
He has a helmet. Unless the chopjob was a bit more rigorous. But in a normal chop you just lose the hoodie.
I find the arguments for it not being ethical a load of twaddle, I was circumcised when I was about 7 due to a medical reason I actually can't remember but I knew it had to be done. Frankly the fella's doing fine and I can't see what's better about having that little hoodie on it, there isn't really that much point to it as I can see.
I find the arguments for it not being ethical a load of twaddle, I was circumcised when I was about 7 due to a medical reason I actually can't remember but I knew it had to be done.
The fact it was a medical necessity for you doesn't really deliver any insight into the ethical status of a non-medically necessary, cosmetic surgical procedure on an infant...

I'm sure many kids have many medically necessary procedures not limited to cock-lopping - chemotherapy, amputations, brain surgery. That's not a justification for other kids to have the same procedures when it's not medically necessary simply because a religion thinks so or because adults think the child would look better that way.
The fact it was a medical necessity for you doesn't really deliver any insight into the ethical status of a non-medically necessary, cosmetic surgical procedure on an infant...

I'm sure many kids have many medically necessary procedures not limited to cock-lopping - chemotherapy, amputations, brain surgery. That's not a justification for other kids to have the same procedures when it's not medically necessary simply because a religion thinks so or because adults think the child would look better that way.

Fair point... I really can't say anything more on that you pretty much nailed it.
I really can't comment on the ethical nature on it I suppose, just seems like such an insignificant little thing but that's just a personal opinion I don't plan to argue it against something anyone else says. Might have sounded like I was but that was probably me not being clear.
The thing is, in the mind of a religious person the procedure is as necessary as a medical procedure. We're dealing with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, yet quite common, topic here: Can we tell a culture what to do and what no to do with it's own members? It's a topic with no easy answer. Religious parents do this kind of things to their kids without any ill intention most of the times. For instance, my family is catholic and my mom raised my as such thinking she was doing what was best for me; I got baptised and did my first communion, yet when I said "Hey Ma, I'm an agnostic" she understood and supported me without a doubt. Convincing a Jewish family that they're doing something cruel to their kid is something tremendously delicate and that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Another case when circumcision is being "imposed" on someone is in Africa because the procedure is seen as a first countermeasure to the spread of STDs and AIDS. You and me can understand this as something beneficial, but will an uneducated man in the poorer regions of Africa? Let's remember that you're, essentially, walking towards a man penis with a knife.

I do agree though that parents that do it for "cosmetic reasons" should go 🤬 themselves. In this situation it should be up to the kid to decide when he's mature enough to understand the procedure and it's consequences.

Actually not that bad a name for it. :lol: I can't actually think of a proper name for it apart from "the bit that covers the head".

I called it the helmet and someone mis-understood it and thought I got..."a deeper cut than normal". Come on guys, the head is still there! :lol:.