Guys, something that has been on my mind for a while and I wanted to talk to you about is ergonomics. I’ve been sim racing a really long time. I first started on NASCAR Racing ‘94. So that’s almost 30 years I have been doing this. And just like everyone else I started out with homemade rigs, stuff like that, and that’s fine. I’m not knocking it, or judging anyone. But I will be the first to tell you that our hobby, that we all love could be hurting your body. It’s a lot of repetitive motion that puts stress on the body. So, if you have never looked into racing ergonomics, I ask that you do. There are some simple rules to seating position, pedal position, and wheel angle to keep you from ruining your back, elbows, wrists, knees, and feet. If you are experiencing pain due to sim racing, I ask that you take the time to look into this and save yourself some pain. I’ll put some simple rules here and if you have any questions whatsoever ask me and I will help you anyway I can. I personally turn a lot of laps. So I have been through it. But there is a better way. It may not feel right at first but you will adapt. So here’s some rules to go by.
1. Shoes:
Don’t race in socks or barefooted. If you use a load cell especially. You’re killing the arches of your feet. You can go to a sporting goods store and get a pair of wrestling shoes. ASICS snapdown are the best I’ve used. I have many race shoes, but 9 times out of 10. I wear wrestling shoes sim racing. Save your feet. Mine kill me to this day because I raced in socks. Especially my left foot.
2. Lumbar support:
If you have any space between your back and the seat, you’re killing your lower back. You can go to about any store and go the automotive section. You’ll find various pads there just for that.
3. Your neck:
Believe it of not sim racing puts a lot of stress on the neck. This can be mediated by having your wheel adjusted at shoulder level, now take your back and shoulders and press them firmly into the seat. Extend your arms and lay them on top of the wheel. If the wheel is past your wrist it’s too far away from you. If the wheel lands in the big part of your forearm, then it’s too close.
Avoid clinching your jaw. You’re only slowing yourself down and hurting your neck. Stay focused and relaxed. And you’ll find yourself running better lap times. Do not lean forward, breaking proper form. Keep your back and shoulders pressed firmly into the back of the seat. Breaking form will only hurt your lap times, your upper back, and neck.
3. Wrist:
This goes along with wheel alignment. A wheel too high will wear the bottom joint of the wrist.
Too low wears the top. Keep your wrists as straight as possible. If they aren’t adjust your rig.
4. Legs:
You can damage your knees over time sim racing. If you find yourself not able to walk when you get out of the rig. You have a problem.
Pedals too close can result in shin splints and pain through the top of the foot extending to the big toe.
Legs should be slightly bent not straight so you can use your quad to brake. Don’t use the ankle to mash a load cell. Use the balls of your feet to mash the pedals, not your toes. You want to keep your pedals straight in front of you with the steering shaft spitting the throttle and brake. If you are twisting sideways in your seat or doing anything other than keeping your legs straight and natural, you’re eventually going to have leg and back pain.
Around 14°
32° to 38°
45° to 55°
Knees slightly bent around 130°
Pedal faces or deck tilt I’ve heard a lot of ppl say around 15°. Just be sure you have a comfortable brake resting position, while not reaching with your throttling foot.
Smart phone App Stores have angle measurement apps for free.
YouTube has tutorials on racing cockpit ergonomics.
Don’t be afraid to change:
Yeah, it’ll slow you down. But if you have pain, it’s time for a change. Don’t be like I was. Obsessed with keeping everything the same while putting up with pain. You will adjust over a few days. And good ergonomics will lead to you have better lap times, more consistency, while having less pain.
Take breaks and stretch:
I don’t like it either but stretch. Especially the shoulders and neck.
Take yourself a break. I’m bad for it. I’m the worst. I’m on to something good and don’t want to walk away. I’ll forget what I was doing.
Get a notebook and write it down. Go and take a walk with the wife, or swing the kids. Taking just a 5 min break can go a long way. And you’ll come back realizing you’ve got faster because you aren’t suffering from fatigue.
Spend the money:
Look man, sim racing is expensive. I’ve always said, it’s not a game, it’s a hobby. You play games to have fun. Sim Racing is fun, but if you’re going to excel at it, you must take it somewhat seriously. Games, like Golf and Pool. Yeah, you can play with some old bar stick or yard sale clubs. But if you want to excel at it, you have to take it more seriously, so you have to cough up some money to get what you need to get better. Then it becomes a hobby. So do your body a favor and get out of the kitchen chair.
If you’re dedicated to this hobby spend the money and get a rig.
There are options out there like play seat challenge that don’t cost much. If you plan on spending any amount of real time doing this, go and get a proper setup. If you don’t, you will suffer for it eventually, I promise.
Anyway, that’s it. I always want to talk to people about this because I went so long just being worried about getting on the track. No one told me the consequences, maybe they thought it wasn’t important, or it was being soft, whatever.
By the time I looked into racing ergonomics. It was too late for me. I don’t want you to suffer the same fate.
See ya on the track guys, thanks.