- 10,116
- Maryland, USA
- swift-bass
I like Ron Paul a lot more than Fred Thompson. Fred's a blowhard. In the first five minutes of that first video, he claims America has the best medical care system in the world. Ha! It's not even in the top 20. What we do have is the most expensive. We're twice expensive as most other countries that have BETTER medical care systems. He claims we're going medically bankrupt. At our prices; at out costs? Bull crap. http://dll.umaine.edu/ble/U.S. HCweb.pdf
He's talking about the government funded medical programs. They ARE going broke. A lot due to illegal immigration. Obviously the actual healthcare system itself is not going bankrupt.
Plus, his opinion on foreign policy is terrible. Ron Paul has a much better idea of foreign policy than he. Our foreign policies have gotten us in a lot of trouble over the past 10 years. That's what Ron Paul was hinting at in the debate. No, I don't think it was the 100% reason why 'they' want to bomb us, but it is a major reason. Giuliani failed on that part. I guess he forgot to read the 911 Commission Report. Gee, you think of all the candidates running, he'd be the one to have read it front to back.
Fred just rants on about, "The times are different," "The challenges are different," "We need to fit man to the times." Blah, blah, blah. Typical political blowhard fodder.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that our foreign policy hasn't been perfect. But at the same time we're certainly in a no win situation with the radical Islamic terrorists. If we don't do anything, they come and bomb us. If we go after them, the bomb their OWN people.
However, do agree that we need to watch out for the "Next Iraq." Ron Paul has a different opinion on how to deal with the next Iraq, that I'll be honest, kind of scares me. However, that can be changed.
I don't think Ron Paul is perfect, but he's better than Fred.
I think Fred's better the Ron, but since Fred hasn't announced he's running yet....