CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition 132

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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Greatly agreed. 👍 I forgot the carbon hood modification was featured in the game. I've been modifying vehicle visuals lately, so I'll have to go back to add a black hood to some of my cars that will look better with one applied.

I love carbon fiber( have a CF bonnet on my actual car ) but the hood pins often ruin it for me in the game
Sorry for the delay folks - between a death in a coworker's family, and another coworker breaking their leg, I've been pulling double-duty at work to cover them. It's meant 14-16 hour days since Sunday, but huzzah, tonight is the end of it! I haven't been able to visit the site from anything other than the iPhone, which just doesn't cut it for competitions. I'm not ignoring you guys, and I'll get responses out once I get home from work tonight :)

Also, could this week's poll winners (CCShaft7 and ShaolinMasta, if I'm not mistaken) please send your Classic Poll themes on to me for Week 133! Thanks a bunch guys! :cheers:
This is why Nato_777 should be a moderator, at least for this category, in case Slipz can not create the polls and themes soon enough.
This is why Nato_777 should be a moderator, at least for this category, in case Slipz can not create the polls and themes soon enough.

I second this notion. 👍

But only if Nato wishes it so. It's totally understandable that circumstances and life/work stuff can make time very short indeed from time to time so a backup of sorts would be good to keep things moving at a regular pace.

Sounds like you've had a crazy time there Slipz, hope everytihng stays settled back to normailty for a while for ya. ;)
Thanks guys, though I don't need to be a moderator in order to post polls etc for Kyle if he requests it - and that (requesting) is the key here, I can't just go ahead and take over as such if he is delayed as that would get messy.
I am of course happy to step in anytime Kyle needs me to and moderator status would mean that I could at least sticky and unsticky the polls etc, so I wouldn't say no if it were bestowed on me. :)
Thanks guys, though I don't need to be a moderator in order to post polls etc for Kyle if he requests it - and that (requesting) is the key here, I can't just go ahead and take over as such if he is delayed as that would get messy.
I am of course happy to step in anytime Kyle needs me to and moderator status would mean that I could at least sticky and unsticky the polls etc, so I wouldn't say no if it were bestowed on me. :)

Precisely why I think it could be of benefit having you as a mod, particularly for pinning/sticking polls seeing as you already manage 2 other comps. And yes Kyle would have to state to you whether he wants you to manage a particular day or weeks comp posting.
And yes Kyle would have to state to you whether he wants you to manage a particular day or weeks comp posting.
Kyle would say "If I don't get them by this time... create them for me." Which means Kyle would mistakenly forget and let Nathan create them every week.
Awesome shot Josh, but the competition closed about a half of a day ago.
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