COMPLEX STRING: Do you want it back again in GT5?

Do you want Complex String test track for GT5?

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I would absolutely love having this in GT5. It was always one of my favorite tracks to just run practice laps on. DLC would be great... I'd pay 5 bucks for it.
It looks really frustrating.

Get yourself GT3 game and try to beat Yamauchi's time on CS with RUF. One of the best GT experiences ever.

Once you master the couse it becomes the instant-favorite.
I remember doing that time trial for the first time against ky's time and the whole time thinking that it was gonna suck because I never used asm or tcs cuz it only hurt my times, but then crossing the finish line 6 seconds ahead. Never been more proud of anything I had ever done up to that moment.
Not to speak backthen in 2002 we had an official Crotian GT3 Chapionship under Sony Croatia amnagament with 2X6 PS2 linked through iLink (Firewire) LAN network..

After the public racing day were finished me and my friends were racing various tracks for fun and we even had memorable CS session where only me and one friend knew the track. We did 2 great laps, but on lap 2 we caught up with trafic of other 4 players who were scattering all over the track :D

Those were the times.. :)

It's quite amazing how good the graphics are in GT3.

Yes, everybody should fire that game today and witness the true genius of PD made with only 32MB of RAM.
Com-plex-String....Nur-burg-ring????? coincidence that they have the same number of syllables

Probably, just as much as the coincidence that they rhyme........
Would love to have it back though, or something similar or even better.
Although the function of being a test-track does seem to be diminished since the Nürburgring has been included as the 'Ring is used as a test-track in real life too by most car manufacturers today.
Maybe a new kind of test-track with more rough and bumpy sections and different kind of asphalt or gravel sections as an addition to the 'Ring would be welcome.:)
The weirdest track of GT3, glad it wasn't in GT4. And hopefully it's not in GT5, just like the autumn ring.

Being a test track, this track would still have a place in GT5, great for tuning & License tests. But I would still love to race on it. :)
-> ...
It looks really frustrating.
^ Indeed, at first. But as you learn the track you'll appreciate the beauty and the technicality of the course. :)

The weirdest track of GT3, glad it wasn't in GT4. And hopefully it's not in GT5, just like the autumn ring.
^ Before hating on the track, have you tried it first hand? :indiff:

how about pikes peak, they had it in gt2, why not remake it like it is now with some asphalt and some dirt, and get rid of cathedral rocks
^ I'd rather not see a race/rally track to be sacrificed to aquire another. GT5 need more track than ever before to compensate the record-breaking amount of cars on hand. :indiff:
Don't like it, don't play it. Need to play it to progress? Cheat.

Simple, no?

Simple? :confused: How would one know how to cheat on a game that isn't even out yet? That doesn't sound simple to me. We all have things we like and dislike and some people choose to endure them and others don't.

If you need to complete a game you have bigger worries than what tracks are in your way.

Autumn ring is a good track in the right car - complex string was excellent for testing a car (the Nürburgring is not comprehensive in this task ;)), or for split-screen drift competitions 👍
Hated this track at first, but then it slowly started to grow on me. I used it mainly for time attacks near the end of my GT3 playing days. I think I just appreciated the length of it, and that you are constantly working the wheel left and right.
-> Nurbie-Ring proved to be too long and Autumn Ring is too short for me to do any time trials. Complex String is the perfect size to test & race cars to your heart extent. :)
More than 500 positive votes! If PD does pay attention to these sort of things like forums, like they have stated a few times, this could mean something!
More than 500 positive votes! If PD does pay attention to these sort of things like forums, like they have stated a few times, this could mean something!

If not in the full game, bring it out as DLC. Or a classic GT track pack featuring all missing old tracks
^ It was unpleasant due to the lack of enviroment that surrounds the track, in other words is a completely deciated test track. Heck, the Driving Park Beginners Course had better enviroment surroundings compared to Complex String. Long? Sure it was long, but not Nurbie long.

Suggestion-> To really spice things up PD, add a few grandstands and night lights. Someone here would notice that CS had a few light towers the were scattered throughout the track. Imagine Complex String AT NIGHT! Or a 3rd or 4th 24hr race event! :dopey:
I'm all for bringing this back. The times in GT3 when the RUF RGT was the Time Trial car around here and rocked the circuit are still there in my mind.