Wicked Child
GT6 begginers guide to creating a 500PP Killer on a budget!
Part 2
So when we ended our show last time I was screaming after a Ol'Harvey Wallbanger who was wandering off mumbling about needing to get a bleeding license like he hadn't been driving cars since before these twits in the fancy suits were born. Meanwhile our "Wicked Child" Storia X4 project car was in the the new Outlaw Garage up on CyKosis Hill while some Parrot screamed Krenkme wanna Lamb, Krenkme wanna Lamb!
Anyways a couple hours later Ol'Harvey wandered back in looking bored just as a GT semi pulled up outside. Before I could get to the Wallbanger for some answers the truck driver yelled out "hey Mac where ya want'em I ain't got all day here."
"Want what?" Was my brilliant response...
"Your cars! This is H. Wallbanger's Outlaw Motorsports Garage, Psycho Hill right?"
"Uhm, its just The Hill, CyKosis is the property owner", was my weak reply.
Of course all this had caught Ol'Harvey's attention and he had strolled over to look in the truck.
"Oh look they sent me a Grape colored Go-Cart and some Italian car."
Not to much later (couldn't have been more than an hour, ok ok 2 hours tops, the Wallbanger insisted on driving the Kart around to the rest of the Outlaw
and Clueless Paddocks via
interior hallways to show the fellas.

) we had the MiTo parked next to the Clio and Fit and I had some answers.
Seems that for better paying races Ol'Harvey needed a special racing license. (Yes friends Ol'Harvey Wallbanger does have a regular drivers license valid in all 50 of the United States and an International Drivers License valid just about everywhere else, but those don't allow him to race it seems.)
Anyways he took some tests and did so well that he got a few more trophies and the two new cars for the garage.
We could now go racing in National B.👍👍
Looks like Freshman Cup is first up in National B and the Wallbanger garners easy wins at Tsukuba Circuit, Silverstone the Stowe Circuit and Special Stage Route 5 Clubman which brings our Bank Balance back up to
I'm thinking maybe a nice paintjob and some cool wheels would be great, but Ol'Harvey insists the car needs more power.
So its back to the garage to fit a
High RPM Range Turbo Kit.
Oh well so much for improving "Wicked Child's" looks any.

The car does however make 181HP and have 418PP.
Doing the Freshman Cup also unlocked something called Mission Races and garnered us an invitation from some British chap to his estate for the Goodwood Festival of Speed.
While both look interesting the Wallbanger is eager to put the big Turbo to the test so its off to the National B, Clubman Cup with races at Silverstone National Circuit, Circuito di Roma and Autumn Ring (again).
I'm a bit worried since "Wicked Child" is now listed at 418PP which looks like its over the limit, but Ol'Harvey quickly assures me it's like the Japanese car makers "gentleman's agreement" for sports cars back in the '90s which no one took seriously except on paper.
Seems the Wallbanger is correct as the car is accepted into the events without a single raised eyebrow.
With three wins in the 400PP Clubman Cup behind us I was hopefull that we could maybe get some nice new suits from the race shop but Ol'Harvey said no the cars balance was off. Of course we didn't have the ridiculous amount of money the shop wanted for tearing out the interior and replacing everything in sight with some sort of exotic materials.
The Wallbanger saw that another Coffee break had opened up and got a gleam in his eyes, but I flatly refused and suggested the Goodwood Festival hoping at least to get a decent cup of tea and some sandwiches but Ol'Harvey wasn't interested so we settled on something called 5-Minute Races instead.
5 minutes of Autumn Ring-Mini had me feeling a bit queasy what with how the Wallbanger whipped "Wicked Child" about the track weaving past cars and yelling for the yahoos to get out of his way. But the prize money was enough for the fancy materials needed for
Weight Reduction Stage 3. Ol'Harvey then really confused me by filling the rear of the car, which was now devoid of seats, carpets, insulation etc. with a huge sound system he got from someplace. (He seems to be especially proud of something called an 8 track...

Anyways, seems that "Wicked Child" was nose heavy and the purpose of removing all that stuff and then throwing the stereo in back was to help correct this for better handling.
(93kg Ballast positioned at +50)
Five minutes on Tsukuba listining to the Wallbanger bellow along to somebody called "The Bee Gees" had me contemplating murder.

(The large Black Plastic "Casset" misteriously wound up on the track where a Civic Type R promptly ran it over...

Anyways Ol'Harvey decided the cars balance could still use some improvement so all the glass got replaced by light weight versions.
Window Weight Reduction and a small keg found it's way into the back next to the stereo.
(103kg ballast at +50) The Wallbanger swears the keg is just full of Kool-Aid but I have my doubts...
Five minutes on Circuito di Roma had me wondering when the Italians were going to turn the lions loose from the Colasium what with Ol'Harvey's bellowing along to some group named ABBA and his violent non-verbal comunications with the other drivers, but he claimed everyone was just being friendly. Anyways I was looking at a sharp new helmet in the Pro Shop but the Wallbanger said no we needed to save up and get "Wicked Child's" engine tuned before he took another set of license Tests that would let us earn more money. He did agree to some sight seeing so it was off to the City Trials.
After our whirlwind tour of Circuito de Madrid, Tokyo R246 and London my nerves were shot and we still didn't have enough money for the engine tuning so I agreed to taking a Coffee break. Hey in my state even bad coffee is better.
Well I must say the Eco Challenge: Stage 1 on Nürburgring Nordscleife was a soothing change, not to mention the mildest driving I've ever seen Ol'Harvey do. He says it's old hat to him having done this sort of thing as a young whipersnapper with only a bit of change in his pocket to buy gas with.
(Note: the Wallbanger says the key to this is to accelerate at just above idle to between 70-80mph then just coast the car only using a minimum bit of power to keep the speed in that range. Never touch the brakes and it's an easy run to the Gold.)
For the Cone Challenge: Trial 2 I wisely decided to watch on the coffee shop monitors as Ol'Harvey gleefully sent cones flying about the arena. Hmm the coffee seemed much better this time.
Anyways while our Bank Balance was looking much better we agreed that the Wallbanger would do the Mission Races before we did any more work on our project.
Those out of the way with a couple new trophies and a freshly delivered Evo parked in the garage it was time to get some work done on the "Wicked Child".
Engine Tuning: Stage 3 shot the power up to 326HP and after Ol'Harvey tossed a portable grill and large ice chest in the back
(109kg ballast at +50) "Wicked Child" was finely at 500PP.
Fully Customizable Dog-Clutch Transmission with max speed set to 174mph would help deliver all that new power, while a
Triple-Plate Clutch Kit & Carbon Drive Shaft would let the engine rev up much quicker between shifts aiding acceleration.
Of course all this new stuff wiped out our Bank balance leaving us just
C1,780 so we decided to go to the GT Compact Car Championship before the Wallbanger took his next series of license tests.
Unfortunately all that new power put "Wicked Child" a bit over the championships PP limit. No problem, just switched a few parts back to stock and we were good.
(Change all power upgrades to stock except for Engine Tuning Stage 3 and Intake Tuning to bring the car down to 450PP exactly.)
The championship with races at Autumn Ring-Mini/Reverse, Cape Ring-Inside and Suzuka Circuit East Course positively flew by. A classic Lancia Delta joined our growing collection of cars and the bank balance was looking better.
So while Ol'Harvey Wallbanger heads off to get his National A license, the "Wicked Child" is back in the shop getting all the power goodies re-fitted and having
Racing Brakes, something I'm highly in favor of with the Wallbangers driving,
Fully Customizable Mechanical Limited Slip Differential, now isn't that a mouthful, and a
Torque-Distributing Center Differential installed.
Racing Brake settings 4/5
FCMLSD Settings
Initial 25/25
Accel 10/25
Braking 10/20
T-DCD Settings 45/55
With these last few upgrades our "Wicked Child" Daihatsu Storia X4 '00 building project is nearly complete.
Ol'Harvey Wallbanger suggests we do one more quick race at Silverstone National Circuit so we can buy a set of Sports Soft tires to use in future races.
The extra cash also allows us to get a set of +2inch Larger Wheels installed to dress things up a bit and I opt for the ENKEI Baja ones to pay tribute to the cars rally background.
This leaves us with
C3,820 in the bank which isn't quite enough for even a cheap paintjob. Oh well guess we can live with the white for another race or two.