Well, I decided to join a lobby, and the bug bit me...
PSN ID: Firehound427
First Name (Optional): Would rather keep a secret...
Age: Would also rather keep a secret...
Favorite car: Varies
Where are you from? (Optional): See name and age above...
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: Can be both
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: Civilian, taxi driver. I've already done tours of duty in a cop car
Have you read all of the rules?: Yes, and I'll read them again if required
How often will you attend lobbies?: I'm GMT, so not a lot
Why should we accept you?: I'm a legit cruiser with an understanding of the rules, some friends in this club and a former member of DBeav's club
How did you discover this thread?: Saw the link in the old thread, only just decided to join after a session as a nonmember
Were you ever a member of Dbeav's club?: Yes, and not to boast but I'm pretty sure a few guys can confirm this
Anything else you want to share?: I'll be a taxi driver predominantly, but may take on other roles (ambulance, delivery driver etc.). I hope I made the right choice...