

They're not human. They're vermin.
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A couple developments:



These rats' sole purpose in life is to hurt people. Not simply vermin but diseased, foaming-at-the-mouth vermin that will continue to pose a threat to the lives of humans amongst whom they exist until they exist no longer.

Edit: Just to be clear, the "exist no longer" language above is by no means to suggest that Paxton or anyone else should meet a violent end. Even Kissinger managed to die of natural causes.
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A couple developments:



These rats' sole purpose in life is to hurt people. Not simply vermin but diseased, foaming-at-the-mouth vermin that will continue to pose a threat to the lives of humans amongst whom they exist until they exist no longer.

Edit: Just to be clear, the "exist no longer" language above is by no means to suggest that Paxton or anyone else should meet a violent end. Even Kissinger managed to die of natural causes.


The text partially covered reads "binding," and the embedded link is to a Google Drive file of the filing.

In case I haven't indicated this before, I'm posting this here rather than in the thread dedicated to abortion because the focus on conservatives' contempt for life. "Pro-life" is just branding and it's so obviously false. That this cretin recognizes no life is protected in prohibiting Ms. Cox from accessing care and indeed both Ms. Cox's life and her capacity to carry life in the future are threatened by her being prohibited from accessing care make that much clear.
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So she's an incubator....

I don't understand Texas law - would this mean that if a pregnancy was discovered to be ectopic that the person couldn't have an abortion past a certain stage because of the presence of a "heart beat"?

The text partially covered reads "binding," and the embedded link is to a Google Drive file of the filing.

In case I haven't indicated this before, I'm posting this here rather than in the thread dedicated to abortion because the focus [is] on conservatives' contempt for life. "Pro-life" is just branding and it's so obviously false. That this cretin recognizes no life is protected in prohibiting Ms. Cox from accessing care and indeed both Ms. Cox's life and her capacity to carry life in the future are threatened by her being prohibited from accessing care make that much clear.
A couple updates from the past week.

Firstly, Kate Cox is said, in legal filing, to have left the state of Texas to receive medical care in an unidentified jurisdiction which hasn't imposed restrictions or prohibitions as uncompromising as those in Texas. Obviously this is good but things aren't likely to be over for her.
Second, the Supreme Court of Texas reversed the District Court's order granting the TRO and made clear that it doesn't find Ms. Cox deserving of relief.


Here's the full opinion (as a PDF) of the Supreme Court of Texas linked to in the screenshot above.

And here are the images which appear as thumbnails in the screenshot above in case those can't be read easily. Keep in mind each of the images lumped together here are intended to be considered in the context of their respective posts.

In the first two screenshots from the opinion, the Court outright lies about the pleadings in documents of record.

"Dr. Karsan did not assert that Ms. Cox has a 'life-threatening physical condition' or that, in Dr. Karsan's reasonable medical judgment, an abortion is necessary because Ms. Cox has the type of condition the exception requires," the Court writes.

Language here appears to be pulled verbatim, as if deliberately and spitefully, from Ms. Cox's petition for declaratory judgment and application for TRO from the District Court.


Conservative is when you lie through your rotten teeth. Paxton isn't a lone bad actor here, clearly, as the SCOTX is fully complicit in the efforts to inflict maximum harm upon Ms. Cox. And for what? To appease the extremist base.

There's no such thing as an exception to abortion prohibitions as any legislative text which provides for exceptions places the decision on the desk of cruel, capricious, and connivng politicians who harbor contempt for anyone not immediately recognizable as being part of select favored groups. Anyone who entertains exceptions to prohibitions is either a liar, knowing this and attempting to make bans more palatable, or is stupid because they take advocacy for prohibitions with exceptions at face value.

Now as I said above, this isn't likely to be over for Ms. Cox. The state can be expected to dig into her life and seek out, as is the stated purpose of Texas' bounty hunter statute which is presently in effect but which was placed on the back burner because SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wade, anyone who facilitated her receiving medical care. Anyone in the state of Texas who may have offered aid to Ms. Cox, material as by financial or logistical assistance or immaterial as by information, may be prosecuted though the action aided is legal outside of the state. It's going to want to look into financial transactions through bank or alternative services and it's going to want to look into communications by email, SMS, via social media and even through snail mail.

@Hayden previously objected to language I used to "dehumanize" (even as nothing dehumanizes like state action taken against individuals simply for their capacity--absolutely not certainty, as illustrated here--to bring life into the world) and I'm forced to acknowledge that words I used were inappropriate. Calling them parasites is wrong because, while as continued existence may threaten the life of the host organism, the singular drive is for survival. That's not what's happening here. This is purely sadistic.
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I genuinely don't understand how people opposed to this lady getting an abortion can look at themselves in the mirror. This is a woman who wants the child, and is probably devastated that the pregnancy is not viable, yet she still has to go to these length to preserve her life and the possibility of having more children.
I genuinely don't understand how people opposed to this lady getting an abortion can look at themselves in the mirror. This is a woman who wants the child, and is probably devastated that the pregnancy is not viable, yet she still has to go to these length to preserve her life and the possibility of having more children.
The simple answer is they don't think it's wrong. Cruelty is a virtue to the rats.
In the lead up to the Cricket match between Australia and Pakistan. Aussie player Usman Khawaja was pictured with "All Lives are Equal" written on his shoes. And I just think it's amazing how quick the same people, who no doubt have been screaming the same thing only a few years ago, can change their minds.


Other than power, control and female slaves, what do these ghouls want from an unviable pregnancy?
Other than power, control and female slaves, what do these ghouls want from an unviable pregnancy?
The more they force unviable or unaffordable pregnancies, the more poor people will need to be on assistance, the more it will harm education rates, the higher poverty rates will go, etc etc. It's a great way to both keep poor people poor, liberals afraid of having kids in order to focus on their own careers, and also allowing Christian families to keep reproducing five at a time.

Long con for white Christian supremecy? I don't doubt this discussion has been had by somebody behind closed doors. Similar things have happened multiple times before, including being a regular occurrence in our own country up until a few decades ago.
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Other than power, control and female slaves, what do these ghouls want from an unviable pregnancy?

A miracle. The lord jesus will bless us with a miracle baby which will be the second coming of christ and usher in the rapture and judgement day. The only thing that can stop a miracle from happening is doctors performing an abortion - which god is powerless to prevent. [/s]
Democracy is overrated. What we need is the Bible. Or at least that's what House Speaker Mike Johnson seems to think as he argues that the United States is a theocracy founded on principles found in the good book.

Apologies to everyone who already caught this story in October when the following X post was originally, er, tweeted.

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Many of the founders were Deist or Unitarian. You'd think someone in government would know a basic thing that's taught in a high school civics class.
Many of the founders were Deist or Unitarian. You'd think someone in government would know a basic thing that's taught in a high school civics class.
Jesus was white and spoke English. The founding fathers believed the same thing I do as well.
He'd need a warrant for that or the patient would have to give consent to have their records released. I'm unsure how a warrant would even work over state lines in this case since I'm not sure what is deemed extraditable. I would expect the Attorney General to have a vague understanding of HIPAA and what it entails, but then again, this is Texas so I can't assume anything.
He'd need a warrant for that or the patient would have to give consent to have their records released. I'm unsure how a warrant would even work over state lines in this case since I'm not sure what is deemed extraditable. I would expect the Attorney General to have a vague understanding of HIPAA and what it entails, but then again, this is Texas so I can't assume anything.
Seems like it's not sought for a particular patient. Just any records they may have. It's performative and completely toothless, but it demonstrates this is where connie vermin are at.
He'd need a warrant for that or the patient would have to give consent to have their records released. I'm unsure how a warrant would even work over state lines in this case since I'm not sure what is deemed extraditable. I would expect the Attorney General to have a vague understanding of HIPAA and what it entails, but then again, this is Texas so I can't assume anything.
He probably understands HIPAA, but doesn't think it applies to him.
Seems like it's not sought for a particular patient. Just any records they may have. It's performative and completely toothless, but it demonstrates this is where connie vermin are at.
Even then, with my understanding of HIPAA, they would still need to get a warrant or consent from every patient unless they released anonymized data. That would actually be pretty funny to send them that too since it says virtually nothing about who the patient is outside a couple of demographic things. They wouldn't even know if the patient lived in Texas or not, just that the patient had something done at the hospital.

It would be a disaster for the hospital to just release any records it might have though without consent because they're opening the door to lawsuits galore and the patients would absolutely win that too.
He probably understands HIPAA, but doesn't think it applies to him.
There's a none-zero chance that Ken Paxton spells it HIPPA though.
They wouldn't even know if the patient lived in Texas or not, just that the patient had something done at the hospital.
Ah but what if they came in kicking clods off of their cowboy boots while gnashing on a wad of chew? Checkmate libs.
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I really need to apologize to @TexRex because for the longest time I thought his whole "Modern conservatism is a mental illness" thing was just an idiotic overreaction, but I now fully believe he was right all along.
Thing is I don't know how appropriate the "modern" qualifier really is.
Can George Floyd's family sue him?
It's highly unlikely there's an actionable claim here. Contemptible but not tortious.
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