Cockpit view = waste of time...?

  • Thread starter EJRocky
I dont own GT5P or a PS3, however I do have a G25 and play many different PC sims. I always race in cockpit view. From car to car and game to game I'll change my seat positions or field of view, but I always go for the cockpit view. If GT5 didn't have a cockpit view I wouldn't even be considering wasting $700AUD on a PS3 to play it.

I race with other PC sims as well and love the cockpit views. I do turn of the wheel and hand animations so I only see the dash and instruments. It would be nice to have that feature in console sims as well.
So what makes bumper cam for kids? Sorry just don't see it. I could go the other way and say that cockpit camera is for kids and bumper cam is for matures. Doesn't make it so.

Seriously, I really don't get how some people can believe so fervently that their preferred view is the best or the most realistic. I'm sure some people would go so far as to ban certain views from online racing if they could.

EVERY Single view is a compromise. NONE of the views can possibly represent real life. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Each probably represents an aspect of reality better than the other views. Chase views for example, which most people would call unrealistic, allows you to see cars that you would see in your peripheral vision in real life that you can't see in either bumper or cockpit views without actually pushing buttons to look to the side. Obviously there are a bunch of things about chase cams that just are not realistic. What compromises people are willing to make is a personal decision and won't be the same for all people. With that in mind, I just don't get how some people can be so adamant that their opinion is right.

This man... he knows..
Just a quick thought,

If GT5 uses GT4's weight reduction tuning, are we going to see bits of the interior trim disappear?

.. and roll cages turn up if we install one?

... just wondering, 'cos I bet we won't
Its a strange one really, back before I could drive I would often use the cockpit view (along with a wheel).

But since I started driving years ago, it just dosnt seem right, mostly because you cant change your view point, and the view for me is too high, and too far to the right (in a RHD car). It also cuts off too much of the left hand view in comparison to when you are actually driving and you have a very good perception of the road around you. (About the time when I first started driving I got banned from playing gt3 by my instructor as the driving with wheel/bonnet view was making my real driving noticeably worse!)

While the bumper view dosnt improve that perception that much, it does give you a slightly better view of the road ahead which does compensate.

That said, just because I dont like it, I wouldnt say that they should leave it out of the game. for a start it does seem that its a feature that a fair few people want, but also its nice to get a look inside the cars (particually to hear in side) and I do every so often when Im in a new car on prologue switch to the cockpit view for the final stright etc to get a look.)
Just a quick thought,

If GT5 uses GT4's weight reduction tuning, are we going to see bits of the interior trim disappear?

.. and roll cages turn up if we install one?

... just wondering, 'cos I bet we won't

Thats a good thought actually,i`d never considered anything like that until i see it mentioned here. I doubt PD would go to that level but it would be a great feature 💡
Just a quick thought,

If GT5 uses GT4's weight reduction tuning, are we going to see bits of the interior trim disappear?

.. and roll cages turn up if we install one?

... just wondering, 'cos I bet we won't

I bet we won't aswell. Seriously some people expect too much of this franchise, before you know it they will want simulated smell, and realistic bodily harm when in a crash. But seriously if pd put all these features in that people want, it would probably be cheaper for them to buy us all a car and a years worth of trackdays.
Honestly, if people want this much of a realistic experience, then why the hell don't they just go out there and drive round a track irl. A lot of what people seem to want in the game would reap little reward for the amount of effort put in. Until games get to the point where the car in the game is just like a physical representation of real life, with all the components working together from the pistons pumping an so on, which tbh i don't think will ever happen i think a lot of people should keep there expectations realistic. Modelled graphical engine swaps, and visible weight reduction i can almost gaurantee won't be in GT5, if they are then i would happilt pay £150 for the game cos to me that would take an awfull lot of work.
The cockpit view is the most realistic IMO, you can't get the feeling of driving a car when you're floating down the road. When I want to feel like I'm really driving, it's cockpit view or nothing. And that includes when I'm using a steering wheel.
Cockpit view is great. I often switch between Bumper and CPV while using my wheel. I just love seeing the interior of certain cars, it adds realism. I really feel as if I'm driving a Ferrari F430 while I'm in cockpit view.

I just WISH the guy driving in cockpit turned the wheel more than 200 degrees. It really frustrates me as it looks unrealistic and also confusing at times while using my wheel. Even 'Midnight Club LA' has the driver turning the wheel 800 degrees. I just hope they sort it out for GT5.
Cockpit view is great. I often switch between Bumper and CPV while using my wheel. I just love seeing the interior of certain cars, it adds realism. I really feel as if I'm driving a Ferrari F430 while I'm in cockpit view.

I just WISH the guy driving in cockpit turned the wheel more than 200 degrees. It really frustrates me as it looks unrealistic and also confusing at times while using my wheel. Even 'Midnight Club LA' has the driver turning the wheel 800 degrees. I just hope they sort it out for GT5.

In 2007 the game demo at GC and TGS already had 900° drivers animations but they cut it out before the release because according to them it was not polished enough,it's about the same with the paddle gears shift : they won't include it before it feels realistic and this is an very important issue : just look at PGR4 and NFS Shift paddle shifting it just feels unrealistic and weird .I haven't seen any game doing it properly !
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Yeah it was just GT4's animations which look fine in replays but when you have the camera upclose like cockpit cam it isn't so pretty, they said ther're working on it.
Something I noticed today... (whilst playing GT5P)

The F1 car has the 'best' cockpit - because I can see more out of it...

This seems to be in stark contrast to real life... i.e. I thought the visibility in an F1 car was meant to be a bit limited in comparison to your standard hatchback...

If you don't like the cockpit view then don't use it... no one is forcing you to, so stop whinging. Not everyone, including myself, owns a steering wheel, and so for us the cockpit view is a great addition. It also allows you to "explore" the innards of cars, many of which most will never see in real-life, even if one was to see that car. Many people, myself included, love the cockpit view, so to say that it should be removed just because you don't use it and you have a steering wheel is selfish!
Cockpit view makes me dizzy and its feels to far back from the front of the car.

Agree that the cockpit view of the F2007 is the only one i can use...haha
IMO it's all down to personal preference, up until gt5p I'd always used the bumpercam but now use the cockpit view quite a lot in gt5p as it gives more of an impression of actually being in the car. I just started a new thread on something similar regarding the steering wheel and think that there should be the option of having the steering wheel+hands in the cockpit view or not, if you use a wheel why would you need them? so what if it doesn't have a bmw/ferrari/etc badge in the middle (if you have your own wheel covering that on the screen it makes no difference) but I like having the wheel there when driving with the joypad.
I'd prefer the cockpit view to be a bit further forward...

I don't tend to focus on my hands when I'm driving (unless I look down to see my speedo)

Personally I find the cockpit view to be too claustrophobic.

I am usually to busy looking through turns while racing but when I get a new car until I can hear the shift points I look at the Tach on the car not the one supplied by PD. The option I am hoping for is a HUD off option. That way all our speed and info comes from the car.
Personally I find the cockpit view to be too claustrophobic.


That's one of the things I like about it.'

The option I am hoping for is a HUD off option. That way all our speed and info comes from the car.
+1, I'd rather have nothing else (map/speedo/suggested gear/etc) on screen, just sector times/time behind or in front on screen.
While the cockpit view is the most realistic, I rarely use it since you can see so much better, and likewise react and anticipate, in the behind car view.
The option I am hoping for is a HUD off option. That way all our speed and info comes from the car.

+2- it would add for some major realism, not knowing what place you were in except for counting the cars. Know the track %100, not knowing someone was behind you other than the mirrors or the sound.
Gran Turismo really needs this, and would be *almost* complete reality.
I don't want to think of this as just eye candy. A plus to in-car views is that you really feel engaged driving or racing a car. Gran Turismo games have some elements where having engaging elements are at a premium. For a game and a series all about cars and the drive, having this is nowhere near a waste of time and memory. I love the Gran Turismo series, but even with some nit-picks people make, I'm nowadays leaning towards a few nit-picks while not overly blasting the series. Did PD need to have these views in the car? But because they did, and because it's all in lovely quality, it looks amazing. It just adds some extra immersion to an already wonderful formula. Think of it as adding creamer or sugar to a cup of coffee.
While you have a valid point, the cockpit view brings an entirely new sensation to driving games. When I'm in cockpit view being able to see the REAL interior of a car I'm in is incredible. I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope cockpit views are here to stay.
If you see my GT5 channel on YouTube and watch the videos, you'll notice that i wasn't driving using the cockpit view. The cockpit view isn't veeery important to me. but i wouldn't be happy, if it isn't featured in the game, because there will be times when i want to drive in cockpit view. :)
I love the cockpit view, It adds more immersion for me. Now, if they allowed you to adjust the camera inside the cockpit it would be perfect.
Love the cockpit view, but would take it bit further. A dynamic camera instead of a static one similar to what NFS:Shift offers, the movement of your head during acceleration, deceleration, hitting uneven road surfaces, couple that with head tracking, all makes for a more realistic experience.

Oh, and also a adjustment to the seat, sit too far back in GT5P :)
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Personally me interior view is the greatest thing added. If I had to choose between 16 car races, damage and weather... or Cockpit views (with 6 car races and none of the others) I would still take cockpit view.
See, that's total BS. You know that you can have the cockpit view and 16 cars on track at once because of GT5P. The chances are, damage will not lower this number, nor will weather. So, it's all very easy to say that you would be happy with just 6 cars on track, when you know that's not going to be the case.