No, it wouldn't be our problem because the people that go to help Taiwan don't represent the United States or Americans.
But you still have the government picking and choosing which nations american citizens are helping. It's still America helping some nations and not others - represented by both citizens and the government's selection.
It's the same damned thing.
The point is my friend that "world" looks at all Americans as representing Americans and the US Government. It's simply the way things are. So if a group of Americans goes to help EITHER side, it will look like US involvement.
That's why I believe you're missing.
But it is not US involvement and it is privately funded or paid for by the other countries.
We don't get involved in other civil wars but there are still humanitarian organizations that go to help.
Right, but not in a military fashion. See where I'm going?
What difference does it make? Military contractors and volunteers would be associated with Taiwan and/or China.
Are you sure? Can you say that about everyone? Even most people? It remains US involvement, and the more (necessarily) selective the US is with that involvement, the more it truly becomes US entanglement in the issue.
My point is this, in a free society, you cannot remain isolationist.
But you also cannot use the U.S. military for anything other than national defense. That means no police actions against sovereign states or enemy groups without a declaration of war or without letters of marque.
The point that Swift and Danoff are trying to make is any contracting company based in the US will be associated with the US government and citizens, the same way private charitable aid is associated with the US government and citizens.What difference does it make? Military contractors and volunteers would be associated with Taiwan and/or China.
...and definitely not aid for Tsunami victims. Afterall, that kind of aid could engender angry feelings from some that we didn't help.
The point that Swift and Danoff are trying to make is any contracting company based in the US will be associated with the US government and citizens, the same way private charitable aid is associated with the US government and citizens.
In a case like you are laying out any military or security firm from America will be seen as Americans and the people involved will blame America for any problems that arise. The involved governments will demand that the US government intervene. If we follow proper domestic policy the US will refuse and our foreign relations will suffer.
That's up to congress. I'm just talking about the President here.
But wouldn't that be the government interfering in private business and their overseas business?The government can cut citizenship, like I said. It's all up to congress.
The only thing I can think of is that the people could still go but would have to leave their citizenship behind.
If he's Ray Charles, you're Hellen Keller. Honestly, the people living in the middle-east are not beasts. What few are radicalized is the result of our intervention in the region against the Soviets and installing the Shah in Iran. What deep-rooted conflicts exist-- such as between the caliphates-- can be and was always settled between the involved parties. However, we unwisely took sides and are suffering the consequences.
Government doesn't make money to spend, they take money to spend. They don't have to spend; they ought to stop taking.
Yes i know not everybody who lives in the Middle East is so extreme, yet i have yet to see the Baptists in my town setting up bombs for the Catholics. I have yet to see the Methodists in my town raiding homes of the Muslims. At worst, you may see an occasional swastika (or some other such symbol or slogan) spray-painted with haste...the offender fearing he'll get caught because he knows the penalties and he knows better. Nobody dies.
When you consider the frequency of bombing in Iraq (not to mention Palestine, Isreal, etc) you have to consider that it is way out of proportion...that's what i'm getting at. Many of these incidents have religious motivations at their core.
"What few are radicalized??..." There shouldn't be any! That should be the goal in any civilization.
yes. And how is the possible in the long run?
And like I said, modern Europe has much to thank Islam for, such as the Enlightenment.
And the Renassiance before that...
Thank you... I always get those switched around in my head, ya know that? Not sure why though.
Oh, it's ok for Ron Paul to stumble, but not Bush?
Yeah... I get it.
I am glad to see Ron Paul's Zeppelin is off the ground. How much Carbon Offset do you need for a blimp? I am also glad to see Iran's Press TV giving a big shout out to Ron Paul.
No, I mean it's okay to stumble on your words if you're not saying something completely stupid. Bush have good delivery, for instance, but he still comes up with his "Bushisms".