Cockpit view = waste of time...?

  • Thread starter EJRocky
Well, i have to disagree with the unrealistic using a wheel thing, i use a wheel, And i have it line up with the wheel in the cockpit view, Sucks you right into the game play, as my friends say, Almost feels like your driving a real car, It's just the way i have my set working, a desk, TV and PC monitor on same desk, wheel mounted in front of TV, My wheel matches right into the cockpit of the in game wheel perfectly, Pretty neat stuff.
... And then, I thought about GT5P. I've never played it, ...
Very important piece of information.

... when all we really need is a bit of bonnet in front of us.
A piece of the dasboard, without the steering wheel and hands, the windscreen/shield and the bonnet. This is the most realistic view IMO. But is it the best way to play GT5, ... ?

- Unrealistic if using a wheel
Why? You haven't played GT5p. You can't jugde this view without even having played GT5p. I you drive with the interior view, you don't even notice the wheel and hands. You're so concentrated on the track and the cars in front of you that you don't see the wheel/hands/dashboard.

- The driver hands are having trouble being perfected anyway. They did it in GT4 - albeit from an external view - but can't do it in GT5P's cockpit view, for some reason.
Because it's GT5 prologue.

The wheel only turns, like, 200 degrees, and this could be very disorientating of using a 900 degree wheel. For me, anyway.
How do you know that? You haven't played GT5p.

But all we really need is a POV that shows maybe a little of the top of the dash, and the bonnet in front of us, from behind a windscreen. Because we already have the wheel and hands in front of us.
+1 and I agree.

I dont pay attention to the In Game wheel, i focus on the road and thats it.

I do have to say, that when i played SuperCar Challenge they had 2 types of Cockpit view.

One just like in GT5P and the other was just where the steering wheel was and that was the most realistic view!!
If you mean a little bit of the dashboard, the bonnet and the windscreen, then I agree 100%.

I don't use the cockpit view that much. The cockpit view is a perfect view - the one that EJRocky and Chris described => dash, windscreen/shield, bonnet/hood - when you have a multi monitor setup. You create a peripheral view, which is how games have to be played! :D

I find the cockpit view the second best view to watch replays. You can sit back, relax and watch the dashboard, wheel and hands and enjoy the wonders of GT5p's graphics.

Some people are faster on cockpit other on bumper but mostly on bumper but i think that this post is has no point cause lots of people WORKED HARD to make this beautiful view with no comparision details so it depend of taste I prefer bumper sometimes cockpit and PD not to take away the bumper... no offend:yuck:

Sorry for my english
I dont understand this thread
Cockpit view is a MUST. Now every racing game has it, arcade and simulations. Only a few have the interior view without the wheel but who cares? If you're in front of the TV with your DFGT G25 or whatever you won't even notice the virtual wheel.
I don't care that I could have gone quicker with bumper cam, as I'm never going to bother trying.
I don't care that the visibility may be better with bumper as I'm never going to race with it.
I do care that I can't use cockpit view in 2 player split screen and really notice the difference.
Because it's just so much more exciting, atmospheric, realistic and engaging when you use the cockpit view.

I have not touched a different view yet. I am division 3 Gold in the WRS, and I always use cockpit view. If I used bumper cam I may have been div 2. But I don't regret it as I have fun, and after all, it's a game.
honestly, it just feels nice to know what the inside of the car looks like in spectacular graphics, I like to us the triggers to looke around the car aswell, but bumper cam takes me to the best of my ability, when im in an easy race I like to use cockpit view, I dont know how the wheel will effect when I get one...
I have a wheel and I drive with cockpit cam. The interiors are so well modeled with such attention to details. It's definately not a waste a time, it adds realism to the game in my opinion.
I don't know why some people say that they're faster with bumper. I've tried both and I didn't saw a difference. The only thing I've noticed is that cockpit view is way more immersive.
Actually its one of the things im looking forward to the most.
Seeing all the normal and race cars from the inside, seeing how a Nissan Silvia S13 looks from the inside and then how a Super GT car and then a LMP etc.
Plus all the classic cars, from a Mercedes Benz 300SL to a Fiat 500 and Ford GT40.
Cockpit cam is simply a must...even if it's just to keep up with the competition.

GT5:P was the first (I believe anyway) to model the interior in such detail - not the simple stuff interior models we had before - and now everyone is pulling out the stops to get a good cockpit cam; most of all Forza, who at one point were VERY non-commital about adding a cockpit cam, saying it took time and effort.

But even in spite of that, cockpit is now the only cam I use...the sense of realism is hightened greatly by using that cam.

It's not without niggling issues mind; there is no customization about where you want the camera to be placed i.e. further forward, back, higher or lower etc; and there is no sense of actual "glass" there; no reflections or sun glares, it almost feels like there is no windshield there...maybe with the admission from Kaz that they are working on lifelike rain graphics, the sense of actual glass being present could be in GT5.
Disagree a bit on the glass part, in some cars you can actually spot differences in the tint, especially when you look left. right & back. I agree though, that the missing light reflections and sun glare take away alot from that "feeling" but, i could imagine, its very hard to render that stuff properly.
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I have my G25 mounted on the same desk as my 32" screen:


I've since moved the screen closer towards me (and the wheel) that both the one on the screen and the g25 exist almost on the same plane. I hardly notice the other wheel although I do use both the bottom HUD and on most occasion, the dashoboard display. I'm quite certain that you'll be able to turn the HUD off in GT5 which will make the cockpit more immersive and essential.
GT5:P was the first (I believe anyway) to model the interior in such detail - not the simple stuff interior models we had before - and now everyone is pulling out the stops to get a good cockpit cam; most of all Forza, who at one point were VERY non-commital about adding a cockpit cam, saying it took time and effort.

Actually, many sims have had high detailed cockpits before GT5P. GT5P has some of the best by virtue of the fact its a very recent game. GTR2 has awesome cockpits given that its 3 years old. GT5P has nicer shadows and sharper lines, but its almost 2 years newer.
But all we really need is a POV that shows maybe a little of the top of the dash, and the bonnet in front of us, from behind a windscreen.

My point exactly. It's a matter of perspective. In-car view is fine, but you have to sit very close to the screen (plus, I have the feeling the hands are moving with a slight delay which is annoying). If you can't have that set-up, you are forced to use the bumper-cam, which is a little too low and you first have to get a feeling of how wide each car is. I don't see it as a big problem that you don't see too much to the right or left as you can look left and right with the direction-buttons on the wheel.

A bonnet-view would be the best of both worlds as you immediately have the feel of how wide the car is, with the correct height of viewing position. Paired with a slightly wider angle of view it would also reduce the blind spot left and right, and thus contact with people slamming the door on you turning into a corner...
My point exactly. It's a matter of perspective. In-car view is fine, but you have to sit very close to the screen (plus, I have the feeling the hands are moving with a slight delay which is annoying). If you can't have that set-up, you are forced to use the bumper-cam, which is a little too low and you first have to get a feeling of how wide each car is. I don't see it as a big problem that you don't see too much to the right or left as you can look left and right with the direction-buttons on the wheel.

A bonnet-view would be the best of both worlds as you immediately have the feel of how wide the car is, with the correct height of viewing position. Paired with a slightly wider angle of view it would also reduce the blind spot left and right, and thus contact with people slamming the door on you turning into a corner...

The delay may be coming from your TV, it's a well documented phenomenon.
I love cockpit view, I use it in every game I have.
And so what I don't quite have the side visiblity around me? I have look around buttons in most games (Except GT) and I like to think of it as added realism.
In GT5P I generally drive in cockpit view, but I do find it a bit claustrophobic - too far back from the windscreen. Ferrari Challenge is worse. As has been mentioned, the up-coming SCC has a "closer-to-the-dash" view. This seems like the most realistic option to me - it still gives the impression of being inside the car, but more closely duplicates the actual feeling of driving a car.
Yeah, but you have ZERO peripheral vision.
I find GT5Ps cockpits almost perfect, overview & realism, it also depends on the car how much you can see. In the BMW Z4 for example, it feels way closer to the windshield than in the GT-R.
In GT5P I generally drive in cockpit view, but I do find it a bit claustrophobic - too far back from the windscreen. Ferrari Challenge is worse. As has been mentioned, the up-coming SCC has a "closer-to-the-dash" view. This seems like the most realistic option to me - it still gives the impression of being inside the car, but more closely duplicates the actual feeling of driving a car.

Besides the truncated peripheral vision, that SCC view also decrease your FOV compared to SCC reagular cockpit view. I have harder time judging corners, especially coming in and out of the apex. It would've been ideal if they use the view but slightly increase the angle to a wider one (like moving from a 50mm lens perspective to a 35 or a 28mm).
INTERIOR VIEW MUST STAY!!! afterall, this is supposed to be a driving simulator, so it seems natural that most people would want to drive the car from where it is driven... it just adds a whole new level of realism! when i pop in GT4 after a couple days of GT5p, not having the cockpit view just seems wrong.... now all we need is adequate engine notes to go along with these amazing graphics!
Yeah, but you have ZERO peripheral vision.
I find GT5Ps cockpits almost perfect, overview & realism, it also depends on the car how much you can see. In the BMW Z4 for example, it feels way closer to the windshield than in the GT-R.

Yeah, another example I can think of is the RX-7. The steering wheel looks huge in it cause the camera seems a lot closer to the windshield than it normally is.
Yeah, but you have ZERO peripheral vision.
I find GT5Ps cockpits almost perfect, overview & realism, it also depends on the car how much you can see. In the BMW Z4 for example, it feels way closer to the windshield than in the GT-R.

IMO any racing game should have the same options that Simbin games have. That is, 1 option that sets FOV (field of view) and another that sets seat position.

FOV defines your "peripheral vision", showing how much of the track you see. Seat position defines how much of the car you see, but doesn't change your FOV of the rest of the track (move seat forward you see less of the car, move seat back you see more of it).

The reason racing games NEED those options is because everyone has a different sized screen and sits at a different position. 80 degrees FOV and a seat position that lets you see the rear vision mirrors might be great if you're sitting 3 feet away from a 32" screen, not quite so good for someone sitting on their couch watching a 26" screen.

I play GTR evolution on both my PC with a 20" and my friends who has a 22". They are both the same resolution, his is just 2" bigger. Even then, I'll slightly alter the FOV and seat position to feel comfortable going from one screen to the other. Then depending on the height of my own chair I might alter the seat height in game.
There is this free game from Simbin: Volvo-The game.

There is a feature in this game that allows you to adjust de FOV (field of view) from 40% till 150%, with or without wheel and hands/body.

This adjustable feature, FOV, and also POV should be in every race sim.

Some examples from Volvo-The game

FOV 40%

FOV 95%

FOV 150%

FOV 40% with wheel

FOV 40% without wheel

FOV 95% with wheel

FOV 95% without wheel

FOV 150% with wheel

FOV 150% without wheel

You can adjust the FOV per %, so that would make a lot of photos. That's is why I chose 40%, 95%, 150%. :D
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While many people refer to the view in GT5p without the cockpit as being the bumper cam view, it is not. It's a a internal view just without the cockpit.

I too find the cockpits looking amazing, but I think the view with just the gauges is more realistic. Driving around in my rl car I hardly look a the interiou. While in a computer game you are quite forced to look at it.

Maybe I change my mind when I have full hd tv's everywhere in my house. But untill then I'll stick with the "just the gauges internal view".

But it's certainly a good thing PD makes them for GT5(p).
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INTERIOR VIEW MUST STAY!!! afterall, this is supposed to be a driving simulator, so it seems natural that most people would want to drive the car from where it is driven... it just adds a whole new level of realism! when i pop in GT4 after a couple days of GT5p, not having the cockpit view just seems wrong.... now all we need is adequate engine notes to go along with these amazing graphics!

Dude... I think you miss my point.

I'm not OPPOSED to the cockpit view (and who the heck would be...? :sly: )

My point is, they're spending a lot of time rendering these beautiful interiors, when all they really need to do is put the camera right behind the windscreen on the driver's side... and that time could be spent on more cars, among other things. And I've seen vids on YouTube of this view - I can't judge for sure, because I've not yet played it, but it just looks to me like I'd have a hard time knowing where exactly my car is on the road. If the camera was right behind the bonnet - like in Toca Race Driver 2 - I'd get a much better sense of where my car is, and I'd be able to drive better. Let's just hope that we get adjustable field of vision like the Volvo game mentioned above 👍

But, yeah, the interiors look great (I've seen YouTube videos). I'm not OPPOSED to them. I love 'em 👍

And +1 about the sound :lol:👍