Cockpit view - IMHO overated and not so useful...

Bumper only. The cockpit view is lame. When I drive, I don't pay attention to my hands, I know where they are. I set up my seat and mirrors so I can see what's going on everywhere.
The real problem is that they try to put EVERYTHING in your view. That's nearly impossible, the mirrors are glanced at.
Every now and then I do the outside view to hear the exhausts of cars that have whiny transmissions.
The cockpit view is the most realistic view in order for any racing product to be a "sim" versus a "game". However, driving in cockpit view in GT5 in ANY car is headache and seizure-inducing because it is just too bouncy in turns. Gives me a quick headache.

I used to race NASCAR online in N3 and 4, and it was realistic in cockpit view. In fact, the race admins could force using cockpit view. And you had to pit yourself, too, and obey pit road and other laws or face penalties and black flags. GT5 should take a cue from that.
I think cockpit view is fine for A-spec and Seasonals, but it won't do for me in online races.

It's a good break from the bumper cam I usually use. But, it feels like I'm too far back in the car when driving, and I can't see the side mirrors in most cars.
Cockpit view is the best; i always turn off the hud; turn off all assistants and I feel like i'm really driving the car.

When your inside the car is way more realistic then being on top or bumber view; also you can FEEL your car when your inside it; IMO. Also I use the car's guages to judge my rpg and mph.

Cockpit all the way; it's the only view i play in every game; including shift 2 which has the most intense view yet.

But i also play on a 47 inch TV and i sit pretty close to it; like 6 feet away lol.

Also when you are in your car; your view is blocked in the same way as cockpit view does; using anything else is CHEATING IMO :d but if you have a small tv; or using a standard car then it's ok.
I use cockpit view because I like seeing where my car is in relation to the road and other cars (especially side by side racing); it's more immersive for me too. Of course I am using a 42 inch HDTV and sit in race chair 4-6 feet away so..

Visiblity is an issue with some cockpits; and following a car in rain, snow, or dirt is almost impossible-I often switch to roof cam to see above the spray/snow.

Also I find for Rally stages where I do not know the track, and there is combination elevation and direction change, I use roof cam; again to see further ahead-how the road 'unfolds'.

It may indeed be faster to use 'bumper' cam, but I find it less enjoyable for me because of the floaty/riding on pillows suspension 'feeling', the up close to rushing pavement view which sometimes is nauseating, and no sense of how wide your car is.

I am thinking of starting a cocpit view only race series to see if competitive drivers using that view only are still competitive.

Use whatever view you want; it doesn't take away my enjoyment of the view I use so....:)

This is the perfect view, and can only be bettered with either triple screens and head tracking or the following setup.

Unfortunately GT allows for none of this :indiff: maybe one day
I like cockpit view in GT5 just wished that it could be adjusted dynamically in game when you switch to a different car. Now what I really wished is that we could dynamically place the outside camera from just outside the windshield to the front end of the hood, why isn't this possible is beyond me. Few cars in GT5 have a view this useful the C9 and RX7 GT300 car have incredible hood mounted cameras.

PD just allow us to move the camera position in realtime, I'm pretty sure that the z- buffer can handle where we put the camera and model it accordingly without problems.
I like cockpit view in GT5 just wished that it could be adjusted dynamically in game when you switch to a different car. Now what I really wished is that we could dynamically place the outside camera from just outside the windshield to the front end of the hood, why isn't this possible is beyond me. Few cars in GT5 have a view this useful the C9 and RX7 GT300 car have incredible hood mounted cameras.

You do know that "bumper cam" isn't actually at the bumper like other games, right? It is from the driver's seat with an invisible interior. This was proved a couple of years ago.

A driver hit a foam block which landed on the invisible hood/bonnet of the car. It was suspended in mid-air. Switching to the rear balloon cam showed it resting on the hood.
You do know that "bumper cam" isn't actually at the bumper like other games, right? It is from the driver's seat with an invisible interior. This was proved a couple of years ago.

A driver hit a foam block which landed on the invisible hood/bonnet of the car. It was suspended in mid-air. Switching to the rear balloon cam showed it resting on the hood.

I never mentioned bumper cam because I always knew the distance involved was skewered. When driving from that view if you rear end another car you almost go into their car before the collision is registered. This is why I mentioned from the outside windshield to the front end of the hood(bonnet). Some cars in GT5 position the camera in the center of the hood(approx half the distance between the the driver position and the front end of the car that's why i mentioned the C9 and the GT300 Mazda, those views are much more ideal especially considering you have no 3 screen 3 PS3 setup, will work out much better for placement and driving as a whole. The pseudo bumper cam is different from bumper cam in the older GT which was much lower to the ground and had a slight fisheye effect. It still suffers from visibility when you get right behind another vehicle. Roof cam in GT5 is horrible as it is too high and at this awkward 15º-30º angle at the road, just give us an update that allow movie the camera distance and height to make viewing angle as useful as possible for each individual. This should be something that we should seriously get behind for every driving game, why are we in this day and age locked into viewing angles that don't helps up enjoy the game? With all this on the fly rendering, this should be a simple thing to implement and always be a part of driving games.
I love cockpit view!!
That's the reason why I do not (no, never) race standards cars...
In GT4 I raced bumper cam, which was the best option.
Since GT5P came out I use cockpit view.
I do not seem to be slower or what so ever by using this view.
I love cockpit view!!
I like the cockpit view BUT the only problem I have with is that they're way too dark! Night racing in a prius is horrible because the interior is dark, if there was switch to light up the inside, that would be cool.

But for that sole reason I use the bumper cam.
I like the cockpit view BUT the only problem I have with is that they're way too dark! Night racing in a prius is horrible because the interior is dark, if there was switch to light up the inside, that would be cool.

But for that sole reason I use the bumper cam.

In real life the interior of any car is also completely dark in the night apart from the dials and buttons which do light up just like it is in GT5, there's a reason people don't use the interior light when driving as you can see even less of the road or track obviously when the interior is fully bright.
I don't need an interior light, more powerful headlights would be appreciated though.
In real life the interior of any car is also completely dark in the night apart from the dials and buttons which do light up just like it is in GT5, there's a reason people don't use the interior light when driving as you can see even less of the road or track obviously when the interior is fully bright.
I don't need an interior light, more powerful headlights would be appreciated though.

a very fair point, the lights aren't that powerful, not a gripe for me but poor visibility makes me more cautious of turns and corners, especially when I have the HUD and map off.
There's one car where the cockpit cam is not usable. That special Ford with the hood scoop that takes up the entire screen.

Every chance I get, I use the cockpit cam. Feels good man.
I only use Cockpit view, but I'm going to be forced to start using bumper cam because of the many amazing standards that aren't premium. The lighting for the gauges in cockpit view is just horrible. In real life you can actually see the dials. That's the only thing that bothers me about that view. It's just a huge letdown. Zooming in helps, but then it defeats the purpose of the view being able to see the interior.

The fact that in a real car, your view is limited, is the reason why I would prefer only using it. Plus, it forces you to learn a track better, getting used to not knowing how hard a turn's going to be. I'm used to the cockpit view now to use it to it's fullest.
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Cockpit view dosent make sense if you're driving with a steering wheel as you would be seeing two wheels, the one in your hands and the one on the screen. But if you drive with a DS3 controller it adds a bit of realism to the game. I dont currently own a racing wheel and have limited space to set up a simulator type racing seat so I'm using my DS3 controller. The cockpit view seems right for me. I'm probably not as fast in this view but it's definatly more fun for me. An incar view minus the steering wheel would work for those who use a racing wheel.

Racing games going gack to Grand Prix Legends have had it and it's taken PD five games to finally incorporate it into their game, and then on such a small percentage of the cars...Comon PD, step it up here. A generic incar view for all the standards would even be cool. I dont wanna ride ON my favorite cars...I wanna ride IN them.
Strangely enough, I complained a lot about all the cars that weren't gonna have cockpit cameras, yet here in the full game I find myself using the bumper cam for the sheer visibility it provides.

Me too..., (sometimes)..., still, cockpit cam rocks (makes things more challeging too) some of us do use controlers (they don't mind the steeringwheel i guess -i personally like it-).
The hud could use more options.., far more actualy, but OPTIONS are always good untill you drown in 'm -lol-
I'll keep saying: PREMIUM cars i need more of, most cars (especialy the ones i like) are standard :ouch:
Perhaps polydig should lower the bar a little bit, so every car can be made PREMIUM, as it should!!!
Greetings stano(more premium cars)666 :)
PS 2 more words for Poly : DRIVING SIMULATION........., -how hard can it be...???
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Cockpit view dosent make sense if you're driving with a steering wheel as you would be seeing two wheels, the one in your hands and the one on the screen. But if you drive with a DS3 controller it adds a bit of realism to the game. I dont currently own a racing wheel and have limited space to set up a simulator type racing seat so I'm using my DS3 controller. The cockpit view seems right for me. I'm probably not as fast in this view but it's definatly more fun for me. An incar view minus the steering wheel would work for those who use a racing wheel.

Racing games going gack to Grand Prix Legends have had it and it's taken PD five games to finally incorporate it into their game, and then on such a small percentage of the cars...Comon PD, step it up here. A generic incar view for all the standards would even be cool. I dont wanna ride ON my favorite cars...I wanna ride IN them.
seeing 2 steering wheels makes sense so you know where your going. And if that's bothering you then I would assume you are much slower with real views
Bumper cam makes the surface and environment much more visible, which makes it the best to enjoy the beauty of the tracks from my point-of-view. I don't like it because it's just too smooth and easy. I like having the difficulty of the blocked visibility like someone else said.
Bumper cam = easiest + most competitive

Cockpit = more challenging & adds dynamics not applicable in any other cam that enhance the realism of the experience. FAR from perfect, but it's a great start. If you got sick cash flow and spring for a 3 monitor set up, forget-about-it...
Bumper cam makes the surface and environment much more visible, which makes it the best to enjoy the beauty of the tracks from my point-of-view. I don't like it because it's just too smooth and easy. I like having the difficulty of the blocked visibility like someone else said.

Well, have fun with the beautiful enviroment in Trial Mountain or Deep Forest...

I always use cockpit view because there is no "bumper cam" in real life. It makes racing much more intense.
I play GT5 with a steering wheel and pedals and only use the cockpit view since I find it much more immersive that the bumper cam or other views. These are the only vehicles I currently use offline since all have a good cockpit view with sufficient overall visibility.

330 P4 Race Car '67
BNR34 Skyline GT-R N1 base '06
Celica GT-Four Rally Car (ST205) '95
Civic Type R (EK) '97
Clio Renault Sport V6 24V '00
Cobra 427 '66
F10 '10
F430 '06
NISMO 380RS Super Leggera
NSX Type R '02
R10 TDI Race Car '06
XJ13 Race Car '66

I prefer cockpit-view, I only use bumper-cam for rally and standards. The cockpit view for me is just so natural... so yes, I do better with cockpit-view (except on rally)

Try the Celica GT-Four Rally Car (ST205) '95. I think its the only premium rally car with a good high visibility cockpit view.

I would like to see PD merge the cockpit and bumer cam views for GT6, i.e., a cockpit view with user adjustable opacity from 0 to 100.
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I like being able to only rely on a rear-view mirror for blocking my opponents while driving. I've made it so I can't look backwards, because honestly, can you swivel your head 180 degrees at 150m/h?

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