Ron, i dont know what i did to upset you like that, all i was doing was trying to ask if u needed help with a comp before jmr's that u could ask me and i'd love to help. I didnt mean to get you pissed at me, i didnt mean to hurt u in anyway shape or form.
I could help with that one if thats ok with mr p.
I meant that if u needed/wanted my help i would be there i didnt mean that i wanted to take over or anything.
I'm sorry Ron, I am sincerely sorry, man this is coming from my heart, i dont wanna lose u as a friend Ron, you or Kelly.
If i disrespected you in any way shape or form I am sorry Ron, please mate dont leave, i'll make it better for everyone, you and Kelly stay, i'll leave for good this time, no joke.
I know i contridicted myself many a time in this post but it might be my last one.