But lets say that this God did tell you that he was the God of the bible. Now youre in a tough spot. The bible, on its face, appears to have zero credibility. Theres the plot holes, the contradictions with science and scientific observations
things like the planets orbiting the sun
things like the earth not being round
lack of any evidence of a worldwide flood and so-on. Theres the fact that the bible is written by man and sounds like an answer to all of mans questions which immediately makes it seem contrived.
1) Does anyone have any metaphysical arguments that go against what I've written?
2) For Religious people. Can you:
- Admit that you cannot be certain God exists because you could be a brain in a vat and all of your experiences could be deception?
- Admit that if your firsthand experiences with God do not include him telling you that he is the God of the bible, that you don't know who's God you worship?
- Admit that you must question the voices in your head, even if they say they are the God of the bible?