Computer Stats

  • Thread starter Zero
Well can't find 'em so here we go....

  1. 400w Case with 5 Fans
  2. Intel D850MV mobo
  3. 512 MB PC800 Rambus Ram
  4. ATI Radeon 8500 64MB Grfx Card with dual monitor support
  5. Dawoo Flat Panel LCD displays - X2
  6. 34GB 10k SCSI
  7. 9GB 7200 RPM SCSI
  8. 80 GB ATA100 7200 HD
  9. 40 GB ATA100 7200 HD
  10. Glyph AUVDCR SCSI Controller
  11. SB Audigy Sound Card
  12. TDK 24/10/40 CD-RW
  13. SB 52X CD-Rom
  14. Digidesign 001 Sound/Studio Interface
  15. Digimax 8 ch. Pre with Optical out for the Digi001
  16. 2-Event 150w Powered PS8 Monitors
  17. 1-10" 250w Tannoy powered sub
  18. M-One Effect Unit
  19. Win 98SE
  20. Win ME
  21. Win 2K Pro
  22. and WinXP Pro
  23. And some other stuff that I probably forgot about...

Originally posted by Pako
Well can't find 'em so here we go....

  1. 400w Case with 5 Fans
  2. Intel D850MV mobo
  3. 512 MB PC800 Rambus Ram
  4. ATI Radeon 8500 64MB Grfx Card with dual monitor support
  5. Dawoo Flat Panel LCD displays - X2
  6. 34GB 10k SCSI
  7. 9GB 7200 RPM SCSI
  8. 80 GB ATA100 7200 HD
  9. 40 GB ATA100 7200 HD
  10. Glyph AUVDCR SCSI Controller
  11. SB Audigy Sound Card
  12. Digidesign 001 Sound/Studio Interface
  13. Digimax 8 ch. Pre with Optical out for the Digi001
  14. 2-Event 150w Powered PS8 Monitors
  15. 1-10" 250w Tannoy powered sub
  16. M-One Effect Unit
  17. Win 98SE
  18. Win ME
  19. Win 2K Pro
  20. and WinXP Pro
  21. And some other stuff that I probably forgot about...


  1. :eek: Very nice Pako.......:eek::thumbsup:
Originally posted by Pako
here are some pics of Pako's Domain:

Hey man, are those displays connected to the same computer? As in ... dual monitor? That's what I'm doing at home with two 19" flat CRT Trinitrons. Very nice setup.


448megs SDRAM (128 pc133, 256 pc133, 64 pc100? (taken from a old compaq:))
40 gig HDD
52x CD-ROM
16x10x40 Pioneer CD-RW
one 3.5 floppy(used to have two 3.5)
17 inch monitor
voodoo 4500
sound blaster
Lan Card

comp #2

Ppro 200mhz
64 meg RAM
6 gig HDD
8x? CD-ROM
3.5 floppy
17 inch monitor
all in one mobo, sound card, lan card, and video
Redhat Linux 7


AMD K6-2 500mhz
64 meg RAM
6 gig HDD
3.5 floppy
13.3 TFT

thats all of them :)
Dell Dimension XPS B1000r
Intel 820 Motherboard
512MB 700MHZ Rambus RAM
45GB IDE Hard drive (7.8 free)
HP Surestore DAT8 tape drive
10x DVD
8x4x24x CD writer
64MB Nvidia GEForce graphics
Creative Soundblaster Live
21" Dell badged Sony monitor
4.1 Altec Lansing Dolby Digital speakers
Panasonic KX-P6500 laser printer
HP Photosmart P1000 inkjet printer
Nikon Coolscan 4 slide/film scanner
Adaptec 2920c SCSI card
Umax Astra 1200S SCSI flatbed Scanner
3Com 3c905c network card
Motorola Surfboard cable router.

HP Vectra VL8i
128MB SDRAM (PC133)
HP badged (Mitsubishi) 17" monitor
8GB drive (1.7 free)
32x CD-ROM
On-board sound
LaCie CD copier (reader/writer connected through SCSI interface)
3Com 3c905c network card.

Laptop (work owned):
HP Omnibook 6000
Intel PIII Speedstep 600/500 processor
10GB Hard drive (4GB free)

Hope that satisfies your curiosity!
My Current PC
Abit KG-7Raid Motherboard
AMD 1800+
2 extra USB ports
Belkin 4 port USB hub
60 GB Western Digital ATA100
2 40 GB Western Digital ATA100's in a striped Raid array
Yamaha 16x CD Burner
Toshiba 10x DVD player + 4x CDR burner (Eyeing DVD-RW)
Nvidia Geforce 3
Sound Blaster Live 5.1 digital(Looking at the new SB Audigy)
Lynksys 10/100 ethernet card
Lynksys Router
1 Gig PC 2100 DDR Ram (always looking for more...)
ATI TV wonder USB (TV tuner/Vidcap)
Logitech Keyboard (Cheap, I tend to go through 3 each year due to spillage :( )
Logitech Dual Optical Mouse. USB
Logitech Marble Mouse (Trackball) USB
Logitech Wingman Rumble Pad USB
Logitech Driving Force Wheel USB
Saitek X36 Flight System USB
Microsoft Sidewinder Freestyle Pro Gamepad (That one you tilt to turn) USB
17' Dell/Recondition Sony Trinitron Tube (Darn those two horizontal lines :mad: )
Hewlitt Packard Office Jet R80xi Scanner/Fax/Printer
270 Watt 5.1 Sony Bookshelf Stereo. (Too much Bass :( )
(Everything Connected at all times except Logitech Wheel)

My Second PC (Lan Gaming with friends)
Asus K7M Mobo
AMD 1.2
512 Meg PC2100 Ram
60 GB Western Digital ATA100
Geforce 2MX
Sound Blaster Live
Linksys 10/100 ethernet
Acer 50x Cdrom
Philips 2x CDR-W (kinda old ;) )
Microsoft Natural Keyboard
Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer
Cheap Monitor
Cheapest speakers
Logitech Wingman RumblePad (bought Madden 2001, which came with 2)

And 2 of the most comfortable office chairs I could find on God's Green Earth :D
My puter sucks. Need to upgrade real bad.

500Mhz AMD K6-2
Soyo 5SSM motherboard
128 MB RAM
30 gig HD
Sis 530 video (onboard)
ESS Solo sound card(onboard)
45x cdrom
1000 watt OG Powered Subwoofer System(OG-2000)
Black keyboard and mouse

I plan to upgrade some of the parts to something really better. Especially the video and sound.
My phat system:

AMD Athlon 2000 XP+ @ 1.67 GHz
ASUS A7V266-E VIA KT266A with RAID
512mb DDR 266
VisionTek Xtasy 6964 GeForce 3 Ti 500 64mb @ 240Mhz
Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy Gamer
Samsung 19 inch SyncMaster 955DF
Samsung 24x10x40x CD-RW
Western Digital 40gig ATA-100 @ 7200RPM
El cheapo CompUSA 56k

My thug system:
Intel Pentium 166 MHz MMX
32mb EDO
Diamond Viper V330 8mb
15 inch monitor
40x CD-ROM
2gig ATA-66 @ 5400RPM
I've got a measly little Sun Fire 15k.


It only cost me $5,000,000, but they've got a pretty decent warenty. They send a guy out to fix everything that's wrong, and he's on a 2 hour responce time. I guess that's ok ...

IBM Aptiva
233 mhz AMD K6 (blistering speed here!)
256MB Ram
24X CD Rom
Voodoo 4 4500 PCI w/32MB video RAM (wasted in this PC)
56K modem
66mhz fsb
17" Mitsu monitor

Dell Latitude LM
133mhz P1
40MB ram
Interchangeable 3 1/2" floppy and CD Rom Drives (or use both with cable!)
12" Screen
56K PC Card modem

Comp #1 is 5 years old and still chugs along just fine. Laptop I got for free and I use it to write school papers and surf in the living room in front of the TV.

Probably going to ditch them both next year and get a proper laptop...depends on the old tax refund.
pentium 4
866 mhz
512 mb ram
hd: 30 gb
Asus v7700 Geforce 2
soundblaster live 5.1
lgoitech keyboard & Mouse Cordless
adsl: 512 Kb/s
19" Samtron 95p plus
50X Cd rom
DvD Writer 4X (Very Fast!)

not the best computer in the world but it works... :cool:
Well, there's two of 'em now :D :

The Workhorse a.k.a. The Family PC

AOpen AX59Pro MoBo

AMD K6-2 500

448 MB SDRAM (hey, it was on sale! :P )

Voodoo 3 2000 PCI (16 MB)

SoundBlaster AWE64

AOpen 48X CD-ROM

The Toy a.k.a. My PC

Soyo K7ADA MoBo

AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1400

256 MB DDR RAM (you can't have too much of the stuff!)

Visiontek Xtasy 5864 (GeForce 2 Ti)

SoundBlaster Live!

Some cheap 16X DVD/40X CD-ROM drive...I just got it, and already I'm wondering how long it will last. :embarrassed:

Then I have a Teac CD-RW's an external job, so it migrates between PCs.
166 Mhz cpu...
48 MB of Ram

Diamond 3D chipset..

oh,and and a soundblaster AWE32 sound card....

my cd drive gots a remote...(good music playing computer)

and 1800 mb of HD

lol-my pc sucks big time,ill even tually get one when im 80 :)
OK built this machine since the start of 1998 whe it was just an ickle P2 233 with 32mb of ram with a 2gb hdd now it has
P2 266mhz (woooo BIIIG change)
256mb 133 dimm and 2x 128 133 dimms (all running at a grand 66mhz)
Intel NLX440BX motherboard (Ive lost the manual but i think thats right)
ATI all in wonder 16mb PCI graphics card
Yammaha Built in sound (hooked up to my huge hifi speakers)
Intel On board network card
Mr Generic 56k modem
Western Digital 6.4GB
Maxstor 20gb hdd ( no space to mount it properly so its resting on the Processor and an IDE socket on the riser card)
HP CD-Writer 9100
15` CTX Monitor
VEEERY old Compaq keyboard (colured in black with permanent pen)
Nice Microsoft Optical Mouse
Win2K Pro

When I get me a new pc Im just gonna go to a reseller and get me a P3 733 IBM or Fujitsu I cant be arsed with PC games. Anyway all I use my PC for is for Work, Web browsing, Music and burning stuff on to cd.
Just about everyone's got better PC than me. :( Then again, I don't know much about it.

I know it's got 128mb ram
Sound card is a Gamesurround MUSE XL.
It's a Pentium something and it runs Windows 98.
Oh yeah, it's got a CD Burner (Acer CDWR 4x4x32) 😈

How do you find out all the other stuff like processors and megahurtz (or whatever they are).
Well enough with the details as I'm not the best so...
custom built:

1.33 Athlon Thunderbird
Via KT7 Raid (Why? for now)
512 Mb PC 133 SDRAM Bid wup now...
Creative Live! Platinum
Liveonit 12x10x32
some random cd-rom, zip drive!!!
Random case
a few fans...
nothing special... 40GB IBM 7200rpm
oh, GeForce 2 400 MX (need more gaming!!)
15" NEC!!!
Win XP! Yeah!

Man, I don't have ****! Well, yeah I appreciate it still!
Since this thread has been revived to my attention, I'll post my computer specifications. :)

  • Dell Dimension 8200
  • Pentium4 2.2 Ghz w/ 512k L2 cache
  • 1 GB of PC800 RDRAM
  • 80 GB, 7200 RPM hard drive
  • Windows XP Professional
  • 21'' Trinitron monitor
  • 64MB DDR NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200 Graphics Card with DVI
  • DVD-RW/CD-RW Combo Drive
  • Monsoon MM-700 Flat Panel Speaker System
Originally posted by made in holland
Here are some of my comp stats:

PII 333Mhz
Windows ME :(
Voodoo 3 2000
Acer CDRW 4x4x32
Ouch, I was once in the Windows ME boat, too. I can't recommend XP enough! :)
Originally posted by Jordan
Since this thread has been revived to my attention, I'll post my computer specifications. :)

  • Dell Dimension 8200
  • Pentium4 2.2 Ghz w/ 512k L2 cache
  • 1 GB of PC800 RDRAM
  • 80 GB, 7200 RPM hard drive
  • Windows XP Professional
  • 21'' Trinitron monitor
  • 64MB DDR NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200 Graphics Card with DVI
  • DVD-RW/CD-RW Combo Drive
  • Monsoon MM-700 Flat Panel Speaker System

How do you ever leave the house? Do you have a comfortable chair? Remember ergonomics when you spend 18+ hours a day on your dream machine... :D


Originally posted by Pako

How do you ever leave the house? Do you have a comfortable chair? Remember ergonomics when you spend 18+ hours a day on your dream machine... :D


LOL, well, if I have free time, I usually spend it on the computer. :) When I got the new system (last month), I moved my home office to a completely new room, bought a new desk, a new chair, and a new TV stand (now all I have to do is turn my chair a little to the left and I'm ready to play my Xbox, PS2, or watch TV). :thumbsup: I love starting fresh! And, yes, my new chair is extremely comfortable and very ergonimically adjustable. :D
p4 1.7ghz, 40gb hardrive, 512mb sdram, 15"lcd, nvidia geforce2mx400, cd-rw, soon getting geforce 4 ti4600 128mb ddr sdram!!:)