So what makes bumper cam for kids? Sorry just don't see it. I could go the other way and say that cockpit camera is for kids and bumper cam is for matures. Doesn't make it so.
Seriously, I really don't get how some people can believe so fervently that their preferred view is the best or the most realistic. I'm sure some people would go so far as to ban certain views from online racing if they could.
EVERY Single view is a compromise. NONE of the views can possibly represent real life. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Each probably represents an aspect of reality better than the other views. Chase views for example, which most people would call unrealistic, allows you to see cars that you would see in your peripheral vision in real life that you can't see in either bumper or cockpit views without actually pushing buttons to look to the side. Obviously there are a bunch of things about chase cams that just are not realistic. What compromises people are willing to make is a personal decision and won't be the same for all people. With that in mind, I just don't get how some people can be so adamant that their opinion is right.