CluB543 - Season 2Open 

Will be on this wednesday night for prac gentlemen. Club room. Enter via community section / clubs.

This is your chance to try out cars with the group and decide which one to pick.

I have decided that there will be a penalty for changing car through the season.

If you change car your tyres will be put down one level.
Eg, if you start with one car on sport mediums, when you change car you will use sport hards.

I think it is fair and enough to discourage people swapping cars.

Any complaints?
Thanks all for coming out last night. Good fun! Think I'm set on the Z06, but I will give the GTO another run next week. :)
Thanks all for coming out last night. Good fun! Think I'm set on the Z06, but I will give the GTO another run next week. :)
Good stuff mate, yeah was heaps of fun. Thought i was going to get u on that 2nd race at monza lol.

Thanks to all you guys that showed up for prac, should be a challenge this season.

Nico, you are super quick and consistent. Good stuff
Hey guys, great nights practice, should be a good series to compete in. Im still out to lunch as to which car Im going to run, they all have strengths & weakness.........just something else to challenge the mind.

Anyhow my decision will be made sooooooon.

Looking forward to the start of the series on the 4th March.

Hey guys, great nights practice, should be a good series to compete in. Im still out to lunch as to which car Im going to run, they all have strengths & weakness.........just something else to challenge the mind.

Anyhow my decision will be made sooooooon.

Looking forward to the start of the series on the 4th March.

Thanks meggs, great to have u guys on board, always a good laugh...

I dont know which car either lol
Will update forum asap, flat out with work now so hard to do.
Thanks again, cheers
Heyy Brett. I thought you might've forgotten about us. No posts, no prac. Good to see. Are you going to prac this coming Wed or just show up for race 1?
Heyy Brett. I thought you might've forgotten about us. No posts, no prac. Good to see. Are you going to prac this coming Wed or just show up for race 1?
I'll try to make it this week. Had a bit on lately, but to be honest, practising makes very little difference to me. I find that I have a set level of speed regardless of how much I practice, so other than the social factor, it's of no real use. Looking forward to catching up though, just the same.
Yeah fair enough, it can be hard to find time when your busy. You may not gain any benefit from practice, but you still need to pick a car. Unless you have already, then never mind me i'll just shut up. Yeah hope you can get on this week and all the other guys too. It'd be good to see a full grid before we start. Mind you Ryzza prob wont make it either, but you never know
Yeah we were discussing this. Have a look at the second post at the top of this page. Your allowed to change car if you think you picked the wrong one, but you will be penalised with worse tyres. Still a little over a week left Phil, theres still time to test and pick a car ;)
1 week until the season starts gentlemen!!!

Could we all please attend for last practice session before season start.
(Wednesday 25th Feb from 8:30pm)

Thank you everyone for your patience, I could have slapped a season together really quickly
but then i would have got it wrong and i would be kicking myself and you guys wouldn't enjoy it.

The racing girls are ready..... funnyrace.jpg race7.jpg

Are you ready?

Have you warmed up?

Have you got the right head space?

Have you got your helmet and other items ready??

Pre-season selfies???


Get ready to rock gentlemen.......

Start your engines.........

The season is about to start......

Your race girls will be waiting at the finish line for you....


So you can be like....



:gtpflag:See you all at the starting line:gtpflag:

Thanks for some excellent races tonight guys. Really enjoyed those good battles.

After giving the Gallardo a go at Matterhorn I think that one might be my pick actually... the GTO was just waaay to taily for my liking. :lol:

See everyone next Wednesday!
Thanks for some excellent races tonight guys. Really enjoyed those good battles.

After giving the Gallardo a go at Matterhorn I think that one might be my pick actually... the GTO was just waaay to taily for my liking. :lol:

See everyone next Wednesday!

Good choice mate. I like it taily.... thats probably why i never win a race lol.

Yes cheers to everyone for attending last night, was good fun. See ya wednesday people!!!
Ok - i'll go out on a limb and commit to the Lambo Gallardo . . . fingers crossed I can control the raging bull! Looking foward to the series . . . i'm off tonight - but seeya's tomorrow night for Round 1 - Let the Mayhem Begin!!!

My Race No. is 62
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Well done everyone!!! Great racing, i enjoyed it. (even on rubbish tyres!!!! lol)

These are the cars chosen by the people below....


Second pic is the race results.
SSmonaro will be awarded last place points after his DC.
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Championship standings
after round 1

1st - Nicko - 75 points
2nd - AAG - 64 points
3rd - XR6 - 55 points
4th - Fullgas - 48 points
5th - Gastro - 40 points
6th -Slotrunner-32 points
7th - Colecam - 25 points
8th - Meggs - 20 points
9th - Barberphil -16 points
10th - SSmonaro -12 points​
Some pics from the night....

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_3.jpg

Warm up those tyres boys lol

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_5.jpg

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_7.jpg

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_8.jpg

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_10.jpg

Meggs, you need to pay more attention to your pit crew, perhaps teach them the meaning of "being pro-active" ??
They are having a good bludge.... standing around doing SWEET F. A. !!! lol
Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_13.jpg

Maybe they could learn a thing or 2 from this bunch lol
Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_14.jpg

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_12.jpg

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_15.jpg

Autodromo Nazionale Monza '80s_6.jpg

Thanks everyone!!! See you all next wednesday for round 2 @ Madrid.
Cheers, Gastro. :cheers::D
Good fun last night, thanks everyone. Bad luck SS.. gunna happen to us all at least once probably.
Re: mention of tyre grade penalty for Nicko. I don't think we should jump down that road just yet. He's obviously quicker than the rest of us, but it's more the Gallardo I think in this case. I support this with the fact that, in the same car, Matt and I were close on times last year, and Matt was also 40 odd seconds ahead of me last night at the end (and gave Nicko a challenge, which was good to see). This shows that the Gallardo was just better suited, which it probably will be again at Madrid where its 4WD will help pull out of all those tight corners. Well done guys, cos I couldn't really make the Gallardo work for me in practise a few weeks ago.
So be it, I reckon.
I could have been closer to the front if it wasn't for my sticky brake pedal (only in first 5 laps or so), plus the F'ING penalties (of which I had no less than 6 or 7, most for no obvious reason). So, well done Nicko and Matt.