Controller vs wheel

  • Thread starter NBH
Controller using the joystick is smooth imho, sensitive, but smoother than buttons.

Also, it has advantages over the wheel, ie, lock to lock for catching slides is tons faster... try getting corrective lock on fast with a real wheel, it's NOT easy, nor is getting it back off again quickly (I use g25 and it takes a long time to get turning :) )

Both have pro's and con's, but I don't think a well setup controller (using joystick for steer/throttle/brake, and square for a left foot braking kind of equivalent), is a major hinderance!

That said, maybe on endurance races where you need to look after tyres, wheel users smoothness at the extreme may offer advantages, but on tight rally type tracks or time-trials, or no tyre wear, a controller may well be better!

I've been using my pad for drifting on a few PC games like rFactor and NFS Shift. I don't twitch the joystick like most people do when they try to catch a drift, I'm going as smooth as I would do on a wheel. I'ts quite tricky because you have to be very precise.

So it is possible to setup the left stick for throttle/brake (Y-axis)? If so, great.
I'll probably buy a G25 as soon as possible though.
The joystick is better if you want to drift or make online times with a lot of sliding. Steeringwheels are for them who want it real. I personaly use the g25 with manuel clutch. I don`t think i drive faster but gt5 is a driving simulator it is made for them who wants to drive a racecar for real, plus it is much more fun.
I agree with people who say to go with what you're most comfortable with, but there's still one thing that's making me choose the controller over a wheel (and I've tried both) : driving is a feeling I don't want to feel in my hands and arms only, I personally believe that you can only properly drive a car when you can feel it in your whole body, and thus far, no wheel setup that's affordable can do it for me... When I'll be able to drive a videogame car the same way I drive my own real-life one, then yes I'll believe that a wheel is better than a controller... until then, I feel that whatever may work for you, go for it...
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When I'll be able to drive a videogame car the same way I drive my own real-life one, then yes I'll believe that a wheel is better than a controller... until then, I feel that whatever may work for you, go for it...

That's impossible. That would be 100% extra fun. In the meantime why not get 50%* at least extra fun and get half-way towards it?

*Plucked out of the air admittedly!
My wheel is still being shipped, but I was wondering if the time between turning the knob on the controller and seeing the car turn, is slower than turning the wheel and seeing the car turn???

In other words, which is quicker?
I notice everyone at the top of the leaderboards uses some kind of wheel. Usually some 900 degree thing.. I don't believe a controller can ultimately be faster. There is only such a limited input you can do with the controller, compared to the wheel. I lose seconds because I can't smooth the car out by tapping that silly thumb stick and feathering the X button. I feel the wheel would be for me.
I am forced to drive with a wheel. The controller with the GT5 demo is horrible. There is no accuracy and trying to be gentle on the exit can' t be done.

Lucky for me I have a nice wheel and an even nicer set of pedals.
I use G25 as its what im used to but I wish there was a sweeting to reduce the lock to lock from 900 to something less so that it took less turns to full lock. I tried a controller last night for the first time in years on GT and was amazed how lively the car became with me able to catch oversteer spins all over the place. I wish I was so agile with my G25
The wheel is slower for steering lock so when your car gets tail happy you'll find a controller easier for controlling the slide. If one gets really precise with the controller, I think they can get faster times than a wheel just because the speed with which everything is faster.
You halved your lap times eh? I fail to accept that you would be either so bad with a SIXAXIS or so good with DFGT. Coming out and saying that you halved your lap times is ridiculous. If you had come out and said you shaved a few seconds off each lap, that would be more believable.

The only truth you seem to speak is the fun element that using a wheel introduces. I wouldn't call controlling games with a pad "boring" though, far from it.

How contradictory. You just said you halved your lap times with a DFGT, so you must be amazing with the wheel. Yet, here you are saying that you can't even handle drifting with it...

Im calling it Boring because it is my opinion, And just because i can't drift on a DFGT(Which i can now) How is that going to effect my lap times, when im fully focused on "grip" time attacking? Your logic seems to be abit flawed there man.
I was told while playing gt prologue that it appeared as if i was using the steering wheel. I was told that the steering wheel is the dominate controller when it comes to lap times.. I race as SKNO1 online.. I may have played some of you. I have yet to believe the wheel is capable of better lap times. I have reason to believe the controller can yield just as fast lap times.. As a fan of gt i will be racing against you soon when gt 5 is released and I look forward to seeing those of you on this forum who are also playing gt online. Merry Christmas and i am looking forward to meeting more of you on this forum.
The wheel is slower for steering lock so when your car gets tail happy you'll find a controller easier for controlling the slide. If one gets really precise with the controller, I think they can get faster times than a wheel just because the speed with which everything is faster.

How can that be? So why don't all the fastest players use it? Every top player I see has some type of wheel.
I bought a G27 from Best Buy a few weeks ago and gave it a go. It was fun, no doubt, but I did return it a week later. The main reason is that the wheel had a "Dead" spot from about 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock. What i mean is, the force feedback was nice and tight until you hit those positions. Once between 11 and 1, the wheel was very loose. I play F1 CE a lot, and found it very difficult to keep the car from wandering in straights. Not sure if other wheels are like this or not...Nice wheel though, just not for me. I'm sure some more time on the wheel would have helped, but no big deal.

That being said, I use the DS3 with the D pad and x and square for throttle and braking. I would like to use the L2 R2 for Braking and Throttle, but when i try to use the L2, R2 buttons, the controller kinda slips out of my hand slightly with the way I hold it. The sticks are very uncomfortable to me.

What would be really cool for me is a controller with a similar layout to the DS3, but in place of X and square, have some trigger type buttons like R2 & L2 in the same location...maybe I can modify mine somehow...

Down to personal preference for everyone really.