Cockpit view = waste of time...?

  • Thread starter EJRocky
I always use cockpit view because it gives me a feeling like driving a real car. Not just that it gives me full responses of the track and I handle the car much better.

Incar view in GT5p is very good made, very real and it's actually like in real life.

It just gives me a feeling of driving a real car.
what about us, who don't have a wheel and tons of space? maybe cockpit view isn't necessary for all of you with wheels, but for the rest of us, it's an absolut must have
1. You don't have to use the cockpit view if you don't want to
2. You've never played GT5:P

So how can you raise a discussion about something you think will be irritating, but you've never even experienced it yet?
The cockpit view restricts your vision like it would in a real car, the bumper view gives you too much visibility to be realistic. (plus I use the mirrors a lot like in a normal car)
I love the cockpit view, I only really use it in arcade mode when I'm puttering around enjoying the ride, it really does add a lot to the experience. Stick to the bumper cam when I'm racing cuz I'm more used to it and feel like I can see so much better (which you probably can) but I liked the idea I've heard mentioned of a professional online mode where you're stuck using the cockpit view.

I've got a G25 and it's mounted to a piece of @*($ homemade table from half mouldy wood I tore out of a wall in my basement. It is by no means easy to look at. I'll take the interior of a car any day. :)
Each of you guys have the point - cockpit view is nice, cool etc. It's also not very real, bu there just can't be one view on a single screen that would be real (if you use three monitor you're starting to get close to the ideal).

Of course the cockpits add some effort needed to complete the game, but even if they weren't necessary, they are a nice addition (especially for those who don't use the wheel at all, or just from time to time enjoy playing using a gamepad). Also the perfect solution would be to add some more camera angles - personally I find the roof camera utterly rubbish and would gladly see it replaced by the said bonnet cam, preferably mounted not in the middle of the hood, but slightly on the left (to simulate the drivers position). Or to the right, depending on the car's layout.

That's where PC games have the edge - ability to mod them gives you ability to adjust every bit of the game according to your preferences - just like CamHack for my beloved Richard Burns Rally lets me set the camera up even backwards if I choose to.

But hell, bumper cam ain't realistic even a bit, even with a wheel. There is nothing more annoying than not being able to know for sure where your car ends and how it behaves (since you don't see it, it's harder to tell when the back starts to behave fishy etc.).

Bottom lime: cockpit view - definitively NOT a waste of time. Could use some work though (at least make the seat position adjustable).
1) I think that cockpit view must be in the game since all the modern (and some older) games have it and GT5/GT5P must align with those games. Even if some people don't like it, a lot of GT fans asked for it so there you go...

2) In order to please other people PD should so something similar to what "kikie" showed from "Volvo-The game" - have the ability to control. But this needs more car interior modeling and and in-game rendering (have all the options in run-time).

3) In order to please the rest of the people - PD should also add "bonnet cam" but with multiple variations:
a) Hood is displayed - to give the driver the car size/location perspective
b) Hood is not displayed - actually this is similar to bumper view but the height is higher than bumper which is somewhere on the wheel - very low.

I think this should cover most of the people.
As for the rest (roof cam, chase cam) - those views are less realistic and less simulators but some people like it - so whatever... :)

This way - all drivers are pleased and have a nice and fun driving the way they want.
But hell, bumper cam ain't realistic even a bit, even with a wheel. There is nothing more annoying than not being able to know for sure where your car ends and how it behaves (since you don't see it, it's harder to tell when the back starts to behave fishy etc.).

Crazy, I feel the opposite with bumper cam, it gives me the quickest information out of all the views about what my car is doing, with Chase cam being the slowest. As soon as the tail gets out of line, I can feel it instantly with the bumper camera, whereas with the other views I'm reacting to slower information.
Crazy, I feel the opposite with bumper cam, it gives me the quickest information out of all the views about what my car is doing, with Chase cam being the slowest. As soon as the tail gets out of line, I can feel it instantly with the bumper camera, whereas with the other views I'm reacting to slower information.

I think it does depend on what you get used to. After a long time playing PC sims I'm pretty used to cockpit view and find it the easiest to read over/understeer and to pick up on weight transfers and instabilities. I also find it the most realistic since I play on a PC monitor that sits just about a foot behind my wheel. In many sims the "virtual" wheel is almost perfectly hidden by my G25, so I find the cockpit view has good proportions.
3) In order to please the rest of the people - PD should also add "bonnet cam" but with multiple variations:
a) Hood is displayed - to give the driver the car size/location perspective
b) Hood is not displayed - actually this is similar to bumper view but the height is higher than bumper which is somewhere on the wheel - very low.

Doesn't GT5p already have a bonnet cam? A cam that shows part of the hood?
The "other" cam that was introduced in GT4P is placed on the roof and looks sligtly down. In some cars it looks great, for example the Le Mans racers, but in others it produces a view that shows just the rim of the roof (try the Lancia Delta).

It's bad point of view. A propper bonnet cam is on my wish list too.
I've always wondered why PD decided to put the camera on the roof instead of the bonnett, which I think would be the most obvious place. :odd:
One thing bothering me in both LFS and GT5P is that the driver's seat seems to be too much to one side when looking at the interior as a whole. Driving my own car it feels like I have a good amount of steel on both sides, naturally more on the right side but still. In the games it feels like I'm sitting right behind the A pillar, just about to fall out of the door. LFS with the viewpoint set as much to the right as possible is getting there but then the wheel gets off center and begins to look wrong...

If they get the driver position right I'll probably use it quite a lot. If they don't, bumper camera for me.
I play even DiRT with the cockpit-view. I't gives me the feeling I'm driving in a real car. In GT4, there weren't cockpit views and I didn't like the other camera's than the bumpercam. But the bumpercam was a bit boring. You bought a new car and the only new thing is the sound, speed and control of the car. When I drive an old mercedes, I want to see the big wheel. When I'm driving a sportscar I want to see a leatherwheel. I'using the driving force gt and it makes it much more realistic with cockpit view... You should play GT5P! ;)
One thing bothering me in both LFS and GT5P is that the driver's seat seems to be too much to one side when looking at the interior as a whole. Driving my own car it feels like I have a good amount of steel on both sides, naturally more on the right side but still. In the games it feels like I'm sitting right behind the A pillar, just about to fall out of the door. LFS with the viewpoint set as much to the right as possible is getting there but then the wheel gets off center and begins to look wrong...

If they get the driver position right I'll probably use it quite a lot. If they don't, bumper camera for me.

Actually I believe this is a viewing angle issue. Your ACTUAL viewing angle of the screen might be around 30 degrees, but the game is set to 75+ degrees. This makes the A pillar feel a lot closer than it actually is, but in reality the whole car is just squished up more, its just you notice the A pillar being close more than you notice the right side of the car being close.

At least that was my experience in LFS ;) I felt the same way, too close to the right side of the car (I'm Australian, we sit on the right side), until I watched a replay and noticed I wasn't using the whole track on most corners and realised the whole car was a lot narrower than I thought rather than my previous assumption of being too close to one side.
One thing I like about cockpit view is that if it is a car I know, I can actually use the interior instrumentation to drive from. Assuming they actually lit the instrumentation well enough to be visible. There may be internal instruments in an F40, for example, but I have no clue what they look like and there's no way to turn on the lights!

So, I like the cockpit view--and it will become even more interesting if there is a crackable windscreen in the final!--but I'd like to see some way to turn off the digital GT5 instruments and some sort of guarantee that there will be enough light to read the instruments inside any cockpit, even if you have to turn on the headlights to do it.
Indeed. If others don't like cockpit view don't bother and use another cam. Leave us cockpit view-users alone.

Okay, man, jeez, calm down. I wasn't ATTACKING cockpit view users. I like the cockpit view... it just struck me as a bit unrealistic, that's all. Chill.

You bought a new car and the only new thing is the sound, speed and control of the car. When I drive an old mercedes, I want to see the big wheel. When I'm driving a sportscar I want to see a leatherwheel... should play GT5P! ;)

Yeah, that's true I guess. Another element when buying a new car.

And, yeah, I would play GT5P... but A) I don't have a PS3 (yet!), and B) I'd rather wait for the full thing 👍

You are right, though. My judgement was based purely on YouTube videos I've seen... I just didn't feel as if I could see the road well enough. But, yeah, I can't truly judge until I've played.
The cockpit view restricts your vision like it would in a real car, the bumper view gives you too much visibility to be realistic. (plus I use the mirrors a lot like in a normal car)

Actually it restricts your view more than in real life, where you have two eyes and not just a 2D plane to see (plus you can move your head). Having said that I think cockpit view is a necessary and very welcome addition.
I don't think so. it adds to the experience of the game. especially when you are using the steering wheel and doing manual gears.
You do raise a point, and I do use the bumper cam as well, even now in GT5P, but, they have the cockpit view in there to satisfy all customers. Forza 2 got criticized for not having the cockpit view, and now they have it in. Some people just like the view, realistic or not, they probably love to see the leather interior, or the badge on the steering wheel. If GT5 loses the cockpit view, as much as it will decrease space, and increase game performance, it's just a step backwards.

well said!
I switch between "hood views" and "cooockpit views" in GT5P, GTR, GTR2, Race07, rfactor, depending on which car I am driving. Cooockpit view works well in some cars, but in others it feels like I am driving from the back of a van! lol

I would like to see a "forward ccockpit view" and have the games ditch the graphics of wheel and hands.

I don't like 'bumper views' at all! too low to ground!
Folks... I'm not happy.

I've just been through and deleted a bunch of replies questioning the value of this thread. Well, thanks for the opinion but me and the other guys with the little blue bars have looked in several times over the past week and somehow completely failed to lock this "useless" thread.

The thread is called "Cockpit view = waste of time...?" and that last character is important. It's a question. In the opening post EJRocky gave a list of pros and cons and I think he covered the bases quite well. If your answer to the question is "Yes" then you post your reasons as to why you think that. If your answer to the question is "No" then you post your reasons as to why you think that. If you can't be bothered to answer the question and instead take the opportunity to say how useless it all is, we delete your post and, for irony, give you a Warning/Infraction for making a useless post (and, after this point, possibly one for ignoring moderator instruction).

Please stick to the question asked. Discuss the topic, rather than whether the topic has any merit - and as a clue, if it's been open for a week, it does.
I am not happy with the hood view? Why is it made so you are sitting on the roof and drive? Feels almost weirder then running behind the car and steering it remotely. Cockpit view is the one that feels most natural. The only other view that works somehow is the bumper view but that is so 90´s it doesn´t exist.

So no this game would have a much bigger problem if it didn´t have the cockpit views.
Although there are a few blind spots and other problems in using the cockpit veiw it is one of the best things that has been put into the GT series. Besides the the veiw you get in GT5's cockpit veiw is very simillar to the veiw you get when driving a real car.
i do like the cockpit vieuw altho i don't use it much. my opinion is it does add too the experience and once i will get a wheel with gt5 i might try it more often too make the experience more lifelike
No, it's not waste of time. In fact IMO cocpit view in GT5:P is the best copit view in any game. It's the first game where I use it... and I use it a lot (maybe in 90% races.. sometimes I use TPP cam).