Computer Stats

  • Thread starter Zero
PIII 866mhz
384mb PC700 RDRAM
30 GB EIDE 7200 RPM Hard Drive
60 GB EIDE 7200 RPM Hard Drive
Firewire (3 Ports)
nVidia GeForce 2 GTS 32 MB
17" FD Trinitron
17" Harman Kardon Sub
8x4x32 CD RW
12x DVD

It's a Dell, so you know it was overpaid. Installed second hard drive and other things.
Building it, should be done with it tomarrow.

  • Antec SX1000 Server 400W PS Case
  • Intel D850MVL P4/478 Audio
  • Intel P4 2.0 Ghz SKT 400FSB
  • CPU Fanx3 (two in back blowing, one in front of drives sucking)
  • 80 G ATA100 7200
  • 40 G ATA100 7200 (Existing HD)
  • 36 G IBM 10,000 Internal Ultra 160 SCSI
  • 9.0 G 7200 Ultra 160 SCSI External (Existing HD)
  • 512M RamBus 800Mhz 256Mx2
  • 52x CD-ROM (not planning on watching DVD's on this thing ;))
  • Creative SB Live Audigy with Firewire IEEE 1394 for DV support
  • ASUS AGP-V7100/2V1D Dual Monitor support Grfx Card.
  • Windows ME (for studio)
  • Windows XP Pro (dual boot for everything else)
  • X2 - Daewoo 15in LCD Flat Panel
  • TDK VELO 24x10x40 Burn-Proof
  • 52x CD-ROM
  • On board 10/100 nic
I think that's it.

Currently looking into Firewire DVD-RW Drives.

This also listed in the "Under the hood thread, but now I'm putting it together. :D
Originally posted by Pako
Here's what I am considering in the very near future:

  • Antec SX1000 Server 400W PS Case
  • Intel D850MVL P4/478 Audio
  • Intel P4 2.0 Ghz SKT 400FSB
  • CPU Fanx3 (two in back blowing, one in front of drives sucking)
  • 80 G ATA100 7200
  • 40 G ATA100 7200 (Existing HD)
  • 36 G IBM 10,000 Internal Ultra 160 SCSI
  • 9.0 G 7200 Ultra 160 SCSI External (Existing HD)
  • 512M RamBus 800Mhz 256Mx2
  • 52x CD-ROM (not planning on watching DVD's on this thing ;))
  • Creative SB Live Audigy with Firewire IEEE 1394 for DV support
  • ASUS AGP-V7100/2V1D Dual Monitor support Grfx Card.
  • Windows ME (for pro tools studio recording)
  • Windows XP Pro (dual boot for everything else)
  • X2 - Daewoo 15in LCD Flat Panel (I already have one)
  • TDK VELO 24x10x40 Burn-Proof
  • 52x CDROM

Please note, this is not a gaming machine, and my studio software/hardware is not compatible with the new AMD mobo, so no flaming on the graphics card, or the choice of AMD vs. intel ok? :D

Any thoughts?

UPDATE - Bought the pieces, should have it together tomarrow (hopefully). ;)
WOW! 70 bucks for 256mb! Thats damn expensive compared to what I payed for my 512 micron! 80bucks for 2 sticks of 256mb.

That's $70 for TWO 256mb DIMMS. Bue-yea ... mine's cheaper (:

-Pentium III
-933 MHZ
-Geforce2 GTS
-40gig HD
-17" Sony Trinitron Multiscan E220
-errr... :Poke:
Antec SX1030 case with 4 cooling fans
AMD TBird 1400MHz (idle temp at 29ºC) :)
256MB Micron DDR (soon to get another chip)
40GB IBM HDD (I know.. IBM.. eww)
Hercules 3D Prophet III (GF3)
Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1
Plextor PlexWriter 12/10/32
ViewSonic Gf90 19"

not sure of brand on case
AMD Athlon 600MHz
256MB Micron PC-100
13gb and 8gb WD HDD's
Creative Annihilator 2 GTS 32MB (GF2)
Creative Sound Blaster Live! MP3+
p.o.s 32x cd-rom
Acer 79g 17"

pc1 is mine, and pc2 is runnin in my bro's room.. although I have full remote access to it.. wee ;)
Originally posted by ViperConcept

Hewlett Packard

#1 Computer there is! :cool:
Compaq here. Look i have a pic of it


  • compaq.jpg
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here are some pics of Pako's Domain:


  • pakostudio clip #1.jpg
    pakostudio clip #1.jpg
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and finally...


  • pakostudio clip #6.jpg
    pakostudio clip #6.jpg
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Originally posted by 2844520
I have a PowerMac G4 500DP. Anyone else out there that has not succumbed to the Dark Side? (PCs).

Mac Rules:Poke:

LOL, actually I was looking into a 800mhz DP with 1024 mb ram, super drive, the whole nine yards for around $5300.00......

Then I came to the conclusion that most (85%) of my software would not be compatible. So tack on another $6500.00 for repurchaseing software.

Too rich for my blood....

Now I'm running a P4 2000 mhz processor on Win2000 with benchmark settings compairable to the G4 800 DP for only $2300.00 and yes, all my software works. :D
Originally posted by Pako

LOL, actually I was looking into a 800mhz DP with 1024 mb ram, super drive, the whole nine yards for around $5300.00......

True. I liked the look of the Dual 800Mhz but the cheapest I could find it was £2500 with a Superdrive, 1024MB RAM and a 19inch Studio Display. No way could I afford that. I only JUST managed to buy my current model-£1910. (500DP 248MB RAM 17inch S.Display, DVD RAM Drive):shakehead
I the only PC I use is my work one, but I have access to others.

Compaq DeskPro
PIII 1.0 Ghz
Windows NT4
256Mb Ram
20Gig HD
Intel 4mb onboard 2d graphics adaptor! (suxs)
40X cdr

Pretty basic work station!
I have a PC I threw together myself. Some time ago, too.

It consists of:

-AOpen AX59Pro Motherboard

-AMD K6-2 500 CPU :!:

-3dfx Voodoo 3 PCI :!:

-Creative Sound Blaster Live FourPointSurround :!:

-448 MB RAM, various manufacturers

-30 GB 7200 RPM Western Digital HD

-Logitech Optical Mouse (cheering)

-Teac USB CD-RW drive :!:

-Cable Modem (more cheering)

-Monsoon MM-700 planar speakers (crowd loses it, rushes stage)

-NEC 17" flat monitor

-various other doodads

So all in all, it's an odd mixture of severely outdated and less severely outdated. :D
Tweaked My PC a little, thought I'd share.

AMD 1800+
Abit-KG7 Raid Motherboard.
2 40 gig Western Dig HD's in the Raid.
1 60 gig Western Digital HD
Geforce 3
SB Live 5.1 digital
Toshiba DVD/CDRW
Yamaha 16x CDRW
270 Watt Sony Shelf stereo as my Speakers. (Too much bass, but It's pretty nice.)
Saitek X36 Flight System
Logitech Wingman Rumblepad
Logitech Dual Optical mouse. (One button less than my old Microsoft Optical :mad: )
And a partridge in a pear tree. I hope to all that is holy that I don't even think about upgrading this thing for a loooooong time. ;)
I feel kinda ashamed to post my pc's specs after seeing all those 1ghz puters. But oh well I will do it anyway.

500Mhz AMD K6-2
Soyo 5SSM motherboard
128 MB RAM
30 gig HD
Sis 530 video (onboard)
ESS Solo sound card(onboard)
45x cdrom
1000 watt OG Powered Subwoofer System(OG-2000)
Black keyboard and mouse

I plan to upgrade some of the parts to something really better. Especially the video and sound.
my computer consists of:

Intel Pentium 4 1.7GHz
256MB of RDRAM
Maxtor 40GB 7200rpm PC133 Hard Drive
nvidia Geforce2 GTS PRO Plus, S-Video, 64MB DDR Memory
16X Panasonic DVD
Acer FP563 15" LCD Flat Panel
i'll either get a Plextor or Yamaha CD burner 16X10X40 or better

it's decent for me considering it's my very first computer and i'm only 18 years old........i almost bought the titanium powerbook G4 500MHz but decided to hold off on the apples for a few years ... ;)
what are they?


Compaq Deskpro EN
P2 350
288 mb ram (32mb pc100 + 256mb pc 133)
40+6 gb hard drive
voodoo 3 3000 16 meg PCI
LG 24x write 10x re write 40x read CDRW