Cockpit view = waste of time...?

  • Thread starter EJRocky
I use bumper cam when doing time trials. Makes me more precise on hitting apexes. I use cockpit view during races. It gives u a feel of being more imersed in the action, for me atleast. I kinda wish the head turns to the direction of a corner while in cockpit view, cuz you dont really hold ur head straight while executing a turn, u look at where ur headed. Also, i use cockpit view when drifting..
I really like the cockpit view in GT5P, probably the best in all the sims at default settings.
To bad you can't adjust it a little bit. Makes it more immersive.
I am not happy with the hood view? Why is it made so you are sitting on the roof and drive? Feels almost weirder then running behind the car and steering it remotely. Cockpit view is the one that feels most natural. The only other view that works somehow is the bumper view but that is so 90´s it doesn´t exist.

So no this game would have a much bigger problem if it didn´t have the cockpit views.

do you mean hood view as in bonnet view? I don't have this problem at all with hood view (talkin' usa here where hood = engine hood/cover). But yes, the view on the car hood (tin covering the driver and passengers) is awful! imho, ymmv

I really like the cockpit view in GT5P, probably the best in all the sims at default settings.
To bad you can't adjust it a little bit. Makes it more immersive.

well said! It would be nice if you could adjust the seat position for cockpit view (and I would love to have the option to remove the hands/wheel graphics - I have my hands and wheel right in front of me! :) )
imho, ymmv
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Cockpit view is there for the extra realism- the pleasure that you know what car your driving and everything is exactly almost correct. If you don't want it, stick to bumper cam.
I meant the view that is between the cockpit and the bumper view. american english is incorrect all of the time so I do think it´s hood view. I do think that is the english english expression lol that just feels so wrong. I think it´s partly because you never see that much of it in a real car. You sit way way way to high. So if you sat on the roof you would get pretty much the same perspective.
Replying to the thread starter:

1 - I agree with you, cockpit view is not necessary or even useful, only a graphics exploit from PD.

2 - However, I don't think it is a waste of time, because many players (probably the majority) don't think like me, and in their oppinion the cockpit view adds to the "realism" of the gaming experience.
Personally, as a technical excercise, the cockpit view is impressive, but overall I feel its a gimmick.

Using Test Drive Unlimited as a reference, I would only ever go into cockpit view once I had purchased a new car, just to see what it looked like inside and how it compared to its real life counterpart.

When actually playing the game I would either be on bumper or bonnet cam.
Just a question, Marf, have you played GT5P?
Because the cockpit view in Gran Turismo gives you a lot more overview than the cockpit view from Test Drive. At least thats how i feel.
No I've not played GT5P, I dont even own a PS3 yet :P

I just find all the extra stuff that a cockpit view displays somewhat distracting, bumper cam is probably my most used view(both in TDU and GT games of old).

Does using cockpit view on GT5P impact performance at all?
Nope, the game still runs with 60fps, there are some frame drops when more then 3 cars go off-track, but i dont think it has something to do with the view, because it also happens in replays (dunno if you get slow-downs in the other views while driving, because i only use the cockpit). Nothing significant though.
No I've not played GT5P, I dont even own a PS3 yet :P

I just find all the extra stuff that a cockpit view displays somewhat distracting, bumper cam is probably my most used view(both in TDU and GT games of old).

Does using cockpit view on GT5P impact performance at all?

In cockpit view, you're so focused on the road anyway, you wouldn't really notice anything that would be distracting to you (nothing is very distracting to me). Also, it slightly henders performance. People tend to get better lap times with the bumper cam. It's not really a problem though unless you're trying to set a record.
Wait, performance as in driving, or performance as in frames per second like i thought in my first other reply? lol
In cockpit view, you're so focused on the road anyway, you wouldn't really notice anything that would be distracting to you (nothing is very distracting to me). Also, it slightly henders performance. People tend to get better lap times with the bumper cam. It's not really a problem though unless you're trying to set a record.

Like most stuff I guess it just comes down to personal preference. I'll most likely do as I've always done in driving games and stick with bumper cam.
I meant the view that is between the cockpit and the bumper view. american english is incorrect all of the time so I do think it´s hood view. I do think that is the english english expression lol that just feels so wrong.

Bonnet in English. Hood in US English.
Thanks :)

As for cockpit view versus bonnet view for performance. You easier see where the front wheels are in bonnet view which I think is a key for many being faster in it for hotlapping.

However in cockpit view since you sit further back you get more information what your car is doing so many is more stable in that view. For me in a sim and car I am comfortable with there is no real difference. However since I run 95 % in cockpit view I would perhaps be faster in hood view if I preferred it. Luckily most racing games I run with have quite good cockpit views.
it better with a cockpit view cause last year i was using a sixaxis controller and it better when the camera is in cockpit viewit like real,but now im lucky cause i bought a virtual racer and and a g25 now i use bumper view:)
This is just something that crossed my mind the other day...

I was playing GT4 on my shoddy homebuilt driving rig, with my TV on its stand in front of me. I had it in bumper cam - as always - and I got to thinking how perfectly realistic it was. If I wanted to look at the wheel and my hands, I'd look slightly down, and if I wanted to see the road ahead I would look up again. I have it set up like that, for the most realistic experience.

And then, I thought about GT5P. I've never played it, but I have seen screenshots on the web of the cockpit view. And it just struck me how unrealistic it would be while using a wheel.

As I said, my wheel is the perfect height in front of myself and the screen, so it's like a real car. When I get GT5 proper, though, I would have one that's projected right in front of me. Kazunori, frankly, is wasting all this time modelling the interior views, etc. etc., when all we really need is a bit of bonnet in front of us.

Pros and cons, ladies and gentlemen:


- More memory
- Possible lag, possibly reducing number of cars. It has to render not only the highly detailed cockpit, and pointless wheel and hands, but the entire HD outside world FOUR TIMES, i.e main view and mirrors.
- Unrealistic if using a wheel
- Time dedicated to perfecting driver hands animation, modelling interiors, etc. etc. could be better spent on improving what needs to be improved.
- The driver hands are having trouble being perfected anyway. They did it in GT4 - albeit from an external view - but can't do it in GT5P's cockpit view, for some reason. The wheel only turns, like, 200 degrees, and this could be very disorientating of using a 900 degree wheel. For me, anyway.
- Loss of sense of speed.
- Lower visibility.


- A bit more realistic for gamepad users.
- Something to look at... a little extra.

Those are the pros and cons in my own opinion, anyway.

But, my point is, why render all the steering wheel and hand animations when you have the wheel - and the most realistic hand animations ever - right in front of you? I understand that cockpit rendering is still useful, if you need to look to the side, for example. But all we really need is a POV that shows maybe a little of the top of the dash, and the bonnet in front of us, from behind a windscreen. Because we already have the wheel and hands in front of us.


I don't think including cockpit view is a waste of time because not every GT5 player is going to have wheel. If ur using wheel, then keep the bumper view, otherwise, use the cockpit view to be realistic (for controller)
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Since this is the main thread on cockpit views, i thought it was the right place for this.

It is GT4 but with a cockpit view?
No i don't think the cockpit view is a waste of time! I just don't like how some cars have A pillars, as big as tree trunks! Plus the rear view mirrors in most cars is garbage! Anyways with cockpit view, i get to see what the cars look like from the inside! That is cars i will never get to drive, in real life!!!
It is GT4 but with a cockpit view?
It was possible to view the cockpit in replays with some sort of trick (can't quite remember what the trick was). Only the convertibles had detailed interiors though, if I recall correctly, the hard top cars just had a black interior.
Since this is the main thread on cockpit views, i thought it was the right place for this.

It is GT4 but with a cockpit view?

It is very old camera-hack of GT4, made with hacking the Point-of-View in Nissan 350Z cabrio where hacked-camera was positioned behind the central console. It does not represent any kind of cockpit-view in GT4.
i found that before i got the g25 i always used cockpit view, as its what i'm used to. but after getting the g25 i found bumper cam to be the best. but as said before its personal preference again.
i just find it easier to use with a steering wheel, but mostly because it seems pointless to have a steering wheel infront of you, then having another on the screen
Waste of time,in a driving simulation?Not.If enything is waste of time,its allowing joypad taking part in expert races?Or maybe its a sales thing? :)
Because we already have the wheel and hands in front of us.


You can't start a sentence using "because".
I actually like the idea of the new cockpit view, it makes the game look alot more real especialy if your using a full HD tv plugged in with an HDMI cable and a DFGT wheel like I'm using now.:sly:

but mostly because it seems pointless to have a steering wheel infront of you, then having another on the screen

I have said the same before, but it seems nice now because you could now see the interior of the car. (I like it:)👍
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Cockpit view becomes relevant for more of the sim racers when it is adjustable.

You want the wheel you see on the screen to be a similar size to what you see in front of you FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE.

Meaning that if you played on a projector, it would look 2 feet wide on the screen but from where you are sitting it compares to the size of your wheel and hands in front of you.

To do this you must have to be able to adjust the camera position as well as FOV. PC racing sims allow this and in that case cockpit views are useful.

I find that when I'm playing Prologue or PGR 3/4, the wheel ends up being 3 feet wide on my projector screen. Since I have to sit fairly close to the screen, when I look at my hands and wheel and then look at the wheel on screen, the one on screen is far larger.

If I could tweak the FOV to make the on screen wheel match my hands (FROM MY PERSPECTIVE), my screen would look more like a window to another world and the on screen objects should look a realistic size to me.

Until adjustability is included I'll still with the hood or bumper view.

But the cockpit view is great because you can appreciate the car's interiors now. Gran Turismo 1 gave me reason to admire cars for their looks and abilities. With Prologue and GT5, I'll now admire them for their interiors.