Confession Booth

  • Thread starter ash6660
I lied when i told my ''ex-girlfriend'' I was just useing her for sex.
I lied when I told my folks how i bend my lower control arm in my eclipse. I told them I had it in gear when i started it and it hit the sidewalk.
Truth is I was chaseing after sombody after he kept stareing at my gfs ''assets'' at the gas station when I took a corner too fast and instead of the car turing it slid forward into a meadian.:ouch::dunce:
You're that bent on stopping a guy from looking at your girlfriend? That's a compliment, dude. He wants her, you have her. You're supposed to slap her ass in front of him so he knows what's up. Throw up a peace sign or something, jeez!
Lol, I would've had a similar reaction except I may have not chased him with my car. I don't like people looking at my girl, she's mine and not for anybody but me.
Lol, I would've had a similar reaction except I may have not chased him with my car. I don't like people looking at my girl, she's mine and not for anybody but me.

You can't prevent people from seeing her, and she isn't all yours. She is her own person too, and what you said here seemed to come off as a little possesive. :indiff:
I sorta get that way about girls I like. I guess I'm sort of the Jealous type, I try to not show it, buts its definitely eating away at the back of my head. Always.
Sad confession time:
- I suffer manic depression and have been bullied for 6 years, I'm only 12
- I've never kissed a girl
- I've been rejected at least 30 times
- I get bullied about everything about me, my music taste (Slipknot, Korn etc.), my appearance (Fat, ugly)

Funny confession time:
- I farted on the bus once next to some hot girls and blamed it on my best friend (Was a killer fart too. AND I got away with it :sly:)
- I destroyed my PS3 controller earlier after some tosspot opponent spun me out on Motorstorm earlier about 50 feet from the finish line
- I crapped myself in reception (Kindergarten) once
- I threw a 50p coin out of my bedroom window once and damaged my mom's car window. I told her some vandlas must have done it and got away with it :sly: (I found that 50p the following day. I spent it on a Creme Egg)
- I think Chacarron Macarron is an awesome song (Search it in Comedy Corner if you don't know what it is)
- I have OCD and must take 10 steps on every surface I go on. No ****.
Sad confession time:
- I suffer manic depression and have been bullied for 6 years, I'm only 12

I don't know how kikie got through his depression, but he is recovering well from it. It might be worth dropping him a PM to ask him how he managed it. I can't help on the bullying front; if there isn't someone here who can, I'll eat my keyboard.

- I've never kissed a girl

I first kissed a girl at the age of 18. Once. And haven't since. Don't think that at the age of 12 you're supposed to be Russell Brand. Unless you live in Hull, where finding a 12 year old virgin is akin to rocking horse poo.

- I have OCD and must take 10 steps on every surface I go on. No ****.

Just out of interest, do you have to do things over and over and over and over? If so, are you able to use that to your advantage by going over schoolwork repeatedly until you know it spot on?
*lol* I don't repeat things over and over again. Mind you though, I had 3 sandwiches in the space of an hour earlier

About the kissing girl thing - What was it like? =D
Sad confession time:
- I suffer manic depression and have been bullied for 6 years, I'm only 12
- I've never kissed a girl
- I get bullied about everything about me, my music taste (Slipknot, Korn etc.), my appearance (Fat, ugly)

I can guarantee you those will change in time.
It may be a combination of the girl I was with and my complete aparthy to sex and relationships in general, but: you aren't missing anything.

You're 12. Don't grow up to fast; enjoy being a kid while it lasts, because it doesn't last long. You've got 70+ years to find somone special in, whereas the responsibilities of being an adult are less than a decade away. Soon you'll find your 21 year old self, like I am now, sitting in front of the PC thinking "Damn. Where did all that go?"

Of course, that doesn't mean being an adult sucks. There's a whole load of benefits (driving, hurrah!)

Oh, and remember it's whoever's bullying you who has the problem, not you. And most people think they're ugly. If it bothers you, check this out.
GTPlanet is like a new home to me, serious, I know no-one else who I can talk to about my "issues" so confidently

Another confession:
- I was |-| this close from crying while watching that kitten video a few pages ago. It might hve something to do with my kitten who passed away last year. Anyone know why? Or does anyone else do the same?
GTPlanet is like a new home to me, serious, I know no-one else who I can talk to about my "issues" so confidently

Parents? Guidance Counselor? Other respected adult? Those kids who are bullying you, do something. TELL SOMEONE. Sue for harassment and mental anguish. :sly:

On an unrelated note: You're 12? Jeez, could've sword you were much older. 👍
GTPlanet is like a new home to me, serious, I know no-one else who I can talk to about my "issues" so confidently

Another confession:
- I was |-| this close from crying while watching that kitten video a few pages ago. It might hve something to do with my kitten who passed away last year. Anyone know why? Or does anyone else do the same?

I feel the same way, I just love kittens for some reason.
I lied when i told my ''ex-girlfriend'' I was just useing her for sex.
I lied when I told my folks how i bend my lower control arm in my eclipse. I told them I had it in gear when i started it and it hit the sidewalk.
Truth is I was chaseing after sombody after he kept stareing at my gfs ''assets'' at the gas station when I took a corner too fast and instead of the car turing it slid forward into a meadian.:ouch::dunce:
You lied about telling your ex-girlfriend that you only wanted her for sex? Am I missing something, or would that be a good thing (besides the fact you actually said that to her)?

Benzo, don't worry about your first kiss or that. All through school, it'll be meaningless as 99% of any high school relationships usually don't go anywhere.

Which reminds me of a "confession":
I hate it when I see these young teenagers tell each other they love each other. Love is not kissing all the time in public, or holding hands at school, or seeing a movie. I believe the understanding of love comes with age, and 18 years old is not it. Though, I can always see a rare exception.
This really bothers me, to the point of almost wanting to do the unthinkable.

We got my sister's cat last Christmas and he was only a few months old. I had never had a cat before and been old enough to remember it, so as a new kitten in a strange place to him, he would tend to stay away from us. Well for some unknown reason I would get mad at the cat and try to hit it with my hand when he was under the table. I also took large chunks out of an eraser and whipped them at him.

I don't know if he remembers, and I hope he doesn't. I don't know why I would do such a thing and it makes me feel completely horrible. I'm almost at tears thinking about it, and I cant do anything to make it up to him. It sometimes makes me feel like I want to kill myself (along with other things).
I don't ever think I would go through with it, nor would I want to put my family through that, I just tend to get really depressed at times and think about it a lot.

It's kind of weird but my friend came up to me today and said he dreamt that I committed suicide. He couldn't remember how I did it in the dream but he said it was a very uncommon way. That hit me a bit hard, but it made for a good laugh.
- I've been rejected at least 30 times

*cough* Only 30? I once got rejected by my whole class (the girls) for the local graduation party! My record is about 74. Do not worry, there will always be someone less fortunate than you on my watch. There's a long story behind each of my rejections...

I also put my mother's van in gear and nearly crashed it into a moving car, with 2 billets on hand in the van to witness.
i liked my best friends girlfriend...

On a personal note. I'm starting to like one of my friends girlfriend to the point where it might get tricky. The three of us have always been friends, but I've always been closer to her. And now that I talk to her & spend more time with her, it's not getting any easier...
Another confession

I feel very embarrassed for what happened and I'm very sorry about that. I was having a hard week and everything just came together at once and I lost it. I hope you guys could forgive me, and let this whole thing blank out of memory.

If you don't what I'm talking about, you don't need to know.
Which reminds me of a "confession":
I hate it when I see these young teenagers tell each other they love each other. Love is not kissing all the time in public, or holding hands at school, or seeing a movie. I believe the understanding of love comes with age, and 18 years old is not it. Though, I can always see a rare exception.

Which reminds me of a "confession":
I hate it when I see these young teenagers tell each other they love each other. Love is not kissing all the time in public, or holding hands at school, or seeing a movie. I believe the understanding of love comes with age, and 18 years old is not it. Though, I can always see a rare exception.

+1:tup: as well. I'm not even 18 yet and I know what you're talking about.
Parents? Guidance Counselor? Other respected adult? Those kids who are bullying you, do something. TELL SOMEONE. Sue for harassment and mental anguish. :sly:

On an unrelated note: You're 12? Jeez, could've sword you were much older. 👍

Lol, I tend to act older than I am. As in, I always speak properly on messenger, minus a few grammatical things (Lower case 'I's, no capital letters)

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