
Doc's such a giant loser. Dude's just mad he tried to get Bethesda to pay him to help promote a game he was gonna play for free anyway and they said no. Guy claims to be a traditionalist, yet cheated on his wife.

But, no surprise. He also said he liked David Icke b/c he thinks outside the box. His whole persona of "Doc" has really just become Guy in a wig who screams at video games.
Today conservatives have learned the hard lesson that big companies don't give a damn about your privacy. I'm not sure how it took them this long to come to that realization.

I will say I think it's absurd that they would even have the ability to do such a thing, but no way is a big company going to pick a fight with the feds when they have a warrant.
Today conservatives have learned the hard lesson that big companies don't give a damn about your privacy. I'm not sure how it took them this long to come to that realization.

I will say I think it's absurd that they would even have the ability to do such a thing, but no way is a big company going to pick a fight with the feds when they have a warrant.

Why does the safe company have the ability to access the contents of the safe at all?
Some central Florida lawmakers said they were considering “all legislative, legal and executive options available” to stop business owners in a small town from voluntarily displaying rainbow decals in their windows indicating that they are “safe place” for LGBTQ+ people who feel threatened.

Four Republican lawmakers wrote a letter to officials in Mount Dora two weeks ago warning that the new, optional city-sponsored program could put the central Florida community outside Orlando “in the crosshairs of potentially detrimental and absolutely unnecessary economic harm.”

The lawmakers cited boycotts of Bud Light and Target, which followed the brands’ efforts to promote diversity and inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community.

Mount Dora’s city council approved the Safe Place Initiative last month. The city of 17,000 residents is known for its antique shops and weekend festivals.

“The mission of the Safe Place Initiative is to provide the community with easily accessible safety information and safe places throughout the city they can turn to if they are the victims of an anti-LGBTQ+ or other hate crimes,” the city of Mount Dora said on its website.

Safe Place programs are visible throughout metro Orlando — as well as throughout the U.S. — including ones sponsored by the Orlando Police Department, Orange County Sheriff’s Office and Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, all in central Florida.

The council’s decision to approve the program has coincided with an uptick in anti-LGBTQ+ incidents, including vandalism last month at two LGBTQ+ centers in Orlando.

Democratic state lawmaker Anna Eskamani posted the Republican lawmakers’ letter on social media, saying it “might be the weirdest letter I’ve ever read.”

“Let LGBTQ+ (people) exist and stop politicizing everything!” wrote Eskamani, whose district is in Orlando. “So much manufactured panic from the right. Meanwhile families can’t even afford to live in Florida. Focus on that instead.”

In May, the Humans Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ+ rights organization in the U.S., joined other civil rights organizations in issuing a travel advisory for Florida, warning that newly passed laws and policies may pose risks to minorities, immigrants and gay travelers.
What these connie rats are saying is that they don't want members of disfavored groups to be able to find safety when other connie rats perpetrate acts of violence against them.
Conservatism is when you cry like a bitch because people like the wrong music.


In the interest of full disclosure, Taylor Swift doesn't do diddly squat for me...but that's okay!

Alternatively, conservatism is when you cry like a bitch because a single music streaming platform tailored for children has opted to not include a song on a Queen greatest hits compilation because of sexual themes.


I mean just look at this lily-white, softer-than-memory-foam priss:



It's a good bet that my daughter heard "Fat Bottomed Girls" when she was within the age range that Yoto indicates for the compilation (6-14) and I don't recall being precious about it or thinking she may have been harmed, but this bitchfit over its omission is so far past pathetic, just as the bitchfits over WAP, Lizzo twerking while playing James Madison's crystal flute...and the congressional hearings that saw testimony from Frank Zappa and Dee Snider!...were.

Modern American conservatism is mental illness.

Edit: The PMRC hearings were nearly 40 years ago, so I'm not quite sure how applicable that "modern" qualifier is.
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Alternatively, conservatism is when you cry like a bitch because a single music streaming platform tailored for children has opted to not include a song on a Queen greatest hits compilation because of sexual themes.


Putting aside for a moment the strange decision to remove a song that praises larger women in the name of "body positivity", conservatives that are upset about LGBT themes being presented to children are also upset about a song featuring an LGBT vocalist being removed from a children's music app?

Just making sure I'm keeping up.
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in the name of "body positivity"

It's not clear that that's the reason. It looks to me like it was presented as hypocritical. As in "I thought you were for body positivity, how can you drop a song that praises a little body fat?"

It's not really even clear that it's "cancelled". That term gets thrown around at things that aren't actually "cancelled".
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Putting aside for a moment the strange decision to remove a song that praises larger women in the name of "body positivity"
Yeah, no, it's plain-as-peas apparent that the decision isn't antithetical--or even related in any substantive way--to body positivity.
conservatives that are upset about LGBT themes being presented to children are also upset about a song featuring an LGBT vocalist being removed from a children's music app?
It's even more asinine than that. There are certainly conservative activists who are abundantly clear about their anti-LGBT position, but there are also those bad faith actors who attempt to sweep normies into the moral panic with their deliberately nebulous rhetoric about "sexualization." Now I maintain that the song seems pretty innocuous to me, but it opens with a narrative, which isn't explicit but also isn't exactly subtextual either, about a boy or young man getting ****ed by an older, voluptuous woman. If one is going to oppose "sexualization" of children, nebulous as the rhetoric is, it would seem consistent to support not availing a song with such a narrative to six-year-olds.
It's not clear that that's the reason. It looks to me like it was presented as hypocritical. As in "I thought you were for body positivity, how can you drop a song that praises a little body fat?"
Right? I talked about this in my most recent post in the "political correctness" (Boo!) thread, but it's a lazy, bad faith assertion of guilt by association. Yoto is supposed to be a part of the push for body positivity, though it isn't apparent that it is, while omitting content for fat shaming, which isn't the apparent motivation. Hypocrites!

It's pathetic.

It's not really even clear that it's "cancelled". That term gets thrown around at things that aren't actually "cancelled".
Cancel culture is when property rights.*

*I say that loaded with sarcasm, but it's actually true. "Cancel culture" is a manifestation of the right to expression, association, and ownership of property.
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Yeah, no, it's plain-as-peas apparent that the decision isn't antithetical--or even related in any substantive way--to body positivity.

It's even more asinine than that. There are certainly conservative activists who are abundantly clear about their anti-LGBT position, but there are also those bad faith actors who attempt to sweep normies into the moral panic with their deliberately nebulous rhetoric about "sexualization." Now I maintain that the song seems pretty innocuous to me, but it opens with a narrative, which isn't explicit but also isn't exactly subtextual either, about a boy or young man getting ****ed by an older, voluptuous woman. If one is going to oppose "sexualization" of children, nebulous as the rhetoric is, it would seem consistent to support not availing a song with such a narrative to six-year-olds.

Right? I talked about this in my most recent post in the "political correctness" (Boo!) thread, but it's a lazy, bad faith assertion of guilt by association. Yoto is supposed to be a part of the push for body positivity, though it isn't apparent that it is, while omitting content for fat shaming, which isn't the apparent motivation. Hypocrites!

It's pathetic.

Cancel culture is when property rights.*

*I say that loaded with sarcasm, but it's actually true. "Cancel culture" is a manifestation of the right to expression, association, and ownership of property.

They're just more familiar with Queen so it has to be ok. Less familiar with drag queens. So fat bottom girls is not too sexual and drag queens are basically porn.
Republicans: "We're losing elections because we call ourselves 'pro-life.'"

Oh, honey, no, you're losing elections because your disdain for individual sovereignty and consent rivals that of rapists.


Cramer, asked what terminology senators should use instead of “pro-life,” said: “I think it’s more of a ‘I’m pro-life, but … .’ Or it’s ‘I care deeply about the mother and the children, and we should always have compassion. But I believe that after 15 weeks where the child can feel pain, they should be protected.’”

"I'm pro-life, but ..." ["if a life is imperiled by a failed pregnancy and an individual succumbs to sepsis in the parking lot outside a hospital because laws restricting abortions to emergency are vague and physicians' livelihoods are subject to capricious prosecutors thinking about their next election, well, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."]
Republicans: "We're losing elections because we call ourselves 'pro-life.'"

Oh, honey, no, you're losing elections because your disdain for individual sovereignty and consent rivals that of rapists.

"I'm pro-life, but ..." ["if a life is imperiled by a failed pregnancy and an individual succumbs to sepsis in the parking lot outside a hospital because laws restricting abortions to emergency are vague and physicians' livelihoods are subject to capricious prosecutors thinking about their next election, well, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."]

Presumably the mother cannot feel pain or somesuch.
It'd be pretty easy to "rebrand" pro-life by supporting initiatives to take care of children and supporting contraceptives. You won't have nearly the number of abortions if people feel like they can afford a kid or just never get pregnant in the first place.
It'd be pretty easy to "rebrand" pro-life by supporting initiatives to take care of children and supporting contraceptives. You won't have nearly the number of abortions if people feel like they can afford a kid or just never get pregnant in the first place.
"Stop being poor and keep your legs shut!"
It'd be pretty easy to "rebrand" pro-life by supporting initiatives to take care of children and supporting contraceptives. You won't have nearly the number of abortions if people feel like they can afford a kid or just never get pregnant in the first place.
Iowa Midterms GIF by GIPHY News
Aren't they virtual images?

Or is there some distinction here.

EDIT: Here's some more about it:

Wouldn't purely AI generated images not be infringing on anyone's rights?
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Conservatism...because that's the subject of this when you scream at an individual giving testimony during a congressional hearing because your argument is entirely from emotion.

Yes, in fact, Chip Roy is a bitch.
Conservatives: "Law and order."

Also conservatives: "NOT LIKE THAT!!!"

The article quotes from the DOJ's press release following conviction regarding potential sentencing but inexplicably (lol) leaves out actions for which parties were convicted.

The release reads:

According to evidence presented at trial, Jonathan Darnel, 41, of Arlington, Virginia; Jean Marshall, 73, of Kingston, Massachusetts; and Joan Bell, 74, of Montague, New Jersey, engaged in a conspiracy to create a blockade at the reproductive health care clinic to prevent the clinic from providing, and patients from receiving, reproductive health services. As part of the conspiracy, Marshall and Bell traveled to the Washington, D.C. area to meet with Darnel and participate in a clinic blockade that was directed by another co-conspirator and broadcast on Facebook.

According to evidence presented at trial, Marshall and Bell were among a group that forcefully entered the clinic and blockaded two clinic doors using their bodies, furniture, chains and ropes. Once the blockade was established, Darnel – who remained outside the clinic – live-streamed their activities on social media. The evidence also showed that the defendants violated the FACE Act by using a physical obstruction to injure, intimidate and interfere with the clinic’s employees and a patient because they were providing or obtaining reproductive health services.
As I believe @Danoff likes to say, people like Kacsmaryk are a good test of the systems that have been put in place specifically to protect Americans from people like Kacsmaryk. Let's hope so for Texans' sake.
Conservative is when you cry like a bitch about the color of a cartoon character's clothes.
“I regret to inform you that Paw Patrol has gone woke,” former music video director and conservative pundit Robby Starbuck posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. He targeted Amer, accusing them of indoctrinating “kids into the trans ideology,” and accused Hollywood of “working to indoctrinate your kids into the woke cult.” Anti-trans organization Gays against Groomers—which campaigns against gender-affirming care for trans youth—stated the character appears to be a “tomboy” and should not have been forced to “identify” as anything. Right-wing pundit Matt Walsh accused Amer of being an “LGBT extremist activist” and considered the inclusion of a nonbinary character in a popular children’s show to be “indoctrination.” Walsh criticized Amer’s children-focused content, particularly a video clip from their social media in which they read a book titled, What’s an Abortion, Anyway? for their young audience. Some critics also targeted Amer through their social media accounts. Though they turned off comments on their Instagram post about Rubble & Crew, commenters turned to their other posts to accuse Amer of “coming after kids” and urging them to “leave the kids alone.”
Though River’s nonbinary identity is reportedly not directly addressed on the show, some clues include the character’s pink, white and blue socks, which are the same colors on the transgender pride flag.
Mental illness.

"It's a hoax but also here's why it's good, actually"?

Rondo should maybe check in with the group who developed the curriculum and the aforementioned "benchmark clarification" as members have not rejected it as a hoax like chief bitch has, but indeed defended it as "[intent] to show that some slaves developed highly specialized trades from which they benefitted."