Here we are entering the corner, I am on the inside of the corner, slightly ahead
This is before the contact, I'm still slightly ahead, on the inside of the corner, firmly holding the racing line.
This is immediately after the contact, I am still slightly ahead, holding the racing line, on the inside. Note how much room there was for Itz on the outside. However, he has already turned into the corner, with me next to him, and that has caused him to bounce off the side of me and now he's on his way to the fence.
This is as Itz contacts the fence, or just before. Here, I have finished my line through the corner, and there is still more than enough racing room. If Itz had've turned in later, and stayed out beside me, he would not have run out of room on the road. He would have had to back out of the pass attempt to make the corner though. Either way, he would not have passed me unless I had braked to alter my line, off the racing line, to the inside. There is no logical reason for me to do this when I am on the inside, on the racing line, and in the lead.
Conclusion: Racing incident. If Itz had have damaged his car impacting the wall, it would have been his own doing, not mine. If the roles were reversed, I would have backed off, and if I didn't and I ended up turning in to itz and bouncing off him into the wall, I would not even think twice about it, it would be a nothing incident. It may have cost him a couple of tenths at most, so no significant delay, no damage, and not my fault. This is why I don't know why ANYONE is getting a warning for this, much less me.
There is ample precedent in real racing for incidents like this, and it is always the driver on the outside who is required to back out to prevent contact. In f1, even if the driver on the inside is only slightly ahead at apex, they are allowed to completely close the door on exit, only requiring leaving a space if the outside driver is dead level of slightly ahead. The only time a driver on the outside can turn in and take the racing line, and the inside driver is required to back out to prevent contact, is when the outside driver is more than half a car length in front.