Confession Booth

  • Thread starter ash6660
I'm 32, I've never had sex, nor I find interest on doing so. I don't feel bad or rejected because of it anyway. I actually find people's reactions hilarious whenever I confess it openly. Don't know why society makes a big fuzz about it :lol:
I forgot to get my girlfriend a present for Christmas last year, and she got me a watch...Let's just say that relationship didn't last.:lol:
It looks like Pharrell has some 'splainin to do. :P
He's married and has a kid, just thought I'd throw that out there.. :P

I always have dry spells for games when I really don't want to. When I'm super busy I always have an itch to play PS3 but when I'm bored or have nothing to do I lose interest with games really fast. Like now for instance, its summer and I am just not interested in gaming currently, but come time for school I'm gonna be having withdrawals, mark my words.
He's married and has a kid, just thought I'd throw that out there.. :P

Sometimes I have multiple threads open in multiple tabs and accidentally post the wrong thing before quickly going back and editting it.
Sometimes, I cross a 2-lane divided highway to walk to the store rather than drive.

Probably because I don't have my license.
Before I confess I'll just say the person in question in my confession is a vile, obnoxious, insanely inconsiderate, and just overall terrible human being. Okay, so I work with this person, who obviously has an eating problem - she'll put away a family sized bag of chips and a cheeseburger by 10:00am! So at first I was really sympathetic but then the real person she is quickly revealed itself. Long story short, most people struggle to tolerate her, let alone like her. Well, when she's being especially inconsiderate or annoying, I'd pull out a food wrapper and rustle it. Without fail, evey time, this causes her to get up, leave the office, and get food somewhere. I should mention, I started to feel really bad about this, and while she probably deserves it, I no longer do it because I felt terrible.
I confess...yesterday my sister came back from her friend's house with a bunch of jasmine flowers. She kept about 6 of them on the dashboard of my car. (Normally I hate putting anything decorative or whatever in my car) But I'll admit, when I sat in my car this was such a refreshing scent.

So, I confess that I like the smell of jasmine flowers.

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