raging so hard right now.
this was BEAUTIFUL on my TV. fantastic colour. I thought it'd be different, and just out there enough to get me into the poll.
upload it to PC, and it's totally effed.
i spent hours on eiger, walking around the track for the perfect long distance angle. Miniature gives off such great colour and realyl seems to enhance the off-track foliage.
too bad i thought the exposure was a little too high (some bad glare here n there) so I proceeded to turn it down a bit.
shouldn't have.
it seems that GT5 still suffer from GT4's habit of really getting rid of the richness of colour that is possible on a TV screen.
and although i think i understand why, it's still a major piss off.
this photo alone took well over 20 minutes.
ah well, no use in whining and distracting from the photo, i suppose.